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import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.hlist
object mapper extends Poly1 {
implicit def caseOpt[T] = at[Option[T]](_ => Option.empty[T])
def foo[S, SRep <: HList, O <: HList](s: S)(implicit
labelledGeneric: Generic.Aux[S, SRep],
map: hlist.Mapper.Aux[mapper.type, SRep, O],
frosforever / BreakingPipe.scala
Last active August 23, 2019 15:38
Scope breaking fs2.Pipe
import fs2.{ Pipe, Pull } // Version 1.0.5
import cats.effect.{ ExitCode, IO, IOApp }
object BreakingPipe extends IOApp {
def onlyOnNonEmpty[F[_], A, B](innerPipe: fs2.Pipe[F, A, B]): fs2.Pipe[F, A, B] = { s =>
s.pull.peek.flatMap {
case None => Pull.pure(None)
case Some((_, ss)) => ss.through(innerPipe).pull.echo
frosforever / IncrementingServer.scala
Created September 18, 2019 18:24
Incrementing server using a different route for each request based on updating a `Ref`
import org.http4s.circe._
import org.http4s.implicits._
import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeServerBuilder
import org.http4s.{ HttpApp, HttpRoutes, Request }
import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.implicits._
frosforever / spark_alb.scala
Last active February 21, 2024 14:35
Reading ALB logs using spark
// See for regex pattern and column names
val raw ="s3://some_s3_path/albname/AWSLogs/accountId/elasticloadbalancing/region/year/month/day/")
val regex = """([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*):([0-9]*) ([^ ]*)[:-]([0-9]*) ([-.0-9]*) ([-.0-9]*) ([-.0-9]*) (|[-0-9]*) (-|[-0-9]*) ([-0-9]*) ([-0-9]*) \"([^ ]*) (.*) (- |[^ ]*)\" \"([^\"]*)\" ([A-Z0-9-_]+) ([A-Za-z0-9.-]*) ([^ ]*) \"([^\"]*)\" \"([^\"]*)\" \"([^\"]*)\" ([-.0-9]*) ([^ ]*) \"([^\"]*)\" \"([^\"]*)\" \"([^ ]*)\" \"([^\s]+?)\" \"([^\s]+)\" \"([^ ]*)\" \"([^ ]*)\""""
val albLogs =
regexp_extract($"value", regex, 1).as("type"),
regexp_extract($"value", regex, 2).as("time"),
regexp_extract($"value", regex, 3).as("elb"),