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wilder@wilder-ThinkPad-T430:~/Documents/quete_unix/clmystery-master$ cd mystery
wilder@wilder-ThinkPad-T430:~/Documents/quete_unix/clmystery-master/mystery$ grep CLUE crimescene
CLUE: Footage from an ATM security camera is blurry but shows that the perpetrator is a tall male, at least 6'.
CLUE: Found a wallet believed to belong to the killer: no ID, just loose change, and membership cards for AAA, Delta SkyMiles, the local library, and the Museum of Bash History. The cards are totally untraceable and have no name, for some reason.
CLUE: Questioned the barista at the local coffee shop. He said a woman left right before they heard the shots. The name on her latte was Annabel, she had blond spiky hair and a New Zealand accent.
wilder@wilder-ThinkPad-T430:~/Documents/quete_unix/clmystery-master/mystery$ ^C
wilder@wilder-ThinkPad-T430:~/Documents/quete_unix/clmystery-master/mystery$ grep CLUE crimescene
CLUE: Footage from an ATM security camera is blurry but shows that the perpetrator is a tall male, at least 6'.
Lire nombreSaisie
AnneeDeNaissance = AnneeEnCour - AgeUtilisateur
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var patates = prompt("Hey mon ami ! Tu aime ça les patates ?")
var tasdepatates = '#';
let customer = { city: "toulouse", age: 26 }
const dateOfBirth = "20/04/91"
const sentence = `"J'habite à ${}, j'ai ${customer.age} ans et je suis né(e) le ${dateOfBirth}"`
console.log('Quel âge as tu ? ')
process.stdin.on('data', (number) => {
resultat = 2018 - (number)
if (number <= 99 && number > 0) {
console.log('Ton année de naissance est: ' + resultat)
else if (isNaN(number)) {