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Fernando Jinzenji fernandojinzenji

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history / grep cat
cat /usr/share/dict/words | grep -o '\ba\w*' | wc -l
cat /usr/share/dict/words | grep -o '\ba\w*s$'
curl -o index.html ""
Question 1
Some steps could be done to avoid conflicts, like: short-living branches, create small modules,
strong communication and mob programming (Reference:
Question 2
Other than the recommendation above, merge conflict will always be something to look out for when working in a team.
Conflicts must be manually resolved prior to pushing.
Question 1
Object oriented programming have several advantages over procedural programming. Because it separate code logic inside objects,
it makes the code more readable, reusable and extensible. This also make the code less error prone.
Question 2
A: Structures groups related information to create a meaningful type. They are like class/objects, but without methods.
Using structs make it easy to manipulate these information, making code more readable.
Question 3
A: Class methods are methods that don't depend of the class properties, tney're stateless and basically uses the arguments
question 1
answer: Instance variables are local variables acessible only inside the class itself,
through getter and setter methods and also using the _ sign. Instance variables use the concept
of encapsulation to expose only the property methods to outside classes, not the ivar.
question 2
answer: Abstraction: group related infomation about an object: data (attributes)
and behavior (methods) to create a blueprint of this object. The relation between this classes
makes simpler to design clean, extensible and reusable code. Encapsulation - hide everything
that is not required from external classes, making visible only what is necessary. Inheritance -
fernandojinzenji / gist:d2974f9bce03b73fe2ab1907ea579308
Last active July 6, 2017 21:20
Marking activity as completed!
Activity completed
Question 1
Answer: MVC - Model holds all the information (data, state) and logic the store this information. View is the presentation for those
Models. Any changes in their state are informed to the View so it can change and update their presentation. Controller is
responsible to intermediate Model and View communication, when for example, a View needs to update a information stored in
the Model or when the Model needs to inform the View that an information is changed and needs to be updated in the View.
Question 2
Answer: An NSObject protocol allows multiple root classes to all have the same basic methods, and also makes it easy to
declare a protocol which also includes basic functionality expected of any object. The NSObject class conforms to the
NSObject protocol, bringing everything together.
fernandojinzenji / gist:ffaaa9ef831be5f5030d4cef0962db1e
Last active June 6, 2017 02:16
Week 2, Monday - Readings & Questions
Question 1:
A view should not reference directly the controller. Instead, the controller that is responsible to manage which view will be displayed.
Question 2:
a) "Nonatomic" is used for multi threading purposes. If we have set the nonatomic attribute at the time of declaration,
then any other thread wanting access to that object can access it and give results in respect to multi-threading. "Strong"
is a replacement for the retain attribute, as part of Objective-C Automated Reference Counting (ARC). "Weak" is similar
to strong except that it won't increase the reference count by 1. It does not become an owner of that object but just
holds a reference to it. If the object's reference count drops to 0, even though you may still be pointing to it here,
it will be deallocated from memory.
fernandojinzenji / gist:ceb58f4d781c3feae5b804f5e8f372d4
Created June 6, 2017 22:29
Week 2, Tuesday - Readings and Questions
Question 1:
Part 1 Answer: d
Part 2 Answer: a
Question 2:
Answer: Inside the responder chain:
First Responder: Can i handle a "tap" input?
If (YES), handle the event
Else (NO), pass to the next responder
If no object can respond to that event, discard the input.
Question 1:
A) Programmer needs to set up the Observee (Subject) object adding a new notification to NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter.
After doing this, each Observer who needs to be notified needs to subscribe to that notification. To do that, each Observer
object needs to be added as a Observer in NotificationCenter and define a method that will be called each time that it receives
a new notification.
B) Notification Center uses two different design patterns: the Observer and the Singleton pattern. The observer defines that
any object that wants to subscribe to receive notifications (that could be also considered delegates for that observer, because
they can execute a specific task when receive a notification) can do that. In the delegation pattern, only one object can
receive a "notification" by the delegator. Notification Center uses a Singleton Pattern to define that only one instance
of this class will be created during the execution of the application.
fernandojinzenji / gist:afb8a83b4daa6be9f2b235abedbc9f73
Last active June 24, 2017 20:04
Week 2, Saturday - Readings and questions
Question 1
a) MVC - Model View Controller, where Model represents the data, the View represents the interface to display that data and/or
send user inputs to the Controller, and the Controller is responsible to provide Model data for the view and interpret user
actions from the view.
b) i. doctor can have many patients. - MODEL, where a Doctor object can have a property with a collection of Patients objects.
ii. A doctor should be able to see a list of all his/her patients. - VIEW, a system feature to capture these data from the
iii. When looking at a patient's file, we should have the patient's picture in the top left hand corner. - VIEW, an image
representing patient's picture is the interface for the user.