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firekesti /
Last active October 13, 2017 19:49
DroidCon NYC 2017 Notes


Background execution limit in Oreo
Oreo stops background services when the app goes into the background
Also can't start a background service from the background
Users = happy, less battery drain!
No more global CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE broadcast!!!!
This user is VERY happy...
But because of the change in how global broadcasts work, certain custom Intents can stop working
need to use a custom permission to get around this - see slides (TBD)

firekesti / notes.txt
Created January 30, 2018 18:09
Less Imperative with More Kotlin
Getting into RxJava, someone said "it's just like a monad" - and, what??
func programming: can be high-level, abstract, etc
imperative: a sequence of statements that change state.
actions, specific control flow. *how* to do something.
declarative: *what* you want to do (maybe a little fluffy, but _chill_)
HTML: there's no _how_! just a description of structure.
SQL: describe what you want, receive it.