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tell application "System Preferences"
set the current pane to pane id ""
get the name of every anchor of pane id ""
reveal anchor "" of pane id ""
end tell
becomes this obejctive c code:
SystemPreferencesApplication *systemPreferences = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];
SystemPreferencesPane *pane = (SystemPreferencesPane *) [[systemPreferences panes] objectWithID:@""];
"Principal": {
"AWS": "*"
def execute_composite
image_size = @package.resolution.key unless @package.resolution.key.super?
@percentage = self.percentage_by_size
stage_image = "#{Rails.public_path}/#{@stage.stage_image.url(image_size)}"
position = "+250+380"
formula = get_formula(@percentage)
comp_string = size_rules(@percentage)
user_image = @productshot.user_image_path
@jpg_image = user_image.gsub(user_image.split('/')[-1], user_image.split('/')[-1].gsub(/(\.jpe?g|\.png)/, '') << "_temporal.png")
glare_file = @productshot.stage.image_type_id == 6 ? "#{Rails.public_path}/#{@stage.wide_glare_image.url(image_size)}" : "#{Rails.public_path}/#{@stage.glare_image.url(image_size)}"
stages = []
Stage.all.each do |stage|
image = stage.stage_image.path
result = %x[identify -format "%[profile:icc]\n" #{image}]
if result != "\n"
if stage.stage_image.file
file = stage.stage_image.file.filename
stages << [stage.slug, file]
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<!-- Google Code for Purchase Conversion Page -->
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