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Created April 30, 2015 12:48
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Line Chart: Ontario Student Repayable Debt by Institution, 2004 - 2013
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<title>Ontario Student Repayable Debt 2004-2013</title>
<h2>Average Repayable Debt for Ontario Students, 2004-2013</h2>
<p class="subtext">Figure 1 - Average repayable debt by institution type (<span class="redtext" id="red">Four-Year University</span>, <span class="bluetext" id="blue">Two-year College</span> and <span class="greentext" id="green">One-Year Private College</span>). Source: <a href="">Ontario Open Data</a></p>
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d3.csv("student_debt_college.csv",function(colldata) {
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d3.csv("student_debt_private.csv",function(privdata) {
var mergedData = colldata.concat(unidata);
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return dateformat.parse(d.year);
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return +d.debt;
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year debt
2004 11767
2005 12098
2006 12239
2007 12497
2008 12480
2009 12411
2010 12411
2011 12197
2012 12747
2013 13083
year debt
2004 8720
2005 8671
2006 8650
2007 9394
2008 9579
2009 9655
2010 9655
2011 11041
2012 11103
2013 11334
year debt
2004 20875
2005 21084
2006 21235
2007 21739
2008 21883
2009 21548
2010 21178
2011 21511
2012 21885
2013 22207
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