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fabiopelosin / Cocoapods rake error
Created March 15, 2012 10:46
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - /Users/fabio/Documents/GitHub/CocoaPods/tmp/Pods/JSONKit/
$ rake spec --trace
** Invoke spec (first_time)
** Invoke spec:all (first_time)
** Invoke ext:cleanbuild (first_time)
** Invoke ext:clean (first_time)
** Execute ext:clean
cd ./external/Xcodeproj && rake ext:clean
[!] Install the required dependencies to generate documentation: $ bundle install
cd ext/xcodeproj && rm -f Makefile *.o *.bundle
** Invoke ext:build (first_time)
fabiopelosin / gist:2352834
Created April 10, 2012 16:53
Cocoapods RSS Generation
require 'rubygems'
require 'cocoapods'
require 'rss/maker'
class CocoapodsRSS
include Pod::Command::SetPresent
def run
sets = sets_by_time[0..29]
puts "\nProcessing #{sets.count} pods"
fabiopelosin / gist:2385390
Created April 14, 2012 15:58
cat JBDeviceOwner.podspec
# Be sure to run `pod spec lint JBDeviceOwner.podspec' to ensure this is a
# valid spec.
# Remove all comments before submitting the spec.
# do |s|
# ――― REQUIRED VALUES ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― # do |s| = 'MKNetworkKit'
s.version = '0.83'
s.summary = 'Full ARC based Networking Kit for iOS 4+ devices.'
s.homepage = '' = { 'MugunthKumar' => '' }
s.source = { :git => '', :tag => 'v0.83' }
s.requires_arc = true
#s.prefix_header_contents = '#import "MKNetworkKit.h"'
s.header_mappings_dir = 'MKNetworkKit'
fabiopelosin / CocoaPodsBot.rb
Created July 24, 2012 22:35
Experimental CocoaPodsBot
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Experimental CocoaPodsBot
# Synopsis:
# The CocoaPodsBot performs a full lint (including xcodebuild) and prints a
# markdown message with the result of the lint.
# Usage:
fabiopelosin / New Lockfile.yaml
Created August 14, 2012 09:59
CocoaPods Lockfile
- A2DynamicDelegate (2.0.1):
- libffi
- AFNetworking (1.0RC1)
- BlockAlertsAnd-ActionSheets (1.0.0)
- BlocksKit (1.5.1):
- A2DynamicDelegate
- DACircularProgress (2.0.0)
- DTCoreText (1.0.1)
- JMImageCache (0.2.1)

Podspec attributes


Root specification attributes

name version
fabiopelosin / Output
Created January 17, 2013 22:26
This scripts prints out the a list of the command line tools used by Xcode. It provides insight to what Xcode does to process resource files.
-> CopyPNGFile
Copies a .png file resource, optionally compressing it.
$ copypng [options] $(IPHONE_OPTIMIZE_OPTIONS) [input] [output]
-> Code Sign
Code-sign a framework, application, or other built target.
$ /usr/bin/codesign
-> Strip Symbols
Remove or modify the symbol table of a Mach-O binary
# uncrustify config file for objective-c and objective-c++
indent_with_tabs = 0 # 1=indent to level only, 2=indent with tabs
output_tab_size = 4 # new tab size
indent_columns = output_tab_size
indent_label = 2 # pos: absolute col, neg: relative column
indent_align_assign = FALSE
// To check if a library is compiled with CocoaPods you
// can use the `COCOAPODS` macro definition which is
// defined in the xcconfigs so it is available in
// headers also when they are imported in the client
// project.
// AFHTTPRequestOperationLogger