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firstfu firstfu

  • Taiwan
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openssl pkcs12 -in SecondTime.p12 -out StartHeart.pem -nodes -clcerts
//預備(整个过程大概是从 去克隆一个仓库到本地/Users/username/.cocoapods文件夹)
$ pod setup --verbose
$ pod init
//二、編輯 Podfile(ios版本是否有向下相容?)->用vim編輯
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.5.4'
$(window).load(function() {
var _type = $('type');
_typeAry = _type.split(";")
var contry = $("div h5").eq(4).text();
##input - label选择
$('#selectBox option[value=C]').prop('selected', true);
SELECT sup_id, SUM(price), avg(price) FROM coffees GROUP BY sup_id
SELECT AVG(total) 平均 , SUM(total) 總和, COUNT(*), MAX(price) 最大價格, MIN(price) 最小價格 FROM coffees
INSERT INTO coffees(cof_code, cof_name, price, sales) VALUES(10000, "古坑藍山咖啡", 9999,0)
##四個表連結use —> inner join
SELECT a.number,, a.animalMain, d.caseType, c.caseContent, c.caseQuestion, c.caseAnimal
from TestHistory as a
INNER JOIN TestDetail as b
ON =
INNER JOIN CaseQuestion as c
ON b.questionInfo = c.caseNumber
INNER JOIN CaseAnalyze as d
ON c.caseContent = d.caseContent
DESC => 增
ASC => 减
##基本查詢語法 + order by
SELECT * FROM coffees WHERE price >100 ORDER by sup_id
##where + and + or
SELECT * FROM coffees WHERE price >= 100 and price <=150
##No.1—- ##!如果省略where子句,則修改所有的記錄為指令的情況
UPDATE coffees set sup_id = 1, total = 1, sales = 1, price = 1 WHERE cof_code = 10000
##NO.2— 14心座用法
UPDATE TestDetail set answer = 10, score = 10 WHERE questionInfo = 1
##.3— 進階用法 + select