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massive /
Created September 26, 2011 06:51
OSX Lion hibernate script
if [ "$(whoami)" != 'root' ]; then
echo "You have no permission to run $0 as non-root user."
exit 1;
pmset hibernatemode 25
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to sleep'
sleep 5m
pmset hibernatemode 3
sr75 / ExampleViewController.m
Last active December 13, 2015 17:09
Load nib/xib for iphone 5 / Retina 4 Full Screen (568h) custom views, but then default back to ios universal naming conventions (~iphone/~ipad).
#import "UIViewController+AppCategories.h"
- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
nibNameOrNil = [UIViewController nibNamedForDevice:@"ExampleViewController"];
self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
if (self) {
// Do any additional customization
dalssoft /
Last active November 2, 2016 06:11
Build and Install Node.js on a OmniOS Vagrant box
tz = require 'timezone/loaded' #
time = require 'time' #
itr = 5000
zones = ["America/Montreal", "Europe/Prague", "UTC", "Africa/Casablanca"]
for zone in zones
console.log "- #{zone}"
fs = require 'fs'
crypto = require 'crypto'
SSHAgentClient = require('ssh-agent')
sshKeyToPEM = require 'ssh-key-to-pem'
client = new SSHAgentClient()
data = new Buffer 'mrdkaaaaaaa'
client.requestIdentities (err, keys) ->
tanner0101 / NSDataExtensions.swift
Last active February 3, 2017 04:18
Convert to and from NSData for common Swift types. Includes Eddystone URL conversion.
// NSData.swift
// Pods
// Created by Tanner Nelson on 9/15/15.
import Foundation
jesstelford /
Last active April 4, 2020 17:52
Netflix on Raspberry Pi (incomplete)

Note: as @clibois mentioned below, due to the DRM Netflix uses, all decoding has to be done in CPU, making it somewhat choppy.

Note 2: Even the RPi 3 suffers from these CPU limitations. There is the potentially risky option of overclocking your RPi 3, but I haven't tried this.

If you manage to get smooth playback, please contact me, or post your solution here

UPDATE: I can no longer get this method to work. I have tried using Chromium v47, and v48, and both result in Netflix error "Oops, something went wrong" / C7053-1807, for which I can find no description online. If you manage to get things up and running, please contact me!


jsonmaur / bzexcluderules_editable.xml
Last active April 9, 2024 04:47
Backblaze Custom Exclude
<excludefname_rule plat="mac" osVers="*" ruleIsOptional="t" skipFirstCharThenStartsWith="users/" contains_1="/.git/" contains_2="*" doesNotContain="*" endsWith="*" hasFileExtension="*" />
<excludefname_rule plat="mac" osVers="*" ruleIsOptional="t" skipFirstCharThenStartsWith="users/" contains_1="/node_modules/" contains_2="*" doesNotContain="*" endsWith="*" hasFileExtension="*" />
<excludefname_rule plat="mac" osVers="*" ruleIsOptional="t" skipFirstCharThenStartsWith="users/" contains_1="/_build/" contains_2="*" doesNotContain="*" endsWith="*" hasFileExtension="*" />
<excludefname_rule plat="mac" osVers="*" ruleIsOptional="t" skipFirstCharThenStartsWith="users/" contains_1="/deps/" contains_2="*" doesNotContain="*" endsWith="*" hasFileExtension="*" />
RichardBronosky /
Last active March 23, 2024 15:09 — forked from datagrok/
How to easily launch a temporary one-off git server from any local repository, to enable a peer-to-peer git workflow.

User 1

git daemon --verbose --export-all --base-path=.git --reuseaddr --strict-paths .git/ > /tmp/git-serve.log 2>&1 &
ssh -R 9418:localhost:9418 ec2-user@$remote_server
git clone git://localhost/ local-repo-name

Repo from workstation is cloned onto server.

User 2