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# cropping multiple .pdfs with pdfcrop
# place this script in the directory with the pdfs you want to crop
# usage: python <left> <top> <right> <bottom>
import sys, os, subprocess
pdfcrop = 'pdfcrop --margin \'-%s -%s -%s -%s\' %s %s'
pdfs = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if f.endswith('.pdf')]
for pdf in pdfs:
cmd = pdfcrop % (sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], pdf, 'cropped'+pdf)
Running Time Self (ms) Symbol Name
46643.0ms 99.9% 0,0 Main Thread 0x169aa
44077.0ms 94.4% 43882,0 void NetworKit::Graph::BFSfrom<NetworKit::Eccentricity::getValue(NetworKit::Graph const&, unsigned long long)::'lambda'(unsigned long long, unsigned long long)>(std::vector<unsigned long long, std::allocator<unsigned long long> > const&, NetworKit::Eccentricity::getValue(NetworKit::Graph const&, unsigned long long)::'lambda'(unsigned long long, unsigned long long)) const (.constprop.92)
2135.0ms 4.5% 2126,0 NetworKit::Hyperbolicity::discardNonFarApart(NetworKit::Graph const&, unsigned long long, NetworKit::Hyperbolicity::FarApartDistances&)
152.0ms 0.3% 8,0 operator new(unsigned long)
45.0ms 0.0% 4,0 NetworKit::Hyperbolicity::FarApartDistances::setFarApartNodes(unsigned long long)
37.0ms 0.0% 0,0 start
31.0ms 0.0% 31,0 NetworKit::Hyperbolicity::computeAcc(NetworKit::Graph const&, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, float, std::vector<bool, std::all