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Fabian von Feilitzsch fabianvf

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fabianvf / test.erb
Created April 25, 2016 17:33
How to test erb templates with ruby
<%= conditon ? 'True case' : 'False case' %>)
fabianvf /
Last active July 21, 2024 21:27
Notes from practice


When your car is going to hit the ground, hold powerslide.

  • Just do it.
  • Every time you land in a jerking stop that arrests your momentum and makes you recover, it is completely unnecessary.
  • Seriously just hold powerslide when your car is near the ground.
  • If you landed, are holding powerslide, and you aren’t pointing in the direction you want to move, then just keep holding powerslide, turn your wheels, and let your car spin until it is.
  • Once your nose is pointing in the direction of your momentum, let go of powerslide.
  • If you want to be really fancy and look like a pro, use a flip to reorient yourself and add even more momentum.
  • Just make sure if you do that that you’re holding powerslide when you land the second time.
  • Practice powerslide all the time, in freeplay, in games, in the dead time after a goal, etc. Being uncomfortable with powerslide is like being uncomfortable with the jump button. It is a core, basic control, you really want to be using it.

Genius Loci Notes



City: Any


  • Telephone rings in the dead of night. Answering reveals only static and pops. Sense of a presence is palpable.
  • Automobile is vandalized, tires slashed. Messy smear across windshield, a finger-painting in blood. Resembles many-eyed dragon.
"title": "Scrapi",
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
connection: local
- k8s_info:
api_version: v1
kind: Project
register: result
- debug: var=result
- k8s_info:
fabianvf / bakkesmod.log
Created October 1, 2020 19:29
Logs for failed Rocket League DX11 bakkesmod hook
[14:14:24] Creating CVarmanager
[14:14:24] Creating console
[14:14:24] Created console
[14:14:24] Initialized logging
[14:14:24] Running BakkesMod from Sep 29 2020 17:42:26
[14:14:24] Checking steam build ID
[14:14:24] Requesting
[14:14:25] Incoming json: {"config":{"BakkesMod":true,"RankShowMod":true,"SyncInterval":300.0,"EnableQueueMod":true,"DisregardPlacements":true},"versions":{"110":{"steam":[5244119]}, "119":{"steam":[5524195,5559293]}, "120":{"steam":[5560047]}, "121":{"steam":[5560047]}, "122":{"steam":[5597994]}}, "plugins": {"broken": ["queuedeck"]}}
function setup() {
trap "(echo 'Cleaning up kind cluster' ; set -x ; kind delete cluster ; rm /tmp/kind-test-kubeconfig)" EXIT
make install
make setup-k8s
kind get kubeconfig --name=kind > /tmp/kind-test-kubeconfig
export KUBECONFIG="/tmp/kind-test-kubeconfig"
fabianvf /
Last active May 20, 2020 15:21
Python function composition with a dot operator
class Composable(object):
''' A function decorator that allows you to use Haskell style dot notation for function composition '''
fns = {}
def __init__(self, fn):
self.fn = fn
Composable.fns[fn.__name__] = fn
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
''' simply calls the function '''
fabianvf /
Last active February 26, 2020 13:42
Downloads Oreilly free ebooks by category. Requires requests library and python 2. Categories I've see so far are business, data, iot, security, web-platform, webops-perf, programming, so usage would look like: python business data iot security web-platform webops-perf programming
import os
import re
import sys
import requests
filename_matcher = re.compile(r'*)/free/(.*).csp')
def main():
categories = sys.argv[1:]
urls = map(lambda x: '{}/free/'.format(x), categories)
diff --git a/pkg/ansible/controller/controller.go b/pkg/ansible/controller/controller.go
index 02accab2..28bdeb92 100644
--- a/pkg/ansible/controller/controller.go
+++ b/pkg/ansible/controller/controller.go
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import (
+ ""