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Created August 19, 2011 01:58
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Save bitprophet/fd264a49abd49fe8db44 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Module providing easy API for working with remote files and folders.
from __future__ import with_statement
import tempfile
import re
import os
from fabric.api import run, sudo, settings, put, hide, abort
def exists(path, use_sudo=False, verbose=False):
Return True if given path exists on the current remote host.
If ``use_sudo`` is True, will use `sudo` instead of `run`.
`exists` will, by default, hide all output (including the run line, stdout,
stderr and any warning resulting from the file not existing) in order to
avoid cluttering output. You may specify ``verbose=True`` to change this
func = use_sudo and sudo or run
cmd = 'test -e "%s"' % path
# If verbose, run normally
if verbose:
with settings(warn_only=True):
return not func(cmd).failed
# Otherwise, be quiet
with settings(hide('everything'), warn_only=True):
return not func(cmd).failed
def first(*args, **kwargs):
Given one or more file paths, returns first one found, or None if none
exist. May specify ``use_sudo`` which is passed to `exists`.
for directory in args:
if not kwargs.get('use_sudo'):
if exists(directory, sudo=False):
return directory
if exists(directory):
return directory
def upload_template(filename, destination, context=None, use_jinja=False,
template_dir=None, use_sudo=False, pty=False):
Render and upload a template text file to a remote host.
``filename`` should be the path to a text file, which may contain Python
string interpolation formatting and will be rendered with the given context
dictionary ``context`` (if given.)
Alternately, if ``use_jinja`` is set to True and you have the Jinja2
templating library available, Jinja will be used to render the template
instead. Templates will be loaded from the invoking user's current working
directory by default, or from ``template_dir`` if given.
The resulting rendered file will be uploaded to the remote file path
``destination`` (which should include the desired remote filename.) If the
destination file already exists, it will be renamed with a ``.bak``
By default, the file will be copied to ``destination`` as the logged-in
user; specify ``use_sudo=True`` to use `sudo` instead.
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
temp_destination = '/tmp/' + basename
# This temporary file should not be automatically deleted on close, as we
# need it there to upload it (Windows locks the file for reading while open).
tempfile_fd, tempfile_name = tempfile.mkstemp()
output = open(tempfile_name, "w+b")
# Init
text = None
if use_jinja:
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
jenv = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir or '.'))
text = jenv.get_template(filename).render(**context or {})
except ImportError, e:
abort("tried to use Jinja2 but was unable to import: %s" % e)
with open(filename) as inputfile:
text =
if context:
text = text % context
# Upload the file.
put(tempfile_name, temp_destination)
func = use_sudo and sudo or run
# Back up any original file (need to do figure out ultimate destination)
to_backup = destination
with settings(hide('everything'), warn_only=True):
# Is destination a directory?
if func('test -f %s' % to_backup).failed:
# If so, tack on the filename to get "real" destination
to_backup = destination + '/' + basename
if exists(to_backup):
func("cp %s %s.bak" % (to_backup, to_backup), pty = pty)
# Actually move uploaded template to destination
func("mv %s %s" % (temp_destination, destination), pty = pty)
def sed(filename, before, after, limit='', use_sudo=False, backup='.bak'):
Run a search-and-replace on ``filename`` with given regex patterns.
Equivalent to ``sed -i<backup> -r -e "/<limit>/ s/<before>/<after>/g
For convenience, ``before`` and ``after`` will automatically escape forward
slashes (and **only** forward slashes) for you, so you don't need to
specify e.g. ``http:\/\/foo\.com``, instead just using ``http://foo\.com``
is fine.
If ``use_sudo`` is True, will use `sudo` instead of `run`.
`sed` will pass ``shell=False`` to `run`/`sudo`, in order to avoid problems
with many nested levels of quotes and backslashes.
func = use_sudo and sudo or run
expr = r"sed -i%s -r -e '%ss/%s/%s/g' %s"
before = before.replace('/', r'\/')
after = after.replace('/', r'\/')
if limit:
limit = r'/%s/ ' % limit
command = expr % (backup, limit, before, after, filename)
return func(command, shell=False)
def uncomment(filename, regex, use_sudo=False, char='#', backup='.bak'):
Attempt to uncomment all lines in ``filename`` matching ``regex``.
The default comment delimiter is `#` and may be overridden by the ``char``
This function uses the `sed` function, and will accept the same
``use_sudo`` and ``backup`` keyword arguments that `sed` does.
`uncomment` will remove a single whitespace character following the comment
character, if it exists, but will preserve all preceding whitespace. For
example, ``# foo`` would become ``foo`` (the single space is stripped) but
`` # foo`` would become `` foo`` (the single space is still stripped,
but the preceding 4 spaces are not.)
return sed(
before=r'^([[:space:]]*)%s[[:space:]]?' % char,
def comment(filename, regex, use_sudo=False, char='#', backup='.bak'):
Attempt to comment out all lines in ``filename`` matching ``regex``.
The default commenting character is `#` and may be overridden by the
``char`` argument.
This function uses the `sed` function, and will accept the same
``use_sudo`` and ``backup`` keyword arguments that `sed` does.
`comment` will prepend the comment character to the beginning of the line,
so that lines end up looking like so::
this line is uncommented
#this line is commented
# this line is indented and commented
In other words, comment characters will not "follow" indentation as they
sometimes do when inserted by hand. Neither will they have a trailing space
unless you specify e.g. ``char='# '``.
.. note::
In order to preserve the line being commented out, this function will
wrap your ``regex`` argument in parentheses, so you don't need to. It
will ensure that any preceding/trailing ``^`` or ``$`` characters are
correctly moved outside the parentheses. For example, calling
``comment(filename, r'^foo$')`` will result in a `sed` call with the
"before" regex of ``r'^(foo)$'`` (and the "after" regex, naturally, of
carot = ''
dollar = ''
if regex.startswith('^'):
carot = '^'
regex = regex[1:]
if regex.endswith('$'):
dollar = '$'
regex = regex[:1]
regex = "%s(%s)%s" % (carot, regex, dollar)
return sed(
after=r'%s\1' % char,
def contains(text, filename, exact=False, use_sudo=False):
Return True if ``filename`` contains ``text``.
By default, this function will consider a partial line match (i.e. where
the given text only makes up part of the line it's on). Specify
``exact=True`` to change this behavior so that only a line containing
exactly ``text`` results in a True return value.
Double-quotes in either ``text`` or ``filename`` will be automatically
backslash-escaped in order to behave correctly during the remote shell
If ``use_sudo`` is True, will use `sudo` instead of `run`.
func = use_sudo and sudo or run
if exact:
text = "^%s$" % text
with settings(hide('everything'), warn_only=True):
return func('egrep "%s" "%s"' % (
text.replace('"', r'\"'),
filename.replace('"', r'\"')
def append(text, filename, use_sudo=False, partial=True):
Append string (or list of strings) ``text`` to ``filename``.
When a list is given, each string inside is handled independently (but in
the order given.)
If ``text`` is already found in ``filename``, the append is not run, and
None is returned immediately. Otherwise, the given text is appended to the
end of the given ``filename`` via e.g. ``echo '$text' >> $filename``.
The test for whether ``text`` already exists defaults to being partial
only, as in ``^<text>``. Specifying ``partial=False`` will change the
effective regex to ``^<text>$``.
Because ``text`` is single-quoted, single quotes will be transparently
If ``use_sudo`` is True, will use `sudo` instead of `run`.
.. versionchanged:: 0.9.1
Added the ``partial`` keyword argument.
func = use_sudo and sudo or run
# Normalize non-list input to be a list
if isinstance(text, str):
text = [text]
for line in text:
if (contains('^' + re.escape(line) + ('' if partial else '$'), filename, use_sudo=use_sudo)
and line):
func("echo '%s' >> %s" % (line.replace("'", r'\''), filename))
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