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Created August 24, 2017 07:29
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bind aaaa records

bind aaaa records

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DNSサーバー構築(BIND) - CentOSで自宅サーバー構築 List of DNS record types - Wikipedia PTR Resource Record – Wikipedia Bind DNS Server Web interface or GUI Tools Zonendatei – Wikipedia DNS related RFCs (DNS, BIND Nameserver, DHCP, LDAP and Zone file - Wikipedia Chapter 8. DNS Resource Records (RRs) - ZYTRAX AAAA DNS records - ZYTRAX IPv6 and DNS – AAAA ! » IPv6 Friday PTR (kurz für ‚Pointer‘) Resource Records ordnen im Domain Name System einer gegebenen IP-Adresse einen oder mehrere Hostname(s) zu. Sie stellen damit Bind DNS Server Web interface or GUI Tools. WeBBind WeBBind is a Web interface for admin BIND DNS servers. It is written in PHP for everyday usage. The fifth edition of DNS and BIND (published in May 2006) covers BIND , the most recent release of the BIND 9 series, as well as BIND . File format. The format of a zone file is defined in RFC 1035 (section 5) and RFC 1034 (section ). This format was originally used by the Berkeley Eine Zonendatei ist Teil der Konfiguration des Nameservers BIND für das Domain Name System. Sie besteht aus einer Liste von Resource Records (RR). IPv6 is a new infrastructure protocol for your network and the Internet. It’s similar to the old IPv4 protocol in many ways – you use DHCP, DNS, HTTP This list of DNS record types is an overview of resource records (RRs) permissible in zone files of the Domain Name System (DNS). It also contains pseudo-RRs. Chapter 8. DNS Resource Records (RRs) DNS resource records (RRs) describe the characteristics of a zone (or domain) and have a binary or wire-format, which 【CentOS6の場合】 [root@centos ~]# vi bind-chroot-admin ← bind-chroot-adminスクリプト作成 #!/bin/sh # bind-chroot install check rpm -q bind IPv6 Address Record (AAAA) The current IETF recommendation is to use AAAA (Quad A) RR for forward mapping and PTR RRs for reverse mapping when defining
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