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Created December 16, 2012 19:37
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Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-02 travis-ci enqueue not requeue
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-02 travis-ci tabs to spaces
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-02 travis-ci update the sprockets handlebars template handler to use Ember and not SC
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-02 travis-support we should not commit the Gemfile.lock as travis-support is a project dep so the gemspec is used and the Gemfile.lock is not.
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-03 travis-ci update core and support deps
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-03 travis-support add basic amqp reconnection support
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-05 travis-ci remove views.js and change the templates to use Ember.View and not Travis.View
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-05 travis-ci the beginning of builds history 'show more', thanks to @jkreeftmeijer and @tchak :heart:
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-06 travis-ci more work on build pagination / 'show more'
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-06 travis-ci time for a general bundle update
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-06 travis-core allow for older_than to accept a Build or an object which responds to to_i
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-06 travis-core update actionmailer_inline_css
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-07 travis-ci Fixes an issue where the queue is loaded via ajax but not displayed.
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-07 travis-ci and now we have working builds pagination!! :smiley: :bowtie: :grin:
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-07 travis-ci bundle update (t-c and its deps)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-07 travis-ci use to_a on the builds list in the BuildsController as this stops extra queries being made later during the render process
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-07 travis-core correct the ordering, and use to_i on the number
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-07 travis-core don't use the rails gem in the gemspec, just the bits of rails we need
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-07 travis-core env isn't used anywhere, so i am pretty sure it can be removed
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-07 travis-core i heard the newer rspec was better?
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-10 travis-ci change mobile.scss to mobile.css
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-10 travis-ci fix a failing spec, bad @joshk
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-10 travis-ci fix for builds with only one matrix entry not updating the log in realtime :fist:
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-10 travis-ci omg I :heart: @tchak! he just helped us fix the queue loading issue! :fist:
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-12 travis-ci update deps
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-18 travis-ci Revert "Revert "scope build#show to the repository id""
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-18 travis-ci bundle update
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-18 travis-ci general dep update, along with a bundle update
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-18 travis-ci scope build#show to the repository id
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-18 travis-ci the BuildsController#show method is called in both nested and non-nested circumstances, this fix allows it to be scoped properly when called in nested mode while also not interferring with url calls like /builds/:id
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-18 travis-core favor repository_id over id
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-18 travis-core include the commit in the build list, n + 1 issue fixe
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-23 travis-build normalize the lanaguage field incase devs use an array
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-23 travis-worker update travis-build dep
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-25 travis-crowd the secret token we use on staging and prod needs to come from a config var, since this app is open to all
Josh Kalderimis 2012-01-25 travis-crowd time for some pretty analytics :)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-02-06 travis-crowd remove the col-groups
Josh Kalderimis 2012-02-06 travis-crowd update the stats
Josh Kalderimis 2012-02-08 travis-crowd fix the share buttons on the order confirmation page
Josh Kalderimis 2012-02-20 travis-ci Gemfile lock update
Josh Kalderimis 2012-02-20 travis-ci changes to how the queues are displayed
Josh Kalderimis 2012-02-23 travis-ci add perl, python, and scala to the matrix headers
Josh Kalderimis 2012-02-27 travis-boxes Revert "test against jruby 1.8"
Josh Kalderimis 2012-02-27 travis-boxes change the NIC type used by the VM as the default one starts dropping connections when it gets swampped (see
Josh Kalderimis 2012-02-27 travis-boxes change to vagrant 0.9
Josh Kalderimis 2012-02-27 travis-boxes test against jruby 1.8
Josh Kalderimis 2012-02-27 travis-boxes use vagrant programmatically
Josh Kalderimis 2012-02-27 travis-worker update to vagrant 0.9
Josh Kalderimis 2012-02-27 travis-worker use vagrant programmatically
Josh Kalderimis 2012-02-28 travis-boxes need to add a vagrant.reload! after adding a box
Josh Kalderimis 2012-02-29 travis-ci correct the queue names
Josh Kalderimis 2012-02-29 travis-worker bundle update
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-01 travis-core a gemspec must have a summary, go figure
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-01 travis-core remove two unused email templates, one which was causing issues with the mailer picking the wrong template (related to upgrading to Rails 3.2.2)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-01 travis-core some general dep updates
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-01 travis-core tiny mailer build_spec change
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-01 travis-core update webmock
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-01 travis-core using the updated database_cleaner should be fine now
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-14 travis-core add 'include Support::ActiveRecord' to some specs which need it
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-14 travis-core changes to irc client so we can access the scope of the class which is using the IrcClient run method
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-14 travis-core fix the specs
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-14 travis-core lets use transaction instead of trunaction for specs, it is a lot faster
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-14 travis-core minor updates to the irc spec
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-14 travis-core some irc fixes after the ping thread was added
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-14 travis-core some minor corrections to the template class and specs note to self: we need to test the template stuff individually
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-14 travis-core the commit can be shortened by default
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-14 travis-core we don't need to to_sym this
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-15 travis-build remove some code which was mainly for backwards combatibility for an old hub deployment, also changed to using string key checks for the test payload
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-15 travis-worker do not power off a powered off vbox vm during close_sandbox, doing this causes a BOOM
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-15 travis-worker update vagrant to 1.0
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-16 travis-ci bundle update time
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-16 travis-ci merging
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-16 travis-ci remove the localeapp initializer for now
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-16 travis-core Hopefully fixes an AR deserialization issue
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-16 travis-core add the config url to the worker configure payload
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-16 travis-core add the git clone url to the test worker payload
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-16 travis-core pushing a broken spec for @mattmatt to help with :)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-16 travis-worker only close the shell if it is open
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-16 travis-worker tiny cleanup in worker.rb
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-18 travis-build fix the features
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-18 travis-build remove some unused core ext code
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-18 travis-build the config_url now comes from hub payload, making it more flexible to specify where the .travis.yml comes from and if an authenticated url should be used
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-18 travis-build the correct way to check for the type of the payload
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-18 travis-build the test payload also passes the source_url to use for cloning
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-18 travis-core moved the config_url to the build node in the worker configure payload
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-18 travis-core rename git_url to source_url in the test worker payload
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-18 travis-core some tiny spec changes
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-19 doco add madmimi
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-19 doco added DNSimple
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-20 travis-ci correct the repository webUrl in the cctray xml output
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-20 travis-ci minor formatting correction, super minor
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-21 travis-build added smarts to git scm to git fetch if a ref is in the payload
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-21 travis-ci remove some debugging code
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-21 travis-ci remove some deprecation warnings from the cctray specs
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-21 travis-ci removed the png mimetype as rails already adds it
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-21 travis-core if we have a pull request ref in the Commit, pass it to the workers/travis-build
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-21 travis-pro-core lets see if this helps
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-22 travis-pro-core try a different key
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-23 travis-ci update the schema from travis-core
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-23 travis-core fix a 1.9 specific issue
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-23 travis-core only add the travis domain to the service hook if it is set in the config (service_hook_url)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-23 travis-listener changing the listener ping url used (no more /:service)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-23 travis-listener remove airbrake
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-23 travis-listener removed some airbrake stuff which was hiding
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-23 travis-listener update some other gems this time
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-23 travis-pro-build go back to using 1.9.2 for now
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-23 travis-pro-build test with jruby as well since travis-worker uses jruby
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-24 travis-worker update to using virtualbox 4.1.10
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-25 travis-ci backports 2.4.0 seems to break rails routes generation
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-25 travis-ci favor using vs Travis.config.domain
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-25 travis-ci the shortener should be constrained to Travis.config.shorten_host, not a hard coded host
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-25 travis-ci use instead of Travis.config.domain, and make sure http:// is at the start of the travis shortener redirect
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-25 travis-ci use host not domain for constraining the shortener request
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-25 travis-core correct the mail helpers
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-25 travis-core moves the url shortening related methods into Url and removes the need for the url regex in the template.
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-25 travis-core remove the http:// from host and shorten_host in config, and add http_host and http_shorten_host as little helpers
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-26 minor title update to a blog post
Josh Kalderimis 2012-03-28 travis-pro-ci the very very basics of pusher auth work
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-02 travis-listener Changes the listener to be a little more dumb
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-02 travis-pro-ci correct the heroku domain for staging
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-02 travis-pro-ci correct the travis yml use of domain to host
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-02 travis-pro-ci make sure all urls force the use of ssl
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-03 travis-listener correct the Rakefile
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-03 travis-listener correct the travis yml
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci Revert "remove some old code"
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci add the pusher channel prefix
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci fix some odd factory girl issues where everything worked fine locally but not on ci
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci minor change to the pusher helper
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci only use Rack::SSL in staging or prod
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci remove airbrake
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci remove some old code
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci the regex for pusher authing only captured the first digit from the id instead of all, oops
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci update the oath keys used for dev
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci upgrade to rails 3.2.3
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-03 travis-pro-core all pusher channels should be prefixed with 'private-'
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-03 travis-pro-hub UPDATE ALLLLLL THE DEPZ
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-04 doco add all our pro ssl certs
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-04 travis-core make the email from address host a bit more configurable
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-04 travis-core the gh gemspec and git source conflict with each other, this relaxes the issue a bit
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-04 travis-core use the released version of gh for now
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-04 travis-core we need to require GH before using it
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-04 travis-pro-ci add the travis ci staging notify host for the service hook
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-04 travis-pro-core add campfire
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-04 travis-pro-core only use gh gem for now, otherwise we get version warnings and bundle fails
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-04 travis-pro-hub add notifiers and setup email
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-04 travis-pro-hub added a travis yml for testing goodness
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-04 travis-pro-hub correct the script command used
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-05 travis-core make sure http:// is at the start of build links in notifications
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-05 travis-pro-build did someone say campfire notifications?
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-05 travis-pro-ci we all love campfire notifications
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-05 travis-pro-hub correct the host in the travis config
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-05 travis-pro-hub enable moar notifications types!
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-05 travis-pro-listener add in campfire notifications
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-07 travis-ci Upgraded to Devise 2.0 and Omniauth 1.0
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-07 travis-ci rename decorator to slice, and repin to travis-core master
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-07 travis-core apply some possible short url fixes, without these we were seeing some failures on jruby, this doesn't mean the feature is ready though
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-07 travis-core don't be too velous when escaping and gsubbing the queue
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-07 travis-core not sure why this was here :/
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-07 travis-core postgres doesn't like slahes is 9.1, this makes it 9.0 and 9.1 friendly
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-07 travis-core remove Devise and Omniauth from travis-core and instead favor adding them in travis-ci
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-07 travis-core remove an old api_token_authenticatable strategy which is no longer used
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-07 travis-core update devise and rails, and remove oa-auth2
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-07 travis-core use ILIKE instead of regex searches
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-07 travis-listener adding a type property for use when publishing
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-08 travis-listener add some debugging for the amqp connection details
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-08 travis-listener call Travis.logger in setup as to make sure the logger is configured
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-08 travis-listener correct the test and the previous fix seems to be the right way to do it
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-08 travis-listener instead of sending json within json, we now decode the build request json, add it to the payload, then then encode the entire payload up once
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-08 travis-listener remove some debugging code
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-08 travis-listener switch to using bunny along with the bunny branch of travis-support
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-08 travis-listener the wrong way to solve the problem right now, but need to test this
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-08 travis-listener turn off logging for now
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-08 travis-support and again, bunny prefers :pass over :password, which is unlike ruby-amqp and hot_bunnies
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-08 travis-support bunny prefers :user over :username, which is unlike ruby-amqp and hot_bunnies
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-09 travis-crowd correct the atomicobject link on the sponsors page
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-09 travis-listener a little method extraction
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-09 travis-listener got logging working, not sure why i added the attr_accessor, let's just pretend that never happened
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-09 travis-listener improve the logging a little bit
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-09 travis-listener pass the payload as a string, it is what Request is expecting, lets not confuse it too much
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-09 travis-listener remove the ##'s from the logging messages
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-09 travis-listener so the entire issue was that the listener was encoding the payload, and travis-support was also encoding it :/
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-09 travis-support change the increment_counter method, make it simplier
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-09 travis-support increment_counter => track_event
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-09 travis-support minor spec changes
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-09 travis-support pre setup the queue in the spec
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-09 travis-support swapped out AS::Notifications for Metriks
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-10 travis-ci dump support and swap in bunny for amqp
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-10 travis-ci remove sinatra and use AC::Metal for the shortener instead
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-10 travis-core remove ruby-amqp and add in bunny
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-10 travis-listener remove amqp gem and swap in bunny
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-11 travis-build correct the requires for spec/support in features/support/env
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-11 travis-build remove the configure job and related tests
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-11 travis-ci using package as a var name in coffeescript is no longer allowed, instead I have changed it to bundle/bundles
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-11 travis-core Faraday uses status not code
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-11 travis-core This adds the configure job to core as a 'Task'.
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-11 travis-worker Revert "update to using virtualbox 4.1.10"
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-11 travis-worker This removes the builds.configure queue from the default subscriptions
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-11 travis-worker close the hot bunnies connection after the specs have run, and use a shared example for code reuse
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-11 travis-worker remove some connection.close duplication from the specs
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-11 travis-worker use an explicit :hostname => "" for hot bunnies connection, this is primarily because Travis has some host file issues
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-15 travis-ci Add a pull-requests ember route and controller, while reusing the build list view
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-15 travis-ci remove some old routes
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-15 travis-ci scope the builds list (missed this in the previous commit)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-15 travis-core added .pushes and .pull_requests to Build
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-16 travis-ci a little cleanup
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-16 travis-ci add more seeds during dev
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-16 travis-ci add the repository to the commit in the factories
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-16 travis-ci correct the indentation
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-16 travis-ci ember change : change Build.byRepositoryId to pushesByRepositoryId, and make sure it is scoped correctly
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-16 travis-ci fix a spec, add a spec
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-16 travis-ci get the js specs passing again, we might want to add more for pull-requests ui in the future though
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-16 travis-ci make sure the builds controller includes the Requests so we don't do n+1 queries
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-16 travis-ci swap around the url assertion
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-16 travis-core added for_event_type to Build so I can clean up the BuildsController in ci a little
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-16 travis-core in Request, if event_type is blank? then return 'push'
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-16 travis-listener use travis-support master
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-17 travis-core add an extra commit to one of the payload fixtures so we can test to make sure the last commit is taken
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-17 travis-core we should use the last commit in the commits array from the push payload
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-17 travis-listener default to push event type if it is nil
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-17 travis-listener simple readme
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-19 travis-ci Time to show the Pull Requests tab
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-19 travis-worker downgrade multi_json for now
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-19 travis-worker update vbox jar and some deps
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-19 travis-worker use vagrant-vbguest to update guest additions automagically
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-23 travis-worker timeout after 3 secs for env var setting
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-24 travis-worker a little bundle update
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-24 travis-worker downgrade simple_states as it is not 1.8 comp yet
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-26 travis-core pre3 of simple-states is 1.9 only, Sven needs to fix and release a new version
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-27 travis-core add the message type to the worker message headers
Josh Kalderimis 2012-04-27 travis-worker fix a bad rebase
Josh Kalderimis 2012-05-04 travis-ci move the env and assets stuff to the assets partial so it can be used by all layouts
Josh Kalderimis 2012-05-05 travis-cookbooks vagrant => travis
Josh Kalderimis 2012-05-06 travis-assets the default status image for a running allow_failure job should be yellow and not green
Josh Kalderimis 2012-05-06 travis-core add allow_failure to http/build/job and pusher/build/started/job payloads so the web ui can render the two matrixes correctly
Josh Kalderimis 2012-05-06 travis-core fix the build status in the pusher payload
Josh Kalderimis 2012-05-08 travis-pro-listener trim all the fat
Josh Kalderimis 2012-05-13 travis-cookbooks if we don't delete first then we sometimes get chef errors
Josh Kalderimis 2012-05-22 some minor changes and updates and corrections
Josh Kalderimis 2012-05-22 the swag post, without pics
Josh Kalderimis 2012-05-22 week => weeks
Josh Kalderimis 2012-05-25 doco added support email
Josh Kalderimis 2012-05-25 travis-pro-hub adding a new relic yml
Josh Kalderimis 2012-05-25 travis-pro-listener add the new relic yml
Josh Kalderimis 2012-05-28 travis-pro-hub bigger pool size
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-05 travis-worker correct the path to the vbox jar
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-05 travis-worker update the vbox jar to 4.1.16
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-06 travis-pro-ci add the service hook url to the travis.yml so it is added correctly
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-10 travis-ci Travis::Notifications namespace is now Travis::Event
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-10 travis-ci make sure travis is using bundler --pre
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-10 travis-ci minor readme update
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-10 travis-ci no longer test against 1.9.2 as the ruby deploy target is now 1.9.3
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-10 travis-ci testing against 1.9.3 is a good thing :)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-10 travis-ci travis-core update
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-10 travis-ci use a bundler --pre feature where we can tell heroku which version of ruby to use
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-10 travis-ci use debugger instead of ruby-debug (thanks @drogus)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-10 travis-core correct the check in the Github task to see if the build passed or failed, otherwise all pull requests pass :)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-10 travis-core testing against 1.9.3 is a good thing :)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-10 travis-listener getting ready to deploy to 1.9.3 on heroku
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-11 travis-pro-ci bundle update, and set the gemfile to use 1.9.3 ready for the heroku deploy
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-11 travis-pro-ci merging?
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-11 travis-pro-core 1.8 and 1.9 compat issues
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-11 travis-pro-core add a missing dep, newrelic_rpm
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-11 travis-pro-core and a couple more 1.8 and 1.9 compat issue in the tests (will it ever end)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-11 travis-pro-core and anothere 1.8 and 1.9 compat issue in the tests
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-11 travis-pro-core make the test suite 1.8 and 1.9 compat
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-11 travis-pro-core more 1.8 and 1.9 compat issues in the tests
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-11 travis-pro-core test against 1.9.3 and jruby
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-11 travis-pro-hub bundle update hub and gh
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-11 travis-pro-hub bundle update time
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-11 travis-pro-listener make sure we tell travis to update bundler
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-11 travis-pro-listener rebundle the listener, and use 1.9.3 in the gemfile
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-12 travis-boxes add vagrant-vbguest to the mix
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-12 travis-boxes always bundle update!
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-12 travis-pro-ci bundle update time
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-12 travis-pro-ci bundle update time
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-12 travis-pro-core correct the name of the accepted? method (was previously called accept?)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-12 travis-pro-core update the approval logic
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-12 travis-pro-hub bundle update time
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-12 travis-pro-hub update the approval logic
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-13 travis-boxes mysql and postgres data dirs in ramfs FOR EVERYONE
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-14 travis-ci move user sync on login to an amqp queue
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-14 travis-ci oops, forgot to send some data
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-14 travis-ci this stops the double encoding
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-15 travis-admin update the travis org prod db url
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-15 travis-assets event_type should be pull_request not pull_requests
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-15 travis-assets if we don't pass in the repo id then we can't get the older builds
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-15 travis-core @rkh said I should turn parallel requests off for now as jruby + openssl don't play nice
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-15 travis-core correct JRUBY_OPT => JRUBY_OPTS
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-15 travis-core remove an old autoload
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-15 travis-core test jruby-head in 1.8 mode as well
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-16 gh just a small engrish fix
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-16 travis-assets fix some failing jasmin specs
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-16 travis-assets pull_requests should be pull_request for the event type
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-16 travis-core good practice says we should require mail so we get the Mail::Message constant
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-16 travis-core more tuning to instrumentation publish
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-16 travis-core only publish the repository slug if the object responds to it
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-16 travis-core this might not be the best way to fix instrumentation for emails, but sue me
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-16 travis-core should use hash syntax and not hashr syntax (method calls)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-17 travis-assets changed a test in list_spec from updating a commit to updating the desc
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-17 travis-assets minor reformatting and indentation correction to job_spec
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-17 travis-assets oops, it is message not description
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-17 travis-assets update a list spec
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-17 travis-core remove an unused method
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets change the github v2 api forks and watchers check to the v3 api
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets corrected the path to the emoji images so that emojis work again
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets fix another v2 vs v3 github api issue
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets fix the build spec, maybe it would be good to move the Travis.assets properties to travis-assets (from travis-ci), but this will work for now
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets if the github request returns a 404 then just return
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets left in an alert, fixed and recompiled, oops
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets minor formatting change, now time to work on proper polling
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets oops, only committed half of the recompile :/
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets pretty ugly loading message, this will be improved
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets recompile :joy:
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets recompile for testing purposes
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets recompile time
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets recompile time
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets recompile time
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets recompile time :)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets remove that annoying return, now the counters work!
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets so much recompile :joy:
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets updated the emojis
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-assets we also need to set the asset host for emojis since they are somewhere else
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-18 travis-cookbooks change ramfs to tmpfs, although this should be cleaned up later, i am just doing this for testing purposes
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-20 travis-ci update travis-core and other bits
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-20 travis-core test against openjdk6 for now as that is what heroku is using
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-20 travis-core the config in the request is json which is decoded to a hash with string keys, updated the Request::Branches class and spec to mirror this
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-21 travis-worker update vbox jar file to 4.1.18
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-27 travis-core use 1.8 hash syntax
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-28 travis-pro-ci repin travis-core
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-28 travis-pro-ci repin travis-core again
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-28 travis-pro-hub a big bundle update to bring pro inline with org
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-28 travis-pro-hub rebundle using jruby
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-28 travis-pro-hub rebundling fun
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-29 travis-assets compile time!
Josh Kalderimis 2012-06-29 travis-pro-hub we never added the queues for the other worker boxes
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-02 travis-support allow the assert mixin method to take an optional custom message
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-02 travis-support update some gemfile dep refs (mattmatt => roidrage)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-16 travis-core env: in .travis.yml isn't always an array
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-17 travis-core re-enable campfire notifications
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-20 travis-pro-ci The source_key is no longer needed :)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-21 travis-pro-core the source_key is no longer needed :)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-25 travis-core Add a notifier for github commit statuses
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-25 travis-core a better way to find an admin user
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-25 travis-core fix and instrumentation issue, and added some tests for github commit status instrumentation
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-25 travis-core oops, should be sha not sha1
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-26 travis-ci I don't know why i didn't see this error locally
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-26 travis-ci add an id constraint to the service hook put call so repos with dots in their names don't break it
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-26 travis-ci another small correction to the service hooks specs
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-26 travis-ci another spec fix for the service hook routing api specs
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-26 travis-ci fix some breaking specs, but really, correct and fix some breaking specs
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-27 travis-pro-ci merging and bundle updating
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-28 travis-core Added a Hipchat notifier cc/@jezdez :)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-29 travis-pro-ci update travis-core dep, oh, and ffi
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-29 travis-pro-hub add hipchat to staging notifications, and job queue limit 1 to staging
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-29 travis-pro-hub added both hipchat to notifications and job queue limit 1 to production
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-29 travis-pro-hub only bundle using jruby
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-29 travis-pro-hub remove the source_key
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-30 travis-worker bundle update time
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-30 travis-worker don't swallow the exception during vbox sandboxing
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-30 travis-worker fixed some failing specs, broken since some heartbeat payload changes
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-31 travis-ci BUNDLING IS THE NEW BLACK
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-31 travis-ci MOAR BUNDLING
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-31 travis-ci UPDATE_COLUMN ALL THE THINGS
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-31 travis-ci it's bundle, it's bundle time, that's why I'm wearing my bundling sock baby
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-31 travis-ci update v2 of the api repositories controller as well
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-31 travis-core add by_member to Repository which will return the Repos a user owns and can view in the organizations he is a part of
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-31 travis-core only show repos which have at least one build
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-31 travis-core oops, need to do .first as well
Josh Kalderimis 2012-07-31 travis-core update_attributes has been deprecated
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-01 travis-ci more bundling goodness
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-01 travis-core updated the commit status notifier to work on build started as well
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-02 travis-core enhance the permission information we sync with GitHub
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-03 travis-ci fix a failing test due to the changes in member_of
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-03 travis-core Since we have better sync where a Permission is only created if the repo is public AND the user has push or admin access, we can now relax the by_member method
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-05 travis-assets rebundle the bundle before deploying the bundle
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-05 travis-assets remove an unneeded file
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-05 travis-worker the start of better vbox session management
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-06 travis-worker added a simple way to get the vm pid
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-06 travis-worker remove vbguest for now as it does not work with vagrant dev
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-06 travis-worker use vagrant dev from joshk/vagrant so we can use an updated net-ssh
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-07 travis-cookbooks different tar args for different archive types
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-07 travis-cookbooks different tar args for different archive types
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-07 travis-cookbooks minor changes to the clang recipe
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-07 travis-cookbooks minor changes to the clang recipe
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-07 travis-cookbooks silly inconsistant clang downloads, 11.10 uses - and 12.04 uses _ :/
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-07 travis-cookbooks silly inconsistant clang downloads, 11.10 uses - and 12.04 uses _ :/
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-07 travis-cookbooks some merging goodness
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-07 travis-worker a simple non tested reaper
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-07 travis-worker add some logging to the reaping
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-07 travis-worker need to extend logging not include it
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-07 travis-worker oh log_header, you so cray
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-07 travis-worker some readme changes
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-07 travis-worker this is a crud version of the reaper, but @rkh helped explain the blocking issues we are experiencing
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-08 doco added launch rock
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-08 travis-build added a vm_stall method, not fully happy with this but it is needed
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-08 travis-build i am not entirely happy with this approach, but this tests the timeout and output limit exceptions correctly, some cleanup should be applied in the future
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-08 travis-build if an exception is raised during a test run then return a 0 result
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-08 travis-build improve the error message displayed when an exception is raised during the build
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-08 travis-build oops, 1 should be returned on a failed build :/
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-08 travis-worker add some debug logging to box unlock_machine
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-08 travis-worker all env vars starting with TRAVIS_ are not echo'd to the log
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-08 travis-worker if the vm stalls, call vm_stall on the build
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-08 travis-worker minor changes to the info message in the reaper
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-08 travis-worker oops, two args not one
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-08 travis-worker some better timeout error messages
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-08 travis-worker some reaper refactorings
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-08 travis-worker try a different vm reaper / timeout approach
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-08 travis-worker tweak the vm pid reaping logging
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-09 travis-pro-hub send node builds to the jvm worker
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-09 travis-worker remove the old reaper code
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-09 travis-worker renamed SafeTimeout to HardTimeout and removed the thread.join so that the exception does not propagate up
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-09 travis-worker some timeout changes after chats to @headius, fingers crossed
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-09 travis-worker this is a little nasty, and really should not go here, but we need the bandaid, this makes sure that if an error occurs we log the error and return a test failure THIS WILL BE MOVED
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-09 travis-worker use the 1.0 stable branch
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-10 travis-core fix an issue with branch name processing where branches with a / in them meant we only took the last part of the branch name
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-10 travis-core fix some specs on ruby, but also normalize the output of a method for mri
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-10 travis-pro-hub OH HOW I DO LOVE TO BUNDLE UPDATE
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-10 travis-worker remove the node config as we no longer have a 'node' machine
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-10 travis-worker the the ruby and php configs inline with what we use on org prod
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-13 travis-cookbooks update the grants file to kinda work with mysql 5.5
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-16 travis-build improve the logging while also shipping technical debt!
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-16 travis-build quieten the logging a little
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-17 travis-build if a vm stalls don't fail the build
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-17 travis-worker bundle update to get the changes in travis-build
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-17 travis-worker fix some silly syntax issues, and some tests
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-17 travis-worker if a vm stalls (detected by hardtimeout) requeue the build via amqp
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-17 travis-worker if we use raise then two exceptions are thrown and cause a little bit of havoc, lets see how this goes
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-17 travis-worker oops, need to use reject and not ack
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-17 travis-worker update travis build
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-18 travis-worker fix the build
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-18 travis-worker logging already adds an error method
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-20 travis-worker correct the stall log message
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-21 travis-worker display the hardtime message correctly
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-22 travis-build info log some of the test job commands run
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-22 travis-core catch ClientError not ResourceNotFound as RNF inherits from CE and CE is the main error for 401 errors
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-22 travis-worker correct some naming so i can correct some logging
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-22 travis-worker improve some logging namespacing
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-22 travis-worker reduce some of the logging for prepare and error_build
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-22 travis-worker some more log reduction and improvments
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-22 travis-worker some small logging corrections
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-24 travis-worker add some logging around the log streamer and if the message is a requeued message
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-24 travis-worker fix the spec y'all
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-24 travis-worker i love improving logging
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-24 travis-worker make the hard timeout configurable, i want a small value for staging
Josh Kalderimis 2012-08-27 Some minor grammer and info corrections
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-05 doco added postmarkapp credentials
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-16 travis-worker update the travis yml : start rabbitmq, only test in jruby 1.9 mode, and since we have a gemlock file make sure bundler users --deployment
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-17 travis-worker --deployment installs gems to vendor/bundle, thus we need to use binstubs
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-17 travis-worker increased the default after_script and removed the custom after_script settings for ruby and rails configs
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-20 travis-build Add TRAVIS_BRANCH env var to the TRAVIS exports
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-20 travis-build fix the features
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-20 travis-build minor indentation correction
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-21 hubble use faraday which has nicer ways to set the ssl settings
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-21 travis-pro-hub add coder to the gemfile
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-21 travis-pro-hub remove some initial debugging stuff
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-21 travis-pro-hub update all the things which will make pro hub work again
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-21 travis-pro-hub updated support
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-21 travis-support correct a active record require
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-21 travis-support fix a exception reporter test
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-21 travis-support set the ssl settings before starting the hubble reporter
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-21 travis-support start rabbit for the tests
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-24 hubble relax the json requirement a little
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-24 travis-core add the started_at as well and then work out the duration when requested
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-24 travis-core added finished_at to the instrumentation payload
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-24 travis-core correct the check for the ignore? method in the log publisher
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-24 travis-core correct the regex for the ignore? method
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-24 travis-core good ol deep updates
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-24 travis-core i hate you ?
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-24 travis-core make sure hub request and sync logging gets through to the logging publisher
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-24 travis-core once again correct something i got wrong due to my inability to comprehend basic boolean algebra
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-24 travis-core silly me, need to pass the event around in the log publisher
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-24 travis-core tweak the log publishing ignore rule a bit more
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-24 travis-pro-hub update bundle to bring hub in line with org hub
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-25 travis-core break out some of the nested loops and checks into their own methods
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-25 travis-core changed pull_request_number to pull_request in the test worker payload
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-25 travis-core correct the campfire regex, and add a spec
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-25 travis-core gsub remove the access token from the github config url so it isn't displayed in logging
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-25 travis-pro-hub a big bunch of bundle updating goodness
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-27 travis-core correct and tidy up some of the logging for the git commit status updates
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-27 travis-pro-ci fix the coupon code spelling mistake
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-27 travis-pro-hub update core and hub
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-28 travis-build allow jruby-head to fail for now
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-28 travis-build remove the TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER env var and instead use the TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST env var to either export false (if not a PR) or the PR number from GitHub
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-28 travis-worker a first stab at killing vbox via its pid if it throws an error at us
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-28 travis-worker correct the expected after_script timeout in the config_spec
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-28 travis-worker correct the location of the vm error classes
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-28 travis-worker correct the vmfatalerror class ref
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-28 travis-worker stub out redelivered? and add hard timeout information to the mock config in the worker_spec
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-30 travis-core don't test against jruby 1.8 mode anymore, we are 1.9 only from here on ingit add .travis.yml
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-30 travis-core ignore all .local email addresses when sending build emails
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-30 travis-core move the invalid yml test inside of the config describe block
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-30 travis-core psych likes to throw a syntax error which does not inherit from runtime or standard error, way to go psych!
Josh Kalderimis 2012-09-30 travis-core some funky travis yml config to get the allow failure and include stuff to work nicely
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-01 the status images endpoint can now use, minus the 'secure'
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-01 travis-pro-hub update coder to use the github version
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-03 travis-worker also update the vbox adapter
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-03 travis-worker jruby-head should be allow to fail
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-03 travis-worker remove the jruby require, it isn't needed
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-03 travis-worker updated the vbox jar, although i don't think it updated much
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-04 add a little thanks to Phils blog post
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-04 slight date change
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-04 travis-pro-hub add flowdock and oauth details to the travis yml
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-05 travis-pro-core 1.9 mode alllllll the way baby
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-05 travis-pro-hub add flowdock an make sure optimis gets what they paid for
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-05 travis-pro-hub add the oauth credentials so we have MOAR requests
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-07 travis-support update the .travis.yml
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-11 travis-pro-hub update the Gemfile by copying over the one from hub, and update the Gemfile.lock
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-14 travis-build remove some more unneeded unused code
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-14 travis-build remove some unused files as configure jobs no longer live in build
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-15 travis-pro-hub add GannettDigital to the 5 build plan
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-15 travis-pro-hub we want to use rc2
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-18 travis-core port the irc and campfire template to hipchat as well, and move the template class to shared/template.rb which all Tasks have access to
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-18 travis-pro-hub crowdint are upgrading, BOOM!
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-22 travis-build remove an old autoload
Josh Kalderimis 2012-10-29 travis-boxes correct the paths to the base boxes used for the pro images
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-01 travis-pro-core only set the source_key if one hasn't been set
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-01 travis-pro-hub use jruby 1.7.0 final, and update travis-pro-core
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-05 travis-pro-ci update the database details
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-05 travis-pro-hub update the database config
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-05 travis-pro-hub use bin/thor
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-10 travis-boxes set the default node on the jvm vms to be 0.8
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-10 travis-cookbooks install node 0.8 by default
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-11 travis-boxes chef doesn't need to be installed on all rubies
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-12 travis-pro-hub heroku is paying for 5 builds so i guess we should give them 5 concurrent builds
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-13 travis-pro-ci remove 2.0 for now
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-13 travis-pro-ci testing the addition of 2.0
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-13 travis-worker let's clean up the logging and state channels after use, this fixes the channel leak we have had for a while now
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-13 travis-worker send the logs to the right channel on the first go
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-13 travis-worker the routing key for the log streamer should be{metadata.routing_key} as the LogStreamer is smart and figures out the rest
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-14 travis-gatekeeper another bundling
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-14 travis-gatekeeper update sidekiqs
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-14 travis-pro-hub we needed to change over to a new follower, oh heroku, you so cray
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-15 doco added pusher details
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-17 travis-cookbooks remove another reference to STRICT_ALL_TABLES
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-19 travis-worker all log messages should go to and job state updates to
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-19 travis-worker left in a variable assignment, borked some tests
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-19 travis-worker make some tests happy
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-23 travis-build fix the features for the --branch=x git cloning feature
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-23 travis-build when running a push event job, tell git to clone a particular branch, this will make sure we have the required depth for that branch
Josh Kalderimis 2012-11-29 travis-pro-hub mavenlink are upgrading plans :)
Josh Kalderimis 2012-12-01 travis-gatekeeper send bundler builds to the rails queue
Josh Kalderimis 2012-12-02 travis-pro-build fix the copy key addition to match the same number of args
Josh Kalderimis 2012-12-04 travis-pro-hub fuck me
Josh Kalderimis 2012-12-04 travis-pro-hub mavenlink wants MOAR CONCURRENT BUILDS
Josh Kalderimis 2012-12-06 travis-images The first commit of the cloud vm management and provisioning tool.
Josh Kalderimis 2012-12-08 travis-pro-hub delivero not deliveryhero
Josh Kalderimis 2012-12-11 trvs add some help text to worker-alive
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-10 travis-core fix force generating public and private keys
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-10 travis-core fix regular expression for worker events
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-10 travis-core fix tests for SslKey#generate_keys!
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-10 travis-core honor RACK_ENV if it is set (say in a Sinatra application, like travis-listener)
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-10 travis-crowd disable initialize_on_precompile in production
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-10 travis-crowd fix overflow in firefox
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-10 travis-crowd move config.assets.initialize_on_precompile to config/application.rb
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-10 travis-support use flatten(1) for flatten_once
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-16 travis-crowd add download links for ringtones
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-17 travis-crowd add missing files
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-17 travis-crowd force ssl usage in production
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-17 travis-crowd load soundcloud over SSL
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-17 travis-crowd serve gravatars over ssl
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-17 travis-crowd switch external resources to SSL
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-17 travis-crowd switch to unicorn
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-18 travis-ci always process request, only block html responses
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-18 travis-ci display sopa page
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-18 travis-ci set sopa cookie automatically
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-18 travis-crowd add link to ringtones on profile page
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-18 travis-crowd always prefix twitter handle and homepage
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-18 travis-crowd change comment labels to "Public" and "Private", fixes #78
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-18 travis-crowd do not load rails-core voices on every page, fixes #75
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-18 travis-crowd explain why we need the info, fixes #79, #40 for now
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-18 travis-crowd use two columns for credit card info
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-19 travis-crowd send browser events on new orders
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-19 travis-crowd switch to thin
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-23 travis-crowd also refer to subscription plans by name
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-23 travis-crowd display notifications a little longer
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-23 travis-crowd fix asset generation on heroku
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-23 travis-crowd improve description for silver plan
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-23 travis-crowd refer to plans by name
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-23 travis-crowd switch to pusher
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-25 travis-crowd add a small padding for probabilities
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-25 travis-crowd add fine print for office visits
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-25 travis-crowd add probabilities
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-25 travis-crowd add rails
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-25 travis-crowd improve notifications
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-25 travis-crowd make notification position absolute for now
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-25 travis-crowd place notification relative to current scroll position
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-25 travis-crowd punctuation
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-26 travis-crowd add VAT identification number
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-26 travis-crowd change wording for special packages
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-27 travis-crowd VATIN => VAT ID
Konstantin Haase 2012-01-31 travis-crowd fix github link
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-01 travis-crowd add CEOs to invoice mails
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-01 travis-crowd add missing method
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-01 travis-crowd add tax logic for germany
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-01 travis-crowd always resolve geoip
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-01 travis-crowd bundle update
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-01 travis-crowd fix ü
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-01 travis-crowd improve invoice to conform with german law
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-01 travis-crowd prefix invoice# with CF
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-01 travis-crowd try to set country and city via geoip
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-01 travis-crowd typo
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-02 travis-crowd add staging notice
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-02 travis-crowd fix css class
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-02 travis-crowd make flash a class rather than an id
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-06 travis-crowd do not display demo warning in production
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-06 travis-crowd set body id properly on order form, enables styling for stripe errors, fixes #97
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-07 travis-crowd add stripe logo to order form
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-07 travis-crowd another approach to fixing ip issue on heroku with custom SSL cert
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-07 travis-crowd fix ringtone downloads
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-07 travis-crowd good ol printf debugging
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-07 travis-crowd improve "Thank you, folks!" table
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-07 travis-crowd remove password protection from
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-07 travis-crowd revert printf debugging, ip is simply lost in production, nothing we can do
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-07 travis-crowd show me all the headers
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-07 travis-crowd try to fix geo ip issue on heroku
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-07 travis-crowd update donations list on new donation
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-08 travis-crowd allow setting a different total
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-08 travis-crowd always check total
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-08 travis-crowd always check total, #2
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-08 travis-crowd display a picture for anonymous donations
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-08 travis-crowd fix link in e-mail
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-08 travis-crowd make sure we do not sell too many company packages
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-08 travis-crowd remove draft stamp
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-11 doco Update
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-11 doco Update
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-16 travis-ci add event_type and comments_url to requests
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-16 travis-ci bundle update
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-16 travis-ci fix failing test
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-16 travis-ci set X-Github-Event header in controller tests
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-16 travis-ci track X-Github-Event header for incoming events
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-16 travis-ci use travis-core from pull-requests branch
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-16 travis-core accept pull request events and create corresponding build job
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-16 travis-core minor cleanup
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-16 travis-core mock http request for fetching user data in specs
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-28 travis-core add EventLogger
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-28 travis-core add faraday compat layer
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-28 travis-core base repo is repo
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-28 travis-core start new github library
Konstantin Haase 2012-02-28 travis-core start using new github library
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-02 travis-core add commit api
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-02 travis-core add pull request api
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-02 travis-core add push event api
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-02 travis-core add repo owner
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-02 travis-core add user api
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-02 travis-core adjust payload classes for api changes
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-02 travis-core explicitly use specific repo attributes
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-02 travis-core lazy generate non-primitive attributes for github objects
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-02 travis-core more mocks!
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-02 travis-core properly guess github url
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-02 travis-core store api_host in ivar
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-02 travis-core use event by default
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-05 gh initial commit
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-05 gh quick, before @mattmatt sees this :D
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-06 travis-crowd fix link in faq
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-07 gh accept no content-type
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-07 gh add dev dependencies
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-07 gh add rake to gemfile
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-07 gh cache specs
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-07 gh make backend writable
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-07 gh remote specs
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-09 gh add (as of yet pending) spec for parsing Link headers
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-09 gh add spec for url detection
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-09 gh all the rubies
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-09 gh avatar link specs
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-09 gh blog link specs
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-09 gh committer/author normalization specs
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-09 gh fix typo
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-09 gh fix typo
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-09 gh install jruby-openssl on jruby
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-09 gh link suffix spec
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-09 gh make specs work with okjson
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-09 gh more normalizer specs
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-09 gh specs for normalizing counters
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-09 gh start specs for normalizer
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-09 gh user renaming specs
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-13 travis-core add gh as dependency
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-13 travis-core store request types in a hash
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-15 gh only set default_proc if there is a proc to set
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-15 gh propagate default_proc
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-21 gh add Case
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-21 gh add scoping
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-21 gh also check for RAILS_CACHE
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-21 gh better inspect
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-21 gh better rspec task
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-21 gh fix token auth for now
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-21 gh move to setup-modify architecture
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-21 travis-core add gh library
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-22 travis-build automatically set up submodules
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-22 travis-build set up submodules after checkout, move condition into fetch flow
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-22 travis-build stub file_exists? for all tests
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-22 travis-core add gh dependency to gemspec
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-28 gh move double dispatch logic into super class
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-29 travisbot add comics script
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-29 travisbot add newline
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-29 travisbot auto-stache
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-29 travisbot cheer
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-29 travisbot do it live
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-29 travisbot fix typo
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-29 travisbot generate some memes automatic
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-29 travisbot haters
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-29 travisbot ignore whatever
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-29 travisbot less blood
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-29 travisbot less help
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-29 travisbot less noise
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-29 travisbot memes
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-29 travisbot more boom
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-29 travisbot more comics
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-29 travisbot xkcd
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-30 gh don't complain about unknown objects
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-30 travisbot more images
Konstantin Haase 2012-03-31 travisbot group hug
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-03 gh 1.8 doesn't have def_single_delegators
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-03 gh add Wrapper#reset
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-03 gh alias Stack#build to Stack#new, so DefaultStack behaves like a common Ruby factory (aka class)
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-03 gh allow some failures on travis
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-03 gh avoid uninitialized ivar warning
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-03 gh clear cache on reset
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-03 gh delegate api_host and reset from GH
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-03 gh inspect is public
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-03 gh proper cache prefixing (so authorized/normalized/... versions in the same cache don't collide)
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-03 travisbot Revert "Memes, memes everywhere!"
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-04 gh add #load method for modifying data not loaded from github (i.e. hook payload)
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-04 gh add a proper usage example
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-04 gh add lazy loader
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-04 gh add spec for GH
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-04 gh fix backend test helper for more than two layers
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-04 gh fix docs
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-04 gh have sane map_hash and map_array implementation in wrapper
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-04 gh properly reset the mock backend
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-06 gh fix
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-06 gh fix readme
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-06 gh makes sure LazyLoader wraps Normalizer by default
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-06 gh only reset in backend is set
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-06 travis-core GH now implements reset
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-06 travis-core don't have gh version in gemspec
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-09 gh better handling of encodings
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-10 gh add comment to indicate direction
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-10 gh allow lazy_load methods to return nil
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-10 gh also forward load
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-10 gh fit .travis.yml
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-10 gh follow hypermedia links
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-10 gh improve LinkFollower summary
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-10 gh jruby does not like encoding issues
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-10 gh proper readme
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-10 gh update readme
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-10 travisbot Revert "fix "it works""
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-10 travisbot fix "it works"
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-10 travisbot ignore me
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-10 travisbot less "it works"
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-10 travisbot more "it works" goodness
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-12 gh => Time.parse
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-12 gh add head_commit
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-12 gh committer and author are not github users
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-12 gh fix date
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-12 gh fix syntax error
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-12 gh fix typo
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-12 gh fix user normalization
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-12 gh id might be a sha (fun!)
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-12 gh make time tests timezone independend
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-12 gh rename name
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-12 gh set self link for all users
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-12 gh test time transforms
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-13 gh add website to gemspec
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-13 gh convert all the dates/times to UTC
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-13 gh expose options better
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-13 gh fix example
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-13 gh fix typo
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-13 gh fix version
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-13 gh make adjustments for stupid ruby 1.8
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-13 gh make time normalization deal with empty values
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-13 gh normalize time to UTC
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-13 gh update readme
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-13 travis-core adjust timestamp in payloads to format used by github
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-13 travis-core gh normalizes time to UTC now
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-13 travis-core make timezone independent
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-14 gh fix typo
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-14 gh refactor http requests
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-15 gh 0.3.0 release
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-15 gh add method for posting
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-15 gh add response wrapper
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-15 gh allow sending other verbs than get
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-15 gh disable cache for now
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-15 gh re-enable cache
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-15 gh reduce noise
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-15 travis-core get rid of faraday backports
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-16 gh add instrumentation
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-16 gh also set base commit
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-16 gh make sure http requests go through the stack
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-16 gh syntax fixes for 1.8
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-16 gh typo
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-16 gh update readme
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-22 gh at a timeout
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-25 gh add error tracking
Konstantin Haase 2012-04-25 gh okjson does not encode symbols
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-02 New Blog Post: Pull Requests
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-02 add another picture
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-02 add author and date to pull request post
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-02 add authors to other blog posts
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-02 add disqus
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-02 add figure styling
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-02 everyone will be able to use this at some point
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-02 mention michaelklishin
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-02 rename
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-02 rename blog post
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-02 typo
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-03 travis-crowd update numbers
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-03 travis-lint language is optional
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-14 gh don't normalize config
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-14 gh faraday 0.8
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-14 travis-admin initial commit
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-15 travis-admin better hook admin
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-15 travis-admin don't choke on runcoderun hooks
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-15 travis-admin password protection
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-15 travis-admin update Gemfile
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-16 doco add travis-admin
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-16 gh handle empty response body
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-16 gh more http verbs
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-16 travis-admin add last_response inspection
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-16 travis-admin add redirect
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-16 travis-admin allow testing hooks
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-16 travis-admin allow updating hooks
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-16 travis-admin bundle update
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-16 travis-admin display error message if available
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-16 travis-admin fix indentation
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-16 travis-admin hide tokens etc
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-16 travis-admin sometimes there is no message
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-16 travis-admin sync services with github
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-16 travis-admin wire up hook creation
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-16 travis-admin wire up hook deletion
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-18 gh add pagination
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-21 gh do not lose response headers on double dispatch
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-22 gh add random access to pagination
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-22 gh docs for pagination
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-22 travis-admin GH console
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-22 travis-admin better placeholders
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-22 travis-admin fix placeholder in gh form
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-22 travis-admin resize things
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-22 add pics
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-23 gh default per_page to 100
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-23 gh don't paginate non-array responses
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-23 gh nicer error
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-23 gh remove unused var
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-23 travis-admin add key comments to GH console
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-23 travis-admin add map support
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-23 travis-admin bundle update
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-23 travis-admin lines are too long
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-23 travis-admin update gh
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-24 gh typo
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-24 travis-admin fix db name issues
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-24 travis-admin fix flash redirect issue
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-24 travis-admin fix layout
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-24 travis-admin multi-db support
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-24 travis-admin show exceptions, even in production
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-24 travis-admin upcase all the things
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-24 travis-admin update gh
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-25 gh add missing file
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-25 gh add parallelization api (need to use a faraday adapter that supports it)
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-25 gh pipeline all the requests
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-25 gh update version
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-26 gh WebMock does not like pipelining :(
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-26 gh jruby doesn't like ssl
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-26 gh mark encoding specs as pending on jruby
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-26 gh revert pending
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-26 gh typo
Konstantin Haase 2012-05-31 gh no fail-fast
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-05 gh allow all the failures
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-05 gh have #with return an instance if no block is given
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-05 travis-admin make it work on jruby
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-05 travis-admin move stuff around
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-05 travis-admin set db strings for jruby
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-05 travis-admin update things
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-05 travis-core fix failing test
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-05 travis-core fix http_options
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-05 travis-core hand down http options to github hook
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-05 travis-core log on connection errors when trying to write a comment
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-06 gh adjustments for jruby
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-06 gh fix in_parallel
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-06 gh remove history section
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-07 gh allow jruby to fail :(
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-07 gh better errors
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-07 gh better errors on encoding issues on jruby
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-07 gh don't test on ruby-head
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-07 gh pending is stupid
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-07 gh response might not be a faraday response
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-07 gh track url
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-07 gh use pipelining on jruby, too
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-07 travis-admin update stuff
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-08 gh diable cache
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-08 gh don't automatically use the rails cache
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-08 travis-ci update gh and friends
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-10 gh Pagination#to_ary
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-10 gh add (failing) test for two in_parallel block following each other directly
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-10 gh allow turning off parallelization
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-10 gh don't include cache, proper
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-10 gh make sure we always have a response after in_parallel
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-10 gh propagate options for nested with
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-10 travis-admin better initialization of missing service hooks
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-10 travis-admin hook config might be nil
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-10 travis-admin in json, nil = null
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-10 travis-admin only display arrays as array
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-10 travis-admin update gh
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-10 travis-ci update gh
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-10 travis-ci update gh
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-10 travis-ci update gh
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-11 gh and that other typo
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-11 gh fix typo
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-11 gh github payload changed
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-18 travis-core implement redis publisher
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-19 travis-admin add tokens for dev mode
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-19 travis-admin fix db selection
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-19 travis-admin group dev dependencies
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-19 travis-admin major refactoring
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-19 travis-admin re-add production to dev mode
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-20 travis-admin change controller order
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-20 travis-core better notification payload
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-20 travis-core expose result, exception and message for notifications
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-20 travis-core fix redis publisher
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-20 travis-core set correct name for redis list
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-20 travis-core update redis
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-25 travis-admin add staging to dev
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-25 travis-admin dummy events controller
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-25 travis-core don't include pull requests in branch status. fixes travis-ci/travis-ci#567
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-26 travis-core add specs for redis publisher
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-26 travis-core spec log publisher
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-26 travis-core use a different pubsub channel per uuid
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-28 travis-core improve notification serialization
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-28 travis-core only use API for objects that can actually be serialized by the API
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-28 travis-core reduce ttl for notifications
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-28 travis-core refactor for 1.8
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-28 travis-core support arel objects in API again
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-28 travis-core turn off redis publisher for now
Konstantin Haase 2012-06-28 travis-support disable instrumentation
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-02 travis-core don't subscribe
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-02 travis-core no recursive serialization
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-02 travis-core skip serialization
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-02 travis-core subscribe to instrumentations
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-02 travis-support Revert "disable metrics"
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-02 travis-support disable metrics
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-02 travis-support rewrite method instrumentation
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-03 travis-core don't add result by default
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-03 travis-core no longer automatically send result in instrumentation
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-03 travis-core remove debugger from test
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-03 travis-core remove debugger gem
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-03 travis-support dynamically set instrumentation namespace
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-04 travis-admin stream travis events to web frontend
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-04 travis-core adjust for new notifications
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-04 travis-core re-enable redis instrumentation
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-04 travis-support add event number spec
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-04 travis-support eliminate busy waiting on async queue
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-04 travis-support eliminate call instrumentation
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-05 travis-admin add crowd funding reports
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-05 travis-admin add missing files
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-05 travis-admin convert to dollar
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-05 travis-admin display tables
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-05 travis-admin don't let redis block the rest, oh no
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-05 travis-admin don't raise timeout error
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-05 travis-admin fix config
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-05 travis-admin format table header
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-05 travis-admin new databases! who would have guessed!
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-05 travis-admin reuse db connection
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-05 travis-admin set content type properly
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-05 travis-admin small refactoring
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-05 travis-admin smaller table
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-05 travis-admin sort orders by date
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-06 travis-admin add config
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-06 travis-admin add example db
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-06 travis-admin add line about copying config
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-06 travis-core switch back to travis-support master
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-06 travisbot moar hate
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-09 travis-core allow to send a payload for more than just completed events
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-09 travis-core prefix metrics with v1
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-09 travis-core reduce redis ttl
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-09 travis-core reduce ttl further
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-09 travis-core send out more events
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-10 travis-admin add email export to crowd controller
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-10 travis-admin sort by total rather than package
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-10 travis-support add support for log levels
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-11 gh don't request raw from github
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-11 gh ignore content-type
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-11 travis-admin display file contents
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-11 travis-admin links in gh console
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-11 travis-admin output might be an array
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-11 travis-admin stay in currently selected controller when changing db
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-11 travis-admin update gh
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-11 travis-admin update gh
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-11 travis-core
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-11 travis-core rescue exceptions in redis publisher
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-11 travis-support default hot bunnies config to a hash
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-12 travis-admin smarter linking
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-12 travis-core publish instrumentation results async
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-13 travis-admin fix bug where data is array
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-13 travis-ci update things
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-13 travis-ci update travis-core
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-13 travis-core add sync fields to user
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-13 travis-core rename in_sync to is_syncing
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-13 travis-core set sync info fields when syncinc
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-18 travis-pro-core implement auto deploy key generation
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-19 travis-pro-ci update core
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-19 travis-pro-core prepend_to does not instance_eval
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-19 travis-pro-core specs for key encoding
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-19 travis-pro-core use string key, like most configs do
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-19 travis-pro-hub update core
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-19 travis-pro-hub update core
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-19 travis-pro-hub update core
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-23 travis-api add CORS support
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-23 travis-api set all responses to json
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-23 travis-api update travis-core
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-23 travis-ci ignore db/seeds/data.sql for now
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-23 travis-web add guard to procfile
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-23 travis-web extract auth into separate class
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-23 travis-web read API endpoint from HTML
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-27 travis-api rewrite all the things
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-28 travis-api first stab at authorization
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-28 travis-api use AccessToken
Konstantin Haase 2012-07-31 travis-build When fetching a ref, use FETCH_HEAD instead of hash for checkout
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-01 travis-core do not store instruemnation messages in redis for now
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-02 travis-core Revert "disable indy on travis"
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-02 travis-core disable indy on travis
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-02 travis-core introduce pull request setting
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-02 travis-core refactor Pull Request request handling a bit
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-02 travis-core remove unused method
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-03 gh add headers delegator
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-03 travis-admin display some headers
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-03 travis-core do not hardcode github api endpoint
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-03 travis-core do not hardcode github api endpoint in service hook code
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-03 travis-core fix specs
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-03 travis-core set github status even on push events
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-04 travis-pro-core authenticate all the methods
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-05 travis-admin fix view path
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-05 travis-api actually use gemspec
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-05 travis-api add database.yml
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-05 travis-api no jruby for now
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-05 travis-api test on more rubies
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-05 travis-api update dependencies
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-06 travis-core fix and spec pull request approval
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-06 travis-core remove empty line
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-07 gh mark pending
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-07 travis-core adjust pull request test payload for new github api
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-07 travis-core always accept pull requests for now
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-07 travis-pro-core add method for pr test approval
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-07 travis-pro-core payload might already be a hash
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-07 travis-pro-hub add github token
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-07 travis-pro-hub add to staging, too
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-07 travis-pro-hub enable github notifications
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-07 travis-pro-hub update dependencies
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-07 travis-pro-hub update travis-pro-core
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-07 travis-worker update travis-build
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-08 The Travis Team
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-08 add a thanks
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-08 add note about new projects
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-08 adjust time
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-08 fix permalink
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-08 new Pull Request blog post
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-08 turn "Travis Pro" into a link
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-08 wording
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-08 travis-pro-core do not raise an error if there is no admin
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-08 travis-pro-core use owner if it is a user
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-09 travis-listener white list events
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-09 travis-pro-listener update travis-listener
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-09 travis-web have to instantiate Api
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-09 travis-web use a cascade rather than middleware
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-10 travis-api add ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-10 travis-api ignore config/travis.yml
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-10 travis-api vendor bootstrap
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-13 travis-assets status images
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-13 travis-pro-ci check token for status images
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-13 travis-pro-ci directory is needed
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-13 travis-pro-ci display status image helper
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-13 travis-pro-ci it has to be v1
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-13 travis-pro-ci set current user
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-13 travis-pro-ci update assets
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-13 travis-web use rel rather than name
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-15 travis-api better errors on missing token or not matching scope
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-15 travis-api for some reason gh is not loaded in production
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-15 travis-api fully implement access tokens
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-15 travis-api implement profile endpoint
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-15 travis-api update readme
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-15 travis-api use edge gh
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-15 travis-pro-api initial commit
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-15 travis-pro-ci switch to thin
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-16 travis-pro-ci move generall configuration out of unicorn.rb
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-16 travis-pro-ci update core and ci
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-16 travis-pro-ci update travis-assets
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-20 travis-pro-core use admin instead of users.first
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-20 travis-pro-hub update travis-pro-core
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-21 travis-ci fix service hook tests
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-21 travis-ci fix service hook tests, part 2
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-21 travis-ci update travis-core
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-21 travis-ci update travis-core
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-21 travis-core rename private method to not accidentially override accessor
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-21 travis-core rewrite ServiceHook to use hooks api
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-21 travis-pro-api wrap travis-api
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci update core and ci
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-24 travis-api setup should not take options
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-24 travis-api split up setup method
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-24 travis-api update dependencies
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-28 travis-admin downgrade jquery
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-29 travis-core use proper admin logic
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-30 gh add head
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-30 travis-core better handling of error responses from github
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-30 travis-core check if travisbot has access before commenting
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-30 travis-core fix status code
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-30 travis-core just skip repos without admin
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-30 travis-core status might not be a response (and don't ask me why)
Konstantin Haase 2012-08-30 travis-pro-hub update dependencies
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-02 travis-logs clean up string in-place
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-02 travis-logs no need to set encoding
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-03 travis-logs initialize does not take an argument
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-04 travis-ci make branch requests conditional
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-04 travis-ci prefix metrics
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-04 travis-ci pull in conditional get helpers
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-04 travis-ci switch to http-caching branch on travis-core
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-04 travis-ci switch travis-core back to master
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-04 travis-ci use new Api API
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-04 travis-core add
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-04 travis-core add cache_key and updated_at to branch api object
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-05 travis-pro-hub disable github
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-11 travis-api move config around
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-11 travis-web make more flexible
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-11 travis-web refactor development server
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-11 travis-web update travis-api
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-12 doco Update accounts.txt
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-12 travis-pro-ci add tests for scope monitor
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-12 travis-pro-ci adjust tests for new scope access checks
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-12 travis-pro-ci don't filter app directory for scope whitelisting
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-12 travis-pro-ci monitor all sql requests for missing scope checks
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-12 travis-pro-core always reset scope after without_scope_access
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci add API for disabling scope monitor
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci disable scoping in rails console
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci make sure scoping is always on when processing a request
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-14 travis-web respond to any unknown requests with index.html
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-17 travis-api start working on post_message auth flow
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-17 travis-api start working on post_message auth flow
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-api add endpoint for initial authorization
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-api create use if missing
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-api disable threaded mode for now
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-api reuse existing tokens for same app/scopes
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-api send messages after oauth handshake
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-api send user data with post message
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-api set app_id
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-api update travis-core
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-api use id rather than login for user
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-api use state to avoid handshake spoofing
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-ci keep session around after browser session (fixes log out issue on Safari)
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-pro-ci update travis-ci
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-web actually log in
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-web add auth timeout
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-web add todo
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-web comment out broken line
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-web fix binding issues
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-web listen for post messages
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-web remove fake payload
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-web remove token on sign out
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-18 travis-web set Authorization header
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-19 travis-api better docs for authorization
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-19 travis-api fix access token related tests
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-19 travis-api fix some of the tests
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-19 travis-api make sure we don't leak the github oauth code via a referrer
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-19 travis-api set profile scope back to private
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-19 travis-web add # route
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-19 travis-web add rerun command
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-19 travis-web change display while signing in
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-19 travis-web change text before initiating handshake
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-19 travis-web fix sign out issue
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-19 travis-web lower handshake timeout
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-19 travis-web need config directory
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-19 travis-web use localStorage for a log in flag, use sessionStorage to keep user data
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 gh track what url is called
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 gh use 1.8 hash syntax
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 gh use net-http for now
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 gh we don't have a payload when an http request fails
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-api actually trigger sync
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-api add github ribbon to docs
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-api add jsonp
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-api add link for JSON
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-api allow HEAD requests
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-api fix link
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-api fix test
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-api fix typo
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-api make sync private again
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-api moar typos
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-api more CORS docs
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-api more cors and jsonp docs
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-api remove test route
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-api start working on general docs
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-pro-ci cover false positive in scope monitor
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-pro-ci disable jsonp
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-web bundle update
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-web force ssl in production
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-web moar typos
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-20 travis-web update travis-api
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 coder add .travis.yml
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 coder add rake default task
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 coder add rake dev dependency
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 coder also skip built-in encodings on rubinius
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 coder doc for in-place cleaning
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 coder fix iconv loading
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 coder initial commit
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 coder no need to capture exception
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 coder set encoding of spec file
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 coder skip built-in converter on jruby, does not work there
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 gh add custom limit middleware
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 gh add set helper
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 gh better error message on timeout
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 gh change middleware order
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 gh don't set origin
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 gh fix error message generation
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 gh fix failing test
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 gh reduce timeout further
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 gh reduce timeoute, increase sleep
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 gh track response in error
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 gh use 1.8 hash syntax
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 gh wrap lines at 80, not 30
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-21 travis-core send client_id and client_secret with every github request
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-22 gh add current status to error message
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-22 travis-api better origin check
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-22 travis-api more documentation
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-22 travis-web fix endpoint logic
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-22 travis-web no longer hardcode RUN_API
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-22 travis-web set deflate
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-22 travis-web set origin for login
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-22 travis-web switch back to master
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-22 travis-web update travis-api
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-22 travis-web use git gh
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-23 travis-api add config endpoint
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-23 travis-web default to running against
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-23 travis-web load pusher key from api endpoing (allows running locally against
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-23 travis-web no longer override Travis.Model#get
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-24 coder add benchmark script
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-24 coder add jruby implementation of cleaner
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-24 coder be explicit about exceptions to rescue
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-24 coder better support for different encodings
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-24 coder fix and test exceptions
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-24 coder improve tests
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-24 coder replace test code with real code, hat tip to @ryanlecompte
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-25 coder add activesupport hack
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-25 coder iconv on rubinius does not set encoding
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-25 coder make sure we always return the correct encoding
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-25 coder minor test helper refactoring
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-25 coder tests for Coder.clean delegation
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-25 travis-api set vary header and cache documentation
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-25 travis-assets update pusher
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-25 travis-web also store token
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-25 travis-web remove empty line
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-25 travis-web update pusher
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-26 coder make sure coder is used
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-27 travis-api allow using an oauth proxy
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-27 travis-ci add oauth proxy
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-27 travis-ci fix load error
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-27 travis-ci use rack-ssl
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-28 travis-api move helpers around
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-28 travis-api remove empty extension
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-28 travis-pro-ci set return url before redirecting to sing in page
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-28 travis-pro-ci whitespace
Konstantin Haase 2012-09-29 blog post about SSL
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-02 travis-admin Revert "bundle update"
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-02 travis-admin bundle update
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-09 travis-crowd update numbers
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-16 travis-web add back guard for @svenfuchs
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-16 travis-web add back rack-cache
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-16 travis-web header must be fixnum
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-16 travis-web no longer run api
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-16 travis-web remove rack-cache dependency
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-16 travis-web send empty Vary header
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-17 travis-api improve caching headers
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-17 travis-web switch to puma, make app reload in development mode
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-18 travis-api allow underscore and dash in subdomains
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-18 travis-sso allow setting callbacks in all modes
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-18 travis-sso improve docs
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-18 travis-sso initial commit
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-18 travis-sso make login page look nice
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-18 travis-sso specs and helper fixes
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-19 travis-pro-api add db config
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-19 travis-pro-api update
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-20 travis-pro-api fix setup check
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-22 travis-api always call setup
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-22 travis-web allow only GET and HEAD request
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-22 travis-web redirect potential API calls to API, fixes #32
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-22 travis-web spec and fix app
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-22 travis-web update app.css
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-23 travis-api add console
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-23 travis-api add missing file
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-23 travis-api don't cache non-final services
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-23 travis-api improve caching logic
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-23 travis-web we actually have an instance in the block
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-24 travis-api force no-cache
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-24 travis-api update gh
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-24 travis-become add .gitignore
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-24 travis-become initial commit
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-24 travis-become update sso
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-24 travis-become use travis config
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-24 travis-sso add authorized callback
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-24 travis-web allow setting token manually
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-29 travis-api make allowed_targets an option
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-29 travis-pro-api fix setup
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-29 travis-pro-api update pro core
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-29 travis-pro-api update pro-core
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-29 travis-pro-api update travis-api
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-30 travis-core make sure config is not empty
Konstantin Haase 2012-10-30 travis-pro-ci (hopefully) fix scoping issue in console
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-01 travis-pro-api core update
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-01 travis-pro-web add middleware
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-01 travis-pro-web fix Gemfile and Procfile
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-02 travis-core don not silently override config values
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-02 travis-core initialize missing db config
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-02 travis-pro-api set up oauth proxy
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-02 travis-pro-api update pro core
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-02 travis-pro-api update pro core
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-02 travis-pro-api update pro core
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-02 travis-pro-api update pro core
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-02 travis-pro-api update pro core
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-02 travis-pro-api update pro core
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-02 travis-pro-api update pro core
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-02 travis-pro-api update pro core
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-02 travis-pro-api update pro core
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-02 travis-pro-api update pro-core
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-02 travis-pro-ci set up oauth proxy
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-08 travis-api add cc path
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-08 travis-api enable test
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-08 travis-api prefix env key
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-08 travis-web also redirect "Accept: */*" to the api
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-08 travis-web explicitely redirect cc.xml
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-08 travis-web fix test
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-09 travis-become copy paste some more dependencies
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-09 travis-become depen dencies
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-09 travis-become update dependencies
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-09 travis-sso force v2 api
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-15 travis-api need to check scopes before storing token
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-16 travis-api add note about v1
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-16 travis-api fix link to travis-web
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-17 travis-api allow post message login from a pop-up
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-17 travis-api first stab at a popup flow
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-18 travis-api add logging
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-18 travis-api fix template
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-18 travis-api fix typo
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-18 travis-api fix urls
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-18 travis-api implement auth timeout
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-18 travis-api sinatrafy
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-18 travis-sso check postMessage payload
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-18 travis-web increase timeout, api is now taking care of this
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-19 travis-sso add whitelisting
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-29 travis-become display exceptions
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-29 travis-become keep Travis.config out of lib
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-29 travis-become move middleware setup to lib
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-29 travis-become update sso
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-29 travis-become wtf dependencies
Konstantin Haase 2012-11-29 travis-sso add user login to access denied message
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-02 travis-api enforce v2 for /key
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-02 travis-api make /key public again
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-02 travis-api set scope
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-02 travis-api update core
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-02 travis-api update core
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-02 travis-core Revert "use SslKey#data for service"
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-02 travis-core use SslKey#data for service
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-02 travis-pro-api update travis-api
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-04 travis-api trigger redirect
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-05 travis-api rewrite post message login
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-05 travis-api simplify popup check
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-05 travis-web allow setting the storage
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-05 travis-web listen for redirect events
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-06 travis-api Addressable::URI.parse might return nil
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-06 travis-api cheap escape
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-06 travis-api fix regex
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-06 travis-api fix setTimeout
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-06 travis-api no inspect
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-06 travis-api only send user payload
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-06 travis-api post data for targets we know
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-06 travis-api set action and method
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-06 travis-api set content type
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-06 travis-api that did not work
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-06 travis-become fix config fetch
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-06 travis-web check user
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-06 travis-web only allow sessionStorage and localStorage
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-06 travis-web only sign in once
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-06 travis-web remove printf debugging
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-06 travis-web throw params in case or mismatch
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-10 travis-api actually check if github sent a token
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-10 travis-api use localStorage after handshake
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-10 travis-web use current host for status images
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-12 travis-api add travis_token scope
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-12 travis-api rename token parameter to github_token for /auth/github
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-12 travis-api upgrade sinatra and sinatra-contrib
Konstantin Haase 2012-12-12 travis-core add token
Mathias Lafeldt 2012-03-08 travis-ci README.textile: update list of language-specific help sites
Mathias Meyer 2012-01-29 travisbot Initial add.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-06 travis-crowd Add text for Basho. Update Basho logo.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-06 travisbot Add heroku, travis, twitter scripts.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-07 travis-crowd Enable hubble for top secret something something.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-08 travis-crowd Redirect confirm if no user is logged in.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-08 travis-crowd Stuff redirect in a filter.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travis-crowd Add error for card charge on order.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travis-crowd Check if errors exist.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travis-crowd Display base errors explicitly above everything else.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travis-crowd Doh.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travis-crowd Fix copy&paste error.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travis-crowd Handle CardErrors from Stripe explicitly.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travis-crowd It's a Stripe::CardError, doh!
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travis-crowd Oh Haml.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travis-crowd Proper styling for the LARGE ERROR MESSAGE!
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travis-crowd Repeat last commit message.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travis-crowd Shakes fist at Haml.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travis-crowd Store error on user object.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travis-crowd empty
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travis-crowd empty
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travis-crowd empty
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travis-crowd empty
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travisbot Actually send the reply, duh!
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travisbot Add jsdom as dep
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travisbot Switch travisbot to use Campfire.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travisbot regexp instead of string.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-09 travisbot show me the money
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-10 doco Add growth prediction (incomplete) and MVP.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-10 doco Add notes on monitoring/metrics.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-10 doco Initial commit
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-10 doco Initial throw at value, problem and early adopters definition.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-10 doco MOAR ARCHITECTURE!!!
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-10 doco Small team contact sheet.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-11 doco Add blurb on pricing.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-11 doco Assumptions about customer usage and corresponding costs.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-11 doco Bit more on longer term pricing and costs.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-11 doco More examples for calculations.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-11 doco Update on traffic costs.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-23 travis-ci Add initializer for metriks reporter.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-23 travis-ci Let's try direct logging for a change.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-23 travis-ci Log explicitly to Rails.logger and with shorter interval.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-23 travis-ci Move initialization of reporter back into initializer.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-23 travis-ci Move report initializer into Unicorn config.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-23 travis-ci Update Gemfile.lock
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-23 travis-core Add first metrics for pushes received from Github.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-23 travis-core Use mattmatt fork of metriks library.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-24 travis-ci Add log_weasel for better request logging.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-24 travis-ci Capture notifications to store metrics.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-24 travis-ci Moar updates.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-24 travis-ci Set up proper log_weasel key.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-24 travis-ci Silence rack-cache messages.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-24 travis-ci Tone down logging for the Travis.logger.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-24 travis-ci Tone down logging in production to :info.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-24 travis-ci Update gem source for metriks.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-24 travis-ci Update metriks.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-24 travis-ci Update travis-core dep.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-24 travis-ci Wrap metrics properly. Only enable in production.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-24 travis-core Trigger notifications instead of direct metriks.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-24 travis-core Use source option for metrics.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-24 travis-core Use the proper metriks calls for meters.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-25 travis-ci Add custom log subscriber for action_controller events.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-25 travis-ci Only log runtimes when they're set.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-25 travis-ci Remove custom logging from development.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-25 travis-ci Remove log_weasel key.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-25 travis-ci Remove temp. redirect_to hook.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-26 travis-ci Handle local exceptions.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-26 travis-ci Only remove Rails::Rack::Logger in production mode.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-26 travis-ci Remove LogWeasel reference.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-26 travis-ci Streamline runtime output a bit.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-27 travis-ci Fix route_not_found action.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-27 travis-ci Move catchall route further down.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-27 travis-ci Remove unused rake tasks.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-27 travis-ci Rescue routing errors.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-27 travis-ci Something for Heroku.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-27 travis-ci Update gitignore
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-27 travis-ci Use a fallback route for routing errors instead.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-27 travis-core Start Rails 3.2 migration.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-27 travis-support Comment out routing patches.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-27 travis-support Derp.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-27 travis-support Ditch gem-patching for now.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-27 travis-support Require the gem_patching library.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-29 travis-ci Bring back ALL THE ASSETS!
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-29 travis-ci Move setting to application.rb.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-29 travis-ci Remove flag to not initialize on precompile.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-29 travis-ci Remove reference to rails-3.2 branches.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-29 travis-ci Too embarrassing for a commit message.
Mathias Meyer 2012-02-29 travis-ci Use config as a variable name for the query.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-02 hurt_logger Add .travis.yml.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-02 hurt_logger Implement filtering and draining.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-02 hurt_logger Initial commit
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-02 hurt_logger Log.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-02 hurt_logger Properly split lines.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-02 hurt_logger Remove spec parameter for now.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-02 hurt_logger Run EM loop.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-02 hurt_logger Try as a web process.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-02 hurt_logger Try port 80.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-02 hurt_logger Use port provided by Foreman.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-03 hubble Initial add.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-03 hurt_logger Add README.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-03 hurt_logger Ensure data is sent to drains when filter didn't match.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-04 hurt_logger Add Redis pubsub as a separate drain.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-04 hurt_logger Add tail argv.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-04 hurt_logger Add tail command to display messages from pubsub drain.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-04 hurt_logger Debug.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-04 hurt_logger Debug.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-04 hurt_logger
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-04 hurt_logger, bro.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-04 hurt_logger Fix typo.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-04 hurt_logger Properly trap signal.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-04 hurt_logger Read drains and filters from ENV.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-04 hurt_logger Remove debug.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-04 hurt_logger Require em-hiredis.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-04 hurt_logger Stop EM properly on shutting down tail.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-04 hurt_logger Tell what signal we've received.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-04 hurt_logger Trap more signals.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-04 hurt_logger Use require_relative
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-08 travisbot Hate
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-08 travisbot Hate
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-08 travisbot Hate
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-09 travis-ci Remove Airbrake, add Hubble.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-09 travis-crowd We don't use Airbrake anymore.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-09 travis-support Add a logging formatter sans timestamps.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-10 lograge Add initial draft of README.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-10 lograge Add travis.yml.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-10 lograge Attach to action_controller events.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-10 lograge Extract slightly more generic unsubscribe.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-10 lograge Extracted logging code from Travis.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-10 lograge Initial and incomplete commit
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-10 lograge Update README.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-10 lograge Update README.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-11 lograge Add overwrites for Rails' Rails::Rack::Logger.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-11 lograge Add specs for LogSubscriber.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-11 lograge Add support to store a redirect location.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-11 lograge Clean up the Railtie so that it actually works.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-11 lograge Make sure location isn't included by default.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-11 lograge Move setup into Lograge module.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-11 lograge Require Rails' log subscribers explicitly.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-12 lograge Add a proper homepage.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-12 lograge More readme
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-12 lograge More readme updates.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-12 lograge Update readme.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-12 lograge WIP
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-14 lograge Clarify some things in README
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-15 travis-cookbooks Add VirtualBox cookbook.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-15 travis-cookbooks Don't need git-server
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-15 travis-cookbooks Missing a "
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-15 travis-cookbooks No need to have user vagrant do all the things.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-15 travis-cookbooks Replace iptables cookbooks with newer ones.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-15 travis-cookbooks Simplified rvm::multi recipe for the worker box.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-15 travis-cookbooks Users are stored in a hash.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-15 travis-cookbooks WIP: users and disks cookbook.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-16 travis-ci Don't throw around ActionController::RoutingError.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-16 travis-ci Fix route that broke /profile/service_hooks.json.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-16 travis-ci Fix specs for recent changes in travis-core.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-16 travis-ci Form goes to /profile not /profile/user_id.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-16 travis-ci Remove extra route entirely.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-16 travis-ci Use put. Move language setting to top.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-16 travis-cookbooks Create worker directory. Bundle into sub-dir.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-16 travis-cookbooks Use bash to run bundler with rvm.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-16 travis-cookbooks WIP: update images and start worker.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-16 travis-cookbooks WIP: worker cookbook
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-16 travis-core Create ssl key when creating the repository.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-16 travis-core Raise RecordNotFound in find_by.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-18 travis-core Fix broken spec.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-19 travis-cookbooks Fix minor issues in the worker recipe.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-19 travis-cookbooks Import chef-client version 1.1.2
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-19 travis-cookbooks Import chef-client version 1.1.2
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-19 travis-cookbooks More generic libreadline-dev requirement.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-19 travis-cookbooks Remove dependency for jpackage.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-19 travis-cookbooks Remove runit requirement and mention of git::server.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-19 travis-cookbooks zsh is now a build-essential.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-19 travis-core Create a key lazily again, but catch validation problems.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-19 travis-core Prettify the code a little bit.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-19 travis-core Use alias_method because @rkh made me do it.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-20 travis-cookbooks Fix users recipe.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-20 travis-cookbooks Respect chef-solo.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-20 travis-cookbooks Switch users to Chef server search.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-20 travis-cookbooks Update metadata.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-20 travis-cookbooks WIP: ssh cookbook.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-20 travis-cookbooks virtualbox cookbook depends on apt.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-21 travis-support Trigger a notification when a message was sent with Bunny.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-21 travis-support WIP: bring back ruby-amqp client. add bunny version.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-21 travis-support WIP: replace EventMachine-based AMQP lib with Bunny.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-22 travis-cookbooks Create log directory for worker.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-22 travis-cookbooks Mount points are simple hashes.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-22 travis-cookbooks VM update output goes to /dev/null.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-23 travis-cookbooks Add support for groups.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-23 travis-cookbooks Sudo cookbook.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-26 travis-core Add a Travis::Features class.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-26 travis-core Fix broken specs.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-26 travis-core Fix issue on JRuby 1.8.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-26 travis-core Make short urls a feature.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-27 travis-ci Add rollout, redis gems.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-27 travis-ci Use rollout branch for travis-core.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-27 travis-core Add doco.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-27 travis-core Allow activating/deactivating single repositories.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-27 travis-core Allow using a redis_url setting from Travis.config.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-27 travis-core Only check if a repository is active.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-27 travis-core Use redis.url instead of redis_url.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-28 lograge Add changes section.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-28 travis-ci Add librato metrics logo.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-28 travis-core Boom!
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-28 travis-core Fix problem with Campfire hook notifying on start.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-28 travis-crowd Add librato to the sponsors page.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-28 travis-support And actually use the right method call to create exchange.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-28 travis-support It's :key not :routing_key.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-28 travis-support Properly initialize bunny.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-28 travis-support Properly initialize exchange.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-28 travis-support Properly set up Bunny exchange.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-28 travis-support Use 0.9 spec.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-28 travis-support Use AS::Notifications.publish.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-28 travis-support Use bunny on MRI.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-29 travis-core Add explicit tests about what the EVENTS constants.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-29 travis-core Instrument notifications with metrics.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-30 travis-core Use a meter for the notification statistics.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-30 travis-worker Enable debug logging explicitly.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-30 travis-worker Enable timestamped logging.
Mathias Meyer 2012-03-31 travisbot Memes, memes everywhere!
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-02 Blog post on metrics, monitoring, et. al.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-02 Fix some minor glitches.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-02 Minor addition.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-02 More fixes.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-02 travis-cookbooks Add Monit skeleton.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-02 travis-cookbooks Monit for the worker.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-02 travis-worker Add commands to download and create boxes.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-02 travis-worker Explicitly change working directory in script.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-02 travis-worker Scripts to run travis-worker daemonized.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-02 travis-worker Source rvm.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-02 travis-worker Use bash.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-02 travis-worker Use system instead of ``.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-02 travis-worker s/do jruby/jruby do/
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-03 travis-core WIP: Add global toggles for features.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-03 travis-support Add preliminary specs for the bunny publisher.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-03 travis-support Declare queue before test.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-03 travis-support Exclude JRuby.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-03 travis-support Ruby 1.9 syntax, bah.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-03 travis-support Try nowait:false
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-04 doco Add list of boxes.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-04 travis-cookbooks Add post_checkout hooks.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-04 travis-cookbooks s/run/:run/
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-04 travis-pro-build Fail if there's no source key for a private repo.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-04 travis-worker Add pid checks for forkrage.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-04 travisbot FRESH POTS!!!
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-05 travis-cookbooks Make sure the superdirectory for a user's home exists.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-10 travis-cookbooks Minor fixes for the travis_worker cookbook.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-10 travis-cookbooks Smooth out a few things for execution order.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-10 travis-pro-listener Scope authorized access requirement to /.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-10 travis-worker s/create/update/
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-13 travis-cookbooks Add collectd and Librato Metrics support for collectd.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-13 travis-cookbooks Add option for extra SSH keys.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-13 travis-cookbooks Alert on worker pid change.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-13 travis-cookbooks Ensure owner and group on .ssh files and directories.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-13 travis-cookbooks Fix block scoping problems on Ruby 1.8.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-13 travis-cookbooks Minor updates to Travis worker runit templates.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-13 travis-cookbooks Move travis-worker to runit supervision.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-13 travis-cookbooks Properly restart travis-worker service.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-13 travis-cookbooks Use new rvm installation procedure.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-16 travis-ci Remove metriks from Gemfile.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-16 travis-ci Remove old logging code.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-16 travis-ci Switch to Metriks gems. Replace logging with lograge.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-16 travis-core Move metriks to gemspec.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-16 travis-core Switch to metriks gem.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-17 travis-listener Add simple formatter for metrics logger.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-17 travis-listener Don't need bla anymore.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-17 travis-listener Enable metriks log reporter.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-17 travis-listener Fix formatter, add newline.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-17 travis-listener Log metrics to stdout.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-19 travis-core Seitch notifications for metrics to use the Metriks API.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-27 travis-ci Add papertrail logo.
Mathias Meyer 2012-04-27 travis-crowd Add papertrail.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-01 travis-worker Minor forkrage improvements.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-03 travis-dashboard Initial commit of travis-dashboard.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-04 travis-dashboard Add gemfile.lock.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-04 travis-dashboard Add thin, procfile.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-04 travis-dashboard Bring back support to reload NewRelic graphs on display.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-04 travis-dashboard Display title for current stash or metrics.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-04 travis-dashboard Make graphs configurable.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-04 travis-dashboard Make newrelic graphs configurable.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-04 travis-dashboard Make the graphs a little bit smaller.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-04 travis-dashboard Move things around, turn it into a rack app.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-04 travis-dashboard Protect dashboard with username/password
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-04 travis-dashboard Remove clickable links, auto-flipping now just uses the available divs.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-04 travis-dashboard Switch pages every 30 seconds.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-04 travis-dashboard Use configured email and apiToken.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-05 lograge Revert "Test more Rubies on Travis."
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-05 lograge Test more Rubies on Travis.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-06 lograge Return status=0 when the status is unknown.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-08 travis-core WIP: Make instrumentation functional again, track metrics.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-16 travis-cookbooks Create mount point directory.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-18 travis-cookbooks Add jruby bin dir to path.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-18 travis-cookbooks WIP: JRuby cookbook.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-21 travis-cookbooks Allow specifying custom gems for jruby.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-21 travis-cookbooks Fix typo, add path to bundle.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-21 travis-cookbooks Move travis-worker to use jruby directly.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-22 travis-cookbooks Add Campfire exception handler.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-22 travis-cookbooks Create .VirtualBox directory and link config.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-22 travis-cookbooks Don't assign users and groups to the node object.
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-22 travis-cookbooks Import chef_handler version 1.0.6
Mathias Meyer 2012-05-24 doco Add Charm.
Mathias Meyer 2012-06-27 doco Added stripe.
Mathias Meyer 2012-06-27 travis-pro-ci Fix hubble URL.
Mathias Meyer 2012-06-27 travis-pro-ci WIP: start carving out UI for subscriptions.
Mathias Meyer 2012-06-28 travis-pro-ci WIP: Get integration testing working.
Mathias Meyer 2012-06-29 travis-pro-ci WIP: hello world!
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-02 travis-pro-ci Start fleshing out spec for subscription service.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-02 travis-pro-ci WIP: proper listing and editing subscriptions.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-02 travis-pro-core 1.8 syntax for the win!
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-02 travis-pro-core Add subscription to user.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-02 travis-pro-core Make organization's subscription polymorphic.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-02 travis-pro-core WIP: Add subscription model.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-03 travis-pro-ci Add credit card fields to form.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-03 travis-pro-ci Start work on billing form.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-03 travis-pro-ci Wire in Stripe payment scripts.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-03 travis-pro-core Add active? method to subscription.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-03 travis-pro-core Add more billing and cc details.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-04 travis-pro-ci Add initial validation for form.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-04 travis-pro-ci Add workflow to create or update a subscription.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-04 travis-pro-ci Start adding validation with Scrivener.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-04 travis-pro-ci Start prettifying things.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-05 travis-pro-ci Allow user to edit his own subscription.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-05 travis-pro-ci Start integrating stripe.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-06 travis-pro-ci Add remaining subscription form fields to validation.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-06 travis-pro-ci Fix logging.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-06 travis-pro-ci Make sure there's a subscription when form isn't valid.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-06 travis-pro-ci Move log setup into TravisCi::Application.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-06 travis-pro-ci Only explicitly set log in development.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-06 travis-pro-ci Properly set cc_token.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-06 travis-pro-ci Show credit card errors coming from Stripe.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-06 travis-pro-ci Start implementing the webhook for Stripe.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-06 travis-pro-ci Validate billing email as email address.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-06 travis-pro-core Check if valid_to is present for a subscription.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-09 travis-pro-ci Add logging to the stripe webhooks controller.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-09 travis-pro-ci Add padding to input fields.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-09 travis-pro-ci Add processor for successful charges.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-09 travis-pro-ci Make event processing pluggable.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-09 travis-pro-ci Send basic invoice email.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-09 travis-pro-ci Send emails when charge succeeded or failed.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-11 travis-core Add log subscriber to get ActiveRecord instrumentation.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-11 travis-pro-ci Allow updating the credit card.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-11 travis-pro-ci Code cleanup
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-11 travis-pro-ci Hide credit card form instead of not rendering it.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-12 travis-core Use the event's payload to get the proper values.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-12 travis-core duration is an attribute of the event not a hash key.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-13 travis-ci Instrument ActionController requests to track request times.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-23 travis-ci Switch back to travis-core master.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-24 travis-pro-ci Add Charm button.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-24 travis-pro-ci Add more processors to handle stripe events.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-25 travis-pro-ci It's GitHub, not Github!
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-25 travis-pro-ci Move Charm setup to _assets partial.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-25 travis-pro-core Add specs for Subscription#active?
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-25 travis-pro-core Fix specs for JRuby. Add tests for vat_required?
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-25 travis-pro-core Log a line when a user signs up.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-26 Add migration notice for existing deploy keys.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-26 Blog post on deploy key generation in Travis Pro.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-26 Fix YAML header.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-26 travis-pro-ci Add VAT to invoice when it's required.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-26 travis-pro-core Add a plan model for a subscription.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-26 travis-pro-core Implement vat_required? for a subscription.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-27 Be smart!
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-27 Fix date
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-27 I don't always test my code...
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-27 Post on quality of service changes.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-27 Use a smaller image for the graph.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-30 travis-pro-ci Track when a subscription was created for a customer.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-31 travis-pro-ci Add discounts to the invoice email.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-31 travis-pro-ci Add temp debug log.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-31 travis-pro-ci Duh!
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-31 travis-pro-ci Fix typo.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-31 travis-pro-ci Hand the event type into the Strip service.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-31 travis-pro-ci Handle a subscription that's not found.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-31 travis-pro-ci Improve invoice email (for now).
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-31 travis-pro-ci Instrument Stripe calls with metrics.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-31 travis-pro-ci Log backtrace for now.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-31 travis-pro-ci Make billing a feature that must be enabled.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-31 travis-pro-ci Minor rename to avoid Ruby clashes.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-31 travis-pro-ci Remove backtrace.
Mathias Meyer 2012-07-31 travis-pro-core Add amount to plans.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-01 travis-ci Remove the alpha warning.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-01 Add blog post on repositories sync.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-01 travis-crowd Add Alchemy CMS for worker box sponsoring.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-02 travis-ci Fix failing test.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-02 Change file name and fix date.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-02 Fix grammatical oddity.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-02 Fixed typo.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-02 Update images.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-02 Update repositories section.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-02 Wut?
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-02 travis-core Make by_member only return admin repositories.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-02 travis-core Update gitignore.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-02 travis-pro-ci Add Australia to priority countries.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-02 travis-pro-ci Add a custom subscription_path method.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-02 travis-pro-ci Always display credit card on file.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-02 travis-pro-ci Handle customer.created event from Stripe.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-02 travis-pro-ci Hide form when cc_token is present.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-02 travis-pro-ci Ignore empty invoice objects.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-03 travis-core Add script to wrap builds.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-03 travis-pro-ci Add a preliminary html email for invoicing.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-03 travis-pro-ci Add text email layout.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-03 travis-pro-ci Include stylesheets in email layout.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-03 travis-pro-ci Make VAT a "setting".
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-03 travis-pro-core -name
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-03 travis-pro-core Add Invoice class.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-03 travis-pro-core Add Invoice#next_id.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-03 travis-pro-core Add invoice_id migration.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-03 travis-pro-core Add something to dump the JVM error log.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-03 travis-pro-core Fix yaml.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-03 travis-pro-core It's find, not cat.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-03 travis-pro-core Let's try Ruby.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-03 travis-pro-core Let's try this instead.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-03 travis-pro-core Move script into a script.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-03 travis-pro-core echo $result
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-04 travis-pro-ci Add processor for invoice.updated events.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-04 travis-pro-ci Store Stripe id for easy access.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-04 travis-pro-ci Store invoice object when invoice.created event occurs.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-04 travis-pro-core Add stripe id to track invoices.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-04 travis-pro-core Serialize the invoice event object.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-04 travis-pro-core s/create_index/add_index/
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-05 travis-pro-ci Calculate VAT in cents.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-05 travis-pro-ci DOCUMENT ALL THE THINGS!!!
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-05 travis-pro-ci Ignore an invoice when it's paid and the amount is 0.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-05 travis-pro-listener Bring back Rakefile and an empty spec.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-06 travis-assets Add more styles for forms in Travis Pro.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-06 travis-pro-ci Allow handling Stripe events without a customer.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-06 travis-pro-ci Allow updating the credit card token.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-06 travis-pro-ci Fix email when a charge failed.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-06 travis-pro-ci Fix specs.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-06 travis-pro-ci Log something when Stripe transfers money.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-06 travis-pro-ci Only add email if the user has one.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-06 travis-pro-ci Proper tests to update credit card token.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-06 travis-pro-ci Restore travis-assets.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-06 travis-pro-ci Simpleformify credit card form.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-06 travis-pro-ci Spit up the forms so they look nicer.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-06 travis-pro-ci Start porting forms to simple_form.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-06 travis-pro-ci Tag events for stripe in log output.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-06 travis-pro-ci Track discount.created event.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-06 travis-pro-ci WIP: Extract credit card details form.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-06 travis-pro-core Add plan to subscriptions.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-08 travis-pro-ci Add link to update cc details to reminder email.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-08 travis-pro-ci Display stored credit card details in a form.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-08 travis-pro-ci Remove debug.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-08 travis-pro-ci Remove scrivener forms.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-08 travis-pro-ci Revert to handling the charge.failed event.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-08 travis-pro-ci Split up credit card form nicer.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-09 Add support section.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-09 First stab at an FAQ section for Travis Pro.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-09 Fix URL to look nicer.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-09 Some minor updates to pro section.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-09 Update layouts to link to the travis pro article.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-09 travis-pro-ci Log a message when a charge fails so we can investigate.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-10 Add GA.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-10 travis-pro-ci Add google analytics.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-11 Clarify that organizations are now properly synchronized too.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-11 Update docs/user/
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-13 ADD MORE MEMES!
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-13 Add another nice picture.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-13 Add section outlining encrypting of data.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-13 Blergh. FIxed markdown and added date.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-13 Blog post describing pull request workflows on Travis.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-13 Fix styles!
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-13 Fix styles?
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-13 Layout
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-13 Minor updates.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-13 More layouts.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-13 Need to scrape the API to get the SSH keys.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-13 Rebuild plz?
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-13 Remove reference of my personal repo.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-14 travis-assets Add form stylesheets.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-14 travis-assets Rebuild assets.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-14 travis-assets WUT?
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-14 travis-pro-ci Make the Stripe tokens part of the configuration.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-14 travis-pro-ci Remove duplicate JavaScript includes.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-14 travis-pro-ci Start integration into new profile layout.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-17 Added example how to encrypt the deploy key.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-17 Fix code examples.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-17 Fix some code issues.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-17 Improve documentation on encrypting files.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-17 Minor addition.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-17 Update docs/user/
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-17 WAT!
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-17 travis-cookbooks Remove timeouts from the worker.yml.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-20 travis-pro-ci Add links to edit billing address and credit card.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-20 travis-pro-ci Change subscription tests to use new navigation.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-20 travis-pro-ci Delete plan model.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-20 travis-pro-ci Hide VAT field when not a VAT country.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-20 travis-pro-ci Lorem ipsum bundle dolor sit bundlet.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-20 travis-pro-ci Make it a tip.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-20 travis-pro-ci Move forms for billing and credit cards into tab layout.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-20 travis-pro-ci Remove fake plans from User/Organization.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-20 travis-pro-ci Remove references to /subscriptions listing.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-20 travis-pro-ci Reorder tabs in subscriptions view.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-20 travis-pro-core Add data_complete? method.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-20 travis-pro-core Add tests for subscribed? on Organization.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-20 travis-pro-core Rename plan to selected_plan on subscription.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-assets Add some minor updates for Pro.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci Add some tips to the credit card and address forms.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci Allow customer objects to be handled properly.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci Better validation for the credit card form.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci Fix URL for credit card submit.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci Fix fields for Stripe.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci Fix redirect URL after updating account data.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci Fix redirect when updating subscription.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci Hard-code the plan used for Stripe for now.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci Ignore empty charges with the right event attributes.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci Ignore empty invoice.payment_succeeded events.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci It's address2, lol.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci Log fully stacktrace for now.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci Make sure a current user is available.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci Only show account tab when billing is enabled.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci Show the right account data in the right circumstances.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci Subscription should be fetchable by both customer and id attribute.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-ci Use current date for the credit card expiration month.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-core Add some convenience methods for the account page.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-21 travis-pro-core Use address? not street?
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-22 travis-ci Don't display empty account name strings.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-22 travis-ci Don't show empty name on page title too.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-22 travis-pro-ci Calculate VAT based on subtotal.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-22 travis-pro-ci Copy build status images over.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-22 travis-pro-ci Store the invoice id with the invoice item on Stripe.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-22 travis-pro-ci Store the plan amount.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-23 travis-core Don't barf logging metrics when query name is an array.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-23 travis-pro-ci Enabled threaded thin and threadsafe Rails.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-23 travis-pro-ci Let's try this with a persistence manager.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-23 travis-pro-ci Update the invoice object when a payment succeeded.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-24 travis-ci Fix broken locale setting.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-24 travis-ci Remove a spec's default rendering for the home page.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-24 travis-ci SEO-Friendlier title for Travis.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-24 travis-pro-ci Add a spec for build status images.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-24 travis-pro-ci Add support for coupon in the user interface.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-24 travis-pro-ci Ground work to validate coupons from the UI.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-27 A blog post full of awesome.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-27 travis-core Ensure that duplicate, private repositories aren't synced.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-27 travis-core Remove left-over debugging code.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-27 travis-pro-core Add a coupon accessor.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-29 travis-assets Fix tipsy to be less tipsy.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-29 travis-assets RECOMPILE ALL THE ASSETS!
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-29 travis-pro-ci Add a bigger plan.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-29 travis-pro-ci Disable form submiot for now.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-29 travis-pro-ci Don't hand over jQuery objects to Stripe.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-29 travis-pro-ci Make sure a plan is created when a discount is created.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-29 travis-pro-ci Remove explicit setting of Stripe's api key.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-29 travis-pro-ci Specify coupon when setting customer data in Stripe.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-29 travis-pro-ci Submit for again, yo.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-30 travis-pro-ci Add plans for staging and production.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-31 Add some links to other projects and pull requests.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-31 Delete old file.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-31 It's permalink.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-31 Minor updates.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-31 ZOMG FULL OF AWESOME!
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-31 travis-core Allow overwriting IRC in build configuration.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-31 travis-core Make IRC task aware of connection and nickserv passwords.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-31 travis-core Make the IRC client NickServ-aware.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-31 travis-core Only fetch additional options when config is a hash.
Mathias Meyer 2012-08-31 travis-core Temporary logging out put.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-01 travis-pro-ci Store the credit card details directly from Stripe response.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-03 travis-pro-ci Nicer tab navigation.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-03 travis-pro-ci Only transmit cc_token when it's changed.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-04 Minor update on time and the missed notifications.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-04 Rename file for the date.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-04 travis-pro-ci Initialize and add configuration for email.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-05 travis-pro-ci Add address to text email.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-05 travis-pro-ci Add roadie for the stylesheet email lulz.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-05 travis-pro-ci Boom, forgot the Gemfile.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-05 travis-pro-ci Improve address fields to be more human-readable.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-05 travis-pro-ci Improve footer styling.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-05 travis-pro-ci Minor invoice fixes.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-05 travis-pro-ci Remove footer tag and footer image.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-05 travis-pro-ci Store all Stripe events on our side.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-05 travis-pro-ci Update footer styling.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-05 travis-pro-core Add StripeEvent object to locally store Stripe events.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-05 travis-pro-core Add column for event_id.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-06 Add post-mortem for yesterday's log processing unavailability.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-06 Change created time.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-06 Correct description of previous behaviour.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-06 Corrections on previous and new behaviour.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-06 Smaller graph image.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-06 travis-pro-ci Add coupons for production.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-06 travis-pro-ci Extract Stripe event storage into a service.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-06 travis-pro-ci Internal testing coupon code.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-06 travis-pro-ci Only show billing and credit card tab when feature active.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-06 travis-pro-ci Store a description with the customer in Stripe.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-07 travis-assets Update forms to look better.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-07 travis-pro-ci Don't create invoice items for closed invoices.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-07 travis-pro-ci Extract VAT invoice item handling into service.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-07 travis-pro-ci Move over remaining checks to new invoice item service.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-07 travis-pro-ci Move some tabs to the right side of the profile page.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-07 travis-pro-ci Update forms for billing.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-10 travis-core Give admin permissions precendence.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-10 travis-pro-ci Create VAT item when creating the customer.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-10 travis-pro-ci Document StripeCustomerService.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-10 travis-pro-ci Fix email to properly include the percent off for a discount.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-10 travis-pro-ci Give the plans better names.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-10 travis-pro-ci Hide entire CC form when we don't have a token yet.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-10 travis-pro-ci Remove StripeCustomerCreatedProcessor.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-10 travisbot travisbot remind me in two days to bitchslap Josh.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-11 travis-pro-ci Add some nice spinners to the forms. Disable submit buttons.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-11 travis-pro-ci Disable submit buttons on submit.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-11 travis-pro-ci Show proper error messages in the CC form.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-11 travis-pro-core Add country to required fields.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-12 travis-pro-ci Add tests for calculating and showing the total amount.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-12 travis-pro-ci Allow selecting a plan.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-12 travis-pro-ci Calculate total on selected plan.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-12 travis-pro-ci Fix profile tab and tab order.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-12 travis-pro-ci Show total amount that you're purchasing.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 travis-assets Improve error styling for pro forms.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 Add layout.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 Post mortem for the PostgreSQL switch.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 Sven and Piotr, sitting in a tree.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci Clean up views, move styles to assets.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci Fix broken tests.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci Fix broken tests. Use new authentication API.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci Fix guard dependencies.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci Fix schema.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci Logging, logging everywhere!
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci Only create customer in Stripe when data is complete.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci Redirect to billing and credit card forms respectively.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci Show a nice message when billing details are missing.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci Update plan when updating credit card.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci Update travis-pro-core.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci s/Travis Pro/Travis CI/
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 travis-pro-core Add coupon field to subscription.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-13 travis-pro-core Fix spec.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-14 travis-assets Add vat validation script.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-14 travis-pro-ci Add VAT ID checks.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-14 travis-pro-ci Create invoice when it doesn't exist and a charge succeeded.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-14 travis-pro-ci Display error in credit card form if something fails.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-14 travis-pro-ci Return 404 when subscription can't be found.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-14 travis-pro-ci Show credit card errors and form if there was an error.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-14 travis-pro-ci Track customer updates.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-17 travis-pro-ci Enable submit button when coupon validation failed.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-17 travis-pro-ci Fix tags for logging.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-17 travis-pro-ci Include company name on invoices.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-17 travis-pro-ci Transfer plan when updating a Stripe customer.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-18 travis-pro-ci Align right-most tab with the right side of the tab bar.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 doco Add Stripe creds.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-assets Brush-ups for profile tabs.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci Add a 30% coupon code for friends.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci Add another 99% coupon code.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci Add notice on what account/org a subscription is for.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci Debugging for the failing spec.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci Display Stripe errors in billing form.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci Don't resend coupon code when updating customer.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci Friends discount is 30%
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci Maybe this?
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci More debugging for failing test.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci More tags for the subscriptions controller.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci More verbose logging.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci Oh hey, maybe this?
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci Only allow users with admin rights to access billing.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci Or this.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci Or this?
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci Remove styles for tabs, now in travis-assets.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci Slightly cleaner view code. Just slightly.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci Switch VAT check to our own proxy app.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci let's try this.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-pro-ci this?
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-vat Initial commit. Vat proxy, yo.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-19 travis-vat Optional trailing slash.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-20 travis-pro-hub Timeout fix.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-20 travis-pro-hub abort_on_exception
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-21 travis-gatekeeper Initial commit.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-21 travis-gatekeeper My code is getting old enough to date and I'm mad about it!
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-22 travis-core Add feature flip for pull requests.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-24 Add another paragraph.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-24 Add bluebox link.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-24 Note on reenabling pull requests.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-24 Post mortem on the pull request fiasko.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-24 Small reflection on external APIs, and love from the Travis team.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-24 YAML, you so cray!
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-24 travis-gatekeeper Add Hyneman and Calrissian.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-25 travis-crowd Add a sender email for Devise.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-25 travis-crowd Use proper address for emails
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-26 doco Add hacks, in case something like this comes up again on customer support.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-26 doco Add more hacks and symptoms.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-26 travis-pro-ci Add note when someone signs up their personal account.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-27 Blog post on HipChat notifications.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-27 Fix date.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-27 Fix title.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-27 travis-pro-ci Add more coupons.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-28 travis-pro-ci Added new beta coupon code.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-28 travis-pro-ci Fix coupon code.
Mathias Meyer 2012-09-28 travis-pro-ci Show billing tabs in profile for new users.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-01 travis-pro-ci Add more coupons.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-01 travis-pro-ci MAKE THE ACCOUNT PURCHASE INFO BIGGER!
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-02 travis-pro-ci Add customer's vat id to the invoice.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-02 travis-vat Strip whitespace from VAT ID.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-03 travis-pro-ci Don't barf on empty VAT ids.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-05 travis-pro-ci Add coupon for t3n conference.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-05 travis-pro-ci Change "Card Holder" to "Name on Card".
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-05 travis-pro-ci Make it clear that prices are per month.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-07 travis-crowd Add fiksu.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-07 travis-crowd Add fiksu.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-08 travis-crowd Add fiksu blurb.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-08 travis-pro-ci Allow overwriting the billing email for invoices.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-08 travis-pro-ci Store subscription with the invoice.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-09 travis-pro-ci Fix broken specs.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-09 travis-pro-ci Use created_at for invoice date.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-10 travis-pro-ci Add Finland to VAT countries.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-10 travis-pro-ci Add support to feature-flip plans.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-10 travis-pro-core Add Finland to the list of VAT countries.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-11 doco First draft of a security policy.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-11 travis-pro-ci Add our VATID as a placeholder.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-12 travis-pro-ci Update amqp config for staging.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-12 travis-pro-hub Update amqp for staging.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-12 travis-pro-listener Update amqp config for staging.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-12 travis-pro-logs Update amqp for staging.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-14 travis-pro-ci Lock raindrops to 0.7.0
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-14 travis-pro-ci Pin nokogiri
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-14 travis-pro-ci Update amqp config for production.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-14 travis-pro-hub Update amqp config for production.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-14 travis-pro-listener Empty
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-14 travis-pro-listener Update amqp config for production.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-14 travis-pro-logs Update amqp config for production.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-15 travis-cookbooks Allow downloading a custom box.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-15 travis-pro-ci Log errors from Stripe on form submit.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-15 travis-pro-ci Make billing email configurable.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-15 travis-pro-ci Show a banner on invoice emails when not on production.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-15 travis-pro-ci We're in beta!
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-15 travis-worker Allow specifying download URL for travis:vms:download task.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-17 travis-pro-ci Add new friends coupon, remove expired coupons.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-19 travis-logs Bring back metrics and all.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-19 travis-logs Changed Thread activeCount code.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-19 travis-logs Disable NewRelic.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-19 travis-logs Disable notifications.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-19 travis-logs Enable ActiveRecord metrics tracking.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-19 travis-logs Log Thread count.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-19 travis-logs Move metrics set up to Travis::Logs.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-19 travis-logs Remove ruby directive for now.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-19 travis-logs Use binstub for thor.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-19 travis-pro-logs Make it 6 shards
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-22 Remove duplicate sentence.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-22 The Piotr post.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-22 Update URL.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-22 Update time.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-24 Minor updates.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-24 More graphs!
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-24 New blog post on metrics.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-24 YAML fix.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-25 Add D for Benedikt.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-25 Fix file name.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-25 Our plans.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-25 travis-pro-ci Add embernyc coupon code.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-25 travis-pro-ci Add feature flip.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-26 Fixed a mixed-up quote.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-26 travis-crowd Add yourkit.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-29 travis-pro-logs Update AMQP config.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-30 travis-pro-hub Update config for amqp.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-31 doco Update
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-31 travis-core Add retries for fetching the config.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-31 travis-core Be more verbose about why requests are not accepted or approved.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-31 travis-gatekeeper Add error reporting through Sentry.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-31 travis-gatekeeper Add first worker for sidekiq.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-31 travis-gatekeeper Add worker skeletons for sidekiq.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-31 travis-gatekeeper Intermediate commit before reworking things.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-31 travis-gatekeeper Remove favorite movie characters.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-31 travis-gatekeeper Remove thor files.
Mathias Meyer 2012-10-31 travis-gatekeeper Switch to sidekiq-pro, use better names for workers.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-01 travis-ci Support user sync via Sidekiq.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-01 travis-gatekeeper Add a metriks middleware.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-01 travis-gatekeeper Add config.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-01 travis-gatekeeper Hook up Sentry's raven library.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-01 travis-gatekeeper Move workers code to travis-sidekiqs.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-01 travis-gatekeeper Pull in Sentry DSN from the config.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-01 travis-pro-ci Add a love campaign coupon.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-01 travis-pro-ci Add new beta coupon code.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-01 travis-pro-ci Fix email when charge was declined.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-02 travis-ci Configure sidekiq.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-02 travis-ci Reraise error when sync failed.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-02 travis-ci Use user_id only when triggering Sidekiq.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-02 travis-core Log the github commit URL for status updates.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-02 travis-gatekeeper Add database configuration.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-02 travis-gatekeeper Add sentry to staging configuration.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-02 travis-gatekeeper Concurrency is 1.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-02 travis-gatekeeper Remove debug.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-02 travis-gatekeeper Ruby 1.9.3
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-02 travis-gatekeeper SET UP ALL THE THINGS!
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-02 travis-gatekeeper Set concurrency to 1 for now.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-02 travis-gatekeeper Spice up the metriks a bit more.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-02 travis-gatekeeper Use ENV when booting sidekiq.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-02 travis-gatekeeper Use environment specific configurations for Sidekiq.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-02 travis-gatekeeper Use namespace.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-02 travis-gatekeeper s/Notifications/Notification/
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-02 travis-web It's free and hosted, not distributed!
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-05 travis-ci Add logging.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-05 travis-ci Allow flipping Sidekiq sync for single users.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-05 travis-core Require nil.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-05 travis-core Support sync via Sidekiq.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-05 travis-core require 'world'
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-05 travis-gatekeeper Add sentry config for production.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-05 travis-gatekeeper Remove garbage.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-05 travis-gatekeeper Start dispatcher actor.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-05 travis-gatekeeper Update taging database config.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-05 travis-lint Lint the build matrix' allowed failures.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-07 travis-api Set up Sidekiq properly.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-07 travis-api Set up sidekiq.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-07 travis-api Switch to sentry for exceptions.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-07 travis-api require 'raven'
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-07 travis-core Add some logging, on par with the Rails app.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-07 travis-core Bubble sync errors up to the caller.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-07 travis-gatekeeper Set up
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-07 travis-listener Add sentry error tracking.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-07 travis-listener Allow sending build requests through sidekiq.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-07 travis-listener Don't rescue, let it crash.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-07 travis-listener Have to overwrite the Publisher class to get this working.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-07 travis-listener Use proper redis instance.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-08 travis-api Add metriks.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-08 travis-api Hook up activerecord metrics log subscriber.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-08 travis-gatekeeper Require receive service explicitly for now.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-08 travis-gatekeeper Update redis config for staging.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-08 travis-listener Logging.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-09 travis-gatekeeper Add multi_json.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-09 travis-gatekeeper Dial down staging logging to info.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-09 travis-gatekeeper Enable pusher notifications.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-09 travis-gatekeeper JRuby.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-09 travis-gatekeeper Log Sentry dsn.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-09 travis-gatekeeper Register addons.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-09 travis-gatekeeper Remove errors middleware for now.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-09 travis-gatekeeper Set up environment for error dispatch.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-09 travis-gatekeeper Update sentry config.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-09 travis-listener s/features/feature/
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-11 travis-gatekeeper Disable sentry again.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-11 travis-gatekeeper Reenable sentry middleware.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-11 travis-gatekeeper Setup custom log formatter without timestamp.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-12 lograge Fix for Rails 3.2.9 changes.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-12 lograge Fix tests.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-12 Add a JavaScript-generated TOC to some pages.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-12 Add link to notifications page.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-12 Break out notifications into separate page.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-12 Deprecate API.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-12 It's Opscode.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-12 Link to new API. document more environment variables.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-12 The API by The Konstantin.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-12 travis-gatekeeper Add queue configurations.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-12 trvs Add ssh command for testing.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-12 trvs Starting off trvs
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-13 Update docs/user/
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-14 travis-pro-ci Fix database config.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-14 travis-pro-logs Update config for new database.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-16 travis-core Add an explicit save! for a request state change.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-16 travis-core Add some more logging post request handling.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-18 travis-gatekeeper Add gemspec.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-18 travis-gatekeeper Update database config.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-18 travis-pro-gatekeeper Add proper config for magnum.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-18 travis-pro-gatekeeper Initial add.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-18 travis-pro-gatekeeper Simpler setup for pro/gatekeeper.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-18 travis-pro-gatekeeper Update Gemfile.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-22 travis-gatekeeper Remove error dispatcher.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-22 travis-pro-api Switch redis on staging to openredis.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-22 travis-pro-gatekeeper Add configuration for Sentry.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-22 travis-pro-gatekeeper Switch to openredis for staging.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-22 travis-pro-gatekeeper Update config for redisgreen.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-22 travis-pro-gatekeeper Update sidekiqs.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-22 travis-pro-gatekeeper Update travis-gatekeeper.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-22 travis-pro-gatekeeper Updated travis-gatekeeper.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-22 travis-pro-listener Add Redis configs for staging/production.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-22 travis-pro-listener Add travis-sidekiqs.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-26 travis-pro-ci Clear deliveries in this test too.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-26 travis-pro-ci Clear mailer deliveries for test runs.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-26 travis-pro-ci Stupid time zones..
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-26 travis-pro-ci Use subscription period end to determine subscription validity.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-26 travis-pro-web Better title. It's the commercial version, after all.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-27 travis-pro-api Log level info.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-28 Blog post on speeding up tests w/ build matrix.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-28 What is the Matrix?
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-28 travisbot Remove this annoying auto-imaging stuff.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-29 COFFEE HOURS!
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-29 Fix date. Add the actual date to the times.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-29 travis-pro-api The Queue Continuum.
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-29 travis-pro-web Make test even nicer!
Mathias Meyer 2012-11-29 travis-pro-web Spice up the text on the welcome page a bit.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-04 travis-pro-hub One build for millmobile and codeswamp.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-05 travis-api Use unicorn.rb config, sans prefork for now.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-05 travis-gatekeeper Fix sidekiqs ref.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-05 travis-listener Require Sidekiq, because raven needs it.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-05 travis-pro-api Configure sentry.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-05 travis-pro-api Log level info on staging.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-05 travis-pro-api Use unicorn.rb, sans preload.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-05 travis-pro-api Use unicorn.rb, this time for real.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-05 travis-pro-ci Add 10 builds plan (feature-flipped).
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-05 travis-pro-ci Rename feature flip to big-boy-plan.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-05 travis-pro-gatekeeper Listen on the right queues.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-06 Update wording/title.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-06 travis-pro-ci Add new coupon code.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-06 travis-pro-ci Use proper coupon code.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-06 travis-pro-gatekeeper Add hubble.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-06 travis-pro-gatekeeper Lock hubble
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-06 travis-pro-listener Add Sentry.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-08 travis-cookbooks Only download JRuby deb if missing.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-08 travis-pro-hub Enable tls in production.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-08 travis-pro-hub Use proper ssl port.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-08 travis-pro-logs Use SSL for hot_bunnies.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-09 travis-cookbooks Generate empty .zshrc.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-09 travis-pro-hub Use TLS.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-09 travis-pro-logs Switch to TLS.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-10 charmscout Add thin and Procfile.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-10 charmscout Disable protection.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-10 charmscout Headers.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-10 charmscout Increase timeouts to remove box.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-10 charmscout Increate timeouts.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-10 charmscout Initial commit.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-10 charmscout Return empty string.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-10 charmscout Set X-Frame-Options.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-10 charmscout Set a proper key and ignore posts without it.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-10 charmscout Use full URLs for assets.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-10 charmscout Use helpscout email as default.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-10 travis-pro-ci Change Charm to Helpscout endpoint.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-10 travis-pro-ci Use subscription details from invoice object.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-10 travis-pro-logs Dial down to 7 shards.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-10 travis-pro-web Add Charm endpoint.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-10 travis-pro-web COMPILE ALL THE THINGS!
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-10 travis-pro-web Change Charm endpoint.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-11 travis-pro-gatekeeper Disable scoped access.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-11 travis-pro-gatekeeper Lock pro-gatekeeper to pre-states branch.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-11 trvs Add completion output.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-11 trvs Add script to reset Hetzner boxes.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-11 trvs Shortcut to run a Heroku console.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-11 trvs Simple script to check if a worker responds to pings.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-12 travis-cookbooks Add ntp cookbook.
Mathias Meyer 2012-12-12 travis-pro-hub Katlean is five.
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-04 travis-core Attach information about pull-request to worker's API
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-04 travis-core Do not decrypt secure ENV vars for pull requests
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-04 travis-core Preserve env variables in an array
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-05 travis-build Set info ENV vars: TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST and TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-05 travis-core Move matrix_config into its own class
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-05 travis-core Refactor a few methods in Matrix::Config
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-07 travis-core Add obfuscated_config method to Build and Job
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-07 travis-core Allow to convert secure Hash with both symbol and string
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-07 travis-core Return obfuscated env vars in API
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-07 travis-support Add Travis::Helpers.obfuscate_env_vars
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-07 travis-support Freeze mocha in ~> 0.11.0, it breaks on 0.12.x
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-07 travis-worker Freeze mocha at ~> 0.11.0 to avoid error when running specs
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-07 travis-worker Use Travis::Helpers.obfuscate_env_vars to obfuscate env vars
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-09 travis-admin Add foreman and rake to Gemfile
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-09 travis-admin Added ember and json2
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-09 travis-admin Quick spike for displaying events
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-09 travis-ci Update travis-core
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-09 travis-ci Update travis-supprt
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-09 travis-worker Change the implementation of export_line to use FilteredString
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-09 travis-worker Update travis-build
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-11 travis-core Don't decrypt secure env vars when building matrix
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-11 travis-core Remove secure env vars from obfuscated config in pull requests
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-12 travis-core Ensure that env can be nil in decrypted and obfuscated config
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-12 travis-core Fix exclude config in matrix when it has nils inside
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-12 travis-core Remove unneeded config from matrix specs
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-12 travis-core Use obfuscated_config EVERYWHERE.
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-21 travis-admin Extend events viewer UI
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-23 travis-admin Expand event views to full window height
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-23 travis-admin Fix formatting of payload in EventDetailsView
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-23 travis-admin Handle case were repo is null in payload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-23 travis-admin Make filtering faster
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-23 travis-admin Open in new window button for payload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-23 travis-admin Prettify payload code
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-23 travis-admin Simple pause/resume functionality
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-27 travis-web Bundle update
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-27 travis-web Use collection instead of each
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-28 travis-web If Travis.endpoint is undefined, use empty string
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-28 travis-web Use jobs reltionship on build instead of filtering.
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-29 travis-worker Command passed to echoize does not need to be a string
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-30 travis-web Fix even more specs
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-30 travis-web Fix more specs
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-30 travis-web Fix pusher events and pusher related specs
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-30 travis-web More cleanup between tests to avoid Metamorph errors
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-30 travis-web Run second waitFor in runs() block
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-30 travis-web Specs fixing, allow to run 2 build related specs for now
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-30 travis-web Update ember and ember-data
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-31 travis-web Remove console.log entry
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-31 travis-web Use current host as an API
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-07-31 travis-web Use as default endpoint
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-01 travis-api Bring back travis-api.gemspec
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-01 travis-web Differentiate sortOrder for repos without lastBuildFinishedAt
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-07 travis-core Support new format of specifying env vars
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-08 travis-core Normalize config before saving it in Build
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-08 travis-web Fix automatic log append
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-09 travis-api Allow turning off Home::Endpoint
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-09 travis-web Fix Show More button
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-09 travis-web Load record from server when data comes from pusher for the 1st time
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-09 travis-web Lower interval for duration updates to 1s
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-09 travis-web Update build durations every 5s
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-10 travis-api Implement a few missing endpoints
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-10 travis-web Run API before ember's app
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-10 travis-web Update travis-api
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-12 travis-web Enable console reporter to make run_jasmine work
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-12 travis-web Fix specs and a bug that they've catched
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-12 travis-web Fix specs filtering
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-12 travis-web Remove getPath/setPath from NOTES, it's already fixed
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-14 Add documentation on new env possiblities
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-14 travis-cli Add .gitignore with Gemfile.lock
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-14 travis-cli Add encryption support to CLI
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-14 travis-cli Fix issue with keys for some of the repos
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-14 travis-cli Rename gem from travis-cli to travis
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-15 travis-build Add pull_request_number to Commit and add missing tests
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-15 travis-build Export TRAVIS_JOB_ID
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-15 travis-build Export TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-15 travis-core Add Commit#pull_request_number
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-15 travis-core Attach pull_request_number in worker's api
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-20 travis-core Check for is_a?(Array) instead of using Array()
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-20 travis-core Ignore nil values in config.env
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-08-20 travis-core Properly squash env if only global or matrix is present
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-14 travis-web Travis mostly works with new router
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-26 travis-web Add foreman and rerun to Gemfile
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-26 travis-web New ember version
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-26 travis-web Plug proper layouts and links on profile view
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-26 travis-web Remove initialStates from router
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-26 travis-web Try to defer sidebar loading a little bit
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-26 travis-web Update ember and ember-data
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-26 travis-web Update ember and get initialState back
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-26 travis-web Use history location
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-26 travis-web Use regular views in sidebar instead of outlets
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-27 travis-web Add rb-fsevent
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-27 travis-web Completely get rid of params
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-27 travis-web Don't load sponsors data twice
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-27 travis-web Make displaying build simpler
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-27 travis-web Queue log appending if record is not loaded yet
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-27 travis-web Recompile, commited application.js with conflicts
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-27 travis-web Removed too much bindings, this one is still needed
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-27 travis-web Rework some of the bindAttrs that can cause problems
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-27 travis-web Update ember
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-28 travis-web 'build_id' should be returned in build's params, not 'id'
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-28 travis-web Don't instantiate builds for repos list to not load them
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-28 travis-web Fix issues with store commit
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-28 travis-web Fix job links on queues list
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-28 travis-web Need to add record to the new transaction after saving it
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-28 travis-web Proper fix for last build link
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-09-28 travis-web Remove console.log
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-01 travis-web Fix job links on the sidebar
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-01 travis-web Update ember to version from drogus/ember.js
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-02 travis-web Fix show more button and make it disabled when loading
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-02 travis-web Revert 2ead1ff
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-08 travis-web Check if permissions exist before calling anything on them
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-08 travis-web Display Travis CI as box sponsor if there is not worker with given name
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-08 travis-web Show sponsor info under the log
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-08 travis-web Use Travis Pro in sponsors info
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-08 travis-web Worker still gets payload with repository
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-09 travis-web Do not send Last-Modified for index.html
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-09 travis-web Don't trigger state change on signin if already in authenticated state
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-09 travis-web Fix links to log line numbers
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-09 travis-web Fixed build links on worker's list
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-09 travis-web Forgot to add Travis.Location file
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-09 travis-web If there is no path, route to '/'
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-09 travis-web Kill typo :bomb:
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-09 travis-web Limit repos list to 30 items
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-09 travis-web Remove initialState properties from most of the routes
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-09 travis-web Revert changes in css
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-09 travis-web Use empty function instead of Ember.K
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-10 travis-web Buffer search phrase to fire only after 500ms of last key press
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-10 travis-web Close popups and menus when clicking outside of them
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-10 travis-web Fix back button
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-10 travis-web Initialize application in, fixes auth
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-10 travis-web Make sure that workers are correctly sorted
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-10 travis-web Reload page when locale for user changes, also cache it in cookie
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-10 travis-web Show message on stats page
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-10 travis-web Use localStorage instead of cookies
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-11 travis-api Fix PUT /users/:id and add integration test for it
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-11 travis-api Fix syncing and add integration test for it
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-11 travis-api Make sure that PUT /users/:id returns user hash
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-11 travis-core Don't return nil from update action
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-11 travis-core Fix typeo :scissors:
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-11 travis-core Return currnet user after updating it
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-11 travis-core Return true after queueing sync request
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-11 travis-web Actually fix profile view when reloading page - no need to redirect
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-12 travis-web Fix logs to always point to build or job view
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-12 travis-web Fix routing to build/job when object is already loaded
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-12 travis-web Fix some of the build links
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-12 travis-web Fix workers sorting, it should be done based on SortableMixin
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-12 travis-web Show all repos accessible by current user in 'My repositories'
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-12 travis-web We still return repository_id in build's payload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-13 travis-web Don't redirect user if we're already in state that's not auth
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-13 travis-web First spike of 'isComplete' functionality
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-15 travis-web Compile spec files
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-15 travis-web Fix specs
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-15 travis-web WIP
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-16 travis-web Fix bug with undefined loadedAttributes
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-16 travis-web Fix layout in firefox
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-16 travis-web Fix log scrolling issues on Firefox
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-16 travis-web Fix popup positioning and make sure popups always open properly
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-16 travis-web Fix specs and add missing spec file
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-16 travis-web Load incomplete records when trying to get unknown attribute
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-16 travis-web Make layout work for smaller resolutions
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-16 travis-web Make page nicer in smaller resolutions
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-16 travis-web Properly set token on user record (closes #25)
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-17 travis-api Use puma as a webserver
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-17 travis-core Fix builds?event_type=pull_request
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-18 travis-core Denormalize event_type
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-18 travis-web Move afterSignIn to auth Route
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-18 travis-web We don't have to transitionTo('root') here
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-19 travis-core Add allow_failure to job's payload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-19 travis-core Use builds.event_type to fetch builds
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-19 travis-web Fix spec.html serving
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-19 travis-web Update ember
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-20 travis-core Revert "Use builds.event_type to fetch builds"
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-20 travis-web Ember from drogus/ember.js at router-changes branch
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-20 travis-web Fix jobs table when jobs have different config keys
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-20 travis-web Fix scrolling to line numbers
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-20 travis-web Remove router hacks
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-21 travis-core Fix specs
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-21 travis-core Revert "Revert "Use builds.event_type to fetch builds""
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-21 travis-core There are no builds without event_type
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-21 travis-web Change log.isLoaded to view.job.log.isLoaded
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-21 travis-web Update ember.js
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-22 travis-core Add a bit more data to pusher
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-22 travis-core Add a bit more data to pusher
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-22 travis-web Do not trigger unnecessary reloads when locale *could* have changed
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-22 travis-web Fix errors with reload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-22 travis-web Fix incomplete implementation
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-22 travis-web Fix loading page with #L<line-number>
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-22 travis-web Fix scrolling issues for 'Follow logs'
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-22 travis-web Get back to old version of log number scrolling
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-23 travis-web Add minified app.js
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-23 travis-web Generate production version
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-23 travis-web Remove layout views, just change template on application
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-23 travis-web Set locale to 'en' by default
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-23 travis-web Use ENV.FORCE_JQUERY when building for production
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-24 travis-api Fix cache_control
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-24 travis-api Fix new relic
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-24 travis-core Add full payload for repository in pusher
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-24 travis-core Add state to job on worker's payload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-24 travis-core Fix obfuscated config when secure var is the only env var
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-24 travis-web Load worker related records from pusher payload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-24 travis-web Make sure that repo.slug is loaded for queue urls
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-25 travis-core Add state to job:created event
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-25 travis-core Attach job_ids to build:started event
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-26 travis-web Fix adding builds to a build list on pusher event
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-26 travis-web Fix adding builds to a build list on pusher event
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-27 travis-web BUILDPACKS!
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-27 travis-web Change buildpacks
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-27 travis-web Check also associations for incomplete records
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-27 travis-web Check also associations for incomplete records
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-27 travis-web Don't add repository on worker events if it already exists
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-27 travis-web Don't add repository on worker events if it already exists
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-27 travis-web Fix build link when updating builds through pusher
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-27 travis-web Fix build link when updating builds through pusher
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-27 travis-web Handle case where key on data needs Ember.set
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-27 travis-web Handle case where key on data needs Ember.set
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-27 travis-web Move rakep and dependencies out of development
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-27 travis-web is not always present in worker:updated event
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-27 travis-web is not always present in worker:updated event
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-28 travis-core Handle env vars, which are given as hashes
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-28 travis-web AssetFile -> Assetfile
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-28 travis-web Compile assets for production
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-29 travis-ci Github::Sync was moved to Github::Services::SyncUser
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-29 travis-core Add log id to job's payload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-29 travis-core Explicitly require GH
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-29 travis-core Remove unneeded autoload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-29 travis-core Remove unneeded autoload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-29 travis-core Travis::Github was moved to Services
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-29 travis-web Remove console.log entry
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-30 travis-core find -> run
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-30 travis-web Don't ignore assets directory when building slug
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-30 travis-web Ignore only top level assets directory
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-30 travis-web Keep assets dependencies in assets group in Gemfile
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-30 travis-web Needed to move part of incomplete impl. to store
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-30 travis-web Remove compiled scripts and styles from repo
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-30 travis-web Remove events tab for now
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-30 travis-web Remove public/version from git
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-30 travis-web Set encodings to UTF-8 when compiling assets
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-30 travis-web Use isComplete on build page to not show incomplete record
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-31 travis-core A few more changes in pusher API
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-31 travis-core Add commit id to build's payload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-31 travis-web Check if data is an object
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-31 travis-web Check if key is defined in incomplete checks
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-10-31 travis-web Don't require some of the attributes for incomplete records
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-01 travis-api Don't show backtraces on errors
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-01 travis-api No need to revalidate if resource is final
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-01 travis-api Use AR's ConnectionManagement before AR::QueryCache
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-01 travis-core Builds::FindOne should take other resources into account in updated_at
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-01 travis-web Update rake-pipeline
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-02 travis-core No need to attach finished_at and durtation on build:started
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-03 travis-web Fix hiccups with long log views
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-03 travis-web Optimize log viewer
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-04 travis-web Sort builds on builds/PRs/branches tabs
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-05 travis-api Move CORS middleware in front of the stack
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-05 travis-web Pass repo instead of slug in showJob
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-05 travis-web Revert "It's free and hosted, not distributed!"
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-05 travis-web leave display: -webkit-box for safari
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-06 travis-core Add also description to repository's payload for worker
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-06 travis-web Extend message on loaded models and fix undefined ke problem
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-06 travis-web Fix missing commit in UI on job:started event
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-06 travis-web Load commit from build:started event payload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-06 travis-web Remove console.log
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-06 travis-web We don't keep duration for jobs
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-06 travis-web We don't need to check isComplete now
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-06 travis-web startedAt attribute for job is not needed in created state
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-07 travis-api Add unicorn config
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-07 travis-api Use unicorn for now, we need to fix concurrency issues to use puma
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-07 travis-web Enable js testing on travis
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-07 travis-web Fix auth view for browsers with flex layout
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-07 travis-web Fix specs
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-07 travis-web Revert "Revert "It's free and hosted, not distributed!""
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-08 travis-api Update travis-core, which fixes PUT /hooks/:id
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-08 travis-api Use API v1 by default
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-08 travis-cli Change domain to
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-08 travis-cli Fix specs
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-08 travis-core Don't return nil from hooks service
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-08 travis-web Don't error out when the only response is result: true
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-08 travis-web Redirect /:owner/:name/builds.json to a proper api endpoint
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-10 travis-api Pass also travis token in /auth/post_message
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-10 travis-core Force save on builds finish event
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-10 travis-core Unify all urls: use https, don't use #!
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-10 travis-web Add some color to rspec
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-10 travis-web Disable JS testing on travis until I have time to fix it
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-10 travis-web Fix showMore
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-10 travis-web We should display travis token, not github one in profile
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-12 travis-api Fix updating github oauth token after signing in
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-12 travis-core Fix Builds::FindOne service when updated_at is missing
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-12 travis-web Compilation is needed in order to run specs
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-12 travis-web Redirect to old version of travis for mobile clients
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-13 travis-web Use Rack::Request#user_agent
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-14 travis-artifacts Initial commit
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-14 travis-artifacts Minimal working version
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-14 travis-core Revert "Force save on builds finish event"
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-15 travis-gatekeeper Update rbenv-version
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-15 travis-gatekeeper Use travis-core from debug branch
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-16 travis-artifacts Add executable
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-16 travis-artifacts Download config from API if --fetch-config
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-16 travis-artifacts Fix travis.yml
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-16 travis-artifacts Fix uploading directories with destination path given
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-16 travis-artifacts Gem should be called travis-artifacts
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-16 travis-gatekeeper Revert "Use travis-core from debug branch"
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-16 travis-gatekeeper Use travis-core from mm-save-request-forcefully
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-16 travis-web Remove console.log
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-16 travis-web Revert "Slugs are case insensitive now (closes #51)"
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-16 travis-web Slugs are case insensitive now (closes #51)
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-16 travis-web Update Ember.js from drogus/ember.js and fix routes
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-17 travis-api Check if third party cookies are enabled to choose login method
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-17 travis-web Add google analytics
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-17 travis-web Debug info on auth
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-18 travis-api Popup should be open only if thirdPartyCookies are disabled
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-18 travis-api Remove actions for cookie check, we don't use them anymore
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-18 travis-api Use document.createElement('iframe') instad of document.write
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-18 travis-api Use for cookie check
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-18 travis-web Add history.state hacks for browsers not supporting it
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-18 travis-web Update Ember with history location fix from my fork
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-19 travis-build Add a few more TRAVIS env vars
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-19 travis-build Add more TRAVIS_COMMIT and TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE env vars
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-19 travis-core Add #range method to Commit
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-19 travis-core Add build to worker payload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-19 travis-core Add commit_range to worker payload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-20 travis-artifacts Add gemspec
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-20 travis-artifacts Add some logging
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-20 travis-artifacts Create log directory if it doesn't exist
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-20 travis-artifacts Ignore log dir
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-20 travis-artifacts Make destination path usable
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-20 travis-build Add after_test hook, which runs after all the other hooks
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-20 travis-gatekeeper Use Travis::Reporter for errors
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-21 travis-core Revert "Add build to worker payload"
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-21 travis-web Refresh accounts list after sync (closes #55)
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-22 travis-artifacts Add more config alternatives
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-23 travis-artifacts Allow to change prefix to save files
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-23 travis-cli Allow to pass host to encrypt, use new API
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-23 travis-cli Fix specs
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-23 travis-core Add public key to repo in the API
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-23 travis-logs Update signature
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-24 travis-api Add last-commit-sha-buildpack
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-24 travis-api Add prefix for Rack::Cache
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-25 travis-core Add find_repo_key service for getting repository's ssl key
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-25 travis-core Apply timeline scope on repos only if no other params given
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-25 travis-core Revert "Add public key to repo in the API"
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-26 travis-api Add endpoint for getting repo public key
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-26 travis-api Include Services::Helpers in console
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-26 travis-build Don't fail if payload.source is not given
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-26 travis-build Make workers code backwards compatible again
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-26 travis-cli Use new endpoint for keys
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-26 travis-core Attach build's data to worker's payload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-26 travis-core Fix 3ebe410, conditional should be opposite
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-26 travis-core Show only 'active' repos for search and owner/member
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-27 travis-core Add a repository_slug to jobs payload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-27 travis-web Don't require loading repos when dislaying queues and workers
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-28 travis-core Add repository slug to job:created event
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-28 travis-web Do not refresh entire LimitedArray if there is not such need
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-28 travis-web Don't allow to change hook's state while it's saving
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-28 travis-web Expand all jobs from queue on one click
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-28 travis-web Fix Travis.Job.queued to update after receiving new jobs
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-28 travis-web Fix parse error on "done" response from the API
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-28 travis-web Reload hooks after sync
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-28 travis-web Show only first 15 elements from each queue for now
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-28 travis-web Slightly better implementation of showAll for jobs in queues
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-28 travis-web Start polling only after sync request was done
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-29 travis-artifacts Add default target_path
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-29 travis-artifacts Change naming of methods in uploader
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-29 travis-artifacts Don't expose request data in excon errors
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-29 travis-artifacts Don't use config parser for now
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-29 travis-artifacts Few more things in gemspec needed
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-29 travis-artifacts Fill gemspec with more info
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-29 travis-artifacts Fixes for ruby 1.8.7
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-29 travis-artifacts Test more rubies
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-30 travis-artifacts Forgot to change also this place
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-30 travis-artifacts Left it accidentaly
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-30 travis-artifacts Retry only 2 times
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-30 travis-core Add pusher messages metric
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-30 travis-core Don't attach event_type to instrumentation
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-30 travis-core Handle multiple lines correctly in log
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-30 travis-core Limit pusher messages for logs to 9kB
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-11-30 travis-web Swallow ansi control sequences, which we don't support
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-02 travis-web Show 'compiler' in Config and in matrix
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-03 travis-api Add endpoints for key regeneration
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-03 travis-core Bring back commit_range in worker's payload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-03 travis-core Implement regenerate_repo_key service which regenerates ssl key
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-03 travis-core Implement regenerate_repo_key service which regenerates ssl key
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-03 travis-core Revert "Implement regenerate_repo_key service which regenerates ssl key"
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-03 travis-web Add regenerate key option in repo view
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-04 travis-build Change after_script behavior
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-04 Add blog post announcing the change of after_script behavior
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-04 Docs on encryption keys
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-05 travis-web Fix initial setting in logs - it should be set to null after 1st line
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-05 travis-web Fix small problem with duplicated first log line
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-05 travis-web Make rendering long logs faster when rendering huge chunks at once
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-05 travis-web Open fold if folded command returns an error
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-05 travis-web Rerender log 'pre' on requeue
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-05 travis-web Reset log manager on log rerender
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-06 Add proper links to ssl keys blog post
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-06 Blog post on ssl keys security issue
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-06 Rework the ssl post
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-06 travis-web Fix log tailing
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-08 travis-support Don't let call default to_json and as_json functions on AR records
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-08 travis-support Make additional arguments in Instrumentation.meter optional
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-08 travis-web Quick hack for </span> landing in the wrong place in logs
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-09 travis-api Fix whitelist auth check for localhost
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-10 travis-core Don't attach full matrix to build:started pusher payload
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-10 travis-support Revert "Don't let call default to_json and as_json functions on AR records"
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-10 travis-web Don't automatically sign in if there is no token available
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-10 travis-web Don't error out if capitilize helper gets null as an argument
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-10 travis-web Fix isAttributeLoaded checks
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-10 travis-web Fix storing token when doing auto sign in
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-10 travis-web Kill typo :bomb:
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-10 travis-web Make the app work with disabled cookies
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-10 travis-web Revert "Don't automatically sign in if there is no token available"
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-11 travis-web Allow to change the place of insertion for limited array
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-11 travis-web It's matrix[allow_failures]... doh!
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-11 travis-web List also RVM in allow failures section
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-11 travis-web No need to download phantomjs, 1.7.0 is available already
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-11 travis-web Properly hide 'show more job' link in the queues
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-11 travis-web Remove console.log
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-11 travis-web Run spec and web tests separately and allow web to fail
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-11 travis-web Update locales
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-11 travis-web Use bash for script/ci
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-11 travis-web Use contentArrayWillChange for deleting records from LimitedArray
Piotr Sarnacki 2012-12-12 travis-core Use https instead of git protocol for gists
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-02 travis-crowd fix order form js, fake stripe_customer_id param so we can validate it on the order
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-02 travis-crowd move stripe_customer_id to User and make sure we don't create customers twice
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-02 travis-crowd rename subscriptions to orders and make it polymorphic
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-03 travis-crowd form styling
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-03 travis-crowd port design, sassily css
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-04 travis-crowd abstract settings for heroku, can use travis-cli for configuring and deploying to heroku now
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-04 travis-crowd add a results box
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-04 travis-crowd add dynamic counts to the results box
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-04 travis-crowd add postgres for heroku
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-04 travis-crowd add subscriptions to ui, add sounds to rails core
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-04 travis-crowd display donators dynamically
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-04 travis-crowd fix config settings and a few styles
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-04 travis-crowd fix config settings and a few styles
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-04 travis-crowd remove sqlite
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-05 travis-crowd remove omniauth
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-05 travis-crowd split monster home view and css files and hamlfy the views
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-05 travis-crowd tableize donators list
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-06 travis-crowd actually, let's just use the placeholder browser feature
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-06 travis-crowd add Function.prototype.bind for Safari and friends
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-06 travis-crowd add a note about the kind and amount of package ordered, add a spinner and message telling about what's happening (validating credit card vs submitting form), fix confirmation message for displaying stuff (vs anonymous listings)
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-06 travis-crowd add the cardholder's name to credit card fields, auto-fill name fields from the first name field
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-06 travis-crowd default twitter_handle to '@' and url to 'http://' in the order creation form
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-06 travis-crowd fix github and twitter links
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-06 travis-crowd fix redirect in #guard_duplicate_subscription
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-06 travis-crowd fix styling of the logo so that not the whole header whitespace is a link
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-06 travis-crowd fix submitting the order creation form when no credit card token creation is required
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-06 travis-crowd hamlfy footer, add a "submit feedback" form, which doesn't work visually, so commented out
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-06 travis-crowd make subscription prices dyncamic
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-06 travis-crowd make sure we display validation errors inline
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-06 travis-crowd style flashes, hamlfy the layout
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-06 travis-crowd use instead of params[:package] so the param is not lost when redisplaying the form
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-07 travis-crowd add a rake task to create subscriptions on stripe
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-07 travis-crowd add inline editing to the profile/contact section
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-07 travis-crowd add our bank account
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-07 travis-crowd be able to cancel subscriptions and re-subscribe
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-07 travis-crowd clean up
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-07 travis-crowd clean up
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-07 travis-crowd don't load testimonials and donations unless there's an element to fill them in
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-07 travis-crowd fix cucumber features
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-08 travis-crowd have a nicer duplicate subscription warning (add an extra view for this)
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-09 travis-crowd Make the (hidden) companies packages section more obvious by describing it and adding another link to open it
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-09 travis-crowd Make the subscription option more obvious by describing it.
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-09 travis-crowd add a private message to orders and make address fields required for companies
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-09 travis-crowd add an order confirmation page with a nyan cat :)
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-09 travis-crowd add email to user json so that the inplace editing for the user works
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-09 travis-crowd fix nyan cat
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-09 travis-crowd fix the build artifacts feature icon
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-09 travis-crowd make "signed in" status more obvious
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-09 travis-crowd mark required fields as required visually
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-09 travis-crowd moar testimonials, can't get a reasonable styling for the scrollbars working though
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-10 travis-crowd actually send the confirmation email
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-10 travis-crowd add an order confirmation mailer
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-10 travis-crowd display stats for each package
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-10 travis-crowd fix order form label css
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-10 travis-crowd include users to donators.json
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-10 travis-crowd make sure the package tag and subscription icon in the donators list do not wrap
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-10 travis-crowd rails now adds "not null" to timestamps
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-10 travis-crowd upgrade to rails 3.2.0.rc2, use the country-select gem
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-10 travis-crowd use current rails 3-2-stable
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-12 travis-crowd add konstantin to the faq
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-12 travis-crowd finish up the order confirmation email, remove "big" and "huge" subscriptions
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-12 travis-crowd style and complete the order confirmation email
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-13 travis-crowd fix the height for order form inputs
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd Add Travis CI pro footnote to "medium" packages
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd English language-style thousand separators
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd abstract the js pagination and reuse it on the testimonials. this also allows us to add a lot more people and thus allows us to make the page more gender balanced
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd add a footnote about "don't have a credit card" to the form and link to the FAQ
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd add a footnote that explains what Travis pro is, also use markdown for the previous footnote
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd add a simple js based pagination to the donors list (will show 15 people at once)
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd add a simple js based pagination to the donors list (will show 20 people at once)
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd add an FAQ entry about VAT and tax deduction
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd add facebook-like script, move twitter script to the bottom
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd add ids to faq headings, add an entry "i do not have a credit card"
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd change "cancel" to "return to home"
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd change "thanks guys" to "thanks folks"
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd change the switch label text to "One payment"
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd change wording on rails core sidenote
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd don't hide the pagination if we're "showing all"
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd explain how we deal with credit card data (we don't) and add a footnote about required fields
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd fix evan's quote ("loose" -> "lose")
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd have a hand cursor on rails-core heads
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd hide pagination if we only have one page
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd improve the pagination
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd make more clear what the money goes to, make more clear that we've got a company behind this
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd perk up the "Future Plans" bit (peter)
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd replace two more "guys" with "folks"
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd slightly reduce the contrast on blurb colors
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd un-comment the google+ and facebook social links
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-14 travis-crowd use "donor" instead of "donator"
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-15 travis-crowd Update quote from @modetojoy
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-15 travis-crowd add @steveklabnik to the pairing volunteers list
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-15 travis-crowd add elise to the testimonials
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-15 travis-crowd add testimonials from @clnclarinet and @LindseyB. already looks much better. maybe we should randomize the list at some point
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-15 travis-crowd display 4 silver sponsors at once
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-16 travis-crowd add Konstantin to pairing and office visits
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-16 travis-crowd add a postmark initializer
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-16 travis-crowd add postmark-rails
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-16 travis-crowd add sarahmei's avatar
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-16 travis-crowd adjust physical image sizes for testimonial avatars
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-16 travis-crowd comment out sending the order confirmation email.
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-16 travis-crowd fix styles for subscription packages
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-17 travis-crowd actually, send order confirmation emails again
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-17 travis-crowd rename OrdersMailer to OrderMailer (according to the rails convention) and remove attachments (as we now base64 encode them)
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-17 travis-crowd try debugging postmark settings
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-17 travis-crowd try setting postmark config to ActionMailer::Base directly
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-17 travis-crowd try using base64 encoded images instead of b0rked inline attachments
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-17 travis-crowd try using smtp as a delivery method because, the postmark method doesn't support inline attachments
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-17 travis-crowd update sarah's testimonial, link projects mentioned in the blurb, reorder features according to jeff's suggestions
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-18 travis-ci add static sopa overlay page
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-18 travis-crowd add a sponsor plans page
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-18 travis-crowd fix "thank you companies" section styles
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-18 travis-crowd link the company packages page
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-18 travis-crowd make the cursor a "pointer" on the switch
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-18 travis-crowd rename the company sponsors default link label "How do I sponsor?"
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-18 travis-crowd rename the label to "Single Payment"
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-18 travis-crowd rename views/orders_mailer to views/order_mailer, monkey patch Roadie::Inliner, include raphaela's testimonial
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-18 travis-crowd revert packages order (expensive first)
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-19 travis-crowd Inline the first part of the credit card footnote to the form
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-19 travis-crowd add an imprint
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-19 travis-crowd fix raphaela's testimonial
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-19 travis-crowd link the imprint
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-19 travis-crowd load fonts locally
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-19 travis-crowd re-add the social links
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-19 travis-crowd remove the user email from the publicly visible json
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-19 travis-crowd revert fb8750fb4412b157321d41478c8a1c0ef3da2e7b, doesn't seem to be the problem
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-19 travis-crowd set viewport according to tatze's advice
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-19 travis-crowd temporarily remove social links for ipad/safari debugging
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-19 travis-crowd try replacing header tags with just divs according to tatze's advice
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-19 travis-crowd try using a viewport meta tag for ios
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-19 travis-crowd wording on sponsor plans page
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-20 travis-crowd add a ringtones page
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-20 travis-crowd add rebecca's testimonial (still need to randomize these)
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-20 travis-crowd add the actual ringtones and sounds widgets to the ringtones page
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-20 travis-crowd decrease the contrast on the draft background
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-20 travis-crowd optimize some margins on the order form and add a more detailled explanation about the comments fields
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-20 travis-crowd update build/repo statistics
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-20 travis-crowd update rebecca's testimonial
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-21 travis-crowd add renée's testimonial
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-21 travis-crowd add snippets to ringtones (have to kill the experiments set for this)
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-21 travis-crowd protect production with http password
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-21 travis-crowd style the sign-in form
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-build get rid of these monster namespaces here
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-build pass the worker name as part of the job:test:started payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-ci add a sponsor message below the test log
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-ci add the sponsor line to build/show, too (for non-matrix builds) and depend on the to be present
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-ci add the sponsor line to build/show, too (for non-matrix builds) and depend on the to be present
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-ci add worker and sponsor to the job:test json payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-ci do not escape the sponsor link
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-ci do not escape the sponsor link
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-ci remove old spec_fast task
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-ci remove sponsor messages from logs, use proper worker names in forged logs
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-ci revert hack to Log.escapeHtml
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-ci stop rake db:seed from pushing notifications to Worker and Pusher [ci skip]
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-core actually set the worker from the event payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-core don't prepend the sponsor to the log, instead add it to the json api and job:started payloads
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-core prepend a sponsor message to test logs
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-crowd improve the sponsors page
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-crowd initial version of a sponsors page
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-22 travis-support update hot_bunnies ref
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-23 travis-crowd "previous" package is now "next" package
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-23 travis-crowd adapt (most of) josh's changes to the company packages
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-23 travis-crowd fix "spots"
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-23 travis-crowd more changes to the company packages
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-24 travis-crowd add a nano plan
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-24 travis-crowd add another link to the company packages page
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-24 travis-crowd add footnotes to twitter and conference features
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-24 travis-crowd move Pusher setup to an initializer (@rkh)
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-24 travis-crowd syntax error in 1.9.2 that is fixed in 1.9.3?
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-25 travis-crowd add @brixen and @evanphx to our pair programming volunteers, w00t w00t :)
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-25 travis-crowd add script/followers.rb to determine the number unique followers between given accounts
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-25 travis-crowd add wireframes, fix banner sizes
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-25 travis-crowd add wooga, yessssss :)
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-25 travis-crowd apply sizes for silver sponsors to the "thanks companies" section on the home page
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-25 travis-crowd fix the @travisci link
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-25 travis-crowd link twitter accounts and mention the number of total unique followers
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-25 travis-crowd move the github ribbon out of the header, for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-26 travis-crowd add cobotme and link banners
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-26 travis-crowd add placeholder banners and zendesk
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-26 travis-crowd add the cobotme banner
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-26 travis-crowd fix "huge" package to say "but with $200 credit"
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-26 travis-crowd fix disabled order form actions style
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-26 travis-crowd fix flash positioning
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-26 travis-crowd fix nyancat audio button
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-26 travis-crowd send order confirmations to as bcc
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-26 travis-crowd try simplifying layout/css in order to speed things up and fix on snowy/safari
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-26 travis-crowd update the engineyard logo
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-27 travis-crowd add jumpstartlab, yay! :)
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-27 travis-crowd add parrot to the blurb
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-27 travis-crowd add soundcloud as a gold sponsor, yay!
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-27 travis-crowd add sponsors to the /sponsors page
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-27 travis-crowd fix parndt's testimonial json
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-27 travis-crowd foo
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-27 travis-crowd one more sentence about jumpstartlab
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-28 travis-crowd add social links to the order confirmation page
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-28 travis-crowd make sponsors list dynamic, feed from a static /sponsors.json, add pagination
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-28 travis-crowd order playlists
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-28 travis-crowd prettify the profile/ringtones page and add a local player
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-28 travis-crowd specify that build notifications have text ads for platinum and gold
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-28 travis-crowd try using https for the soundcloud player
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-28 travis-crowd use document.ready shortcuts
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-28 travis-crowd whoops. resurrect social links
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-31 travis-crowd add evilmartians silver package :)
Sven Fuchs 2012-01-31 travis-crowd it's url, not href
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-03 travis-crowd add nedap
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-03 travis-crowd update nedap sponsorship
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-03 travis-crowd update nedap sponsorship
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-06 travis-crowd add basho as a silver sponsor
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-06 travis-crowd add stripe to silver sponsors
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-06 travis-crowd add the stripe stamp to the payment confirmation email
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-06 travis-crowd add thinkrelevance
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-06 travis-crowd add wooga 205x130 banner
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-06 travis-crowd fix nyan cat css
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-07 travis-crowd add mathias as a volunteer
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-07 travis-crowd add mathias to the company
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-07 travis-crowd add mindmatters as a silver sponsor
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-07 travis-crowd add mongohq as a gold sponsor
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-07 travis-crowd add note about railslove helping us
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-07 travis-crowd add twitter links for railslove guys
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-07 travis-crowd adjust stamp position
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-07 travis-crowd don't set the company flag just yet. somehow breaks on staging
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-07 travis-crowd fix typo in xavier's name
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-07 travis-crowd forgot to add text for the mongohq gold ad
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-07 travis-crowd set company flag for users
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-07 travis-crowd update Gemfile.lock
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-07 travis-crowd update stripe badge
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-07 travis-crowd yay, add bendyworks as platinum sponsors
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-08 travis-crowd add cloud control, zweitag, kanbanery and amen. yay :)
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-08 travis-crowd add ticket evolution
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-08 travis-crowd make Lunar Logic Polska a link
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-08 travis-crowd update the kanbanery logo
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-09 travis-crowd add site5 as a silver sponsor
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-09 travis-crowd add xing as our last platinum sponsor (yay!!)
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-09 travis-crowd fix kanbanery text
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-10 travis-ci implement crowd funding sponsors display/rotation
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-10 travis-ci shorten evilmartians sponsor text, reuse Array.shuffle, run the sponsors decks
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-10 travis-crowd add relevance sponsor text
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-11 doco Update
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-13 travis-core Hashr is broken on Jruby 1.8 mode when the given key is an empty string (crashes with "interning empty string")
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-13 travis-core fix factory syntax
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-13 travis-core fix mail recipient matcher
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-13 travis-core move sponsors to config/travis.hub.yml, redesign build notification email, commit email template with inlined css (use script/premailer.rb) and add sponsors to the notification email
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-13 travis-core try fixing failing specs on jruby by reseting Travis.config
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-13 travis-crowd update mindmatters logo and text
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-14 travis-ci fix css for wrench icon dropdown
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-14 travis-ci for the status image helper window use a wrench icon instead of the actual status image (we already display the repo status twice, so this seems to be too much). can reuse that wrench icon/handle for other things in future
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-14 travis-ci remove stale email templates
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-14 travis-ci set action_mailer to use smtp on 1025 (that's mailcatcher) in development
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-15 travis-ci update the cobot sponsors text
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-15 travis-core add remaining sponsors logos (maybe these should be in travis-hub or even travis-sponsors instead)
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-15 travis-core mention node.js in the build notification email
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-15 travis-core need expand the given path locally to the gem. also, don't try to read a non-existing file
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-15 travis-core rande: it is not Symfonie but Symfony
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-15 travis-crowd add site5 sponsors text
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-16 travis-ci centralize sponsors images on
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-16 travis-ci centralize sponsors images on (from travis-core)
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-16 travis-core de-inline images, use external links instead
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-16 travis-core ok, shall we use erb syntax?
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-16 travis-crowd add a list of ads sizes in various places
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-16 travis-crowd centralize sponsors images in
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-16 travis-crowd fix image src
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-16 travis-crowd update site5 sponsorship text
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-16 travis-crowd use as an asset host
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-17 travis-core fix moar notification email styles
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-17 travis-core fix width for sponsor tables in the build notification email
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-17 travis-core gotta html_safe this string
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-17 travis-core try fixing gradient styles for gmail by inlining them at runtime
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-17 travis-core try fixing the headline styles for build notification emails
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-17 travis-core try using for assets in the build notification email
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-17 travis-core try wrapping sponsor ads into another div
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-18 travis-ci update site5 sponsorship text
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-18 travis-core remove stale specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-18 travis-crowd update site5 sponsorship text
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-20 travis-ci add 8th light silver sponsorship
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-20 travis-crowd add 8th light as a silver sponsor (and use as an asset host)
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-21 travis-build alllright, this didn't fail on mri 1.9.3 but on all jrubys. this should fix it.
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-21 travis-build travis-hub will now pass the job type (currently 'configure' or 'test') with the job payload so we finally do not have to rely on content introspection any more
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-21 travis-ci update 8th light sponsors text
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-21 travis-core DOCUMENT ALL THE CLASSES (step 1)
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-21 travis-core DOCUMENT ALL THE CLASSES (step 2)
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-21 travis-core add minimal worker payload specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-21 travis-core crap, ActiveRecord models should be autoloaded from lib/travis.rb as they're in the global namespace
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-21 travis-core finally add :type (currently 'configure' or 'test') to the worker payload so we do not need to rely on content introspection on the worker any more
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-21 travis-core move create_build! from Request to Request::States (which is where it is used)
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-21 travis-core no need to install hpricot as we now inline css manually :/
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-22 travis-build DOCUMENT ALL THE CLASSES (step 3)
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-22 travis-build refactor length limit watching to just raise an exception from within Travis::Worker::Shell::Buffer
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-22 travis-build remove stale specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-22 travis-build travis, y u no build!
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-22 travis-ci fix formattedConfig for config values that are null
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-22 travis-worker refactor length limit watching to just raise an exception from within Travis::Worker::Shell::Buffer
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-22 travis-worker travis, y u no build
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-23 travis-ci update ticketevolution sponsor images
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-23 travis-crowd update ticketevolution sponsor images
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-23 travis-worker suggest changes to thor travis:vms:update
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-24 travis-build move rescueing OutputLimitExceeded to Build#run
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-24 travis-build move rescuing CommandTimeout to Build#run, move exceptions to a separate file
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-24 travis-ci add gold sponsor placeholder
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-24 travis-ci add the heroku gold sponsorship
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-24 travis-worker Buffer#flush has to be public
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-24 travis-worker use a custom exception class for timeouts
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-25 travis-boxes change thor travis:box:build so that former --definition option now is a thor argument (i.e. call with e.g. $ thor travis:box:build ruby)
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-25 travis-build ensure we always close the shell
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-25 travis-build move rescuing CommandTimeout and OutputLimitExceeded back to Job::Test#perform
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-25 travis-build slightly change CommandTimeout message format
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-25 travis-ci add crowd interactive and atomic object as silver sponsors
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-25 travis-ci add heroku 100x60 sponsor image
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-25 travis-crowd add crowd interactive and atomic object as silver sponsors
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-25 travis-worker add an api for forcing shell::buffer output (required for echo'ing stuff after the log output limit has been exceeded)
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-25 travis-worker change the behaviour of travis:vms:update so that --download replaces --local and takes either nothing, a local path or a url (default changes to --no-download)
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-25 travis-worker ensure we always close the sandbox
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-25 travis-worker fix rescuing Timeout::Error, stupid
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-25 travis-worker remove branch from Gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-27 travis-ci add codeminer as a silver sponsor
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-27 travis-ci update the codeminer sponsor text
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-27 travis-crowd add codeminer as a silver sponsor
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-27 travis-crowd update sponsors text for codeminers
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-27 travis-support remove rails routing monkey patch for devise, protect rspec monkey patch with gem-patching
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-29 travis-ci work around 3.2 issues with require_tree including our hjs templates on assets:precompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-29 travis-core Revert "crap, ActiveRecord models should be autoloaded from lib/travis.rb as they're in the global namespace "
Sven Fuchs 2012-02-29 travis-core add a comment about why we need Travis::Model
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-02 travis-worker need to reset the buffer between runs
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-03 travis-ci use an absolute path for the view_path
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-04 travis-ci add a stats script
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-04 travis-ci rename Job#owner to Job#source
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-04 travis-ci update schema
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-04 travis-core go back to rabl ~> 0.5.1 because 0.6.0 broke travis-ci
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-04 travis-core rename Job#owner to Job#source
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-04 travis-core use an absolute path for rable templates
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-05 travis-pro-core initial commit
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-06 travis-ci update wooga banners
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-06 travis-crowd gitignore .DS_Store
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-06 travis-crowd keep the log dir
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-06 travis-crowd update mindmatter's sponsor text
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-07 travis-core memoize base_dir in Travis::Mailer
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-07 travis-core why the heck would this break on 1.9.2 only?
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-07 travis-listener use an absolute path here
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-07 travis-listener use enable instead of set true
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-07 travis-pro-core add custom build finished emails
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-07 travis-pro-hub add travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-07 travis-pro-hub initial commit
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-07 travis-pro-hub we don't even have a lib dir so far
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-07 travis-pro-listener initial commit
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-08 doco add accounts.txt
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-08 travis-ci add a fake gemspec
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-08 travis-pro-ci copy the travis-ci/Gemfile for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-08 travis-pro-ci force push
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-08 travis-pro-ci initial commit
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-08 travis-pro-hub add db and amqp credentials
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-09 travis-ci back and forth on updating the gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-09 travis-ci fix specs after renaming owner to source
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-09 travis-ci fix the schema ... hopefully
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-09 travis-core go back to 1.8 syntax
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-09 travis-core go back to git gem sources
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-09 travis-core use :github gem sources
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-09 travis-pro-ci go back to git gem sources
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-09 travis-pro-ci try using travis-ci as a gem
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-09 travis-pro-ci use travis-ci as a gem instead of a submodule, use Rails.root in the Rakefile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-09 travis-pro-core fix the setup call on the engine
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-10 travis-listener add a gemspec stub
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-10 travis-listener add metriks
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-10 travis-pro-ci satisfy rails3 detection for the heroku language rails3 pack
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-10 travis-pro-ci update gemfile, use magnum ref for travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-10 travis-pro-ci use Rails.root for finding config/boot
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-10 travis-pro-ci use the new org name
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-10 travis-pro-core back to 1.8 syntax for the gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-10 travis-pro-core update Gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-10 travis-pro-core update the build finished email
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-10 travis-pro-hub include travis-hub as a gem source and copy the gemfile for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-10 travis-pro-hub load the travis-hub Thorfile from the gem path
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-10 travis-pro-hub lol, add a gem source
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-10 travis-pro-hub remove the submodule
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-10 travis-pro-hub use new org name
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-10 travis-pro-listener add config/travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-10 travis-pro-listener remove submodule and use travis-listener as a gem source, copy the gemfile for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-14 travis-pro-ci move current_user from User to Travis::Pro
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-14 travis-pro-ci readme typo
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-14 travis-pro-core add a readme
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-14 travis-pro-core fix failing tests on 1.9.3 by adding to_a to the AR scope. hu?
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-14 travis-pro-core fix readme title levels
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-14 travis-pro-core move scope_access to ScopeAccess, current_user from User to Travis::Pro and the owner association to the models (even though it's now heavily duplicated)
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-14 travis-pro-core raise UnknownRepository if the request does not have access to its repository
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-14 travis-pro-core use 1.8 syntax for the default_scope
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-14 travis-pro-hub add a readme
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-14 travis-pro-hub use the gem path to travis-hub for loading its Thorfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-14 travis-pro-listener add some notes to the readme
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-14 travis-pro-listener catch UnknownRepository exceptions and halt with a 403. we might want to revisit this
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-14 travis-pro-listener fix readme enumeration
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-14 travis-pro-listener make Travis::Listener use Travis::Pro.scope_access
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-14 travis-pro-listener reorganize specs a little and add coverage
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-14 travis-pro-listener update readme notes
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-15 travis-pro-ci always have scope_access enabled
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-15 travis-pro-ci always scope access
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-15 travis-pro-ci devise new session view
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-15 travis-pro-ci load slices
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-15 travis-pro-ci move stuff to /app for the engine to pick it up
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-15 travis-pro-ci rescue UnknownRepository
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-15 travis-pro-ci update readme
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-16 travis-ci make repository http json api spec mirror the lazy creation of the ssh key
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-16 travis-ci move migrations to travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-16 travis-ci try removing the custom failure app
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-16 travis-core add a rails/script shim so that we can use $ rails generate migration
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-16 travis-core move migrations from travis-ci to travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-16 travis-core move the engine from to travis/engine
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-16 travis-pro-ci try leaving the APP_PATH on the current root (so that dumped schemas, generated migrations etc do not end up in the travis-ci repo)
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-ci use schema.rb from travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-core add an initializer that adds the migration path
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-core fix minimal standalone migrations for jruby
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-core microgemify minimal standalone migrations
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-core really fix minimal standalone migrations for jruby
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-core use minimal standalone migrations
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-pro-ci move migrations and schema.rb to travis-pro-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-pro-ci remove stubs now that users can be members of organizations
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-pro-ci update gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-pro-core add an initializer that adds the migrations path
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-pro-core finally add memberships
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-pro-core fix minimal standalone migrations for jruby
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-pro-core microgemify minimal standalone migrations
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-pro-core minimal standalone migrations
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-pro-core move migrations from travis-pro-ci to travis-pro-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-pro-core raise UnknownRepository in all models if the repository can't be found
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-pro-core update gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-pro-listener fix readme formatting
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-17 travis-pro-listener remove stubs now that users can be members of organizations
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-ci use a slightly better strategy for local gem dev, see
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-core doh. re-add the rubygems source to the Gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-core try ignoring Rails.env for Travis::Config.env (apparently loads the wrong environment config to Travis.config on staging)
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-core use a slightly better strategy for local gem dev, see
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-listener doh. re-add the rubygems source to the Gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-listener use a slightly better strategy for local gem dev, see
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-pro-ci doh. re-add the rubygems source to the Gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-pro-ci update Gemfile.lock to use the magnum branch on travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-pro-ci use a slightly better strategy for local gem dev, see
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-pro-core doh. re-add the rubygems source to the Gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-pro-core use a slightly better strategy for local gem dev, see
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-pro-hub doh. re-add the rubygems source to the Gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-pro-hub gotta setup Travis::Pro::Core
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-pro-hub update gemfile.lock
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-pro-hub use a slightly better strategy for local gem dev, see
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-pro-listener doh. re-add the rubygems source to the Gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-pro-listener fix
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-pro-listener relock bundle
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-pro-listener use a slightly better strategy for local gem dev, see
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-18 travis-support check Travis::Worker.config and Travis.config for an error level, then default to :debug
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-19 travis-core crap gotta use a public gist for the micro_migrations gem
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-19 travis-core fix request github payload and states specs after recent refactorings
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-19 travis-core gitignore local Gemfiles
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-19 travis-core refactor request lifecycle so that a request is always created and might be rejected
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-19 travis-core require rails/engine
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-19 travis-listener doh, remove airbrake spec after removing the behaviour, shall we
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-19 travis-listener enable dump_errors, remove airbrake for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-19 travis-pro-core doh, gotta use 1.8 syntax
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-19 travis-pro-hub fix queues config?
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-19 travis-pro-hub it is username and password for amqp, not user and pass
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-19 travis-pro-hub require the bundle, seems to be required on heroku for some reason
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-19 travis-pro-listener fix amqp config
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-19 travis-pro-listener set log_level to debug
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-19 travis-support retry loading a constant with eval (odd constant lookup behaviour in jruby
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-20 travis-ci fix requests_controller_spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-20 travis-ci move add_local migration to travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-20 travis-ci move data_migrations to travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-20 travis-ci update gemfile.lock
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-20 travis-core add ref to commit attributes
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-20 travis-core doh, .travis.yml syntax, how does it work
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-20 travis-core move add_locale_to_user from travis-ci
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-20 travis-core move source_url to repository and config_url to commit
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-20 travis-core try allowing failures on jruby 19mode and head because they crash bundler and we are not using them right now anyway
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-20 travis-core update schema.rb
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-20 travis-listener fix specs for recent changes in travis-core (now always creates a request and commit object, but still does not create a configure job)
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-20 travis-listener use micro_migrations
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-20 travis-pro-core update gemfile.lock
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-20 travis-pro-hub omit the --environment from the procfile so we can start hub up in staging
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-build install a source key if given in the config
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-ci update Gemfile to use master refs
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-crowd update sponsors page soundcloud copy
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-listener update Gemfile to use master refs
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-pro-ci add Procfile, use unicorn
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-pro-ci re-copy gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-pro-ci update Gemfile with recent changes in travis-ci/master
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-pro-ci update gemfile to use master refs
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-pro-ci use "repo" as a oauth scope
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-pro-core add .travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-pro-core add the github oauth token to the commit config_url
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-pro-core delegate organization login and github_oauth_token to the first user
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-pro-core the api is access_token, not login/token
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-pro-core update Gemfile to use master refs
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-pro-hub disable all notifications except worker and pusher for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-pro-hub do not require newrelic from the gemfile for now as it fucks up looking up a nonexistent Rails::VERSION constant *at load time*
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-pro-hub update Gemfile to use master refs
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-pro-hub update dependencies
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-pro-hub update gemfile with recent changes in travis-hub
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-21 travis-pro-listener update Gemfile to use master refs
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-build fix features for submodules
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-build really fix features for submodules
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-build refactor keys
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-core mark private repos as private
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-pro-build add a gemspec
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-pro-build initial commit
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-pro-core Update .travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-pro-core Update .travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-pro-core Update .travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-pro-core Update .travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-pro-core Update .travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-pro-core add .travis.yml script
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-pro-core add the gh gem
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-pro-core create the db
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-pro-core remove repository.private? condition when creating a request
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-pro-core update schema
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-pro-core use ruby 1.9.2
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-22 travis-pro-listener add gh gem to travis-pro-listener
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-23 travis-ci make pusher channels accessible
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-23 travis-pro-build add .travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-23 travis-pro-build remove stale branch ref from the gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-23 travis-pro-build require 'travis/build'
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-23 travis-pro-ci add .travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-23 travis-pro-ci update deploy key
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-23 travis-pro-ci use db:schema:load
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-23 travis-pro-core add Organization.sync_for(user) and patch User.find_or_create_for_oauth to use it
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-23 travis-pro-core fix request.accept? for when the repository was not accessible
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-23 travis-pro-core scope pusher channels
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-23 travis-pro-listener adapt recent changes from travis-listener
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-23 travis-pro-listener add .travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-23 travis-pro-listener fix Rakefile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-23 travis-pro-listener use micro_migrations
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-24 travis-ci add gh to the gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-24 travis-ci extract left and right sidebar partials
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-24 travis-ci unsubscribe from active_channels
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-24 travis-pro-ci add gh to the gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-24 travis-pro-ci add github oauth dev app credentials
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-24 travis-pro-ci discard the right sidebar for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-24 travis-pro-ci finally figured out how to add the frickin travis_pro.js
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-24 travis-pro-ci pin to ref: "sven"
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-24 travis-pro-ci prefer our own views and assets
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-24 travis-pro-ci remove stale env setting
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-24 travis-pro-ci subscribe to scoped pusher channels
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-24 travis-pro-ci use ref: "sven"
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-24 travis-pro-core colons in pusher channel names are invalid, use dots
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-24 travis-pro-core pin to ref: "sven"
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-24 travis-worker use Bundler.require in Thorfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-25 travis-core no need to select a reduced set of fields any more
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-25 travis-pro-core check for the given object's class in Pusher.queue
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-25 travis-pro-core do not scope job:log events
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-25 travis-pro-core don't scope unless the object has an owner
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-25 travis-pro-core remove worker events for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-25 travis-pro-core require travis
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-25 travis-pro-hub rearrange Thorfile and rescue exceptions to get a more verbose backtrace
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-25 travis-pro-hub remove database conf from .travis.yml because we are using the db url anyway
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-27 travis-pro-ci set ENV['SCHEMA'] after loading rakefiles
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-27 travis-pro-ci use a branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-27 travis-pro-hub use branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-28 travis-core fix request creation for payloads that do not have a commit
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-28 travis-core remove the branch from the Gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-28 travis-core use a branch for travis-support
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-28 travis-listener remove 1.8.7 from .travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-28 travis-pro-ci relock backports to 2.3.0
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-28 travis-pro-ci remove branches from the gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-28 travis-pro-core remove branch from the gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-28 travis-pro-hub remove the branch frm the gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-28 travis-pro-listener remove the branch from the gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-29 travis-ci add owner population script [ci skip]
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-29 travis-ci sync orgs on signin
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-29 travis-core add organizations, memberships and specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-29 travis-core add owner to requests, repositories, builds and jobs
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-29 travis-core add user organization_ids spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-29 travis-core extract Travis.pusher so we can use it elsewhere, too
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-29 travis-pro-ci add namespace to exception class
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-29 travis-pro-ci fix controller tests
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-29 travis-pro-ci lock to feature branches, pending pull requests
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-29 travis-pro-ci pick up work on pusher auth
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-29 travis-pro-core move owner, orgs, memberships stuff to travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-30 travis-ci fix webmock stuff, use shared helper from travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-30 travis-core add missing attributes to users/orgs
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-30 travis-core extract webmock support so we can use it in travis-ci, too
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-30 travis-core gotta require gh as we use it
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-30 travis-core remove before_create hooks for setting the owner
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-30 travis-core rename webmock request class to fix specs on 1.9.2 (crappy constant lookup)
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-30 travis-core test the shit out of Request.create_from
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-30 travis-listener fix specs for recent changes in travis-core and use the schema from travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-30 travis-listener move to unicorn
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-31 travis-ci remove the branch, relock bundle
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-31 travis-listener replace puma by unicorn, remove the branch ref, relock bundle
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-31 travis-pro-core raise Travis::UnknownRepository unless we have an owner
Sven Fuchs 2012-03-31 travis-pro-listener fix for recent changes in travis-core: we now accept all requests, but don't create a configure job
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-01 travis-core move rollout and redis to the gemspec
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-01 travis-pro-ci remove the branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-01 travis-pro-hub remove branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-01 travis-pro-listener remove branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-02 travis-ci optional pusher channels prefix [ci skip]
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-02 travis-ci remove cruft
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-02 travis-ci upgrade to ember 0.9.6
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-02 travis-pro-ci add localeapp-i18n-js
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-02 travis-pro-ci comment out dev/test config for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-02 travis-pro-ci use travis-ci:pusher-channels-prefix
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-02 travis-pro-core fix scenario helper
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-ci don't rely on this.repository being present
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-ci fix gravatar url for https
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-ci lol, accidentally replaced SC with Ember in DESC, but DEEmber doesn't really work
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-ci make loading sponsors conditional
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-ci remove YES/NO aliases, change how Datastore looks up the primaryKey value and other things from the prototype
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-ci remove cruft
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-ci remove debug line
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-ci remove facebook meta tags
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-ci workaround 1 for a supposed (?) ember bug
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-ci workaround 2 for a supposed (?) ember bug
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci add travis_pro.css to precompiled assets
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci doh, actually add the partial
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci fix typo
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci hide github stats and tools elements and try overwriting the hooks
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci hide the stats link
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci look ma, no empty space!
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci monkeypatch script/rails in order to make `rails server` not change the cwd (and thus Travis::Config look at the correct file)
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci move back to travis-ci:master
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci re-add sidebar override partial
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci try overwriting the hooks before document ready
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-pro-ci use ember-0.9.6 branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-03 travis-worker remove commands subscription for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-04 doco Update accounts.txt
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-04 travis-ci fix admin icon name
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-04 travis-ci remove moar facebook meta tags and yield :head in mobile and simple layouts as well
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-04 travis-ci use an Ember.Button, not an SC.Buttom, cuz that thing doesn't exist anymore
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-04 travis-pro-ci add pusher, oauth and amqp config for production
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-04 travis-pro-ci always cd to the travis-ci app root. also, copy travis.yml in dev mode when missing
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-04 travis-pro-ci don't try to subscribe unless TRAVIS_PRO_CHANNELS is defined
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-04 travis-pro-ci restore patch in script/rails
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-04 travis-pro-ci stop changing the directory, check out how that works on heroku
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-04 travis-pro-hub add amqp and pusher to travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-04 travis-pro-hub add db config to travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-04 travis-pro-listener move to unicorn
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-05 doco add credit card information
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-05 travis-ci require responders because we use them
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-05 travis-core allow overwriting the from address for emails
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-05 travis-core normalize config notification handlers
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-05 travis-core revert most of the previous change and simply put email config to, doh!
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-05 travis-core use config.notifications.handlers for defining handlers
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-05 travis-pro-ci fix amqp config keys
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-05 travis-pro-ci over write jobs and workers controllers actions to never return results for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-05 travis-pro-ci update travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-05 travis-pro-hub add email from config
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-05 travis-pro-hub update travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-05 travis-pro-hub update travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-05 travis-pro-listener always set the current user, idiot
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-05 travis-pro-listener fix amqp config keys
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-05 travis-pro-listener update travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-05 travis-support add deep_symbolize_keys!
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-06 travis-ci start rollout
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-06 travis-core add autoload for Travis::Feature
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-06 travis-core move redis config defaults to travis/config
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-06 travis-pro-ci add redis config
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-06 travis-pro-ci doh.
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-06 travis-pro-ci exit after rails server
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-06 travis-pro-ci overwrite Travis.Controllers.Sidebar.proto().init
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-06 travis-pro-ci vet sign-in feature for users on authenticate
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-06 travis-pro-core add note about validations
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-06 travis-pro-hub add redis config
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-06 travis-pro-listener add redis config
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-10 travis-ci add planio sponsor banners
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-10 travis-ci doh. fix planio image names
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-10 travis-ci fix jst template to work around ember bug for allowed failure matrix
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-10 travis-crowd add planio as a gold sponsor
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-10 travis-crowd fix planio link
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-10 travis-crowd tweak planio sponsor page entry
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-11 travis-ci add planio to the sidebar sponsors list
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-11 travis-ci update planio sponsor image [ci skip]
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-11 travis-core trying to fix shit [ci skip]
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-11 travis-crowd update planio sponsor text
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-11 travis-support move core_exts from travis-build to here
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-12 travis-core fix repo specs for github push events
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-12 travis-core fix specs for github pullrequest payloads
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-12 travis-core refactor Github payload to simply return hashes
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-13 travis-ci exception was renamed in travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-13 travis-ci remove migration from here, migrations now are in travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-13 travis-core GREEN!
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-13 travis-core extract request creation to a factory
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-13 travis-core make json/worker/job_test_spec somewhat more descriptive
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-13 travis-core move payloads to travis/github/payload, refactor payload creation
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-13 travis-core move service_hook stuff to travis/github/service_hook
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-13 travis-core remove stray autoload
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-13 travis-listener pass the request type header to the amqp payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 doco add api oauth token for travisbot
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core Revert "use username/password because it seems to be impossible to use a token?"
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core add a github comments notification handler
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core add instrumentation for github
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core add the comments_url to requests
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core auth github comment notification
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core can use repository.slug for generating the build url
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core change webmock support so that it records requests on demand
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core do not send github commment notifications on email, webhook, campfire and irc handlers
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core extract webmock support to travis-support
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core go back to a text comment with a link, but simplified
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core include the status image to the github comment notification
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core make http_client protected for the campfire notification handler
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core normalize pull-request to pull_request, just to be safe
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core only accept pull-requests when head has changed
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core remove http_client setter for the campfire notification handler
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core rename to head_changed? (doh!) and compare to head_commit["sha"]
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core slightly clean up archive notification and spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-core use username/password because it seems to be impossible to use a token?
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-15 travis-support extract webmock testing support from travis-core to here
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-ci add a metric for when travis-ci is used as a service hook api
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-ci fix specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-ci hide pull-requests tab
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-ci use request.headers for the event_type?
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-core add :reopened as a valid action for pull-requests
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-core add base_commit to Request and show commits in github comments
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-core add event_type to build:finished pusher notification
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-core add missing fixtures for github api
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-core fix missing closing parantheses in github comment
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-core require octokit because we use it
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-core try keeping track of head_commit on Request
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-core update github api fixtures
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-core work around fucked up travis-ci requests controller
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-listener fix specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-support do not webmock requests to localhost
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-support doh!
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-support favor over localhost for rabbit connections
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-16 travis-support try fixing brittle test by increasing the sleep times
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-17 travis-assets add compass config
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-17 travis-assets add locales
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-17 travis-assets add public/ to .gitignore and add a readme
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-17 travis-assets initial commit
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-17 travis-assets remove compiled assets
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-17 travis-assets remove config settings from application.rb
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-17 travis-assets use the commit_sha from env as an asset prefix if present
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-17 travis-build try disabling host key checking quickly because this stalls vms like crazy
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-17 travis-ci add travis-assets to the Gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-17 travis-ci change assets configuration
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-17 travis-ci move assets to travis-assets
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-17 travis-core remove lazy creation code for the repository ssl_key because it is a nightmare
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-17 travis-core remove lazy event_type code after we made sure every request has an event_type
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-19 travis-core start removing rabl
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-20 travis-core get rid of rabl and use the json classes instead
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-23 travis-ci fix request controller and build json specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-23 travis-ci use travis-core branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-23 travis-core re-add renderer because travis-ci uses it
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-23 travis-core re-add renderer because travis-ci uses it
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-24 travis-ci start removing rabl
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-26 travis-ci update responders to use new json renderers
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-27 travis-ci force commit
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-27 travis-core centralize all json payloads to travis/api
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-29 travis-ci move json generation to travis-core for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-29 travis-core use stubs for api/json tests
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-30 travis-ci do not try to pick a renderer if the collection is empty
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-30 travis-ci downgrade execjs because it breaks assets compilation #wtf
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-30 travis-ci fix cctray xml test. how did this evar pass at all?
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-30 travis-ci remove branch from gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-30 travis-core Revert "get rid of rabl and use the json classes instead"
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-30 travis-core Revert "re-add renderer because travis-ci uses it"
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-30 travis-core Revert "start removing rabl"
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-30 travis-core always default Job#sponsor to an empty Hashr
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-30 travis-core do not include the log to build matrix payload, so the client updates the job data
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-30 travis-core don't crash when head_commit is empty
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-30 travis-core include result and repository_id into build matrix
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-30 travis-core remove stray autoload
Sven Fuchs 2012-04-30 travis-core remove travis/renderer
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-01 travis-assets do not try to compile assets on app startup
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-01 travis-assets refactoring
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-01 travis-assets unignore public, add compiled assets
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-01 travis-assets use rake-pipeline
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-01 travis-ci clean up
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-01 travis-ci rebase master
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-01 travis-ci switch to rake-pipeline
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-assets actually add unicorn
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-assets add assets version to sponsors url
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-assets add remaining assets from travis-ci
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-assets do not require rake-pipeline in production
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-assets move mailer images back to travis-ci for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-assets move sponsors.json back to travis-ci for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-assets move version to public
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-assets set cache headers and disable protection
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-assets use unicorn
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-ci add current env to js
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-ci delete assets:precompile task so heroku does not run it
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-ci doh. remove local path from gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-ci move remaining assets to travis-assets
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-ci move sponsor images back to travis-assets
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-ci use travis-assets
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-ci use travis-core/asset-host branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-core lazy eval assets host and version
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-core move to asset host
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-02 travis-core provide default asset hosts for all envs
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-assets change strategy for checking for modifications
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-assets move sponsor images to for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-assets remove rack deflater
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-assets restore mailer images
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-assets update assets
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-ci Revert "move sponsor images to"
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-ci move sponsor images to
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-ci periodically poll assets version
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-ci re-add sponsor and mailer images for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-ci restore locales and remove hardcoded asset host
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-ci try fixing the status images
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-core add log output for debugging asset-version updates
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-core gotta use Travis.env here
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-core poll assets version periodically
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-core sponsor images were moved to for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-core standarize on Travis.env (deprecate Travis::Config.env and Travis.config.env)
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-crowd move sponsor images to here for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-crowd use regular images for sponsors
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-03 travis-support move run_periodically to here
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-04 travis-assets keep current versions from production and staging
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-04 travis-assets refactoring
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-assets change compile task to first re-export i18n stuff, then update the asset version, then do the thing
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-assets gotta kill tmp files for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-assets rebuild assets
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-assets try reloading the repository if branches summary is missing
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-assets try using Rack::Deflater
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-build change payload to return :result instead of :status
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-ci add branches_controller and fix specs after routes patch
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-ci add data migration script for copying status to result columns
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-ci rename :status to :result
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-core add branches to http api
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-core add result columns to builds, jobs and repositories. add compat code for writing to result
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-core extract last_build_result_on and deprecated last_build_result(params) as well Build/Job#as status= and Repository#last_build_status=
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-core extract nested classes in api/json
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-core make config update interval configurable
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-core rename status to result
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-05 travis-core try moving the branch summary to repository.json (should be lazy loaded though)
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-assets try upgrading to ember
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-build rename :build key to :job for worker payloads, but fall back to :build for compat
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-ci add cloudant as a silver sponsor
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-ci update atomicobject sponsor url
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-ci use Travis.env instead of Travis.config.env
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-ci use last_build_result_on(params) in cctray.xml.builder as well
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-ci use last_build_result_on(params) instead of last_build_result(params)
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-core do not output asset version unless it has changed
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-core doh.
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-core remove stale notification payload classes
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-core rename :build key to :job for worker payloads, but keep :build around for compat
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-core rename Tasks::ConfigureBuild to Task::Request::Configure (because it configures a request)
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-crowd add a code sponsors section
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-crowd add cloudant as a silver sponsor
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-crowd add cloudant sponsor text
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-crowd fix cloudant image type
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-06 travis-crowd update atomicobject link urls
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-07 travis-assets fix middleware to redirect outdated versions
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-07 travis-assets use guard for rebuilding assets
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-07 travis-ci remove rabl initializer
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-07 travis-core fix last_build_result_on to return last_build_result if params are empty
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-08 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-08 travis-ci use an absolute path here
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-08 travis-core extract authenticate_by_token to User
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-08 travis-pro-ci copy database.yml in test mode, too
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-08 travis-pro-ci frack, remove the local path from the Gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-08 travis-pro-ci move database.yml path back to application.rb
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-08 travis-pro-ci pimp signin page a little bit
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-08 travis-pro-ci port to recent changes in travis-ci, esp asset-host and no-match-in-routes
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-08 travis-pro-ci remove ruby-debug from gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-08 travis-pro-core add tests for access_scope and fix for recently added owner_type and owner_id fields on requests
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-08 travis-pro-core update to recent changes in travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-09 travis-assets styles and recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-09 travis-ci add gisdy sponsor entry
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-09 travis-crowd add gidsy as a silver sponsor
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-09 travis-crowd update zendesk blurb
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-09 travis-pro-ci update asset version periodically
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-09 travis-pro-hub add an empty spec in order to remind us of implementing stronger auth for incoming github requests
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-09 travis-pro-listener travis-listener does not use travis-core any more
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-10 travis-core re-add the build key to configure payloads
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-10 travis-core try accepting the name for notifications instrumentation
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-11 travis-ci update gidsy sponsors message
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-11 travis-core add index on requests :head_commmit column
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-12 travis-ci add basic api versioning
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-12 travis-core WIP add a metric for wait time from request create to build start
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-12 travis-core consistency
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-12 travis-core consistency
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-12 travis-core move current http json builders to a V1 namespace
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-12 travis-core move current http json builders to a V1 namespace
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-12 travis-core remove Json namespace from Api
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-12 travis-core remove Json namespace from Api
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-12 travis-core spec Http.builder and methods
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-12 travis-core spec Http.builder and methods
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-12 travis-core start a v2 http api
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-12 travis-core start a v2 http api
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-14 travis-assets recompile assets
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-14 travis-ci api versioning
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-14 travis-core api versioning in practice
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-14 travis-core api versioning in practice
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-14 travis-core remove rabl, upgrade octokit
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-14 travis-crowd update sponsors texts
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-14 travis-pro-ci disable rollout for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-15 travis-core update schema
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-15 travis-support relax multi_json dep
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-16 travis-core add jobs json generators
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-16 travis-core stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-17 travis-core add repository to pusher build payloads
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-17 travis-core remove public_key_id from repository payloads
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-18 travis-ci remove Travis::Github::ServiceHookError from service hooks controller
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-18 travis-core clean up after removing octokit
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-18 travis-core remove octokit
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-18 travis-core replace octokit service hooks stuff with GH
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-18 travis-core service hooks need a nested config hash
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-18 travis-core use GH for looking up repos for users
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-18 travis-core use mocha yield here
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-18 travis-core use the pubsubhubub api for servicehooks
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-19 travis-core revert url_encoding service hook body
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-19 travis-core url_encode service hook body
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-20 travis-ci allow fetching all queued jobs at once
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-20 travis-ci rename for_event_type to by_event_type and add :push as a default
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-20 travis-core fix for_event_type to take :pull_request as a type (i.e. singular)
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-20 travis-core use a raw faraday connection for now for updating service hooks
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-21 travis-ci add 5apps, fingertips and meltmedia
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-21 travis-ci add engine yard to the sponsors
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-21 travis-ci sync repos, not orgs on user sign in
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-21 travis-core add user view permissions for repositories and populate them
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-21 travis-core add user.repository_ids
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-21 travis-crowd add 5apps, fingertips and meltmedia
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-21 travis-crowd add engineyard as a sponsor
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-22 travis-assets display the servicehooks list on pro
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-22 travis-core extract Organization::Sync to mirror Repository::Sync and have convenience methods on the models
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-22 travis-core remove travis/renderer
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-22 travis-pro-ci we now know repositories the user is allowed to see, so use this for scoping
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-22 travis-pro-core change access control to user.permissions
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-23 travis-ci hide user sync behind a facade method
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-23 travis-ci increase unicorn timeout
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-23 travis-core add a metric for user.sync
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-23 travis-core add private to servicehooks
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-23 travis-core do not add repos to servicehooks where the user does not have an admin role
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-23 travis-core gotta turn GH enumerables into arrays
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-23 travis-core grrrrr, can we move to jruby 1.9 mode, plz, kthx
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-23 travis-core make tests more robust to @rkh changing shit ;)
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-23 travis-core now that we sync orgs and repos on signin do not re-request repositories for servicehooks
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-23 travis-core refactor
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-23 travis-core sync both orgs and repos on sign-in
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-23 travis-pro-core only include private repos to service hooks
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-24 doco Update
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-24 doco Update
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-24 travis-core add a reverse test for repo creation in repository/sync
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-24 travis-core extract Travis::Github.repositories_for logic to Travis::Github::Repositories
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-24 travis-core gotta filter repos ourselves as long as githubs api is broken
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-24 travis-core make sure we do not create permissions twice
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-24 travis-core wrap User::Sync implementation
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-24 travis-pro-core add tests for user.sync with scope_access
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-24 travis-pro-core do not filter repos to be private after the fact, just do not load public repos in the first place
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-24 travis-pro-core un-scope access for user.sync
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-24 travis-pro-core update db/schema
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-25 travis-ci add codename to hubble metadata if present in the env
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-25 travis-ci add the env to hubble metadata, too
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-25 travis-ci fix service hooks controller spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-25 travis-core make it possible to send pusher notifications to multiple channels
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-25 travis-pro-ci remove .common appendix from pusher channels
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-25 travis-pro-ci set the asset host for production and staging
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-25 travis-pro-core use per-repo channels
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-26 travis-assets change url format for builds requests
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-26 travis-assets compile assets
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-26 travis-assets compile assets
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-26 travis-assets fix specs for url change
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-26 travis-ci add versionist
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-26 travis-ci change routes so we actually can switch the api version using accept headers or query param
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-26 travis-ci fix layout
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-26 travis-ci fix specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-26 travis-ci lock travis-core to api-versioning branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-26 travis-ci move v1 controllers and specs to v1 modules
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-26 travis-ci re-add repository routing specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-26 travis-ci strip down api controllers to actioncontroller metal
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-26 travis-ci unlock travis-ci from branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-26 travis-ci use new Api api from travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-26 travis-core add missing files
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-26 travis-core fix things after merging api-versioning into master
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-26 travis-core restructure api builders so that all of them are versioned
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-27 travis-assets commit missing versions
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-27 travis-assets sort servicehooks, add the owner name
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-27 travis-ci extract artifacts api
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-27 travis-ci gotta require responders
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-27 travis-ci make RepositoriesController an ApplicationController for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-27 travis-ci remove stale routes and add routing specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-27 travis-ci request.headers.key? doesn't seem to work as expected
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-27 travis-ci upgrade rspec-rails and rename cctray xml builder template because rspec-rails apparently can not cope with dots in filenames any more
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-27 travis-core add missing log data to pusher log updates
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-27 travis-core default request.event_type to push
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-27 travis-core extract artifacts api
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-27 travis-core remove stray autoload
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-27 travis-core rescue faraday not found exceptions while retrieving repos from github
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-27 travis-core sort servicehooks
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-27 travis-pro-ci extend api controller and fix specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-27 travis-pro-ci move workers_controller to api/workers_controller
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-28 travis-core add previous_result to builds
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-28 travis-core extract tasks from notification handlers
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-28 travis-core fix specs and refactor tag notes in emails
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-28 travis-core move archive payload generator to v1
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-28 travis-core refactor archive handler towards removing the db dependency
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-28 travis-core refactor build.result_message to use previous_result
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-28 travis-core refactor campfire handler towards removing the db dependency
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-28 travis-core refactor email handler towards removing the db dependency
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-28 travis-core refactor github handler towards removing the db dependency
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-28 travis-core refactor irc notification handler towards removing the db dependency
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-28 travis-core refactor irc template towards removing the db dependency
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-28 travis-core refactor pusher notification handler towards removing the db dependency
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-28 travis-core refactor webhook notification handler towards removing the db dependency
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-28 travis-core remove build.previous_on_branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-28 travis-core rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid on duplicated records for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-28 travis-core set previous_result on build creation
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-29 travis-core cleanup
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-29 travis-core cleanup
Sven Fuchs 2012-05-29 travis-core rename Notifications to Event
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-04 travis-ci add malwarebytes and readmill as silver sponsors
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-04 travis-crowd add malwarebytes, readmil, transloadit sponsors images
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-04 travis-crowd add readmill, malwarebytes and transloadit as sponsors, update fingertips text
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-05 travis-core fix dangling commas for jruby 1.8
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-05 travis-core fix travis config to not overwrite existing extra config values (like db pool size) with the env database url
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-05 travis-core refactor irc task specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-05 travis-core refactor pusher and webhook task specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-06 travis-core Ok, that's not an option right now. Revert "use api v2 for pusher tasks"
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-06 travis-core add build_id and repository_id to all job pusher payloads
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-06 travis-core fix borked build result message
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-06 travis-core fix migration constant name
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-06 travis-core fix result key
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-06 travis-core make GH use in_parallel requests for retrieving user/org repos
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-06 travis-core move stubs to travis/testing
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-06 travis-core port f35240e, dfd201c, 48ba5f2 and 11a50fd
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-06 travis-core push event handler implementations to a module
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-06 travis-core rename channels_for to channels for pusher task
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-06 travis-core rename data to payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-06 travis-core use api v2 for pusher tasks
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-06 travis-pro-core Notifications was renamed to Event
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-06 travis-pro-core adapt to recent changes in travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-07 travis-core start refactoring crosscutting concerns
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-08 travis-core add specs for handler instrumentation
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-08 travis-core move async, exception handling, instrumentation, database etc to travis-support
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-08 travis-core need to pass token
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-08 travis-support add Module#prepend_to
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-08 travis-support add the method name to instrumentation events
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-08 travis-support fix borken autoload path
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-08 travis-support move async, exception handling, instrumentation, database etc from travis-core to here
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-08 travis-support remove async
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-08 travis-support remove duplicate activerecord dep
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-08 travis-support use a regex to subscribe
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-08 travis-support use the full class name for publishing events
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-09 travis-core adapt changes in instrumentation
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-09 travis-core exctract process methods for irc and request/configure tasks
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-09 travis-core fix spec for jruby
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-09 travis-support add a scope to notification events
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-09 travis-support add method call tracking to instrumentation
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-09 travis-support move metriks reporter setup to here
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-09 travis-support move newrelic instrumentation to here
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-09 travis-support revert metric names
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-10 travis-core conflate Request and Job::Configure
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-10 travis-core remove stray autoload
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-10 travis-core remove stray event handlers
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-10 travis-core rework task/github spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-10 travis-core start moving configure, request and test handlers to core
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-10 travis-listener rename :request to :payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-11 travis-ci rename github_service_hooks to service_hooks
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-11 travis-ci rescue from missing ruby directive in Gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-11 travis-core add instruments for tasks
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-11 travis-core default build.config to an empty hash
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-11 travis-core do not approve when not accepted
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-11 travis-core do not build unless the request was configured
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-11 travis-core do not try to start the request if has been rejected in the factory
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-11 travis-core experiments with instrumentation
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-11 travis-core fix specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-11 travis-core unify task initializers
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-11 travis-pro-listener rescue from missing ruby directive
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-12 travis-core add instrumentation to Request::Factory
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-12 travis-core add instruments to Travis::Github
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-12 travis-core move sync classes to Github::Sync and add instrumentation
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-12 travis-support improve instrumentation
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-13 travis-core accept a hash as github payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-13 travis-core add Travis::Notification.setup
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-13 travis-core add notification api json generator and add uuid to instrumentation payloads
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-13 travis-core add notification build json generator
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-13 travis-core delegate request_id to the build
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-13 travis-core only output notification log messages on log level debug
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-13 travis-core remove dangling comma
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-13 travis-core remove stray autoload
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-13 travis-listener pass the uuid
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-13 travis-support add SecureRandom.uuid patch from ActiveSupport for jruby
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-13 travis-support add Travis.uuid
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-14 travis-ci add new silver sponsor images
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-14 travis-ci add new silver sponsors
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-14 travis-ci fix image naming
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-14 travis-ci revise esm sponsors image
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-14 travis-core change authenticate_by_token to authenticate_by and accept a hash
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-14 travis-core extract stuff from models to modules
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-14 travis-core remove dangling comma
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-14 travis-crowd add new silver sponsors
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-15 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-16 travis-web initial commit
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-17 travis-web playing with ember routes
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-17 travis-web try using an index state
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-18 travis-web doesn't seem to make sense to use slugs as ids cuz w're now waiting for the repo to be loaded anyway
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-18 travis-web remove the repository.* states nesting
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-18 travis-web start over, trying to use the repo slug as an id
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-18 travis-web trying to figure out why it changes the url to /#/undefined/undefined after loading /
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-18 travis-web url generation seems to work fine, but for some weird reason it seems to pushState urls with all segments undefined
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-18 travis-web whoops, remove local path from gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-19 travis-web convert to coffeescript
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-19 travis-web upgrade ember.js master
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-19 travis-web wait for repo.builds to be loaded, too
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-21 travis-web port moar stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-21 travis-web port stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-22 travis-web remove rails
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-22 travis-web try using minispade
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-22 travis-web try using phantom.js and mocha.js for testing
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-22 travis-web un-dry router in order to figure out whats wrong with url generation
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-22 travis-web use rake-pipeline
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-23 travis-web go back to nesting states in a common "repository" state
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-23 travis-web stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-23 travis-web upgrade ember to current master, use camelized attributes
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-24 travis-web add a readme
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-24 travis-web stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-24 travis-web stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-25 travis-ci add new silver sponsors
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-25 travis-crowd add new silver sponsors
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-25 travis-web try using jasmine for specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-26 travis-web rearrange things so that we can destroy/create the app for test isolation
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-26 travis-web yay, finally a passing spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-27 travis-web add a rake task to update ember to current master
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-27 travis-web add some more specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-27 travis-web deploy to heroku
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-27 travis-web go back to sc-router
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-27 travis-web gotta use view.lastBuild here
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-27 travis-web update ember.js
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-28 travis-core add a test for being passed an Arel::Relation
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-28 travis-core gotta require faraday
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-28 travis-core make konstantin happy
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-28 travis-pro-ci add a basic health check and controller action
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-28 travis-pro-ci do not preload in unicorn
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-28 travis-pro-ci go back to preloading in unicorn
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-28 travis-pro-ci rescue for non-edge bundler
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-28 travis-pro-ci use skip_filter
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-28 travis-pro-core fix user/sync patch
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-28 travis-web use context in item views
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-29 travis-assets change ServiceHooks controller polling a tiny bit
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-29 travis-assets observe service_hooks.content.length
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-29 travis-assets re-schedule polling for service-hooks
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-29 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-29 travis-assets stop flickering the screen on load on the profile page
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-29 travis-assets use an un-cacheable servicehook query
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-29 travis-web refactor towards layouts
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-29 travis-web split up views
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-30 travis-web add sponsors
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-30 travis-web refactor and add sidebar
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-30 travis-web rename stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-06-30 travis-web update ember-data
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-01 travis-web add header
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-01 travis-web port styles
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-01 travis-web refactor layouts and add profile/service_hooks
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-02 travis-pro-ci remove unused gitmodule
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-02 travis-pro-ci switch to loading travis-ci stuff into our own rails app instead of "patching" it through an engine
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-02 travis-web work on actions
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-04 travis-core fix pending worker event handler notifications spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-04 travis-web workaround for "insert an element into the DOM that has already been inserted"
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-05 travis-web add a guardfile for running specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-05 travis-web add isBuildTab and isJobTab helpers
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-05 travis-web clean up
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-05 travis-web commit stuff for piotr
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-05 travis-web fix specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-05 travis-web fix urls
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-06 travis-web add "loading ..."
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-06 travis-web clean up urls
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-06 travis-web green tests
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-06 travis-web move stuff from the home layout to controllers
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-06 travis-web try using SortableMixin, but it's buggy
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-07 travis-web cleanup
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-07 travis-web fix currentUser
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-07 travis-web fix tabs tools
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-07 travis-web get rid of Layout and Travis.Controller and Travis.View namespaces
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-07 travis-web hide owned repos tab unless signed in
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-07 travis-web implement search box
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-07 travis-web improve specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-07 travis-web stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-07 travis-web use a handlebars helper for setting up the search box
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-08 travis-web moar specs. test setup still fucked
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-08 travis-web stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-09 travis-support do not meter :received events
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-09 travis-support prepend a version to metriks names
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-09 travis-support remove stale require
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-09 travis-web fix things to update when stuff is loaded after the fact, ie. through websockets
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-10 travis-core improve github instrumentation
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-10 travis-core use #to_a on GH resources and set log_level for instrumentation
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-11 travis-core add a few notes about the meaning of metriks we publish
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-11 travis-core pass the current uuid to the worker
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-11 travis-core remove debugger for jruby
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-11 travis-worker change heartbeat payloads to include the uuid
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-11 travis-worker doh, it's Travis.uuid
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-11 travis-worker loop the uuid through
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-11 travis-worker make worker:status events pass a hash as payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-12 travis-assets gotta add new matrix keys here, too
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-12 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-12 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-12 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-12 travis-core try excluding even moar job:test:log events
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-12 travis-core try excluding job:test:log events from the pusher instrument
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-13 travis-assets make the service hooks list poll for profile.in_sync
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-13 travis-core gotta sync orgs first, repos second
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-14 travis-core refactor Github::Sync::Repositories
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-15 travis-assets post to /profiles/sync on profile load
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-15 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-15 travis-assets work around json sometimes containing "t"/"f" instead of true/false
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-15 travis-ci force using syck until locale files are fixed
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-15 travis-ci render text "ok" on /profiles/sync
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-15 travis-ci stop syncing users on signin, instead have a sync action that we can POST to
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-15 travis-core remove permissions for repos that are not in the user/orgs data on sync
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-15 travis-pro-core adapt to recent sync changes in travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-16 travis-assets add a sync now button
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-16 travis-assets again, work around stupid rails behaviour 'f' == false
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-16 travis-assets fix .message selector
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-16 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-16 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-16 travis-ci move user json to travis-core/api
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-16 travis-ci sync on sign in (as there now is a "sync now" button on the profile page
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-16 travis-ci work around broken rails json rendering, need to extract this to travis-core/api
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-16 travis-core add json generators for user
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-16 travis-core validate email addresses before sending
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-16 travis-core whoops
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-17 travis-ci downgrade oauth related gems because one of them caused new github accounts to not be able to sign in/create an account on travis
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-17 travis-core gotta include logging so we can use it
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-17 travis-core rescue from broken yaml
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-17 travis-pro-ci downgrade oauth related gems because one of them caused new github accounts to not be able to sign in/create an account on travis
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-17 travis-pro-ci try adding a god mode as a separate instance
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-17 travis-web stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-17 travis-web update ember
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-18 travis-api initial commit
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-18 travis-web api stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-19 travis-ci add a seed export thingy
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-19 travis-ci add seed data, fix a few things (seeds still generate errors when loading, even though functional)
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-19 travis-ci gotta exclude finished_at nulls
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-19 travis-ci use table_name
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-19 travis-core remove not null constraints from timestamps in schema.rb
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-20 travis-api stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-20 travis-web add a sinatra app + stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-20 travis-web toggle log folds
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-21 travis-pro-build add "BatchMode yes" to .ssh/config in order to stop git asking for a passphrase for keys that want one
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-21 travis-web add seeds gitignore config/travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-22 travis-api use Job::Test
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-22 travis-ci add seeds and update readme
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-22 travis-core frack, jruby
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-22 travis-core normalize api initialize apis
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-22 travis-core publish both v1 and v2 to pusher
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-22 travis-web activate sorting for repositories
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-22 travis-web add pusher, fix some events
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-22 travis-web deactivate repo sorting, abstract base_uri
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-22 travis-web rearrange things
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-22 travis-web refactor Routes, does not need to be an Ember.Object
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-22 travis-web replace getPath/setPath with get/set now that ember supports it
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-22 travis-web try to work around sortAscending being fucked
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-22 travis-web use pushState
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-23 travis-core db changes for rate limiting job queues
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-23 travis-core db changes for rate limiting job queues
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-23 travis-pro-ci disable pusher repo subscriptions for now. these are just way too many already. gotta ping pusher about it
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-23 travis-pro-ci doh, needs a script tag
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-23 travis-pro-ci subscribe to ALL THE CHANNELS in god mode. this will crash at some point.
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-23 travis-support add module/with
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-23 travis-support add pass uuid through for async calls
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-23 travis-web foo
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-24 travis-assets join node.js to jvm/erlang queues
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-24 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-25 travis-core do not infer the participle for :ready events
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-25 travis-core do not publish instrumentation data if the event does not get handled
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-25 travis-core do not publish pusher events on worker:ready
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-25 travis-core do not publish v2 pusher events for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-25 travis-core infer worker queue names for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-25 travis-core job might not be present
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-25 travis-core loljruby
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-25 travis-core process tasks on hub for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-26 travis-core Revert "add a basic rate limiting strategy for jobs"
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-26 travis-core actually limit jobs by owner
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-26 travis-core add a basic rate limiting strategy for enqueuing jobs
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-26 travis-core add a basic rate limiting strategy for jobs
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-26 travis-core run tasks using async in staging for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-26 travis-core start rate limiting job queues
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-26 travis-core stop exploding on missing event handlers, just handle the exception
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-27 travis-ci remove the branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-27 travis-core add an index on jobs: state, owner_id, owner_type
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-27 travis-core add an index on jobs: state, owner_id, owner_type
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-27 travis-core it's builds.rails not build.rails
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-27 travis-core rescue from buggy .travis.yml for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-28 travis-core [WIP] refactor worker heartbeat and job queueing
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-29 doco add stacheboard
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-29 travis-core add a metric for Queueing::All#run
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-29 travis-core add php to Worker#guess_queue matching
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-29 travis-core document queueing metric
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-29 travis-core extract maximum parallel jobs per owner setting to Travis.config
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-29 travis-core relax conditions in Worker#guess_queue
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-29 travis-core we want to order jobs ascending
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-31 travis-core add a metrics event handler where we can place metrics for domain state changes
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-31 travis-core add a spec for job queueing order
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-31 travis-core change order clauses on job queue related scopes to include the table name
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-31 travis-core expand that spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-07-31 travis-core order queueing scopes by id
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-01 travis-ci extract title to a controller method so we can overwrite it
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-01 travis-ci fix specs for recent changes in travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-01 travis-core add missing files
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-01 travis-core add queue-specific metrics and update the readme
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-01 travis-core make sure we do not replace a nil env with an empty array
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-01 travis-core update Repository.by_member
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-01 travis-pro-ci have a different page title on pro
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-01 travis-pro-core get the token for retrieving .travis.yml from the first user on the repo
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-01 travis-pro-core use an admin user, not the owner for setting the ssl key
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-03 travis-ci WIP start splitting up the profile page
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-06 travis-ci minimal split profile page
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-07 travis-assets pass current owner name for retrieving service_hooks
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-07 travis-ci add statements for setting primary key id seqs to seeds sql
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-07 travis-ci pass through owner_name for service_hooks
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-08 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-08 travis-assets updates for split profile pages
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-08 travis-ci add missing partials, dude
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-08 travis-ci add tabs to split profile pages
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-08 travis-core add Repository.counts_by_owner_names
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-08 travis-core redis publisher specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-08 travis-core use a given owner_name for looking up service_hooks
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-09 travis-assets do not render the service hooks view unless there is a #service_hooks element
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-09 travis-assets hmm, can't just reload every time
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-09 travis-assets prefix urls with /
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-09 travis-assets re-add margin to profile menu
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-09 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-09 travis-assets reload the page once sync is done, for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-09 travis-ci body_id_name_stored_in_a_local_variable_with_a_stupid_name should be just id
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-09 travis-ci extract account from travis-ci
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-09 travis-ci re-add messages
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-09 travis-pro-ci comment out extra tab for now, cuz it is not yet ready
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-09 travis-pro-ci overwrite tabs for the split profile page
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-10 travis-assets fix urls for smarter profile tabs
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-10 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-10 travis-ci fix routes
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-10 travis-ci somewhat smarter profile page tabs
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-10 travis-pro-ci somewhat smarter profile tabs
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-10 travis-pro-ci stub some plan functionality and display a message instead of account data on the account tab unless paid
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-13 travis-ci need to use request.format.html?
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-13 travis-ci redirect to profile/syncing for a first sync
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-13 travis-core add
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-13 travis-core it's nil?
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-13 travis-pro-ci redirect on missing hooks or no builds
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-14 travis-assets RECOMPILE
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-14 travis-assets default user login to meta tag value
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-14 travis-assets port session layout to travis-ci
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-14 travis-ci add the current user login name as a meta tag
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-14 travis-ci doh.
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-14 travis-ci fix specs for service hooks api change
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-14 travis-core comment out unused redis stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-14 travis-pro-ci hide credit card and address fields for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-14 travis-support kill module/with.rb
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-16 travis-assets manually port b6a7aaae "Make tipsy functional again."
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-16 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-16 travis-ci extract a partial for tabs
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-18 travis-pro-ci change strategy for detecting god mode, because ENV["ENV"] needs to be "production" (no idea why this worked on unicorn)
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-18 travis-pro-ci clean a few things up
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-18 travis-pro-ci clean up
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-18 travis-pro-ci load travis/pro/ci.rb cuz it now holds the god? main method
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-18 travis-pro-ci make the heroku buildpack for Rails 3 happy
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-18 travis-pro-ci re-add schema
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-18 travis-pro-ci require metriks
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-18 travis-pro-ci try loading locale files from travis-ci
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-18 travis-pro-ci update gemfile from travis-ci and re-bundle
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-19 travis-api add a stats endpoint
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-19 travis-ci do not crash on mixed up before_filter order on profile_controller
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-19 travis-core fix stats for 1.8 mode
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-19 travis-core port statistics to travis-core for use in travis-api
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-19 travis-core try fixing const_defined? call for ruby 1.8
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-19 travis-core use pure ruby stub objects instead of (verbose) mocha stubs
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-19 travis-pro-ci prepare having a landing page on / when not signed in
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-19 travis-tasks bundle
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-19 travis-tasks force re-deploy
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-19 travis-tasks force redeploy
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-19 travis-tasks initial commit
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-19 travis-tasks use exception handling and fix module/class
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-19 travis-web fix stats
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-19 travis-web returned data needs to be normalized per stats type
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-19 travis-web stats
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-21 travis-ci do not setup hubble if env vars are missing (cuz it would crash)
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-21 travis-ci make it so that if no heroku domain is set then refraction won't redirect at all (useful for one-off deployments on heroku)
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-22 travis-pro-ci actually commit the sessions/new view, doh
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-22 travis-pro-ci do not redirect from sessions/new for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-22 travis-pro-ci resurrect the session view and set the layout for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-23 travis-core make custom job queue rate limits configurable per owner
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-23 travis-core reduce the namespace spam a little
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-23 travis-pro-ci Revert "Enabled threaded thin and threadsafe Rails."
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-23 travis-pro-ci make the debug filter warn if owners count is off
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-23 travis-pro-ci try making the debug filter an after_filter
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-23 travis-pro-ci try switching back to unicorn
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-23 travis-pro-ci well, change the procfile back to unicorn as well
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-23 travis-pro-core Revert "add debug output"
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-23 travis-pro-core add debug output
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-23 travis-pro-core stop spamming test output
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-24 travis-pro-ci make the repositories tab available for travis-pro, too (was hardcoded for testing)
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-24 travis-pro-hub add sauspiel and travis-pro custom rate limits, both set to 5
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-25 travis-ci Add proper redirect handling for sign in
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-25 travis-ci use a regular controller for redirects
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-25 travis-pro-ci hrm, should actually add that file, too
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-25 travis-pro-ci now really make the repositories tab available for travis-pro, too (was hardcoded for testing)
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-25 travis-pro-ci try sorting slices
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-25 travis-pro-ci use sf-signin branch from travis-ci and move sessions/new template out of the devise dir
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-26 travis-core do not try to remove stale repo permissions if empty
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-26 travis-core remove stale org memberships during org sync
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-26 travis-core validate github admin on usage
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-26 travis-pro-core finding a valid admin user now happens in travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-26 travis-support actually use message_for on the exceptions reporter
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-26 travis-support add backtrace to logged error
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-26 travis-support do not include the backtrace unless log level is :debug
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-26 travis-support do not try to report to hubble unless it is set up
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-26 travis-tasks configure gh for ssl
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-26 travis-tasks debug receive
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-26 travis-tasks rename proc to "tasks"
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-26 travis-tasks try using a ruby directive to pick a jruby version on heroku
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-27 travis-ci fix the profile page when the url contains an owner that is not available for this user
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-27 travis-core add a config switch for excluding logs from webhook payloads
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-27 travis-core filter out null chars from logs
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-27 travis-tasks try 1.7.0.preview2
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-28 travis-core change include_log to include_logs (plural)
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-28 travis-core make Travis::Github::Admin#validate more readable
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-28 travis-support simply ask the exception for metadata to report to hubble
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-29 travis-core move factories to lib/travis/testing
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-29 travis-pro-ci add an after filter for clearing the current_user
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-29 travis-pro-ci debug current_user
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-29 travis-pro-ci moar wild quick fixes, will clean up next
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-29 travis-pro-ci quick fix auth in home controller
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-30 travis-ci add instrumentation to ApiController
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-30 travis-core add a feature flip for turning off job queueing
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-30 travis-logs initial commit
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-30 travis-pro-ci keep Travis::Pro.current_user in tests, since this would be a hassle in controller tests
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-30 travis-pro-ci keep Travis::Pro.current_user in tests, since this would be a hassle in controller tests
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-30 travis-pro-ci refactor authentication
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-30 travis-pro-ci remove debug output, update schema
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-31 travis-ci add metrics per controller
Sven Fuchs 2012-08-31 travis-core add config.logs.shards setting
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-01 travis-assets hide branch tools
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-01 travis-assets remove github stats and stop populating the branch selector for now, trying to resolve issues with long queues
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-02 travis-logs debug
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-02 travis-logs debug
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-02 travis-logs debug
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-02 travis-logs experiment with dumping some memory stats
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-02 travis-logs remove 1.7.0 targeted workarounds
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-02 travis-logs try base64 encoding log updates before re-routing them
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-02 travis-logs try force_encoding the pusher payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-02 travis-logs try using RUBY_VERSION and remove cleanup
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-02 travis-logs try using konstantin's string cleaner
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-02 travis-logs undebug
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-02 travis-logs use actual travis.config
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-02 travis-logs use rollout 1.1.0 because of that broken gemspec
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-03 travis-logs try using 1.9.3
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-03 travis-logs try using bunnies on 1.9.3
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-03 travis-logs try using ruby-amqp
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-03 travis-support ignore /play
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-03 travis-support try reducing the amount of channels created for amqp
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-04 travis-logs dump metrics for memory consumption
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-04 travis-logs log to info for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-04 travis-logs use travis-support/master
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-04 travis-logs use travis-support/sf-reduce-amqp-channels
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-05 travis-core add an additional active_record metric for log updates
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-05 travis-core do not depend on the job status when appending logs
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-05 travis-core make log_subscriber/active_record_metrics.rb cherry-pickable
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-05 travis-core make log_update? a private method
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-05 travis-core manually meter log updates for now, can't get the log subscriber pick it up outside of rails, help appreciated
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-05 travis-logs Revert "confirm that the exception notifier works"
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-05 travis-logs confirm that the exception notifier works
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-05 travis-logs debug
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-05 travis-logs dump memory stats to the logs
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-05 travis-logs hook up active_record_metrics log subscriber
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-05 travis-logs log log updates to info as well and disable memory stats metrics for now since they dont seem to be dumped to the logs
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-05 travis-logs meter memory usage
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-05 travis-logs no need to parse the memory usage string, can use the java getters
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-05 travis-logs remove log subscriber for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-05 travis-logs try setting channel.prefetch to number of shards + 1
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-06 travis-assets add a "tail log" button
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-06 travis-core add a test for the queueing feature flip and change the redis value to 0
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-06 travis-core add missing file
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-06 travis-core pass through task type
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-06 travis-core use a feature flip for travis-tasks
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-06 travis-logs fix memory metric key
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-06 travis-logs move memory stats to travis-support
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-06 travis-logs pass app name to memory metrics
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-06 travis-logs remove setting since each consumer should now get its own channel
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-06 travis-support doh, need to pass the app name for metrics
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-06 travis-support make travis/memory.rb cherry-pickable and fix the constant for jruby
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-06 travis-support move memory stats to here
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-06 travis-support try using one channel per consumer (using a prefetch of 1), but one channel for all publishers
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-06 travis-tasks do not dump memory stats in staging
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-07 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-07 feature: auto-tailing logs
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-07 fix
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-07 fix date
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-07 fixes
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-07 remove cat, add note about pro
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-08 travis-assets do not hardcode the default tab on the left
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-08 travis-assets do not pass the github_id, evalutate it globally for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-08 travis-assets fix callback name for my_repositories
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-08 travis-assets fix specs for removed github stats
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-08 travis-assets hide recent tab in pro
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-08 travis-assets remove the recent tab on pro
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-08 travis-pro-web change AssetFile approach to just copying assets from travis-ember
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-08 travis-pro-web initial commit
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-08 travis-web add a gemspec
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-08 travis-web try sorting repos with no lastBuildFinishedAt attribute in reverse order
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-09 travis-web extract tab templates, split up repo views
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-09 travis-web work on profile view
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-10 travis-assets add a "no repos" message on the service hooks page
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-10 travis-assets fix missing synced_at date
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-10 travis-assets fix repository url used for status images
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-10 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-10 travis-assets resurrect the status image too, but hide the branch selector for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-10 travis-ci add an extra note about the synced repos type, manually remove broken parts of translations from locale files
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-10 travis-ci default repositories count to 0 on the profile page owners list
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-11 travis-ci disable statistics fro now
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-11 travis-core add an index for repository_id and state on builds
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-11 travis-core stop respecting the branch param on the repo api (inconsistent anyway)
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-11 travis-core update schema
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-12 travis-assets fix status image urls
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-12 travis-ci extract services to travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-12 travis-core allow passing arbitrary dependencies
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-12 travis-core extract a model method for services
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-12 travis-core rename Travis::Service to Travis::Services
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-12 travis-core rename model to scope
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-12 travis-core start extracting services so we can reuse them (e.g. in travis-api)
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-12 travis-pro-ci fix token auth for repository status images
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-ci apparently slice does not work on params
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-ci do not instantiate services
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-ci remove branch from travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-core do not make services rely on other services
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-core make sure Repository.find_by requires necessary params
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-core make sure Service::Builds#find_all returns an empty build scope when the repository could not be found
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-core remove injection of arbitrary dependencies because yagni
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci actually use that concern in ApiController
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci do not instantiate services
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci extract scope_access around filter to a concern so we can re-use it in ApiController
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci fixes for using services
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci remove branches
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-pro-ci wow, actually use the branch from travis-ci, too
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-pro-core add missing autoload for Base
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-pro-core add services to autoload
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-pro-core fix autoload paths
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-pro-core gotta overwrite the existing service method
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-pro-core move the initializer for passing service dependencies here
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-pro-core no need to overwrite this method, good catch @roidrage
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-pro-core remove branch from travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-pro-core use services
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-13 travis-support add a none scope to activerecord
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-api use services
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-core add queue to jobs on the build payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-core convert service specs to actually go through the used scopes and db
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web add a loading indicator to history and pull requests
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web comment out warnings
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web do not go to the api for Repository.bySlug if the repository is already loaded
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web do not raise on deprecations
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web fix branch selector on repo tools
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web fix missing Branch#updateTimes
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web fix underscored attributes
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web no need to filter here
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web resurrect current repo selector
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web sort by lastBuildFinishedAt if available, otherwise lastBuildId
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web subscribe to pusher channels
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web try debugging "undefined watched global"
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web try fixing empty queues on load
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web unbreak github links
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web unbreak my-repos
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web upgrade ember to f1ec52aaa0713c7edeca237d38f172e0671a4c0e
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web use RUN_API
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web whoops.
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-14 travis-web wrap pusher receive into
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-api actually turn these objects into json
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-api add services
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-api it's service, not services
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-ci use travis-core/master
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-core add a profile service
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-core add hooks to the api
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-core add index on jobs.created_at
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-core add indexes to builds.finished_at and commits.branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-core add profile to the api
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-core cleanup
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-core make jquery happy for stats tests
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-core make jruby happy
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-core make sure services respond to params[:ids] for ember-data
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-core make v2 api builder for branches accept builds, too
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-core move more controller logic to services
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-core optimize Repository#branches and #last_finished_builds_by_branches
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-core rename profile stuff to user
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-core use bare sql for stats, can be mapped on the client
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-web do not wrap whitespace on the build summary
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-web fix Repository.bySlug
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-web modified stats payloads
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-web need to use api/ as a path prefix
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-15 travis-web use more-services branches
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-16 travis-api fake sign in
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-16 travis-core add repo id to hooks payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-16 travis-core filter hooks by owner_name
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-16 travis-web add pusher key
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-16 travis-web add sync to the profile (callback still does not work)
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-16 travis-web fix overflowing long repo names in the left list
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-16 travis-web pass owner_name, not login
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-16 travis-web re-add description to the repo list, but have a button to toggle them
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-16 travis-web rename owner to account, fix profile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-16 travis-web try adding Travis.Model.find() since Ember.Model does not delegate findAll()
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-16 travis-web use https here
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-17 travis-web add a handle for expanding/collapsing all workers
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-17 travis-web fix worker name truncation
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-17 travis-web port log autoscrolling, something still broken about jquery scroll event
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-17 travis-web tweak log tailing handle
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-18 travis-api un-private /profile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-18 travis-api use Api for generating the user payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-18 travis-web bundle update and recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-18 travis-web clean up styles
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-18 travis-web extract _common mixin
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-18 travis-web fix sign in payload, user loading etc
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-18 travis-web more styles cleanup
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-18 travis-web recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-18 travis-web somewhat liquid layout
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-18 travis-web tweak colors and font-sizes
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-18 travis-web use Accounts.filter()
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-19 travis-api fix profile endpoint spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-19 travis-cli add a --source option to the config task so we can push arbitrary configs, not just from the keychain
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-19 travis-cli add an option to pass the environment to the config task
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-19 travis-cli gitignore Gemfile.lock
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-19 travis-core remove stray autoload
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-19 travis-logs .gitignore config/
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-19 travis-pro-core move next_sequence_value to travis-support
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-19 travis-support gotta require active_record here
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-19 travis-support hmmm, activerecord is not cherry pickable?
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-19 travis-support move next_sequence_value to here
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-19 travis-web add monster media queries
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-19 travis-web fix underline issue with status icons in links
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-19 travis-web optimize status colors and expand/collapse icons
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-19 travis-web recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-19 travis-web recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-19 travis-web signin spinner, needs a better gif
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-19 travis-web use status colors for worker status
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-20 travis-logs start features
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-20 travis-web bundle update and recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-20 travis-web some fixes to the profile page
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-21 travis-web refactor app/auth stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-21 travis-web refactor app/auth stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-22 travis-web "fix" column heights, probably need a different approach to the 3-colum layout
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-22 travis-web do not show the signing in status on auto-sign-in for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-22 travis-web fix background color for empty space on the left bottom
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-22 travis-web fix duration label icon/text switch
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-22 travis-web fix unacceptable long user names
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-22 travis-web fix z-index for tail button and main margin-right when sidebar collapsed
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-22 travis-web go back to the faux columns based layout
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-22 travis-web improve paddings on the sign-in/out handle and drop down
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-22 travis-web recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-22 travis-web remove the auth controller and view
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-22 travis-web replace the help icon, glyphicons is the new famfamfam, right
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-23 travis-web add a "to top" link
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-23 travis-web clean out unused images, shrinken images, use a single ui image folder
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-23 travis-web css tweaks
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-23 travis-web extract slider toggle cuz i can't get an ember mixin working
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-23 travis-web fix hooks switch state and description line-height
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-23 travis-web fix nil api_endpoint
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-23 travis-web fix persisting the minimized sidebar status
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-23 travis-web get rid of the left bg image
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-23 travis-web more tweaks
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-23 travis-web optimize duration icon, further narrow the left column on small screens ESPECIALLY FOR JOSH
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-23 travis-web stop autoscrolling on scroll up event, idea by courtesy of @rkh
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-23 travis-web try a flex-box layout
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-24 travis-core add channels to the pusher task log message
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-24 travis-core pay off some technical debt: gotta rescue those new exceptions
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-24 travis-logs add a gemspec
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-24 travis-pro-core pre-require activerecord
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-24 travis-pro-logs initial commit
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-24 travis-web use separate classes for display and display-inline
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-25 travis-api add hubble
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-25 travis-api add newrelic
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-25 travis-api set the amqp configuration
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-25 travis-assets ignore events where we don't have a callback
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-25 travis-assets update pusher and recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-25 travis-pro-logs fix production db config
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-25 travis-pro-logs increase db connection pool, reduce shards
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-25 travis-pro-logs rename to travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-25 travis-web recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-api add Rack::PostBodyContentTypeParser and fix locale update
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-api bundle update
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-api fix hooks
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-assets disallow builds from the future
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-assets does not work, simplify
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-assets fix styling
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-assets fix styling for pro
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-assets hide this, no idea what's going on but this seems to behave better :D
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-assets output the missing metamorph thing
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-assets recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-assets remove the annoying deprecation warning, try commenting out the offending metamorph source
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-assets try debugging
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-assets try making the main view more robust against loading issues
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-core take true/false for serivce hooks, too
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-web catch pusher unsubscribe exceptions
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-web filter pusher warnings about missing subscriptions
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-web fix for internal pusher events
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-web fix hooks, sync and try fixing locale
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-web fix popup link
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-web fix pusher subscription
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-web fix some links/action targets
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-web ignore more pusher warnings
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-web recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-web switch to history location
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-26 travis-web tweak greens
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-api fix accounts and hooks endpoints
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-api fix locale param name
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-api it is service, not services
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-api remove /profile, add /user and /accounts
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-api rename endpoint to users and fix endpoint specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-core add a user service and http api
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-core add an account model, service and http api
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-web add status to job summary
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-web do not load accounts on controller init
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-web don't warn on pusher errors for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-web fix job list status icons
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-web fix parameter name for builds "load more"
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-web fix popup
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-web recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-web recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-web recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-web refactor auth/user/accounts
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-web remove debug output
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-web remove extra div from layout
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-web remove hash mark from repo list
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-27 travis-web separate session storage of user and token, do stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-28 travis-core make ids[] api work
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-28 travis-web Revert "try using jobs.loaded for matrixes"
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-28 travis-web fix deansi for erasing text
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-28 travis-web fix status color for build summary
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-28 travis-web make the spinner transparent
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-28 travis-web no need to defer loading the user any more
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-28 travis-web really fix the status colors
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-28 travis-web recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-28 travis-web redirect from hashbang urls
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-28 travis-web redirect to home from profile on sign out
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-28 travis-web try using jobs.loaded for matrixes
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-29 travis-api adapt changes for split services
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-29 travis-core allow access to locale
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-29 travis-core make ruby 1.8 happy
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-29 travis-core pluralize account and user service names
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-29 travis-core remove one_or_create as it does not seem to be used
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-29 travis-core split up services
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-29 travis-web move loadConfig to
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-30 travis-api switch to travis-core/sf-travis-api
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-30 travis-core cleanup
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-30 travis-core different test order in jruby?
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-30 travis-core fix hooks update service spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-30 travis-web change SCRIPT_NAME when changing PATH_INFO, add X-CASCADE header
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-30 travis-web split up
Sven Fuchs 2012-09-30 travis-web switch travis-core to sf-travis-api
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-01 travis-api figure out the api version from HTTP_ACCEPT
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-01 travis-api fix failing specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-01 travis-api rbx does't like debugger
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-01 travis-api start porting api integration tests
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-01 travis-api start porting api integration tests
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-01 travis-web add a unicorn.rb
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-01 travis-web doh. add missing files
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-01 travis-web generate a real version hash
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-01 travis-web move assets stuff to development group
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-01 travis-web rework asset compilation
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-02 travis-api comment out result images for now since i cant get this to work
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-02 travis-api moar work on acceptance tests
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-02 travis-core fix fixes
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-02 travis-core fixes for porting v1 to travis-api
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-02 travis-core tiny refactoring to ServiceHook
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-02 travis-web remove order param for builds
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-api add notes about travis-ci routes
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-api backup routing specs from travis-ci
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-api cleanup and some notes
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-api fix sign in
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-api refactor to responders, add the cc.xml stuff
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-core fix builds/all service
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-pro-web FUCK YEAR, SUCCESSFUL COMPILATION
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-pro-web recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-pro-web rename to scripts and styles
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-pro-web reuse Assetfile from travis-web
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-pro-web work on compilation
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-web add .slugignore
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-web add .travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-web add the favicon
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-web extract paths in Assetfile; rename javascripts to scripts, stylesheets to styles
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-web just include *.hbs
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-web make Assetfile more agnostic
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-web make assetfile reusable
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-web make filters pluggable
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-web make things even more generic
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-web mit license
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-web preserve the stats script
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-web remove the "goals" gist from the readme
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-03 travis-web rename gemspec
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-ci fix the services initializer
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-ci re-add missing nested build api routes
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-ci remove the branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-ci remove v2 controllers and fix v1
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-ci use travis-core/sf-travis-api
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-core another stray autoload
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-core doh, actually it's receive
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-core it's :requeue, not :create now
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-core move services setting to Travis
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-core remove dangling comma to make jruby happy
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-core remove stray autoload
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-core requeue requests
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-core small refactoring to the request receive service
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-core the request object might not be available in the instrument
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-pro-ci pin travis-core to master-pre-travis-api
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-pro-core adapt to changes to services in travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-pro-hub pin travis-core to master-pre-travis-api
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-pro-web need to patch rake-pipeline/file_wrapper to ensure pro assets always come last
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-support add a debug option to load_constants
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-04 travis-web fix assets order
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-05 doco add bluebox info
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-05 travis-api adapt services changes from travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-05 travis-api add deflater, roger @rkh?
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-05 travis-ci set asset version in dev mode
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-05 travis-core fix build history sort order
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-05 travis-core join all and by_ids services, stop raising not_found exceptions from services
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-05 travis-core remove notes
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-05 travis-pro-ci adapt changes to services
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-05 travis-pro-ci remove crap filter
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-05 travis-pro-core use the base services method
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-05 travis-pro-hub hub seems to use RC1
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-05 travis-web improvements to the asset pipeline thanks to @twinturbo
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-05 travis-web showUnauthenticated after signout
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-06 travis-api add a user permissions endpoint
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-06 travis-core add permissions scope, service and v2 api
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-06 travis-core add services specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-06 travis-core order builds by id, not number
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-06 travis-web check if readyState == 3 makes the responseText available in browsers we care about ... yes, it does
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-06 travis-web finally rename repository to repo
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-06 travis-web load user permissions
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-06 travis-web rename goTo* to show*
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-06 travis-web rework the asset pipeline to use environments
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-07 travis-api fix requests endpoint, routes order for permissions, raise on undefined builder
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-07 travis-api try syncing stdout
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-07 travis-core allow requeueing requests that are still in the :created state for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-07 travis-core fix that requests are left in the :started state even if they were finished
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-07 travis-core make requeue service check for requeueable requests
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-07 travis-core reuse the existing request for requeueing builds
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-07 travis-web change tools button to have a menu, add requeue menu item, make status image stuff a popup
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-07 travis-web try fixing the root key for Repo.find() (even though ember-data really seems weird here)
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-07 travis-web try making workers item view more robust
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-08 travis-api set default version to v2 for easier query/performance inspection for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-08 travis-core optimize queries issued by builds/jobs one/all queries
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-08 travis-web add flash messages and styles
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-08 travis-web add rack-ssl
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-08 travis-web fix asset dirs constant
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-08 travis-web set content on user permissions array proxy
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-09 travis-api moar refactoring on responders, fix specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-09 travis-api move responders out of helpers
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-09 travis-api on 404 redirect for /owner/name paths on v1
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-09 travis-api refactor responders
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-09 travis-api rename Responder to Base (resembles Sinatra::Base and i can't come up with another name for a common base class of Middleware and Endpoint)
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-09 travis-core add a worker api builder
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-09 travis-core change messages api
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-09 travis-core return nil from updating services for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-09 travis-core start adding messages to services, might want a different pattern here
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-09 travis-web fuck yeah, flash messages
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-09 travis-web keep flash messages for 10sec
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-09 travis-web refactor ajax, get rid of the module
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-09 travis-web remove debug flash message
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-09 travis-web remove flash count binding and solve that in css
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-10 travis-api manual redirects and rewrite rules for supporting v1 style resources
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-10 travis-ci add pivotallabs as a silver sponsor
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-10 travis-core v2 api repo keys
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-10 travis-crowd add pivotallabs as a silver sponsor
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-10 travis-web check if we do have jobs before trying to iterate over them
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-10 travis-web fix negation
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-10 travis-web hm, also check for the build here, obviously
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-10 travis-web ok, it's DEFAULT_ENDPOINT
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-10 travis-web parse pusher key into the index.html like the api endpoint
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-10 travis-web stop loading the app config from the api cuz it adds quite a noticeable delay
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-11 travis-api add http headers for services that respond to caching info
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-11 travis-api does not work and i can't get rbx working locally, deactivating it again
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-11 travis-api fix specs for cors
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-11 travis-api remove rbx for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-11 travis-api try fixing rbx
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-11 travis-api try using rack/cache with memcached
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-11 travis-api whitelist Cache-Control, Expires, Last-Modified for cors
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-11 travis-core add final? and updated_at to services for http caching info
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-11 travis-core find_one type services can return nil
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-11 travis-web deactivate auto-auth for now because redis has run full :/
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-11 travis-web re-enable auto-auth
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-11 travis-web set cache headers, can't get rack/cache to behave though
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-11 travis-web try using rack cache for in memory caching
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-11 travis-web using the production pusher key with RUN_API causes tons of 404 errors
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-12 travis-api add activerecord query cache
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-12 travis-api re-add rbx
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-12 travis-api rename services, remove service helpers
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-12 travis-core rename One, All, ByGithub to FindOne, FindAll, FindByGithub
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-12 travis-pro-web adapt to changes from travis-web
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-12 travis-pro-web recompile, rebundle
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-12 travis-web somewhat more consistent naming
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-12 travis-web use the rake-pipeline project directly. cuts asset build time by 50%
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-api need to require active_record for the exception class
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-api rename to signed_in?
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-api set the scope for /post_message to :public (@rkh: confim?)
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-pro-api add a procfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-pro-api add config/travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-pro-api set oauth app and add a pusher endpoint
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-pro-api update Gemfile, setup pro core
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-pro-api use branch sf-travis-api and use travis-pro services
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-pro-web add config/unicorn.rb
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-pro-web fix redirect after signin, add an empty view
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-pro-web set production pusher key
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-pro-web update gemfile from travis-web
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-pro-web update styles and load router patch
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-web add an empty repos view
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-web add autoSignIn to fix that after signOut it would always re-signin on pages that require auth
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-web camelize to afterSignIn and add afterSignOut
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-web fix router after_signin behaviour
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-web make sure we go through the auth check after signout
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-web move select() functionality to Travis.Model and reuse it for accounts
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-web move unicorn config to config/unicorn.rb
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-web recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-web remove the absolute binding to see if that gets rid of the warnings
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-web rename handlebars helper to travis_handlebars
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-web set the reposController to the repoController in connectOutlets
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-13 travis-web some tweaks
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-14 travis-api downgrade thin
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-14 travis-api empty the gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-14 travis-api re-add flash messages
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-14 travis-api re-upgrade thin
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-14 travis-api rebundle
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-14 travis-api restore gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-14 travis-api tmp downgrade eventmachine
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-14 travis-api upgrade eventmachine again
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-14 travis-core fix requeue service, now needs to return something not-nil
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-14 travis-core should be an underscored key name
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-14 travis-pro-api add /lib to the load path
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-14 travis-pro-web fix flash, add an activation button
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-14 travis-web css sync and hooks buttons
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-14 travis-web rebundle
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-15 travis-core add a basic event audit trail, events find_all service and api
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-15 travis-core add result and message to requests
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-15 travis-core fix brittle spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-15 travis-core fix specs on master
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-16 travis-api add missing file
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-16 travis-core add Event.recent scope
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-16 travis-core add a feature flip for the event trail, store more event meta data
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-16 travis-core feature flip the notifications redis publisher
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-16 travis-core fix brittle spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-16 travis-core fix typo
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-16 travis-core fix typo
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-16 travis-core return the commit as a source for requests
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-16 travis-core revert the last change, add a feature flip, store more meta data for events
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-16 travis-web add an events tab
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-16 travis-web stashing some work on the events log
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-17 first draft on the new client announcement
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-17 travis-core fix stats services grouping
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-17 travis-core introduce broadcasts
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-17 travis-core introduce broadcasts
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-17 travis-core should use a text column, n00b
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-17 travis-web re-add guard, rename "profile" menu item to "accounts" and add the github badge to the accounts sidebar
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-18 travis-api add a broadcasts endpoint
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-18 travis-assets backport broadcast styles
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-18 travis-ci 404 if job cant be found
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-18 travis-ci adapt to changes to services api
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-18 travis-core add the first active broadcast to build notification emails
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-18 travis-core apparently branches can actually contain nil objects?
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-18 travis-core builds might not be finished at this point
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-18 travis-core remove stale autoload
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-18 travis-web add broadcasts
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-19 travis-api rename accounts service
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-19 travis-ci broadcasts
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-19 travis-core move accounts service to users; return true from user update service
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-19 travis-pro-api make home and authorization endpoints public
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-19 travis-pro-api push stuff for @rkh
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-19 travis-pro-ci broadcasts
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-19 travis-pro-core adapt changes to services in travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-19 travis-pro-web push stuff for @rkh
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-19 travis-support make async robust against load order, use the class name as queue name unless given as an option
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-19 travis-web check both repos.isLoaded and repos.length before rendering empty; set height to 100%
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-19 travis-web fix top menu active item styles
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-19 travis-web moar routing/auth refactorings
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-19 travis-web refactor broadcasts
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-19 travis-web refactor routes/auth interaction so that it always calls afterSignIn()
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-19 travis-web remove debug output
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-19 travis-web update script/server to use puma
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-19 travis-web use an html char here
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-20 travis-core add queueing info to tasks instrumentation
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-20 travis-core move task info to the actual event message
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-20 travis-support remove flawed async spec and disable amqp specs that fail for months now
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-21 travis-api add specs for build status image urls that filter by multiple branches
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-21 travis-api fix target_ok? regexp
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-21 travis-ci add a broadcast helper
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-21 travis-ci add broadcasts
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-21 mention pro
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-21 tweak next announcement
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-21 travis-core comment out checking for short urls for now, not used anyway, should move this out of the tasks layer
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-21 travis-core join last_build_result_on and last_finished_on_branch methods
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-21 travis-core join last_build_result_on and last_finished_on_branch methods
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-21 travis-core use async strategies
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-21 travis-support have a strategy pattern for using local threads, sidekiq or amqp for async work
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-21 travis-tasks use sidekiq
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-22 travis-core check presence of recipients/targets in event handlers
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-22 travis-core default task data to an empty hash here
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-22 travis-core no need to check run? for tasks since that should be done in the handler, really
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-22 travis-core refactor event handlers to be less expensive
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-22 travis-core rescue before instrumentation and go through the :notify class method
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-22 travis-core symbolize keys after going through sidekiq
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-23 travis-assets adding compiled asset dirs
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-23 travis-ci fix top partial
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-23 update the date
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-23 travis-core add sidekiq defaults to Travis.config
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-23 travis-pro-ci fix v1 repos controller to use FindOne
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-23 travis-pro-ci handcrafted schema, weee
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-23 travis-pro-core adapt specs for service changes in travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-23 travis-pro-core use the engine
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-23 travis-support set a formatter for the metriks logger
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-24 travis-core 1.9 gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-24 travis-core refactor towards more skinny event handlers
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-24 travis-core refactor towards more skinny event handlers
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-24 travis-core use travis-support/master
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-24 travis-tasks use gh from github
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-24 travis-tasks use travis-core/master and travis-support/master
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-25 travis-core actually return the queued jobs
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-25 travis-enqueue initial commit
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-25 travis-enqueue set up amqp and add some log output
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-25 travis-support load active_support logger patch so we have the same metriks log formatter everywhere
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-25 travis-support use a simpleformatter for metriks logs
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-25 travis-tasks try debugging metriks log formatter
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-26 travis-enqueue try using jruby
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-26 travis-enqueue use bundle exec in the procfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-26 travis-enqueue use jruby
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-26 travis-support handle exceptions in the bunny publisher
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-27 travis-ci move active_record log_subscriber to travis-support
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-27 travis-core move active_record log subscriber to travis-support
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-27 travis-core move queueing logic to a service, invert the job/owners loop, return a report about jobs queued etc
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-27 travis-core restructure towards extracting travis-addons
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-27 travis-enqueue use queueing service
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-27 travis-support do not handle exceptions in test env
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-27 travis-support move active_record log_subscriber to here
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-ci use travis-core/sf-addons
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-core deactivate metrics event handler for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-core do not check ancestores when looking for event handler classes
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-core do not explode, just warn if event handler could not be found
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-core fix build notification email heading
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-core fix channels option now that this goes through json for sidekiq
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-core fix event/config to have send_on_started_for?
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-core flip enqueing (the record) and publishing (the amqp message) so we do not enqueue if publishing raises
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-core go back to block syntax for faraday
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-core gotta require gh
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-core move GH setup to Travis
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-core move email broadcasts to the event handler and pass a param to tasks
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-core move github services stuff to services/github
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-core re-enable metrics handler
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-core really fix the irc channels option, tmp solution w/ eval, parsing will be moved to the task anyway
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-core remove stale autoloads
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-core use the actual task class
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-core use the github find_admin service
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-28 travis-tasks require gh
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-29 travis-core really go back to faraday block syntax, fix template config for tasks
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-29 travis-tasks debug
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-29 travis-tasks use travis-core/sf-addons
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-30 travis-core add owner_type and owner_id to repo stub
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-30 travis-core fix typo, add a test for this
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-30 travis-core need to use a different api endpoint for fetching the config
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-30 travis-core returned data is json
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-30 travis-core send org broadcasts to repos, too
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-30 travis-pro-core auth fetch_config
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-30 travis-pro-core doh.
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-30 travis-pro-core double doh.
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-30 travis-pro-core fix commit_url: we now already have a query param
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-30 travis-pro-core github stuff has been moved to services, also: 1.9 syntax
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-30 travis-pro-core need to separate scope_access from configure because pro hub is not supposed to scope access, @rkh: ping
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-30 travis-pro-core port broadcasts to the email template
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-30 travis-pro-core renamed to Travis::Services::Github
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-30 travis-pro-hub use travis-pro-core and travis-core/sf-fix-fetch_config
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-ci fix specs, remove outdated spec helpers
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-core add a setter for running tasks locally and add specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-core cleanup after rebase
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-core fix fetch_config instrument
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-core fix notification_values for event handler configs
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-core fix specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-core make sure we filter out tokens
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-core make sure we filter out tokens
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-core move config_url from Commit to Request
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-core need to pass the actual repository now
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-logs be able to pick up messages directly from the worker
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-logs comment out dumping the thread count as this causes Thread.current to be missing
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-logs metriks log subscriber is now in travis-support
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-logs remove branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-logs remove debug output in production
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-logs run tasks locally
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-logs setup sidekiq
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-logs use 1.7.0
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-logs use sidekiq
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-pro-core Revert "safeguard for missing request.config"
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-pro-core add missing spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-pro-core config url was moved to Request
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-pro-core request.config can be nil when the request was not accepted
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-pro-core safeguard for missing request.config
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-pro-hub lock travis-core to pro-master
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-tasks remove branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-worker route logs directly to "reporting.logs"
Sven Fuchs 2012-10-31 travis-worker use separate stuff for logs
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-01 travis-core check email recipients last
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-01 travis-core go back to faraday block syntax for the webhook
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-01 travis-core refactor request payloads to accept a GH instance
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-01 travis-core remove crap
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-01 travis-core restore v1 webhook payloads
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-01 travis-core try fixing irc task when irc channel given as a single string
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-01 travis-core try fixing v1 branches http cache updated_at
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-01 travis-core try fixing v1 branches http cache updated_at
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-01 travis-core use the service api for fetch_config and find_admin services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-01 travis-pro-ci bundle update travis-pro-core as well
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-01 travis-pro-ci lock travis-core to pro-master
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-01 travis-pro-core lock travis-core to pro-master
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-01 travis-pro-core reduce monkeypatches and use regular classes for Github::FetchConfig and Requests::Receive services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-01 travis-pro-logs lock travis-core to pro-master
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-02 travis-api use travis-core/master
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-02 travis-core add more debug logging to request creation
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-02 travis-core add tags to debug output
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-02 travis-core assume commit can be empty for debug output
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-02 travis-core fix email event_handler spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-02 travis-core fix email notification/result logic
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-02 travis-core resurrect Repository#last_build_result_on w/ env keys api even though it is inconsistent
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-02 travis-core stop dumping the full config
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-02 travis-core use log_level :warn
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-02 travis-tasks add github_status to the queue names
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-03 travis-core register addons explicitely
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-03 travis-core remove stale autoload
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-03 travis-logs 1.9 syntax
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-03 travis-logs monkeypatch Travis::Tasks.run_local? ... wth does this not work
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-03 travis-logs register addons
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-03 travis-pro-api update staging database config
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-03 travis-pro-api use travis-pro-core and travis-core masters
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-03 travis-pro-ci update staging db config
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-03 travis-pro-ci use travis-core/master
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-03 travis-pro-core port to current travis-core/master
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-03 travis-pro-hub update the staging db config
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-03 travis-pro-hub use travis-core/master
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-03 travis-pro-logs update staging db config
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-03 travis-pro-logs use travis-core/master
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-03 travis-pro-web fix stuff, port charm tab
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-03 travis-tasks register addons
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-04 travis-core move ssl_key encoding to travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-04 travis-core move ssl_key encoding to travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-04 travis-core simplify service hook code
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-04 travis-core simplify service hook code
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-04 travis-pro-core set deploy keys on service hook activation, not request configuration
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-04 travis-pro-web adapt recent changes from web
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-04 travis-pro-web needs simple layout, reset flex for auth layout
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-api rename EVENTS back after reverting stuff in core
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-core Revert "move service dependency out of the payload generation"
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-core Revert "move ssl_key encoding to travis-core"
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-core Revert "simplify service hook code"
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-core Revert "use common api to access services everywhere"
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-core move service dependency out of the payload generation
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-core use common api to access services everywhere
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-pro-core Revert "add autoloads for pro services"
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-pro-core Revert "always set pro services"
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-pro-core Revert "define all services explicitely on pro, include safeguards"
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-pro-core Revert "don't scope access in hub"
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-pro-core Revert "fix specs by disabling default_scope"
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-pro-core Revert "set deploy keys on service hook activation, not request configuration"
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-pro-core add autoloads for pro services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-pro-core always set pro services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-pro-core always use pro services (i.e. also make them available in hub)
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-pro-core define all services explicitely on pro, include safeguards
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-pro-core define all services explicitely on pro, include safeguards
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-pro-core don't scope access in hub
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-pro-core don't scope access in hub
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-pro-core fix specs by disabling default_scope
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-pro-tasks add Gemfile.lock
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-pro-tasks add travis-tasks
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-pro-tasks initial commit
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-05 travis-tasks have a gemspec
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-06 travis-core commit can be nil here
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-06 travis-core use the commit sha from the payload hash
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-06 travis-pro-core another attemp at getting rid of the stack level too deep error
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-06 travis-pro-core debug output
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-06 travis-pro-core move the whole thing to travis-pro-hub for debugging
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-06 travis-pro-core put the pull request payload m0nkeypatch back in place :(
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-06 travis-pro-core try fixing stack level exception
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-06 travis-pro-core try loading the request payload to gh before looking up the repo
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-06 travis-pro-core try using an alias_chain instead of prepend_to
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-06 travis-pro-core try work around that travis-pro-tasks cannot load models
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-06 travis-pro-hub move duplicated oauth2 config from production to staging, where it is missing
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-06 travis-pro-hub move patching the request service to here for debugging
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-06 travis-pro-hub remove require option from gemfile to see if that fixes duplicate load error
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-06 travis-pro-hub remove unused worker event handler
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-06 travis-pro-tasks load pro/core
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-core Restore "move service dependency out of the payload generation"
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-core Restore "use common api to access services everywhere"
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-core do not break if job does not have an owner (in local dev)
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-core do not crash but display "?" as a duration if finished_at is nil (for whatever weird reason)
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-core do not crash but log an error on undecryptable config values
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-core do not crash if matrix config is incorrectly given as rvm:ruby-head (missing space)
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-core do not try to normalize true values
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-core getting debug output right is hard
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-core normalize github user sync service api
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-core remove admin from pull request payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-pro-core Restore "set deploy keys on service hook activation, not request configuration"
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-pro-core add script thingy for @rkh
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-pro-core move stuff back to here
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-pro-core wrap payload into :pull_request
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-pro-hub lock to sf-hub-pro-services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-pro-hub move stuff back to travis-pro-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-pro-hub remove thor
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-07 travis-pro-hub try using the monkey patch and disable newrelic for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-08 travis-api fix tests for cc.xml
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-08 travis-pro-api update gemfile
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-08 travis-pro-ci fix specs and whitelist more queries
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-08 travis-pro-ci lock to sf-hub-pro-services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-08 travis-pro-ci remove branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-08 travis-pro-ci services are now set up in Travis::Pro::Core.setup
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-08 travis-pro-ci whitelist more things, dunno why this never failed
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-08 travis-pro-core default to scoping access
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-08 travis-pro-core doh. return the result, shall we?
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-08 travis-pro-core scope access to artifacts for api
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-08 travis-pro-core users/sync service is now actually in use
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-08 travis-pro-hub remove branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-08 travis-pro-hub scope_access is now default, so turn it off for hub
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-09 travis-core fix services spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-09 travis-core more tweaks to broken notification .travis.yml values
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-09 travis-core raising on default services was a bad idea, instead just ignore subsequent calls to services=
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-09 travis-pro-core add a safeguard to enforce using pro services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-09 travis-pro-core finally remove request service monkeypatches
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-09 travis-pro-core it's just request
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-09 travis-sso add a test mode
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-10 travis-core add an instrument to the hook update service
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-10 travis-pro-ci use the hooks :update service so that we set the deploy key on service hook activation
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-10 travis-pro-core add an instrument to Github::SetKey service
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-10 travis-pro-core fix debug output
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-10 travis-pro-core pass all the params to repo find_one
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-10 travis-pro-core try authenticating each GH call separately
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-10 travis-pro-core try removing the keys information from the set_key instrumentation notice
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-10 travis-pro-core use repo find_one service to look up the repository
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-10 travis-pro-web restore empty view
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-10 travis-web restore isLoaded for repos controller
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-api fix service hook spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-ci Update .travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-core add duration to log output
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-core allow looking up service hooks by id, too
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-core always add the object class name and method name to the message
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-core always subscribe to all instrumented method/status suffix combinations, even if the method is not defined (so we do not have to define them artificially)
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-core id might not be passed as a param, so use the
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-core pass the method name to the instrument, too
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-core passed hash may have an empty :id key set. le sign, bc
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-core remove Hooks::FindOne service
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-core remove hash nesting for hooks v1 payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-core remove service hooks stubs
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-core remove the method_added hook for instruments
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-core use fewer instance vars on the instrument, add timing info to the payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-core use the repo find_one to look up the repository
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-pro-ci allow access through service_hooks
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-pro-ci allow access to repos for env_helpers
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-pro-core Hooks::FindOne was removed
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-11 travis-pro-core add SetHook pro service class
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-12 travis-core add status to the notification log message, improve the rspec matcher for notifications
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-12 travis-core flatten some of the instrumentation payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-12 travis-core format duration for log messages
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-12 travis-core move publish_instrumentation_event matcher to lib/testing
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-12 travis-core stop requiring a commit message
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-12 travis-pro-core remove branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-12 travis-pro-core update specs for instrumentation changes
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-12 travis-pro-web add a legal menu
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-12 travis-pro-web make top menu billing link respect billing_endpoint config
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-12 travis-pro-web recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-12 travis-web abstract out styles for menu from profile
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-13 travis-core handle Postmark::InvalidMessageError exceptions
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-13 travis-core rescue exceptions from event handlers
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-13 travis-core rescue from irc connection resets
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-13 travis-pro-api setup pro services first
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-13 travis-pro-core add account.subscribed to the api
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-13 travis-pro-tasks add sidekiqs and pg
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-13 travis-pro-tasks whoops, we're on 1.9.3
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-13 travis-pro-web remove debug output
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-13 travis-pro-web use account.activated
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-13 travis-web change queue grouping
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-14 travis-pro-api bulk authorize all channels in one request
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-14 travis-pro-api fix pusher/auth endpoint
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-14 travis-pro-api use lshift amqp
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-14 travis-pro-core add pusher channels to user payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-14 travis-pro-core port god?
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-14 travis-pro-web bulk authorize channels
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-14 travis-pro-web pass the user token to pusher auth
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-14 travis-pro-web set the pusher auth api endpoint
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-14 travis-pro-web subscribe to pusher channels on sign in
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-14 travis-pro-web use a private channel prefix
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-15 travis-pro-api auth job channels
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-15 travis-pro-core fix event name
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-15 travis-pro-core fix pusher specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-15 travis-pro-logs dial down production shards to 5
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-15 travis-pro-web hide github stats
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-15 travis-pro-web recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-15 travis-pro-web recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-15 travis-pro-web setup charm after sign in
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-15 travis-pro-web trying to get rid of the stats loading
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-15 travis-web changes for pro
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-16 travis-pro-web respond to user:synced and user:signed_in by updating the charm conf and subscribing to pusher channels
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-16 travis-pro-web wire up charm popup with the support link
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-16 travis-web issue events on user:signed_in and user:synced
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-17 travis-api use registered services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-17 travis-core add a spec for ensuring the user gets set back to not syncing
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-17 travis-core clean up
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-17 travis-core do not check for is_syncing? since the scheduling service already sets it
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-17 travis-core flatten namespace for services, remove autoloads, register services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-17 travis-core move enqueueing related stuff to travis/enqueue
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-17 travis-core move github related stuff to travis/github
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-17 travis-core move log related stuff to travis/logs
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-17 travis-core move logic from hub to an append_log service
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-17 travis-core move logic from hub to an update_job service
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-17 travis-core move logic from hub to an update_workers service
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-17 travis-core move request related stuff to travis/requests
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-17 travis-core remove stray files
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-17 travis-core rename repos services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-17 travis-core use Travis.run_service everywhere
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-17 travis-core use the service helper within services since we might need to pass current_user
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-17 travis-logs use registered log service
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-18 travis-api use Services::Helpers
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-18 travis-api use travis-core/sf-register-services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-18 travis-core go back to autoloads, would need to add properly cherrypicking requires everywhere
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-18 travis-core move service helper methods to Services::Helpers, require services everywhere
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-18 travis-gatekeeper use travis-core/sf-register-services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-18 travis-logs freeze signature to 0.1.4
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-18 travis-logs use travis-core/sf-register-services, remove thor, move app to logs/app.rb
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-ci use registered services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-core fix request service names
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-core go back to registering services explicitely
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-core handle language being set as an array in .travis.yml gracefully
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-core need to check syncing? on user
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-core update pusher to 0.11.0
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-core use the service helper since we might need the user for authentication
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-logs add travis-sidekiqs
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-logs fix specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-pro-api load pro core last
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-pro-api use sf-register-services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-pro-core always set pro services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-pro-core always setup
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-pro-core fix error message and make github user sync internal
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-pro-core fix github service names
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-pro-core fix specs on jruby
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-pro-core it's just :find_admin
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-pro-core output the env
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-pro-core use registered services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-pro-hub use sf-register-services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-pro-logs use sf-register-services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-pro-logs use sf-register-services, remove thor
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-19 travis-pro-logs use signature 0.1.4
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-20 travis-pro-api bundle update and update travis.yml configz
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-20 travis-pro-api redisgreen redis url
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-20 travis-pro-api use unicorn and copy over script/console
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-20 travis-pro-ci comment out db config from travis.yml
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-20 travis-pro-ci update database config
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-20 travis-pro-ci use redisgreen in production
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-20 travis-pro-hub redisgreen redis url
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-20 travis-pro-logs redisgreen redis url
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-20 travis-pro-tasks redisgreen redis url
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-20 travis-pro-web bundle update and recompile
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-20 travis-pro-web need help instead of need support
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-21 travis-core fix worker payload and request/states_spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-21 travis-core port 3396b4c Add some more logging post request handling.
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-21 travis-core use the :find_build service
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-21 travis-pro-web compile for production
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-21 travis-pro-web fix legal urls
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-21 travis-pro-web fix the top menu bar and billing url
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-21 travis-pro-web recompile production
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-22 travis-web change I18n.missingTranslation so that we use the last part of the key, titleized instead of a phat, ugly monster message
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-22 travis-web localize top menu links
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-22 travis-web make sure the profile details table does not break with long translations
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-23 travis-api it's request_requeue, not requeue_request
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-23 travis-core add cancel_build and cancel_job services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-23 travis-core fix worker payload spec again
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-23 travis-web remove debugger for now (does not install on travis)
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-24 travis-api remove branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-24 travis-api renamed service to requeue_request
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-24 travis-ci use registered services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-24 travis-core rename request services to request_receive and request_requeue
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-24 travis-core use :passed, :failed, :errored, :cancelled as final states
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-24 travis-gatekeeper remove branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-24 travis-logs remove branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-24 travis-pro-ci do not try to require travis/sidekiqs
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-24 travis-pro-ci do not upgrade rails to 3.2.9 since log_rage seems incompatible
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-24 travis-pro-ci fix pusher controller
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-24 travis-pro-ci use registered services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-24 travis-pro-core remove branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-24 travis-pro-gatekeeper need to setup pro/core last
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-24 travis-sso Don't raise in Helpers#current_user
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-25 travis-api use Repository::StatusImage
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-25 travis-core add Repository#last_build_state and Build#previous_state
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-25 travis-core cleanup
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-25 travis-pro-core don't require travis/sidekiqs.rb
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-25 travis-pro-core fix pusher log task
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-25 travis-pro-logs doh, need to setup pro/core
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-26 travis-core accept legacy worker payloads and deliver meaningful states even if not yet migrated
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-26 travis-core cleanup
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-26 travis-core refactor Build::Messages to Build::ResultMessage
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-26 travis-pro-api use new pusher account
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-26 travis-pro-ci use new pusher account
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-26 travis-pro-core actually move the enqueue service
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-26 travis-pro-core add logs append service
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-26 travis-pro-core add new find_repo_key service, move enqueue service and fix service completeness spec
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-26 travis-pro-core fix autoload for travis pro services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-26 travis-pro-gatekeeper use new pusher account
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-26 travis-pro-hub use new pusher account
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-26 travis-pro-logs update pusher account
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-26 travis-pro-tasks use new pusher account
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-26 travis-pro-web try fixing the activate button on the web side
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-26 travis-web add cancel menu items
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-26 travis-web use states instead of result
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-27 travis-api don't set services manually
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-27 travis-ci no need to set up services
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-27 draft pro next web ui post
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-27 fix image size
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-27 travis-core order broadcasts by id desc
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-27 travis-gatekeeper add oauth config to staging
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-27 travis-pro-api add .buildpacks
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-27 travis-pro-api force deploy
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-27 travis-pro-api force deploy
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-27 travis-pro-api scope access explicitely
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-27 travis-pro-ci scope access explicitely
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-27 travis-pro-core don't always scope access, let's do this more explicitely in apps that actualy want to scope
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-27 travis-pro-gatekeeper no need to setup pro core
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-27 travis-pro-hub don't scope access in hub
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-27 travis-pro-tasks no need to setup pro core
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-27 travis-web fix padding for broadcasts
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-28 travis-core add a feature flip for instrumenting log updates
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-28 travis-core add the event to pusher task instrumentation
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-28 travis-core stop sending worker updates unless the state actually changes
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-28 travis-logs log bytesize in production
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-28 travis-logs stop logging the bytesize in production
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-28 travis-support Stop relying on AS::Notifications for metering instrumented methods
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-29 travis-pro-api fix the domain name for pro
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-29 travis-pro-api set host to
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-29 travis-pro-gatekeeper require gatekeeper first, pro-core second
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-29 travis-support add a debug line that the metriks logger is being started
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-29 travis-tasks add travis-sidekiqs
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-30 travis-core Allow requeueing jobs, requeue builds instead of requests
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-30 travis-core add a spec for the request requeue service instrument
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-30 travis-core add duration and finished_at to the build:started pusher payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-30 travis-core add finished_at to job:started pusher payload
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-30 travis-core add unit tests for Job#requeue and Build#requeue, some 1.9 syntax
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-30 travis-core allow calling user.permission? without passing a role
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-30 travis-core allow requeueing builds for members with pull permissions
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-30 travis-core fix request requeue service messages
Sven Fuchs 2012-11-30 travis-tasks do not require travis/sidekiqs
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-01 travis-api bundle update travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-01 travis-core add result to job:started pusher payloads
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-01 travis-core artifacts are not final any more since jobs can be restarted
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-01 travis-core job:requeued maps to job:created, not job:started
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-01 travis-core now that builds and jobs can be restarted they are not final any more
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-01 travis-core remove result, started_at and finished_at from job:created
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-01 travis-core send build:created and job:created, add result, started_at and finished_at to job:created pusher payloads
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-01 travis-core try issueing a :requeue event
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-01 travis-gatekeeper bundle update travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-01 travis-web accept job:requeue event
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-01 travis-web clear log on job:requeued hax
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-01 travis-web split requeueBuild vs requeueJob
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-02 travis-api lock travis-sidekiqs to cde9741
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-02 travis-core try removing Services::FindArtifact#updated_at
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-02 travis-gatekeeper lock travis-sidekiqs to cde9741 just to be safe
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-03 travis-core fix specs after rebase
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-03 travis-web add state attribute to Branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-03 travis-web fix things after rebase
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-05 travis-api adapt most specs for new states api, some stuff still failing
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-05 travis-api check redis for :use_rack_cache
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-05 travis-ci do not require sidekiqs
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-05 travis-ci use sf-rich-states
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-05 travis-core doh, change the pusher v1 api over, too
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-05 travis-core fix matrix_state, not sure this is the final thing
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-05 travis-core fix scenario and add caller for deprecated method calls
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-05 travis-pro-web hide sponsor notice
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-05 travis-tasks use sf-rich-states
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-05 travis-web try using font/icons for color issues
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-06 travis-core move logging from travis-enqueue to the enqueue service
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-06 travis-core try fixing the dreading repo spec by setting :finished_at
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-06 travis-core use update_attributes! for state changes, so sick of this, mihgt just rip it out anytime soon
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-06 travis-enqueue extract enqueueing stats logging to the service in travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-06 travis-pro-core add a pro :regenerate_repo_key service
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-06 travis-pro-core use a matcher for the services check
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-07 travis-core accept :start and :finish as events on :update_job service
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-07 travis-core doh
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-07 travis-core finally stop relying on update_attributes for state updates, flatten States into Job and Job::Test, remove append_log!
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-07 travis-core move travis/mailer to the email addon, add an optional setup method for addons
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-07 travis-core remove stale autoload
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-07 travis-core swap result for state if present in worker payloads
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-07 travis-core try fixing that :state triggered job:finished
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-07 travis-core use [staging.] as an asset host
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-07 travis-web add mailer images
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-09 travis-api always use etag for caching when cache_key or updated_at are present, add the deploy_sha as a cache buster
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-09 travis-api fix xml responder and result image specs
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-09 travis-api remove branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-09 travis-api use simple_states branch for now
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-09 travis-core make Repository.last_build not depend on the build state
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-09 travis-tasks remove branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-09 travis-web fix icon size
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-09 travis-web use svg icons instead of fonts
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-10 travis-ci downgrade rails, since log_rage is incompatible
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-10 travis-ci remove branch
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-10 travis-core don't start started builds
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-10 travis-pro-api use sf-result-states
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-10 travis-pro-core update email templates for changes in travis-core
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-10 travis-pro-core update schema
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-10 travis-pro-hub use sf-result-states
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-10 travis-pro-tasks use sf-result-states
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-10 travis-web disable "cancel build"
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-11 travis-assets copy public/current to public/version
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-11 travis-ci do not try to set hosts in dev mode
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-11 travis-ci try fixing the result image responder
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-11 travis-ci try forcing the asset host to assets* apps
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-11 travis-ci try to disable refraction
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-11 travis-ci update travis-core and fix v1 servicehooks controller
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-11 travis-core add legacy result fields to pusher payloads so that old clients can still rely on them
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-11 travis-core use Metriks.timer(...).time(&block) as suggested by @eric
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-11 travis-pro-ci use sf-result-states
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-12 travis-api need to use https:// protocol for gist gems now
Sven Fuchs 2012-12-12 travis-api test result images based on the content-disposition header, fix content-disposition header
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