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Create OMR Template from Text Markup using Java

Learn how to create an OMR Template from text markup using Java:

The following topics are covered in this article:

  1. Java API to Create OMR Template from Text Markup
  2. Create OMR Survey Form from Text Markup
  3. Create OMR Test from Text Markup
  4. Generate Answer Sheet from Text Markup
// This code example demonstrates how to generate Survey image and OMR from Text markup.
// Path to the Text file with Template Markup
String markupPath = "D:\\Files\\OMR\\SimpleSurvey.txt";
// Initialize OMR engine
OmrEngine engine = new OmrEngine();
// Generate Template
GenerationResult res = engine.generateTemplate(markupPath);
// Save to the local disk"D:\\Files\\OMR\\", "SimpleSurvey");
?text=Welcome to Sample Survey
?text=March 30, 2022
#What is Aspose.OMR main function?
() OCR () Capture human-marked data
() There is no main function () Enhance images
#Can Aspose.OMR process not only scans, but also photos?
() Yes, indeed! () No
#Aspose.OMR is available on any platform, because it is:
() Cross-platform code () Cloud service
#Aspose.OMR works with any kind of OMR forms: tests, exams, questionnaires, surveys, etc.
() Yes, indeed! () No
#Excellent recognition results can be achieved only for filled bubbles at least for:
() 40% () 60% () 75% () 98%
#Does Aspose.OMR support bubbles mapping to any key names?
() No () Partially () Yes, any key names
#Do you have to mark up every question on the page?
(Yes) Yes, that will help a lot! (No) No
#Rate your preference from 0 to 9 with "0" being preference towards performance
and "9" being preference towards flexibility.
(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
#I found aspose omr to be a useful tool. (5 - strongly agree, 1 - strongly disagree)
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
?text=Name__________________________________ Date____________
#What is Aspose.OMR main function?
() OCR () Capture human-marked data
() There is no main function () Enhance images
#Can Aspose.OMR process not only scans, but also photos?
() Yes, indeed! () No
#Aspose.OMR is available on any platform, because it is:
() Cross-platform code () Cloud service
#Aspose.OMR works with any kind of OMR forms: tests, exams, questionnaires, surveys, etc.
() Yes, indeed! () No
#Excellent recognition results can be achieved only for filled bubbles at least for:
() 40% () 60% () 75% () 98%
#Do you have to mark up every question on the page?
(Yes) Yes, that will help a lot! (No) No
#Rate your preference from 0 to 9 with "0" being preference towards performance
and "9" being preference towards flexibility.
(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
#I found aspose omr to be a useful tool. (5 - strongly agree, 1 - strongly disagree)
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
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