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Working from home

Florian Krüger floriankrueger

Working from home
View GitHub Profile
Creates a new bucket for a user using the given parameters (if not already above the user's limit)
@param {Object} user the document of the authenticated user
@param {String} name to be used for the bucket
@param {Number} limit to be used for the bucket (in Byte)
@param {Function} callback gets two parameters - error object (if an error occured) and the new bucket document if successful.
@api public
Creates a new bucket for a user using the given parameters (if not already above the user's limit)
@param {Object} user the document of the authenticated user
@param {String} name to be used for the bucket
@param {Number} limit to be used for the bucket (in Byte)
@param {Function} callback gets two parameters - error object (if an error occured) and the new bucket document if successful.
@api public
floriankrueger /
Created September 21, 2011 15:26
add/remove form element with jQuery
$(document).ready () ->
if $('#recipe_create_form').length > 0
# make tags field a tags field
#autocomplete_url : url_to_autocomplete_api
#autocomplete_url :
# option : value
floriankrueger / AppController.j
Created August 4, 2011 13:56
CPViewCollectionItem from Cib Problem
// --- create the collection item (prototype)
var myCollectionItem = [[CPCollectionViewItem alloc] initWithCibName:@"MyCollectionCell" bundle:[CPBundle mainBundle]];
[myCollection setItemPrototype:myCollectionItem]; //set the item prototype
(*, w, nein, 0, keiner, *, *),
(*, *, *, *, keiner, *, 1000-1999),
(*, *, ja, *, keiner, *, *),
(*, *, *, *, keiner, *, 2000-2999),
(36-49, *, *, *, keiner, *, *)
floriankrueger / example_VS_result.txt
Created April 11, 2011 08:52
this is an example output of a single run of the VersionSpace algorithm
1891 [main] INFO dhbw.LWBS.CA5_KB1.controller.AlgorithmUtility -
S: (36-49, w, nein, 0, keiner, Hausfrau, <1000)
G: (*, w, *, *, keiner, *, <1000)
(36-49, w, *, *, keiner, *, *)
(*, *, *, 0, keiner, Hausfrau, *)
(*, w, *, *, *, Hausfrau, <1000)
(36-49, w, *, 0, keiner, *, *)
(*, w, *, 0, keiner, Hausfrau, *)
(*, w, nein, *, keiner, *, <1000)
floriankrueger /
Created July 22, 2014 07:10
Xcode Build Configuration
echo "Bumping build number..."
# increment the build number (ie 115 to 116)
buildnum=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print CFBundleVersion" "${plist}")
if [[ "${buildnum}" == "" ]]; then
echo "No build number in $plist"
exit 2

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am floriankrueger on github.
  • I am xcuze ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is A8F9 C2E3 2499 87C1 22DB 1278 6E1B 6980 6A6A 183B

To claim this, I am signing this object: