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Jordi Riera foutoucour

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mrkline /
Last active June 23, 2024 14:46
An intro to C# for a Python developer. Made for one of my coworkers.

C# For Python Programmers

Syntax and core concepts

Basic Syntax

  • Single-line comments are started with //. Multi-line comments are started with /* and ended with */.

  • C# uses braces ({ and }) instead of indentation to organize code into blocks. If a block is a single line, the braces can be omitted. For example,

PurpleBooth /
Last active July 18, 2024 23:22
A template to make good

Project Title

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


10 Scala One Liners to Impress Your Friends

Here are 10 one-liners which show the power of scala programming, impress your friends and woo women; ok, maybe not. However, these one liners are a good set of examples using functional programming and scala syntax you may not be familiar with. I feel there is no better way to learn than to see real examples.

Updated: June 17, 2011 - I'm amazed at the popularity of this post, glad everyone enjoyed it and to see it duplicated across so many languages. I've included some of the suggestions to shorten up some of my scala examples. Some I intentionally left longer as a way for explaining / understanding what the functions were doing, not necessarily to produce the shortest possible code; so I'll include both.

1. Multiple Each Item in a List by 2

The map function takes each element in the list and applies it to the corresponding function. In this example, we take each element and multiply it by 2. This will return a list of equivalent size, compare to o