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fun! EvalVimScriptRegion(s,e)
let lines = getline(a:s,a:e)
let file = tempname()
cal writefile(lines,file)
redir @e
silent exec ':source '.file
cal delete(file)
redir END
echo "Region evaluated."
felixr / rtags.awk
Created July 31, 2012 19:34
Generate ctags for R scripts
function addtag(name, lnum, line, kind)
# Change all occurences of "/" to "\/" and "\" to "\\"
tag[name] = FILENAME "\t/^" line "$/;\"\t" kind "\tline:" lnum
mattvonrocketstein / epydoc.css
Last active February 21, 2019 16:52
/* Epydoc CSS Stylesheet
* This is a massivley hacked stylesheet for epydoc, the very nice Python API
* Documentation generator. The general look and feel is based on sphinx.
* Feel free to tweak this some more to make the theme even more pleasing
* if you have the time to spare for such things. The typography in particular
* could do with sorting out. Unless you like writing masocistic CSS however,
* I'd recommend looking to refactor the markup generated by epydoc.