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fajrif / gist:1222825
Created September 16, 2011 18:59
update fork with original repo
git remote add <remote_name> <original-repo>
# => add remote refs named (whatever) to targeted the original repo
git fetch <remote_name>
git merge <remote_name>/<branch-name>
# => safely gathers any commits from original repo and stores them in your local repo
** if auto-merging conflict, use `git diff --color` to check/edit the files
and commit it first before push to the remote repo
fajrif / gem_cheat_sheet
Created April 12, 2011 22:52
create gem with bundler
bundle gem <name> # => to create gem skeleton
gem build <name>.gemspec # => build the gem
gem push <name>.gem # => push the gem to
gem yank <name> -v VERSION # => to yanking the gems