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fluid-decanter / GALV_MessageBusts_SubEmpty_Addon.js
Last active January 26, 2022 00:32
Addon to Galv's Message Busts plugin to support using facesets when no bust can be found.
// GALV_MessageBusts_SubEmpty_Addon.js
@plugindesc v0.1 Addon to Galv's Message Busts plugin to support using facesets when no bust can be found.
@author Decanter
Place directly after Galv's Message Busts in the plugin order, as this addon directly overrides several methods. Be sure both plugins are somewhere after Yanfly's Message Core, if using that.
How it works: If the game tries to load an image - any image - that doesn't exist, it will load an invisible placeholder image instead (overriding the engine's normal behavior, which is to just throw an error message and crash). Then, in the context of deciding whether to show a face or a bust, the game basically asks "is this bust a real image or a 0x0 placeholder image" and if it's placeholder then it will show the face.
fluid-decanter / YEP_SkillLearnSystem_MasteryCheck.js
Created January 26, 2022 00:33
Addon to a Yanfly RMMV plugin. Shows mastery status instead of class level in actor's class list.
// YEP_SkillLearnSystem_MasteryCheck.js
@plugindesc v0.3 Shows mastery status instead of class level in actor's class list.
@author Decanter
Shows count of skills obtained vs skills obtainable on class change list.
Colors count for non-mastered classes differently.
Place in plugin list directly after YEP_SkillLearnSystem.
fluid-decanter / Reference Event Pages.rb
Last active January 24, 2023 11:32
RMVXA script by Hime with modifications for flexibility and error handling.
Title: Reference Event Pages
Author: Hime (modded by Decanter where noted)
Date: Mar 16, 2014
** Change log
Mar 16, 2014
- Initial release