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Created June 21, 2021 08:38
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Gradle publishing plugins, a decision matrix

Publishing Kotlin/Java/Android libraries can be intimidating at first sight with plenty of options to choose from and a lot of different plugins providing different sometimes overlapping features to upload your jar files.

The good news is that the sunsetting of Jcenter brought some welcome clarification in this process and the ecosystem is starting to mature.

I’ll pass quickly over the process of setting up a Sonatype Account and uploading a simple library as there are a ton of nice resources out there to explain the process like this blog post or this other.

Instead, this article focuses on all the little different steps needed for publication like:

  • Configuring repositories
  • Creating publications
  • Configuring sources & javadoc
  • Configuring signatures
  • Avoiding split repositories
  • Publishing artifacts from different CI jobs.
  • Automating the release process

Some are optional, some are mandatory. Depending whether you want to publish JVM libraries, Android, Gradle plugins, multiplatform libraries or maybe something else, the use cases can be a little bit different and the configuration matrix quickly becomes huge.

Over time, plugins have been developed to help with this. If you're looking for the best plugin for your needs, skip to the conclusion for a feature matrix of different publishing plugins.

Configuring repositories

At heart, a maven repository is nothing else that files organized in a certain layout. For an example, you can find okhttp at All files are named and organized in a certain way so that maven and Gradle can lookup group (com.squareup.okhttp3), artifact (okhttp here) and version (4.9.1 here). These are called the GAV coordinates (for Group, Artifact, Version) and this is what goes in the dependencies {} block of your Gradle files:

Now there's no magic there. You can host the same files in a S3 bucket or on your ftp and point your Gradle script to the url, it'll work exactly the same.

MavenCentral is included in a lot of builds already so it makes sense to upload there for your users to find your artifacts easily. Uploading to MavenCentral is a simple POST request:

This is all the maven-publish plugin does behind the scenes. You still need to tell it where to upload as you usually don't want to upload to localhost:

Creating publications

Once you have configured your repositories, the next step is to create your publications. The default setup is like below:

The above repositories and publications will create 2 tasks:

Some plugins will create the publications automatically for you like the Kotlin multiplatform plugin or the java-gradle-plugin plugin. But others will not, leaving you to configure everything.

Configuring sources & javadoc

Also MavenCentral requires that you upload matching sources and javadoc with your artifacts. Here again some plugin will include sources and javadoc but some others will not. Depending the kind of projects you are in, collecting the sources might be slightly different. For an example, this is how the com.vanniktech.maven.publish plugin does it for Android:

Configuring signatures

Again, MavenCentral requires signatures:

It's not a lot of code but some plugins like com.vanniktech.maven.publish automate that for you. They also add some logic to disable signing for SNAPSHOTs where they are not required for example (see here for more details).

Avoiding split repositories

Heads up: This is where things become Sonatype specific. While the maven file layout and signatures apply to any maven repository/publication, interacting with a Nexus repository such as the one powering MavenCentral is 100% Sonatype/MavenCentral specific. (In other terms, Maven != MavenCentral)

If you've done everything until here, you can now upload your artifacts to OSS Staging:

Then head to to see your files. If you see only one line there, congrats, things worked well! But there is a chance you see two lines there:

This is what I call split staging repository and happens because the sonatype server incorrectly grouped uploaded artifacts. This is problematic because verifications will not be atomic anymore. For an example, if one jar ends up in a repository and the matching signature ends up in anoother, verifications will fail and you will be unable to close (=verify) your repository.

To mitigate this, the io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin creates an explicit staging repository id where to upload your artifacts and POST your artifact to that specific url, making sure the repository is always used:

Publishing artifacts from different CI jobs.

For large multiplatform projects that need to be built on different machines (Windows, Linux, MacOS), split repositories are especially frequent. Using io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin is an option that will create one staging repository per machine. You can then close them separately and if they are not overlapping things should go well. It makes the release non-atomic though. Assume something is wrong in your windows artifacts. If you already released the linux one, your release is in a weird state with only partial files.

To mitigate that, you'll have to create the repository ahead of time in a separate job and forward that to each platform specific job. The create-nexus-staging-repo Github Action will help with that. Check out Romain Boisselle excellent post about it for more details.

Automating the release process

Finally, once everything is uploaded in a single staging repository, you can release your artifacts to MavenCentral. Using the UI, you would:

  1. close the repository: this triggers the verifications
  2. release the repository: this moves your files from the staging repo to MavenCentral where they will be publicly available

In order to do everything automatically, both the io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin and com.vanniktech.maven.publish plugins offer a closeAndReleaseRepository task

As described above, this process will fail if you have multiple open repositories open at the same time so there is still room for improvement but it should work in the canonical case and allow to have a release process 100% automated


Over time, multiple plugins were built to help with the above. I tried to list them, hopefully not forgetting any:

Id Github Depends on Publishes Configures Repositories Adds sources Adds javadoc Adds signatures Single Staging Repo Close And Release Description
maven-publish builtin nothing yes no no no no no no The new builtin gradle solution for publishing to a maven repository
io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin gradle-nexus/publish-plugin maven-publish with maven-publish yes no no no yes yes The merge of and
com.vanniktech.maven.publish vanniktech/gradle-maven-publish-plugin maven-publish, dokka with maven-publish yes yes yes yes yes (if a staging repo already exists) yes Configures Dokka and the different publications for Android and other projects.
maven (Deprecated) builtin nothing yes no no no no no no The legacy builtin gradle solution Codearte/gradle-nexus-staging-plugin/ maven-publish with maven-publish yes no no no no yes A plugin to automate the release process marcphilipp/nexus-publish-plugin maven-publish, with maven-publish no no no no yes no A plugin to automate the release process
com.jfrog.bintray (Deprecated) bintray/gradle-bintray-plugin nothing yes yes no no no n/a n/a The legacy plugin to publish to bintray and jcenter (Deprecated) bmuschko/gradle-nexus-plugin maven with maven yes yes yes optional no no A legacy all in one solution for maven publishing

All in all, you will most likely always need maven-publish as it is the base plugin on top of which others work. From there you can either:

  1. configure everything by hand, maybe using libs like Vespene to call the Nexus API.
  2. add io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin to avoid split staging repositories and closeAndReleaseRepository
  3. add com.vanniktech.maven.publish as a one-stop shop that will configure all your publications, sources and javadoc as well as provide closeAndReleaseRepository
  4. If you're building multiplatform project, use create-nexus-staging-repo to make your release atomic

That's it! It's still a lot of details and I'm hoping this process could be improved. For an example removing the requirement for javadocs, making closeAndRelease only one step or standardizing the signature process. But there's already been a lot of improvements over the past months and since the adoption of maven-publish. There's also more and more resources online so now is a good time to start publishing your libs!

💙 Many thanks to Romain Boisselle and Louis CAD for their advices and proofreading

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