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feomike /
Created January 22, 2015 02:56
some interview questions


* CFPB is upfront about being open source. What has that meant in terms of your work with the public and within the government? Do you feel like you have more citizen engagement, for example?

well, let me begin by saying that i am not responsible for the open source policy. i came here well after it was established.

ineed we have a very up front open source policy. when we develop custom code internally, we do it by defaul as an open source project. we have embraced this approach for several reasons. in particular it gives us the best approach to software devilvery in terms of quality and time. i would say, when it comes to citizen engagement, we have experiences great trust b/c our products are all developed in the open. we haven't seen a significant amount of engagement in software development from the public; that is to say we haven't seen people outside of government making pull requests against our code to offer code development back. i would also say that i really h

feomike / fannie_50_75.csv
Created February 16, 2015 04:11
mantis example
date close
1999 1948
2000 1815
2001 3121
2002 5680
2003 9728
2004 5371
2005 3835
2006 2033
2007 3025
feomike /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15


Grasshopper Address Point Input Data Standard (request) Version 0.01


This document serves the purpose of establishing a standard file format for incoming data into Grasshopper for Address Point Data. This input standard is the expected data format for ingest into the Grasshopper engine. It is principally established for 2 specific reasons;

feomike /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
sharing time - feb 27, 2015

ted talk

this past week we watched this ted talk at lunch. below is the stream of conscious of my notes

general notes

  • i watned to show and discuss this talk (lets be honest, it was my wife's idea) becuase it struck me as an opportunity to instill how important it is to seek to understand rather than to seek to be understood

  • there is a good french joke

a core issue in implementing good policy, is a sound understanding of the problem to be solved. let me unpack that a bit. policy is good if it can solve a problem; it needs to address some issue which reasonable people collectively agree is worth solving. for exampe, lets say, building code is in place to ensure fire safety standards or to withstand environmental tragedy (say earthquake) or similar. most people would agree saving lives due to non-standard building implementations is a good thing. so in order to attack that problem, groups of people (non-profit/industry groups, industry, government, academics, etc) advocate, strategize, architect, pass and implement policy (standards, law, regulation, executive order etc) which solve the problems around standarization of building codes.

good policy stands the test of time, is robust to challenge, moves with opinion (popular, scientific and/or otherwise) and is high on the adoption curve; which is to say people generally want to adopt it. so for the sa

feomike / index.html
Last active September 24, 2015 19:54
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>Totally Secure</h2>
<p> this site is totally secure</p>
feomike / mygisttest
Created May 24, 2012 02:53
#some test
[*] SCHIEFFER: Good evening. And welcome to the third and last presidential debate of 2008, sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates. I'm Bob Schieffer of CBS News.The rules tonight are simple. The subject is domestic policy. I will divide the next hour-and-a-half into nine-minute segments.I will ask a question at the beginning of each segment. Each candidate will then have two minutes to respond, and then we'll have a discussion.I'll encourage them to ask follow-up questions of each other. If they do not, I will.The audience behind me has promised to be quiet, except at this moment, when we welcome Barack Obama and John McCain.(APPLAUSE)Gentlemen, welcome.By now, we've heard all the talking points, so let's try to tell the people tonight some things that they -- they haven't heard. Let's get to it.Another very bad day on Wall Street, as both of you know. Both
feomike / gist:4336230
Last active December 9, 2015 22:18
open data response
to - to
great approach, and thanks for writing down the longer thread. i think these kinds of things are great and one benefit is that you didn't take the normal tact of suggesting things outside the limits of what govt. can really do. nicely done. if i could offer a few responses they would be respectively below;
1) is size really scale? not in the mapping sense, but more in the demand aggregation sense. i think generally what i want is to have folks see their data as an asset, like common infrastructure (roads etc) which have a high degree of pubic funding and a high degree of multi-use for public and private benefit
2) humbled; was not originally thinking of hierarchy in the federal, regional, state, local government sense, just in the logical sense (e.g. <doman>.gov/<topic area #1>/<sub-topic n...>. what if govt. gave some common tools that fostered a common approach, something like <doman>.n/data/<de
feomike /
Last active December 16, 2015 17:19
tiling polygons
WITH geomext AS(select st_setSRID(cast(st_envelope(s.geom) as geometry),4326)
as geom_ext, 4 as x_gridcnt, 4 as y_gridcnt, s.geom as geom
from (select geom from " + tempTableName + "
where gid = " + str(gid[0]) + ") as s),
grid_dim AS (select (st_xmax(geom_ext) -
st_xmin(geom_ext))/x_gridcnt as g_width,
st_xmin(geom_ext) as xmin, st_xmax(geom_ext) as xmax,
(st_ymax(geom_ext)-st_ymin(geom_ext))/y_gridcnt as g_height,
st_ymin(geom_ext) as ymin, st_ymax(geom_ext) as ymax from geomext),