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Tim E fowlmouth

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fowlmouth /
Created August 16, 2011 11:12
Path to 015

Path to Gobo 015

I'm going to use this gist as a scratch pad for ideas for continuing GoboLinux. Feel free to add ideas, questions, quandaries, etc. -fowl

Come lurk in IRC at #gobolinux

The Process

This should get you to a 014.10 system from 014.01 in the safest way possible. This guide was written in mind from a fresh 014.01 minimal install, but you should be

Tweaking the GoboLinux LiveCD: a tutorial

This is a quick guide to the internals of how the GoboLinux Live CD is constructed. It will get you up to speed with the tools that build the CD, allowing you to make customizations. With this we hope to lower the entry barrier to potential contributors to the distro's development.


This tutorial assumes you're running a GoboLinux system, with the most recent version of the Scripts package installed. Your kernel needs to support UnionFS, SquashFS and CramFS. You also need the SquashFS-Tools installed. All of this is available from the GoboLinux repositories.

This tutorial assumes all steps are performed with superuser privileges (become superuser with su or use sudo). This is because the tools need to

=> ROLayer stage started
Building root...
BuildRoot: *** Package LILO could not be filled. ***
BuildRoot: BuildRoot: Building root Output/ROLayer...
BuildRoot: Running MakeSystemSettings
BuildRoot: Installing packages from /Programs/BuildLiveCD/Current/Data/Packages-List-Base
BuildRoot: Installing Autoconf 2.68...
BuildRoot: Installing Automake 1.11.1...
BuildRoot: Conflict: /Depot/LiveCD/Output/ROLayer/Programs/Autoconf/2.68/Shared/info/dir
BuildRoot: Installing Atool 0.38.0...
class Dir
@dstack = []
def self.push d
@dstack = [pwd] if @dstack.empty?
chdir @dstack.push(d).last
def self.pop
def columnize list, cols = 3, width = ENV['COLUMNS'].to_i
list.size.times { |i|
next if i%cols != 0
cols.times { |x|
break unless list[i+x]
print list[i+x][0,width/cols].ljust(width/cols)
fowlmouth / demo.rb
Created October 24, 2011 19:35
packages = []
('A'..'Z').each_with_index { |_, i|
packages << ["Package#{_}", :"stage#{i%3+1}"]
class MyWizard < AbsTK::Curses::Wizard
screen 'Welcome' do
puts "\n\e[31m#{$!.class}\e[0m: #{$!.message}"
puts $! { |z|
z = z.split ':'
z[0] = z[0].split('/')
z[0] = z[0][-[z[0].size, 5].min..-1]
z[0][-1] = "\e[35m#{z[0][-1]}\e[0m"
z[1] = "\e[33m#{z[1]}\e[0m"

Adds a few new spells which let you eat soulgems to recharge your magicka. Find the new spells (they are actually lesser powers) in the console with help "Tome: Consume" -- I'll put them in levelled loot or something later

  • Black souls restore 175 Magickz, -50% magicka regeneration for 30 seconds
  • Grand souls restore 150 Magickz, -40% magicka regeneration for 30 seconds
  • Greater souls restore 100 magickz, -25% magicka regen for 25 seconds
  • Common souls restore 75 magickz, -18% magicka regen for 20 seconds
  • Lesser souls restore 50 magickz, -12% magicka regen for 15 seconds
  • Petty souls restore 25 magickz, -6% magicka regen for 10 seconds
Pry.commands.command '..', 'Shortcut to cd ..' do
_pry_.run_command "cd .."
Pry.commands.commands[/\.(.*)/] = Pry.commands.commands.delete /\.(.*)/

##Event Guide by Octavian

###General Events are Infantry’s answer to coding support. Events essentially cause actions to happen to a player (ex. add four Hand Grenades to player’s inventory) and Events are called or executed when certain conditions happen in the game (such as a new game starting or a player dying) or when called by another Event. Events can be empty or they may contain a list of actions to perform on a player or a reference to another Events, or even both. Before we get too far into events, lets