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fatherjack / OnPremisesProbably.txt
Created February 7, 2024 14:35
Do you mean 'on premise' or 'on premises' ?
A premise is an idea or theory on which a statement or action is based. For example, in the argument “All humans are mortal; Socrates is human; therefore, Socrates is mortal”, the first two statements are premises and the last one is the conclusion. Premise can also be used as a verb, meaning to base a theory, argument, etc. on an idea, thought, or belief. For example, “He premised his argument on several incorrect assumptions”.
[source Microsoft Copilot "define Premise" Feb 2024]
Premises is a plural noun that means the land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a company or organization. It can also mean the land and buildings on which something is done or used, such as a business, a school, or a restaurant. For example, “The company is relocating to new premises” or “There is no smoking allowed anywhere on school premises”
[source Microsoft Copilot "define Premises" Feb 2024]
Function Update-SysInternals {
PowerShell script to update Sysinternals tools
Creates a PSDrive mapped to '\\\tools' and then copies tools that are new or have a different byte length
NOTE: Needs to run with elevated permissions.
function Format-QuotedString {
Wraps a string in delimiters
Takes in a string, returns the same string wrapped in chosen delimiters. Made to fill a similar role as the TSQL QUOTENAME function.
The string you want wrapped
# Set $Source to be the path to the xlsx to process
#requires -module ImportExcel
# cleans Excel column headers from having leading / trailing spaces and replaces other spaces with underscore '_'
# and then uses this set of headers to import data from the xlsx with headers that are easier to handle in code.
# Essentially lines 8-14 are extra to a normal use of Import-Excel and the import line uses the header info and -StartRow to skip the file headers
# the target xlsx remains unchanged
$h = Import-Excel $source -StartRow 1 -EndRow 2
$headers = ($h | Get-Member -MemberType Properties | ForEach-Object {
fatherjack / Show-ExceptionType
Last active May 19, 2022 09:54
To find the Exception inheritence of an error
function Show-ExceptionType {
Function to give inheritence of exception types for error handling purposes
Take an error and returns all InnerException types for the Error object and the error message
.PARAMETER Exception
The error exception as it occurred in your script
fatherjack / New-QuotedString.ps1
Created February 28, 2022 11:39
Creates a quoted, comma separated list of values
function New-QuotedString {
Takes a pasted set of cells from Excel and returns a quoted, comma separated string that can be pasted into SSMS for a SQL filter
Long description
fatherjack / ParameterOptionsDemo.ps1
Created January 13, 2022 09:20
Some different parameter types and values for demonstration purposes
$scrpt1 = {
if(!(test-connection 'localhost' -Count 1 -Quiet)){return}
else{0..7 | % { "'"+(get-date).AddDays($_)+"'" }}
$scrpt2 = {
if((get-date).minute % 2 -eq 0){
fatherjack / pivottable.ps1
Created July 7, 2021 07:33
Add a pivot table to an excel file with ImportExcel powershell module
$splatExcel is a hash table used for splatting the data into the Excel file with Export-Excel. Path is the path for the file.
The Excel file has a worksheet with the name of _BatchLoadData_ which has a single table named _BatchLoadDataTable_ in it
The data table has many columns that include _JobID_ and _Batch_
A worksheet is added to the workbook called _BatchLoadPvt_ which contains the pivot table that we describe
To visualise the hierarchy of SQL Server Audit Events and their parent groups
I think this was originally on the Microsoft official SQL Server Books online and it possibly still is. I can however never
find it when I need it so I have taken an adjusted version and pasted it here for easy access.
Thanks to unknown Microsoft employee that got their head around the CTE and Event relationships logic to come up with this.
WITH datas (EventLevel, EventParent, EventName, EventType)
fatherjack / New-CompressedFileSet
Last active July 27, 2020 19:13
When you have a set of files to email and if you zip them all the zip is too large for your email limit. Zip them into a set of zip files
Zips a set of files into a set of zip files with a max size to allow emailing of zip files in size-restricted email environment.
Imagine 20 evenly sized files that need to be zipped and when compressed into a single .zip file, the file is 65MB. With an Exchange
email size limit of 15MB this cannot be sent by email. Using this function you can set a ZipSize limit of 12MB and then the output
will be 5 .zip files with a size around 12MB and one of around 5MB.
No source file will be spanned across zip files so the actual balance of zip file sizes will vary.