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Fabrizio Regini freegenie

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# Git hook to switch config files made for a Rails app
# Looks for config file named like the branch.
# i.e.: database.mybranch.yml
# If the file is found, copies that to the actual config
# overwriting the previous one.
# The third parameter is 1 when we are switching branches
class Asset
include MongoMapper::Document
plugin Joint
# Next time use '#' hash mark to crop images. i.e. #200x250
Thumbs = { :detail => "440x300>", :medium => "220x150>", :little => "100x60>", :highlights => 'crop-200x250' }
attachment :file
# This script is supposed to be executed on the
# machine which hosts the database.
# What it does is to dump the entire database in
# separate directories, and then tgzip each single
# database.
# Example:
require 'rubygems'
require 'mongo_mapper'
require 'joint'
require 'shoulda'
MongoMapper.database = 'joint_exif_test'
class Photo
include MongoMapper::Document
freegenie / mongo_backup.rb
Created August 18, 2010 09:04
Backup solution for mongodb which dumps gridfs items on filesystem
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# This script is a backup tool for mongodb.
# The main purpose is to dump files from gridfs to filesystem,
# to take advantage of backup solutions based on tools like
# rsync.
# Developed against mongo 1.6.0
require 'spec_helper'
describe Network::SearchController do
before do
request.env['HTTPS'] = 'on'
describe '#global' do
context 'anonymously' do
freegenie / Gemfile
Created March 10, 2012 22:18
EventMachine + ZeroMQ Pipeline Pattern
# vim: ft=ruby
source :rubygems
gem 'eventmachine'
gem 'em-zeromq', :path => '~/Work/em-zeromq'
gem 'sinatra'
gem 'zmq'
freegenie /
Created May 15, 2012 19:57
pre-commit hook to avoid commit of :focus
# pre-commit hook, avoid committing :focus on rspec examples
focus=', :focus'
result=$(git grep -n $focus -- */**/*_spec.rb)
if [ "$result" != '' ]; then
echo ""
echo "Refusing to commit a :focus tag in specs: "
echo ""
freegenie / paperclip.rake
Created June 8, 2012 09:54 — forked from mrrooijen/paperclip.rake
A Fix for Paperclip Rake Task (paperclip:refresh:thumbnails) - Compatible with ActiveRecord and Mongoid
module PaperclipMongoidPatch
class << self
def obtain_class
class_name = ENV['CLASS'] || ENV['class']
raise "Must specify CLASS" unless class_name
@klass = Object.const_get(class_name)
def obtain_attachments
name = ENV['ATTACHMENT'] || ENV['attachment']
freegenie / gist:3153784
Last active October 7, 2015 10:48
First installation file for chef
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copy this file into the home directory of the sudoer
# user that will run all chef recipes.
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y install build-essential zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libreadline5-dev libyaml-dev
sudo apt-get -y install rsync