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Aaron Gyes floam

  • Mutable
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • 21:34 (UTC -07:00)
  • X @floam
View GitHub Profile
--- wcwidth-ambignarrow.txt 2016-03-11 08:25:42.000000000 -0800
+++ wcwidth-ambigwide.txt 2016-03-11 17:21:04.000000000 -0800
@@ -159,44 +159,44 @@
U+009E 1
U+009F 1
U+00A0 1
-U+00A1 1
+U+00A1 2
U+00A2 1
U+00A3 1
Lord Gilbert, Baron of England by the grace of his majesty, King Henry II, seized upon the person of a priest of the Holy Church and unlawfully did hold him in custody. Furthermore, in the presence of Lord Gilbert, and by his command, his men seized upon this priest when he tried to escape and put him to death. This is the sin of murder and sacrilege. In that Lord Gilbert has rendered no act of contrition or repentance, and is at the moment, at liberty in the land, we do, here and now, separate him from the precious body and blood of Christ, and from the society of all Christians. We exclude him from our Holy Mother Church and all her sacraments, in heaven, or on Earth. We declare him excommunicate and anathema. We cast him into the outer darkness. We judge him damned with the devil and his fallen angels and all the reprobate, to eternal fire and everlasting pain!
int sub_1000246de(int arg0, int arg1) {
r12 = arg0;
var_50 = r12;
if ((*(int8_t *)(r12 + 0x3f0) & 0x1) != 0x0) goto loc_100024d70;
var_40 = r12 + 0x3f8;
rdx = "%s: shutting down";
sub_100027eae(*0x1000445a8, 0x0, rdx, r12 + 0x3f8, r8, r9, stack[2035]);
if (r12 == *0x100045198) {
function fish_mode_prompt --description 'Displays the current mode'
# Do nothing if not in vi mode
if test "$fish_key_bindings" = "fish_vi_key_bindings"
switch $fish_bind_mode
case default
set_color --bold red
echo 🅽
case insert
set_color --bold green
echo 🅸
brew log fish
cd /usr/local/Library/Formula/
# downgrade to fish 2.2.0 through homebrew
git checkout 1f5674cfc082ec812cc2b24616be3c376ce42355 fish.rb
brew reinstall fish
brew link --overwrite fish
# upgrade to 2.3.0
# Seems supported in $TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION 370
> cat nsterm-256color
# A xterm-256color based TERMINFO that adds the escape sequences for italic.
xterm-256color|xterm with 256 colors and italic,
sitm=\E[3m, ritm=\E[23m,
> tic nsterm-256color
> ENV TERM=nsterm-256color tput sitm; echo italics
floam / __fish_parse-v-fish_indent--dump
Last active July 19, 2016 09:19
`__fish_parse` and `fish_indent` --dump output compared
echo "echo 3; and false" | __fish_parse
0 - 0 symbol_job_list <2 children> [0, 18]
1 - 1 symbol_job <3 children> [0, 6]
2 - 3 symbol_statement <1 children> [0, 6]
3 - 6 symbol_decorated_statement <1 children> [0, 6]
4 - 7 symbol_plain_statement <2 children> [0, 6]
5 - 8 parse_token_type_string: "echo"
6 - 9 symbol_arguments_or_redirections_list <2 children> [5, 1]
7 - 10 symbol_argument_or_redirection <1 children> [5, 1]
8 - 12 symbol_argument <1 children> [5, 1]
floam / argouch.c
Last active July 27, 2016 13:33
argouch: exec a program with NULL argv
/* execs a program with NULL argv -- Aaron Gyes */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sysexits.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc != 2) {
printf("usage: %s COMMAND\n", argv[0]);
floam / bashrc_Apple_Terminal
Last active May 22, 2024 15:26
# bash support for Terminal.
# Working Directory
# Tell the terminal about the current working directory at each prompt.
if [ -z "$INSIDE_EMACS" ]; then
update_terminal_cwd() {
# Identify the directory using a "file:" scheme URL, including
darwinup(1) BSD General Commands Manual darwinup(1)
darwinup -- Install, uninstall, and manage roots
darwinup [-dfnv] [-p path] subcommand [arguments ...]
darwinup allows you to manage roots, or archives, of files that replace parts of your system. This is useful for installing a new version of a library or tool on your