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Created November 14, 2018 01:08
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Codecademy export
"""This is a rock,paper,scissors game """
from random import randint
options = ["Rock","Paper","Scissors"]
message = {"tie":"Yawn it's a tie!",
"won":"Yay you won!",
"lost":"Aww you lost"}
def decide_winner(user_choice,computer_choice):
print "You selected: %s" % user_choice
print "Computer selected: %s" % computer_choice
if user_choice == computer_choice:
print message ["tie"]
elif user_choice == options[0] and computer_choice == options[2]:
print message["won"]
elif user_choice == options[1] and computer_choice == options[0]:
print message["won"]
elif user_choice == options[2] and computer_choice == options[1]:
print message["won"]
print"I'm sorry you lost, better luck next time!"
def play_RPS():
user_choice = raw_input("Enter Rock, Paper, Scissors: ")
user_choice = user_choice.upper()
computer_choice == options[randint(0,2)]
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