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[Drinks tea in Spanish]

Fernando Mendoza R. fmendozaro

[Drinks tea in Spanish]
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# Merging
Every time that there's a merge request accepted and you are currently working on something:
1. Change back to the master branch.
2. Update or Pull the changes from the remote master to your local master.
3. Change back to the branch you were working on.
4. Merge the local master into the local branch you are working on.
5. Solve the conflicts if there's any, otherwise continue working.
fmendozaro /
Last active September 22, 2017 16:37
Java Strings Bonus exercise

Java Strings Bonus exercise

Get rid of the () and - from a phone number format, keep only a String with just the numbers, then grab only the area code (the first 3 digits).



(210) 123-4560

const words = {"data":[
# Java Fundamentals
## Main Concepts to be Assessed
- Object Oriented Programming
- Method Overriding and Method Overloading
- Arrays
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Interfaces
- Collections


We will simulate an online shop with items on sale, but first:

  • Create an HashMap<String, Boolean> called items and create at least 6 items on it, where the String is the name of the item and the Boolean indicates if it's on sale.

Read about the @RequestParam annotation in order to handle Query Strings: and create a ShopController that handles the following URLs:

  • /shop. The controller should show all the items in a HTML list (UL) format.
  • /shop?sale=true. The controller should show items on sale in a HTML list (OL) format.
### Bonus Improve your Adventure Game
- Create a new branch called `OOP` in your Adventure Game repo.
- Start to improve the code using OOP best practices, start with small steps.
- A couple of suggestions are:
- Create a Player class for the actual user and it's fields and actions.
- Both Players and Enemies could be defined in the same class since they share a lot of fields in common like: `Health`, `Attack`, `Defense`, etc. And just have a boolean property that difference each other i.e. `isHero = true`
- Try to identify what's the best datatype for each field, talk to your partner about this.
cat ~/.bash_profile > ~/.zshrc

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am fmendozaro on github.
  • I am fmendozaro ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASB9RyKbL22qNRfiyf6mlL_I_2xeEyDp_UPwVPRgPQg7Ago

To claim this, I am signing this object: