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Wowhead Client клиент Wowhead — небольшое приложение, с помощью которого вы можете обновить данные на сайте, а так же воспользоваться дополнительными возможностями! Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, Включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Комментарии Комментарий от GhostxD Мне интересно сейчас доступно это звание? Комментарий от C0pycat Звание доступно, и с приходом Катаклизма его получение стало гораздо легче: Комментарий от bossru Добавлю, что во время различных праздников Тыквовин, Пиршество Странников можно получить баф типо Маска из золы на 2часа и тогда получение звание становится еще проще. Жаль только что со всеми изменениями звание стало не более престижным чем "из расколотого солнца" http: Комментарий от closure я считаю,что это довольно пристижное звание. Когда был ЛК я первое время мучался, но после того как я его получил появилось чувство гордости, каждый раз как я включал это звание сразу всё спрашивали: Где ты его взял? Я конечно отвечал на их вопросы, но современен пришлось его убрать, из-за того что личных чат был завален этими вопросами,да и постепенно уже он надоедал. Комментарий от closure полностью с тобой согласен. Ничего против не имею. Комментарий от Boomkin95 Здравствуйте, уважаемые пользователи. Меня зовут Aner, я написал гайд по получению достижения Чокнутый и одноименного звания. Гайд обновляется с каждыми изменениями, автор прислушывается к игрокам и делает редакцию статьи. Вообщем - чувствуйте себя как дома. Делюсь с вами, если кому помогло - ставьте плюсик. Комментарий от vende11a Просто отличное звание Осталась репа ярмарки и все долговасто делал.. Комментарий от AlekceyBog Гайд по получению достижения Чокнутый в WoW: Это достижение будет введено в патче 3. Вот требования для этого достижения: Пираты кровавого паруса Превознесение: Пираты кровавого паруса Почтение у Пиратов кровавого паруса — весьма простая часть, все что нужно — убивать множество охранников Пиратской бухты. Но это действие сильно снизит вашу репутацию с Картелем хитрой шестеренки Кабестан, Круговзор, Пиратская бухта и Примбамбаск. Именно поэтому вам нужно получить данную репутацию первой. Кстати, в процессе можно получить стильную пиратскую шляпу. Картель хитрой шестеренки После вам нужно пойти в Забытый город Север и освобождать Уззла Наперстняка. Освобождать очень много раз. И требует наличия Ключа от оков Гордока. За выполнение этого квеста вы получаете репутацию и сумку со всяким барахлом. Ключ падает со всех мобов, но наибольший шанс дропа со Стражников Молдара, Слипкика, Фенгуса. За каждое выполнение квеста вы получаете репутации, так что вам потребуется выполнить квеста для экзалтеда. Так что полюбите Забытый город, вам придется провести там немало времени! Шендралар После получения почтения с Пиратами кровавого паруса и превознесения с Картелем хитрой шестеренки вам нужно получить превознесение с Шендралар. Сделать это можно лишь возвращая 3 предмета Манускрипт сосредоточености, Манускрипт защиты, и Манускрипт скорости. С нейтрального до превозносимого отношения вам потребуется сдать квест 86 раз. Самый простой из них для сдачи: Манускрипт сосредоточенности Нетронутый черный алмаз Большой сверкающий осколок 4 Шкура тени 2 Все материалы для этого падают в Некроситете, правда с довольно маленьким шансом шансом. Черный ворон Черный ворон следующая ступень к званию. Получение репутации здесь гораздо проще, чем в предыдущих случаях, но довольно скучно и порой затратно. То есть около мобов, если вы поднимаете репутацию с уровня нейтральной. Следующая стадия — сдавать по 5 Тяжелых ларей за 75 репутации, так что найдите друга-разбойника или сделайте альта, который будет помогать вам в этом. Ящики воруются с мобов уровней Вам потребуется около ящиков, кстати они могут быть куплены, но стоят обычно прилично, разбойники не упускают выгоды. Ярмарка новолуния Итак, последняя стадия: Это чуть ли не самая простая для получения репутация. С введением Начертания получение репутации с этой фракцией стало гораздо проще. Вам потребуется сдать около Колод Разбойников, за каждую сдачу дают по 25 репутации. Для создания колод используются травы низкого уровня, так что проблем быть не должно. Комментарий от S2deNt88 Во время ярмарки новолуния прокатитесь на карусели на острове новолуния и на целый час получите бонус к набиванию репы. Комментарий от Dorat Я сделал макрос, который показывает, сколько мобов из шайки кровавого паруса в танарисе нужно убить до превознесения. Работает начиная с нейтральной репутации. Для тех, кто сначала качает пиратов. Комментарий от AlexP How , as a horde, can i get exalted with everlook,? Isnt this a alliance rep faction? Комментарий от Revolu Any 1 know the best way to do REP with Everlook, Ratchet, Booty Bay, Gadgetzan Комментарий от Hannes37 How can i be exalted with booty bay and honored with bloodsail buccaners at the same time? Комментарий от Malkariss33 As you may notice while trying to complete the achievement above in Cataclysm Insane in the Membrane , many guides are outdated and updated guides are hard to find. So I came here to make a quick overview on the easiest ways I found to farm rep for the following: Honored With Bloodsail Buccaneers: I would do this rep first, considering you might want to go back to the goblin cities afterward. However, if you wish to get the exalted achievement also, I would recommend Steamwheedle first. Before Cataclysm, exalted was the required reputation for this faction. To balance out the buffing up of guards in the cities, they have lowered it to honored. However, you still have to kill an extremely fun amount of guards to get to honored. Killing the guards in Booty Bay With a few friends of course is BY FAR the most efficient way to gain rep. A rough estimate of guard kills from full hated to honored is 2. Either way, it will be very hard considering they hit as hard as Heroic Cata dungeon trash and have just as much HP. They are also all over BB, so watch where you pull. In for some pirate genocide? I started with this since I was already halfway into honored with all of them. Well, I hated it. Each pirate gives you 2. With the 2nd rank guild perk, every 3rd kill is 3 rep, and for humans with the perk, every 2nd kill. Otherwise, you get 3 rep every 4 kills. The pirates are level , so nothing to worry about if you already did Bloodsail. There are 2 primary places I farmed pirates. There is NO way to get exalted without losing Bloodsail rep that I have found. The first is Lost rigger cove and the pirate camp right below it. Those are East of the Caverns of Time in Tanaris, and the other is the Bloodsail ships and camps on the Wild Shore in Stranglethorn directly east of Booty Bay. Preferably the Southsea camps? Well, there are 4 goblin factions. Everlook, Gadgetzan, Booty Bay, and Ratchet. Everlook and Ratchet you will get about halfway through, but Gadgetzan and Booty Bay are the problems. It sucks and makes your life miserable. It took me over 40 hours of dedicated pirate killing. I killed over 30k pirates. My favorite, no idea why. Then again, Arathi Basin was worse, eh? Anyway, the 2 best places to farm it are the 2 closest areas: Stromgarde Keep and Northfold Manor Or whatever the farm north of it is called. Syndicate is your target here. They are a band of rogues and mages, so have at it. I cleared the keep and went straight to the farm and back. Watch for stealthed highwayman Keep and prowlers Farm to kill. They give 5 rep per kill, which is a nice up from pirates. Alas, that is only up to revered. Now you get to do something DIFFERENT! YOU ARE GOING TO NEED A ROGUE. There are a couple of glyphs and potions to help your stealth and pickpocketing abilities, so be sure to watch for those. You can hire people from trade, hop on your rogue alt and farm them, or enslave and brainwash your guildmates to do it for you! D These junkboxes CAN be lockpicked and looted of all but one item Or it will disappear. Chance at a rare item or some lint or something. These are turned into a guy in Ravenholdt Manor Reached from going east from Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad Foothills, there is a dirt path like an S, then a cave where on the other side is a nice little castle. Exalted with Darkmoon Faire: Well, truth be told, I have yet to do this. Once you are done with dailies and games, you can do a turn-in quest involving thorium widgets to get to 2k. These are from rare drops in dungeons. Best ones to get are probably from BC, considering they are the easiest to farm. However, they still go for a VERY large amount of gold to buy of these decks. On my server, Nesingwary US , they went for k. These can be crafted by scribes Or inscriptionators: The mats cost on Nesingwary US were about 50g per deck. I did the math and the least expensive was the Rogues Deck. I would recommend farming the herbs, but if you have the money, be my guest to buy it off of the AH and make the decks. I did the math and if you bough the mats for the costs listed, it would be over k gold no matter what way you went. So, your decision if you want to farm or buy. I am stumped on what I am going to do, but I am leaning to buy. Now to get the money. Hopefully with Cata, there is a farming paradise up ahead for me to make money for this off of. I hope I can get it soon and that I helped a couple people out. If I made a mistake or you have a better method, please reply. Otherwise, please rate up so others can see this. I found the best place to get goblin rep was believe it or not, Dire Maul North. The rep from turning in the shackle quest and ogre suit 5 times an hour far exceeded any grind in tanaris or north barrens, not to mention was far less mind numbing. The thing to note here is that having a friend account on follow was absolutely key here. The ability to trade keys and books made it twice as fast. Ravenholdt should be done with a rogue at level 58 with subtlty and appropriate glyphs to make it fast and efficient. Shadow step is very useful. Leveling a char to 58 should be nothing to you if you plan on doing this achievement tbqh. I found LBRS is the only place you should search for boxes. The pockets of these mobs actually respawned by the time i made it to the top, so you dont need to reset. Roll a goblin for a pack hobgoblin to stash these as you will need thousands. Darkmoon cost me around 30k to finish. I was able to snag alot of berserker decks for g. This may no longer be an option anymore, since nobody builds northrend decks anymore, however northrend decks will be far easier to craft than outland or cata decks. Level a dk for flight speed or a tauren druid fast herbing and herb in northrend. In the cataclysm expansion however, I would suggest you stick with the low level inscription decks that give 25 rep a piece. This may actually be your best or more likely, only feasible option since nobody builds wotlk decks anymore. Buy any decks you can afford and herb like mad. Комментарий от Tombfrost For those working on Ravenholdt: The best and fastest place to get Heavy Junkboxes is BRD. Your rogue only needs to be lvl 55 Get to the entrance to Blackrock Depths, go left through the shadowforge gate, right through the next shadowforge gate, then left through the East Garrison door with the friendly NPC standing in front of it. This will take you into the East Garrison. Go up the stairs, stealthed of course, and be sure to avoid the Fireguards they have an AoE fire aura that will screw your stealth. You can easily get here at lvl 55, and all the NPCs here are lvl 50 - 53 with two or three 55s sprinkled in. This will put you in the Ring of Law, among the spectators on the upper level. Its a big circle, with groups of 9 - 12 NPCs in intervals all around it. Just circle it over and over again picking all the pockets, with detours into the East Garrison containing about 15 NPCs and Shrine of Thaurissan containing about 18 NPCs. Doing this, by time you do a full lap and come back to your start point, all the pockets are pretty much full again. Worst case scenario, there is one dog in the shrine that can detect stealth. Otherwise, there is no stealth detectors at all. My rogue is lvl 56, and I was using LBRS, but heard about a few peeps having good results in the Ring of Law, and gave it a try. LBRS got me about 20 - 30 boxes per hour, but BRD in the Ring of Law has gotten me 80 - 90 boxes per hour easily. I strongly recommend this place if you want to get the Ravenholdt rep grind done faster. Inside Blackrock mountain, walk across one of the huge chains to get to the giant rock out in the middle. Follow the pathway to the bottom, cross another chain, and talk to the NPC with the quest Lothos Riftwaker. You must accept the quest to be able to enter BRD! After getting the quest, take the doorway there next to Lothos, and go down into the big chamber at the bottom the Grinding Quarry. Bear left, all the way into the Masonry from a distance, looks like a red-glowing room , all the way to the back in the corner to the right. Комментарий от Revolu how to win rep without losing reputation with buccaners being hostile at boty bay? Комментарий от Malazee Before Cataclysm, exalted was the required reputation for this faction. Комментарий от Tripfel Most Insane Title Evar? The people in this area are all Booty Bay, all can be killed but 2. It is long and slow, but an alternative for if you can not get a group. This is how I got my pirate rep. Комментарий от lolzorz I finally finished this achievement on June 9, ! A few tips that may be helpful for some folks: Ravenholdt - For farming the Тяжелый ларец , I found LBRS to be the easiest location looted several Прочный ларец in BRD, which is not the right kind, so I left there. Start on the mobs near the entrance, but then drop down to the bottom before you cross the first rope bridge. Then work your way back up to the top, rinse and repeat. I ended up looting about 50 Звездный рубин , many from regular pickpocket loot, many from the junkboxes themselves. Yes, I looted every junkbox, making sure to leave at least one item to prevent despawn. If you plan to loot the junkboxes, be sure to turn off autoloot or hold down the shift key to override it. A far better method is to make or buy several of each deck , and then turn them in when the fair is in town. Now you have several of each trinket in stock, and you can start advertising in trade - "WTT Darkmoon trinket for your deck, PST! I added a g bonus payout as extra incentive, although many people will take you up on the offer just to save themselves a trip to the fairgrounds. The key is to have the trinket on hand so that you can make a direct trade, which prevents "OMG, SCAM! While the fair is in town, you can do this all day long! Simply return to the fair and turn in your decks in order to replenish your supply when you run out of trinkets to trade. Be sure to turn in all your decks before the fair leaves, which will allow you to continue trading after the fair is gone, up to the point where you run out of trinkets. With it takes me about 3. Assuming you benefit from Вы - звезда! Grats if you have this much dedication; I chose the easier route. Apparently, the faster the mobs die in that area, the faster they respawn as the game tries to maintain a minimum number of them at all times. That may not be the most accurate way of describing the respawn mechanic for that area, but it seems to be the case just from my own observations. Just by grouping with one other player last night, I gained 5k rep in about 1. Another option, which also involves grouping with other player s , is to have one party member do all the killing for an hour or so, while the other party member s auto-follow him. The other players can tab out of the game to surf the net, watch a movie, take a nap, or whatever, while gaining rep the whole time. Then the first guy can take a break while someone else takes over. At that point, you had to go kill pirates in the Barrens or Venture Co mobs in Stranglethorn in order to finish your Gadgetzan rep. Best of luck to everyone attempting this, I hope you find these tips useful! Комментарий от lolzorz The part about Steamwheedle rep needs updating. First of all, there are now repeatable cloth turn-in quests outside each of the goblin cities that will help you get to neutral if you are hated, hostile, or unfriendly with that city. Just keep in mind that doing these quests, or any other Steamwheedle goblin quests, will instantly wipe out your Bloodsail rep. For those of you that are like me, who want to keep their Bloodsail rep at honored, you can kill pirates in Tanaris all the way to exalted with ALL of the Steamwheedle factions. Before the change, you had to kill pirates in the Barrens or Venture Co mobs in Stranglethorn in order to finish the Gadgetzan part. If that is the case, you will reach exalted with Gadgetzan long before Ratchet, Everlook, and Booty Bay. However, this seems to be the fastest way to do it without losing Bloodsail rep since the mobs there respawn so quickly. If anyone knows of a better spot, by all means leave a comment! Комментарий от Grudge This title goes great with a Gnome named Wombo. I went there with a friend one night, grouped up with someone else that showed up and within hours we went from Friendly to almost Revered. Anyone who mentions wanting to get their Steamwheedle rep back up, first thing I do is to tell them to go there. It kind of sucks to get there when hated because the Ratchet mobs will kill you, so get a port to Theramore and fly up. Комментарий от pillikano "The rep from turning in the shackle quest and ogre suit 5 times an hour far exceeded any grind in tanaris or north barrens" Rep Rates in Diremaul: Rep rates outside Ratchet: Rep rates in Tanaris: The point is, even the half-credit "spillover" rep is faster grinding pirates than what you can get in DM. The key is to switch zones at different points in your grind to make sure you are always progressing: Switch to Tanaris, and grind until Ratchet is exalted another rep , resulting in: I chose to farm Icecaps in Winterspring and powered out the entirety of this achievement in three weeks. I now have Darkmoon Cards that are not capable of being held in the same bag or bank space and must be stored in my mailbox and that are fairly valueless. Taking the extra week to have farmed Cataclysm herbs, even at an approximate third of the end amount of herbs necessary to herb would have been, I would ended up with items with an end value of greater than , gold and the ability to all be held within a singular bank and inventory space. Take the time, get the achieve, make the money, have an easy next month of juggling crap in your inventory. Комментарий от hellomynameis This is insane. Комментарий от mekikya There are changes to this achiev since cata, not only removing some requirements but Blizzard has increased the difficulty "some" to compensate for the other factions gone, made changes to NPCs etc etc. I went out verified everything I am writing now with the current patch. DMF for this acheiv just takes ALOT of grinding herbs or dropping some cash. I did a little of both. Paying people to turn in their decks can be cheaper then making or buying the epic decks yourself. I just advertise on trade. Not a killing but good to make a little money back. Изготовление призов Развлечения для самых маленьких Целебные травы Пусть ярмарка сверкает Утилизация хлама Поставить работников на ноги Лягушки с хрустящей корочкой Повторное использование и переработка Морской хот-дог Кстати, о танках Предсказание будущего Отскоблить шкуры Check out my guide for more info! Game quests available for daily quests Цель: Гноллобой Drops from specific bosses from dungeons, click on them for more details about each one The Northfold Manor, and Stromguarde Keep are the places for those. Then either farming the heavy junkboxes or paying for some on trade. Outside of Blackrock mountain, there are non elite NPCs that are all bunched up in 4x4 groups that are easily pickpocketed. Kill them and they respawn for you, then repeat. Bloodsail, however, is a big pita, since cata. The guards are damn hard kill to solo, you can die very easily. The NPCs in arathi highlands NO LONGER EXIST to give you the easy farmable, if slow rep. The only people there now are a couple of friendly NPCs. I pasted it here for easy access. Sadly, you do not earn Bloodsail rep for doing their quests. This begins a third, smaller, quest chain in which you sabotage the Bloodsails, learn about the Brashtide Crew, and head on back to Booty Bay to report your findings. Set your status with Booty Bay to "At War. Have fun killing things! You must kill other, named NPCs around Booty Bay for reputation. The only Cartel-affiliated NPC you cannot kill is Myizz Luckycatch the fishing trainer, who is now amusingly enough, dangling from the rigging outside the Inn. Wharfmaster Lozgil will give you rep, and pretty much everyone else will give you 5 or 6 rep per kill including Fleetmaster Seahorn. Start at the end of the dock where Grizzlowe is cowering. Make your way up the dock, and head into the Black Market building. It drops me right into Kill Jutak, then head into the inn. Kill the 2 goblins and the gnome drinking right inside the door. Run all the way upstairs, killing Catelyn and Deeg along the way. Kill him, then take the little side path around the corner to the Horde flight point. Kill Kebak and the Bruiser, then hop down into the bank area. Kill both bankers and Privateer Bloads. Run up the ramp back to the shark, and take care of Seahorn, Sea Wolf, and the sick goblin lying in the little alcove. Route 2 is the one I usually do. More or less, by the time you make a full lap and get back to an NPC, it will have respawned. The bankers occasionally take a little longer to spawn. The absolute best part about this phased quest? You can pick up and complete Avast Ye, Admiral! Stranglethorn are some places to grind back your goblin rep. If you want to save your bloodsail rep. And FYI, you only to have the bloodsail rep reach honored, for the Insane Title I hope this helps to clear up alot of confusing patch changing comments. Комментарий от EvilScubaSteve 4. Once you hit neutral, as of Cataclysm, you can go to Gadgetzan and do the quests there without losing bloodsail rep. This is what I did. This is what I did, saved me a few thousand pirate kills. However, do not do the repeatable quest to turn in water. Комментарий от Muasi Come 4. Keep in mind MOST people will only get reputation from the profession quests as they dont have all the professions. But the profession quests do NOT have a level requirement so you could drop professions and learn a new one to get the quest. All reputation numbers here are assuming you have no rep gain bonus. Комментарий от cloudio Latest Changes Patch 6. Insane in the membrane is still available on patch 6. To confirm that , This is a small macro that will put this achievement on track: The guards in bootybay has been buffed , they are elites and are at level Hard to solo by one player i assume so you may need a group. Killing a guard will grant you 27 rep with Bloodsail Buccaneers. Note that this is a slow way to gain rep compared to killing guards at booybay but it might be your only option to gain reputation all the way to honored with bloodsail. If your aiming for exalted then you need to farm bootybay. Completing this quest will grant you Rep with Gadgetzan and rep with the rest of the goblins cities. In addition you will lose rep with bloodsail buccaneers. I hope this would help Regards Cloud. Комментарий от sapristoire There is a small change regarding Черный Ворон faction since 4. The person to turn in Тяжелый ларец Quest link: Принести ларцы has changed. It used to be Фарад standing on balcony of Ravenholdt manor, but now changed to Уинстон Вульф inside ground floor of the manor. This means different thing to different players: For non-engineers who have something like Поводья тундрового мамонта для путешествующих for selling Сломанный метательный нож , bad news for you. Комментарий от elecmohwk I wanted to get clarification on some conflicting info I was reading on forums here and otherwise, about maintaining rep with Bloodsail while gaining rep with the Steamweedle cities. This is the latest response from Customer Support: You must maintain your honored, while rebuilding with the goblins. In fact, one might be See what I did there? Regards, Game Master Zaterinne. I grinded Bloodsail to honored, then tanked it to get the Goblin reps to exalted; having all the other requirements filled, I did not get the achievement. You can turn cards as well. You can buy boxes or Here are some simple tips: Комментарий от Talvias To those hoping to get this achievement: This achievement and title are personal. People will not stop and whisper you, "Woah, dude, you got the Insane? If shooting for this achievement, do so only so you may show yourself the dedication you have to killing lots and lots of things. If you try get this achievement to get noticed by others, you will be very disappointed. That being said, finally getting this achievement after all of the grinding is an adrenaline rush of all its own. I am never going to take this title off of my mage, that is for sure. Комментарий от akilleuss if we can manage to get Bloodsail Exalted and keep them at that rep as well as all the others at exalted then this will be 1 extra towards the achieve 45 reps Exalted and the title the Exalted for some of us this will mean grinding low lvl quests and checking what rep the quests give before accepting if we wish to do this. Using the method I mention, it is possible to get up to rep every ten minutes of farming. They are worth 40 rep. Fly down to the marketplace. Killing Crazz on the roof and the people inside nets you 40 rep. Then head up to the upper levels where One-Eye and his friends are. Killing everyone there gives 40 rep. Finally, make your way through the lower levels, killing the mobs inside the houses and the mobs hiding behind the backside of buildings. They are worth on average around rep, depending on how much time you waste going inside and outside of buildings. The rest of the mobs all have respawn rates from minutes. Farm the tavern, which every minute gives you 15 rep. Farm the auction house, which every minute or 2 gives you 55 rep. But be careful if you are alliance not to AoE Kebok, or you will aggro the Horde flightmaster who summons a couple of adds and chases you around town. Finally, farm the dock, which every minute nets you around 20 rep. There are additional mobs in the farming areas which may give you extra rep, but have longer respawn rates. I have missed a few mobs who hide out in buildings or around corners. They might also give rep, but you can often mount and fly to another area faster than it would take to search for them or run up or down stairs to reach them. Once 10 minutes have passed from your initial kill in the above rotation, head back to the trainers. Should net you around rep every ten minutes. Doing this with a friend will likely speed up the process immeasurably, as you can just camp at the farming sites instead of having to fly around Booty Bay like a crazy person. The auction house is the best place to farm, so always check back to see if the auctioneers and bankers have respawned. Комментарий от Guy19 I have done a good deal of the goblin quests, is it still possible for me to get this feat and the title? Once you have got it, and you lose it. You still have it. Can anyone confirm this? Комментарий от giga As reported by Wowhead News , The Insane title is now an account-wide title as of patch 5. Комментарий от Argus00 Just wanted to point out that since thrown weapons were removed with patch 5. Комментарий от krzysko13 Is it possible to get this achievement while having all reps but pirates on one character and pirates on another, with shared achievements in 5. Комментарий от Ruhig Exalted with Darkmoon Faire is much easier with the Mists revamp. Just running games and doing the quests on the Isle will award rep. Darkmoon Faire is much easier since the changes in Cata. So if you think Insane is a walk in the park now Anyway tiredness set in, so I logged out for the night making for an early start in the morning. Anyway, I continued my grind until I finally hit Honored with BSB and guess what, no achievement and no title. My achievement tracker now shows that I still need exalted with the 4 goblin factions. My final thought and advice, if anyone is contemplating doing as I did above, I would suggest not logging out during the BSB rep grind as the achievement tracker only changed after I logged out and back into the game. GM fixed for me, FOS and title across my chars. Комментарий от leeroyj Wait: Комментарий от lucasravago BEST TITLE EVAR. Комментарий от peenqi Peenqi and the Brain But if no one has written it yet, I would tell you that there is a place where you can farm Steamwheedle rep without losing your Buccaneer rep. The mobs are level 73 and have around 9k hp. Комментарий от Blighthorn I am already about a quarter way through revered with steamwheedle cartel and halway through with bloodsail. What would you recomend, finishing the cartel first or doing bloodsaild first? Комментарий от ErisStrife Confirmed today by GM. Bloodsail must stay at honored to get achievement. Комментарий от briannakasovia is this title still valid? Комментарий от PontiousJenkins Do you need to have all the reps on one character or can you earn say BSB and goblin reps on two different toons? NPC Name Rep Respawn Time fast - less than 2 min, medium - mins, slow - 5 mins or more Гриззлоу , slow Барон Ревилгаз , medium Рикль Златочах , medium Визник Златочах , medium Управляющий пристанью Подгребай , medium Капитан Гекельбери Смоттс , fast Салага , fast Филипп "Трусишка" , fast Макгеван , medium Брикк Мастерец , slow Янсен Подлесный , slow Хуклор , slow Одноглазый Диззи , medium Риккиз , slow Зиск Ладноскрой , slow Грарник Ладноскрой , slow Квиксиди Ладноскрой , slow Наркк , medium Келси Янс , medium Кизз Оглушанец , slow Маркел Смайт , fast Харен Канмай , slow Мазк Карабинс , slow Зарена Кромвинд , slow Караванщик Раззгот , fast Первый помощник Кразз , fast Фин Горемык , fast Командир флота Морской Рог , fast "Морской волк" Маккинли , fast Ютак , medium Виггик , slow Ловкач Гарретт , slow Кразк Искрец , slow Флора Среброветрая , slow Старик Хеминг , slow Никсраз Наливайка , fast Шиззи Пуззырикс , fast Алкач Виски , fast Кателина Клинок , fast Ян Шторм , slow Диг , fast Кебок , fast Капер Блоудс , fast In the "phased version" note that some NPCs are grouped together Another group are in the first big building to your left Narkk, Kelsey Yance, Kizz Bluntstrike, Markel Smythe, Haren Kanmae, Mazk Snipeshot, and Zarena Cromwind grp 2. Catching these groups with an AoE when they are all available helps with that grind when you are waiting for the big rep givers to respawn. I alternated between the big reppers with the groups of small reppers mainly due to the fact that I was not the only one killing Booty Bay NPCs at the time Be aware in the "phased version", Booty Bay Bruisers do not give rep Lastly, if you accidentally kill a "Brashtide" Pirate because they are in your way, or they are annoyingly attacking you You do a few quests for "Sea Wolf" MacKinley and Baron Revilgaz, which will eventually lead you to doing some quests for Fleet Master Firallon which sadly does NOT give Bloodsail Rep. When you report back to Baron Revilgaz, he will have you fetch some Doublerum from his room. As you "tap the keg" your screen will "shake" and the Bloodsail are now attacking Booty Bay in a phased event. Set your Booty Bay rep to "At War" and can then start attacking Booty Bay NPCs. If you dont have Engineering, you can now get ГАММ-И , its almost the same as МЯЛЛ-И but can be used by even if you dont have Engineering!. Комментарий от Bovinax GUIDE: Комментарий от akke I recommend trying to get this title before legion launches for your shadow priest. Will fit well with their new insanity theme! A Guide to Titles. При написании комментария, просим вас не забывать про следующее: Ваш комментарий должен быть на русском языке, иначе он будет удален. Не уверены как правильно составить комментарий? Тогда прочтите наше замечательное руководство! У вас может возникнуть желание проверить написание своего комментария перед тем, как поместить его на сайт. Задавайте вопросы на наших форумах , чтобы получить гарантированный ответ. Просмотрите изображение, используя форму ниже. Скриншоты, содержащие элементы интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются сразу. Это же относится и к скриншотам, полученным с помощью Просмотрщика моделей или окна выбора персонажа. 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