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I may be slow to respond.

Fable Tales fables-tales

I may be slow to respond.
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class PlingPlangPlong
def initialize(number)
@number = number
def call
has_terms? ? joined_terms : number.to_s
(1579-cleanup)$ bundle exec ruby hi_spec.rb
No examples found.
Finished in 0.00011 seconds
0 examples, 0 failures
Randomized with seed 41752
No examples found.
arena.init = function() {
srobo.init(function() {
var badCorner = function(cornerDefs) {
var buttonsDiv = document.createElement("div");
var showButtons = function(cornerDefs) {
srobo.competition.arenas(function(arenas) {
if (typeof(arenas) === 'string') {
arenas = JSON.parse(arenas);
arenas = arenas.arenas;
RSpec::Matchers.define :be_a_multiple_of do |expected|
match do |actual|
expcted = expected + "hi!", expected, actual)

#Vim ultrahardmode proposal

  • a single of hjklweb and so on is allowed
  • large motions: e.g. 10k and 10j are allowed
  • no insert mode

##Required leaders

  • map <leader>ei :s/^//<left> (insert into current line line)
  • map et :s/// (substitute on this line)
describe "doing things" do
let(:a) { double(:a) }
let(:b) { double(:b) }
let(:c) { [a,b] }
it "works" do
expect(c).to eq([a,b])
require "faraday"
def test_client(app) do |conn|
conn.request :url_encoded
conn.adapter :rack, app
Going on tour is hard. You've got to find someone to tour with. You've got to pick cities and venues. You've got to book hotels, find places to eat and drink. All of this takes far too much time.
This is your Tour automates this process on a per artist basis. By intelligently querying datasets around the internet it's able to save you a bunch of hassle. Get a quick and easy list of all the cities and venues you should visit, as well as the places to go once you're done gigging.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
class YelpRequester:
def find_best_thing(self, category, place):
root_url = "" + category + "&find_loc=" + place + "&ns=1&#sortby=rating"
response = requests.get(root_url).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(response)
best_place = soup.findAll(attrs={"class":"biz-name"})[1]
next_url = "" + best_place.attrs["href"]
var templated = [
"<div id='" + div_id + "' class='row'>",
"<div class='row'>",
"<div class='col-md-6 noverflow' style='background:url(" + city_map_url +"); background-size:cover; height: 50vh;'>",
"<div class='col-md-6 noverflow' style='background:url(" + city_picture_url +"); background-size:cover; height:50vh; padding:0px;'>",
"<div class='black-hover-bottom'>" + location_name + "</div>",