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Fabrizio Regini freegenie

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freegenie / simple_form.css
Created August 24, 2012 15:12
simple_form css
/* ----- SimpleForm Styles ----- */
margin-bottom: 10px
clear: both
float: left
width: 100px
freegenie / new_blog_post.rb
Created October 1, 2012 21:29
A simple script to automate blog posting
#!/usr/bin/env /Users/fregini/.rbenv/versions/1.9.2-p318/bin/ruby
# A simple script to automate the creation of a new blog post.
# An automator task will pick the file name in output and open
# it with the default editor.
require 'rubygems'
require 'active_support/all'
require 'pathname'
freegenie / gist:3917284
Created October 19, 2012 10:05
hardware specs on linux
startline() {
echo ""
echo ""
echo "---------- $1 -------------------------"
echo ""
startline "CPU"
freegenie / unicorn.conf.rb
Created December 13, 2012 00:14
Unicorn after_fork block to have Rails write logs to a separare file for each worker.
after_fork do |server, worker|
log_path = Rails.root.join('log',"#{Rails.env}.#{}.log")
new_logger =
new_logger.level = Logger::INFO
Rails.logger = Rails.application.config.logger =
freegenie / deploy.rb
Created January 23, 2013 17:14
Snipped of code to finally have capistrano run db:schema:load on cold deploys. Paste this in your capistrano recipe.
namespace :deploy do
task :load_schema, :roles => :db, :only => { :primary => true } do
rake = fetch(:rake, "rake")
rails_env = fetch(:rails_env, "production")
migrate_env = fetch(:migrate_env, "")
migrate_target = fetch(:migrate_target, :latest)
directory = case migrate_target.to_sym
when :current then current_path
when :latest then latest_release
freegenie / remote_git_collab.bash
Created February 19, 2013 11:11
bounch of bash functions to speed up collaborations on git based project hostings (github and bitbucket for now). Source it to your shell environment and enjoy!
function last-commit() {
git log --format=%H -n 1
function last-file-change() {
git rev-list --max-parents=1 --max-count=1 --format=oneline HEAD -- $1 | cut -d " " -f 1
function annotate-file() {
freegenie / migration.rb
Created March 12, 2013 11:25
Rails migration set null to false with no default
class AddPrivacyToSubscription < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :subscriptions, :privacy, :boolean, :default => false, :null => false
change_column_default(:subscriptions, :privacy, nil)
#Deploy and rollback on Heroku in staging and production
task :deploy_staging => ['deploy:set_staging_app', 'deploy:push', 'deploy:restart', 'deploy:tag']
task :deploy_production => ['deploy:set_production_app', 'deploy:push', 'deploy:restart', 'deploy:tag']
namespace :deploy do
task :staging_migrations => [:set_staging_app, :push, :off, :migrate, :restart, :on, :tag]
task :staging_rollback => [:set_staging_app, :off, :push_previous, :restart, :on]
freegenie / production.rake
Created January 31, 2014 08:50
Supposed to copy assets to non fingerprinted name
namespace :app do
task :nonfingerprint_assets => :environment do
fingerprint = /\-[0-9a-f]{32}\./
filemap = {}
Dir["public/assets/**/*"].each do |file|
next if file !~ fingerprint
next if
next if file.split(File::Separator).last =~ /^manifest/
nondigest = file.sub fingerprint, '.'
freegenie / gist:eebd004c67ac5d6afb45
Created February 9, 2015 11:54 multipass authentication
module DeskMultipass
def self.signed_url(user, redirect_to=nil)
raise "DESK_API_KEY is not set" if ENV['DESK_API_KEY'].blank?
raise "DESK_SUBDOMAIN is not set" if ENV['DESK_SUBDOMAIN'].blank?
# Create the encryption key using a 16 byte SHA1 digest of your api key and subdomain
key = Digest::SHA1.digest(ENV['DESK_API_KEY'] + ENV['DESK_SUBDOMAIN'])[0...16]