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function* parseNdjson(ndjson) {
let i = 0;
do {
const newline = ndjson.indexOf("\n", i);
const string = newline === -1 ? ndjson.slice(i) : ndjson.slice(i, newline);
const json = string.trim();
if (json) {
yield JSON.parse(json);
i = newline + 1;
// guard against circular properties built in
function flatten(array) {
const { isArray } = Array;
if (!isArray(array)) {
return [];
const visited = new WeakSet;
const result = [];
const stack = [array];
const map = {
"-1": "💥",
"0": "🟦",
const inRange = (number, max) => 0 <= number && number < max;
const neighbors = [
[-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1],
[0, -1], [ 0, 1],
const languageCache = new Map();
let visitedNodes;
let language;
const resetVisitedNodes = () => {
visitedNodes = new WeakSet();
const formatRegex = /\{([^\}]*)\}/gui;
friendlyanon / log.log
Last active June 23, 2019 21:19
Object iteration test
Please read my first comment before drawing your own conclusion and take the points stated there into consideration as well
Object iteration test in node 12.2.0, v8
Let O be object with properties x = 1, y = 1, z = 1, then iterate over the values and sum them, storing the result in variable `total`
O = { x: 1, y: 1, z: 1 }
"use strict";
const benchmark = require("benchmark");
const suite = new benchmark.Suite;
const length = 100;
const value = "";
const arrayOf = (function () {
function* generator(length, fill) {
const limits = [
{ "x<": [90, 8] },
{ "x<": [80, 7.9] },
const re = /^x?([<>]=?)$|^([<>]=?)x$/i;
const comparators = {
"<": (a, b) => a < b,
"<=": (a, b) => a <= b,
">": (a, b) => a > b,
public final class Sum {
private Sum() {}
public static byte of(byte[] array) {
if (array == null) {
return 0;
byte result = 0;
for (int i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; ++i) {
const partialBinder = ((hole, rest) => {
"use strict";
function partiallyBound(fn, args, ...missing) {
const argsLen = args.length;
const missingIter = missing[Symbol.iterator]();
for (let i = 0; i < argsLen; ++i) {
switch (args[i]) {
case hole: break;
case rest: args.splice(i, 1, ...missing); return fn.apply(this, args);
default: continue;
const csvEscape = function() {
const map = {
";": ",",
"\n": "\\n"
const replacerRe = /./gsm;
const replacer = x => `\\x${x.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).padStart(2, 0)}`;
const escaped = Object.keys(map).map(x => x.replace(replacerRe, replacer));
const escapeRe = new RegExp(escaped.join("|"), "g");
const escape = x => map[x];