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fabiovalse /
Last active December 16, 2016 16:01
Image navigation

This experiment creates a layout for navigating a set of images belonging to different groups (Abstract, Animals and People).

Initially, only the group containers are shown while after zooming in, images appear. First they are rendered as rectangles colored with their dominant color. Then, a certain zoom level images are loaded.

In order to improve performances, rectangles and images are removed from the DOM when they are not in the viewport the user is looking at.

Images have been downloaded from

fabiovalse /
Last active December 14, 2016 10:49
Dominant color with color-thief.js

This gist extracts the dominant color of an image using the Javascript color-thief library. By refreshing the gist an image is randomly picked among ten abstract images downloaded from

The colors returned are good. Unfortunately, the library does not work using remotely hosted images.

fabiovalse /
Created December 6, 2016 10:16
Knowledge graph & Neo4j
fabiovalse /
Last active February 7, 2017 09:06
Ricci Vectorized Map

This gist shows the vectorized version of the first three panels of the "Kunyu Wanguo Quantu".

Use imagemagick for converting the jpg file into a bitmap.

convert ../Kunyu_Wanguo_Quantu_by_Matteo_Ricci_Plate_1-3.jpg ../Kunyu_Wanguo_Quantu_by_Matteo_Ricci_Plate_1-3.bmp

The potrace tool is then used to vectorize the bitmap.

./potrace -k 0.2 --svg ../Kunyu_Wanguo_Quantu_by_Matteo_Ricci_Plate_1-3.bmp -o ../Kunyu_Wanguo_Quantu_by_Matteo_Ricci_Plate_1-3.svg

Look at

fabiovalse / L.D3SvgOverlay.min.js
Last active February 3, 2017 15:30
Zoomable image with Leaflet.js (Zoomify Layout)
* Copyright 2015 Teralytics AG
* @author Kirill Zhuravlev <>
(function(factory){if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define(["leaflet","d3"],factory)}else if(typeof module==="object"&&module.exports){module.exports=factory(require("leaflet","d3"))}else{factory(L,d3)}})(function(L,d3){if(typeof d3=="undefined"){throw"D3 SVG Overlay for Leaflet requires D3 library loaded first"}if(typeof L=="undefined"){throw"D3 SVG Overlay for Leaflet requires Leaflet library loaded first"}if(L.version>="1.0"){"head").append("style").attr("type","text/css").text("g.d3-overlay *{pointer-events:visiblePainted;}")}L.D3SvgOverlay=(L.version<"1.0"?L.Class:L.Layer).extend({includes:L.version<"1.0"?L.Mixin.Events:[],_undef:function(a){return typeof a=="undefined"},_options:function(options){if(this._undef(options)){return this.options}options.zoomHide=this._undef(options.zoomHide)?false:options.zoomHide;options.zoomDraw=this._undef(options.zoomDraw)?true:options.zoomDraw;r
fabiovalse /
Created October 10, 2016 09:01
Indonesia research study
fabiovalse /
Last active January 26, 2023 14:28
Dijkstra on node-link diagram

A node-link diagram running a javascript implementation of the Dijkstra algorithm. Every time the visualization is refreshed two nodes are selected as start (in red) and end point (in blue). Then the shortest path is computed and shown on the diagram by highlighting the edges.

fabiovalse /
Last active October 5, 2016 10:12
Multi-SVG file switch

Multiple SVGs are loaded, then overlayed onto each other to give the illusion of controlling the section plane of a 3D model. Use the control on the right to switch floor.

Edit: the 300ms tap delay that some browsers apply caused a bug on multitouch-enabled devices. It was solved by adding this meta tag to the HTML index:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">


A polyfill to handle this unwanted behavior is also available.

fabiovalse /
Last active November 8, 2019 06:30
External SVG import & zoom

This example shows how to import an external SVG file into a web page. Furthermore, the D3 zoom bahaviour can be used for zoom in/out the image.

fabiovalse /
Last active August 31, 2017 07:39
Voronoi on a geographic map

Black dots represents italian oil pumps.