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doing things
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fatherjack / Show-ExceptionType
Last active May 19, 2022 09:54
To find the Exception inheritence of an error
function Show-ExceptionType {
Function to give inheritence of exception types for error handling purposes
Take an error and returns all InnerException types for the Error object and the error message
.PARAMETER Exception
The error exception as it occurred in your script
function Read-SQLConfigFile {
Takes configuration file and shows features that are being set
Function to show what features and settings are being adjusted by the configuration file. Allows for comparison of
config files when combined with Compare-Object
fatherjack / New-ToDoList
Last active August 30, 2019 10:29
Creates a really quick To Do list in a notepad file, just when you want to make some notes for things to get done today
function New-ToDo {
Creates quick To Do list in Notepad
Creates quick To Do list in Notepad
comma separated list of items to put in to do list
function Compare-Array
$max = [math]::Max($Ref.Length,$Diff.Length)
for($i = 0; $i -lt $max; $i++){
Function TimeToSQLBits {
Show how long you have to wait for the biggest data conference in Europe
Make sure you get prepared for the next SQLBits conference.
TimeToSQLBits -purpose console
Function Change-Time {
To convert a larger time measure to a smaller measure ie how many milliseconds in an hour
Function takes a duration(a) and a measure(b) and returns an amount in a preferred measure(c)
eg 4(a) hours(b) milliseconds(c)
"A curmudgeon’s reputation for malevolence is undeserved. They’re neither warped nor evil at heart. They don’t hate mankind, just mankind’s absurdities. They’re just as sensitive and softhearted as the next guy, but they hide their vulnerability beneath a crust of misanthropy. They ease the pain by turning hurt into humor. They attack maudlinism because it devalues genuine sentiment. Nature, having failed to equip them with a serviceable denial mechanism, has endowed them with astute perception and sly wit. Curmudgeons are mockers and debunkers whose bitterness is a symptom rather than a disease. They can’t compromise their standards and can’t manage the suspension of disbelief necessary for feigned cheerfulness. Their awareness is a curse. Perhaps curmudgeons have gotten a bad rap in the same way that the messenger is blamed for the message: They have the temerity to comment on the human condition without apology. They not only refuse to applaud mediocrity, they howl it down with morose glee. Their versions
Function TimeToSanta {
Show how long you have to wait to open your presents
Be able to leave your shopping to the very last minute with this state-of-the-art function to show
how long is left to 25th Dec 09:00. Two variations exist depending on whether the information is to be shown
at the console prompt or as a message
TimeToSanta -purpose console
fatherjack / EnterpriseFeaturesInUse.ps1
Last active March 12, 2020 07:52
Quick check to see if Enterprise Edition features are being used on an instance
# ref
# script to locate Enterprise features that are in use
# might be something that forces an upgrade path
# might be worth running this in Dev and in CI pipeline to ensure no non-licensed features are incorporated into system development
$Server = "$ENV:COMPUTERNAME\sql2016"
$SMOServer = new-object ('Microsoft.SQLServer.Management.Smo.Server') $Server
PowerShell that references SQL Server Configuration properties and compares RunValue to ConfigValue and shows of there are pending changes
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') | Out-Null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMOExtended') | Out-Null
$Server = "$ENV:COMPUTERNAME\sql2016"
$SMOServer = new-object ('Microsoft.SQLServer.Management.Smo.Server') $Server
$($smoserver.Configuration | Select-Object -ExpandProperty properties | Select-Object displayname, runvalue, configvalue, @{name = "Diff"; expression = {$(if($_.runvalue -ne $_.configvalue){"* difference *"}else{"same"})}}) | Format-Table -a