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Nicolò Santilio fenix-hub

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TileMap Collision Detection Script

Collision detection .gd script for 2D bodies and tilemaps

Questo codice può essere applicato per PhysicsBody2D ereditati da KinematicBody2D e RigidBody2D (quest'ultimo con l'accortezza di rendere true il parametro collision_monitor e determinare il numero di collisioni che si vogliono rilevare)

E' comunque possibile rilevare le collisioni sia con le funzioni che i Body2D implementano, sia con i segnali che questi emettono (come ad esempio body_entered)

KinematicBody2D Se il corpo si muove attraverso la funzione move_and_slide è possibile ottenere una o più collisioni attraverso il metodo get_slide_collision in questa maniera:

This example uses a simple scene with a Control node as the root and a single Button as a child,
but could be applied to any case scenario.
extends Control
func _ready():
$Button.connect("pressed", self, "on_pressed", [$, $Button.text, $Button.CUSTOM_VAR])
# @CUSTOM_VAR if the button has its own script
fenix-hub /
Last active February 11, 2022 19:21
Converts an ISO 8601 Date String to UNIX Timestamp int
# The best option is always to confront dates based on their UNIX value
# With these scripts, you'll get something like "16778909182". Put it in the Array and sort it with the others.
var timestamp: String = "2021-08-04T16:45:35.603Z"
# Using String, Arrays and Dictionary
var datetime: PoolStringArray = timestamp.split("T")
var date: PoolStringArray = datetime[0].split("-")
var time: PoolStrngArray = datetime[1].split(":")
var unix_timestamp: int = OS.get_unix_time_from_datetime({year=date[0],month=date[1],day=date[2],hour=time[0],minute=time[1],second=time[2].substr(0,2)}
fenix-hub / #DevTools Collection
Last active February 15, 2023 14:00
A collection of DevTools I'm finding online
This is a collection of several DevTools.
By DevTools I mean platforms, frameworks, specifications and standards I'm acknowledging thorugh my IT experiences.
fenix-hub /
Last active June 11, 2024 22:57
GDScript JSON <> Class Serializer/Deserializer

You can find usages in the GDScript Unirest plugin

This is a fast serializer/deserializer written in GDScript to convert a JSON (Dictionary) to a class, using something similar to the Reflection concecpt. json_to_class can be used to convert a Dictionary to a Class. All keys in the Dictionary will be treated as variables and their types will be guessed in the best way possible. A class (defined by the class_name keyword) must extend Reference or Object or be an inner class, or else Godot will not able to see its properties. It is also possible to deserialize a JSON key to a class property with a different name using the export hint as a variable name.

example usage:

fenix-hub /
Last active November 19, 2022 18:46
Parse an ISO8601 Time Period definition to a GDScript Dictionary
extends Resource
var regex_str: String = "((?<repeat>R[0-9]+)\/)?P((?<years>[0-9]+)Y)?((?<months>[0-9]+)M)?((?<weeks>[0-9]+)W)?((?<days>[0-9]+)D)?(T((?<hours>[0-9]+)H)?((?<minutes>[0-9]+)M)?((?<seconds>[0-9]+\.?[0-9]+)?S)?)?"
var regex:
class _init() -> void:
func parse_iso(iso_string: String) -> RegExMatch: