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Created July 10, 2018 12:03
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"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 0,
"metadata": {
"colab": {
"name": "intro_to_dl_init.ipynb",
"version": "0.3.2",
"provenance": [],
"collapsed_sections": [],
"toc_visible": true,
"include_colab_link": true
"kernelspec": {
"name": "python3",
"display_name": "Python 3"
"accelerator": "GPU"
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"id": "view-in-github",
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"[View in Colaboratory]("
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"# Environment initiation"
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"source": [
"# upload requirements.txt and *.py\n",
"from google.colab import files\n",
"uploaded = files.upload()\n",
"for fn in uploaded.keys():\n",
" print('User uploaded file \"{name}\" with length {length} bytes'.format(name=fn, length=len(uploaded[fn])))"
"execution_count": 0,
"outputs": []
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"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"!pip install -q -r requirements.txt\n",
"!apt-get install -qq -y ffmpeg"
"execution_count": 0,
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"colab_type": "code",
"colab": {}
"cell_type": "code",
"source": [
"import tensorflow as tf\n",
"!ffmpeg -version"
"execution_count": 0,
"outputs": []
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