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Sadayuki Furuhashi frsyuki

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irb(main):002:0> Dir['classpath/*'].each {|jar| require File.expand_path(jar) }
=> ["classpath/annotations-3.0.0.jar", "classpath/aopalliance-1.0.jar", "classpath/bval-core-0.5.jar", "classpath/bval-jsr303-0.5.jar", "classpath/commons-beanutils-core-1.8.3.jar", "classpath/commons-lang3-3.1.jar", "classpath/embulk-core-0.7.10.jar", "classpath/embulk-standards-0.7.10.jar", "classpath/guava-18.0.jar", "classpath/guice-4.0.jar", "classpath/guice-multibindings-4.0.jar", "classpath/icu4j-54.1.1.jar", "classpath/jackson-annotations-2.5.3.jar", "classpath/jackson-core-2.5.3.jar", "classpath/jackson-databind-2.5.3.jar", "classpath/jackson-datatype-guava-2.5.3.jar", "classpath/jackson-datatype-joda-2.5.3.jar", "classpath/jackson-module-guice-2.5.3.jar", "classpath/jansi-1.11.jar", "classpath/javax.inject-1.jar", "classpath/joda-time-2.8.1.jar", "classpath/jruby-complete-", "classpath/logback-classic-1.1.3.jar", "classpath/logback-core-1.1.3.jar", "classpath/msgpack-core-0.8.1.jar", "classpath/netty-buffer-5.
# re:
def run_each(obj)
obj.each {|v| p v }
def test
o = do
def each(&block)
require 'benchmark'
class MemberClass
def initialize(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
@a = a
@b = b
@c = c
@d = d
@e = e
@f = f
require 'fiddle/import'
module PtrToValueSegv
extend Fiddle::Importer
dlload "libc.dylib"
extern('int gettimeofday(void *, void *)')
Timeval = struct(["long tv_sec", "long tv_usec"])
timeval = PtrToValueSegv::Timeval.malloc
0: [type, string, typename]
extend: [ArrayOrMap, typename: “array”]
1: [value, array: [int]]
extend: [ArrayOrMap, typename: "map"]
1: [value, map: [string, int]]
## Syntax
# Define a type:
# <MessageName>:
# <fieldIndex>: [<fieldName>, <type>, <options...>]
# ...
# Typedef (type alias):
Building Plugin-based Architecture in Java using JRuby
Plugin architecture is known as a technique that brings extensibility to software. It simplifes each components
and makes more tolerant to changes of business environment. That is essentially important also for open-source
software. I have designed 2 plugin-based OSS: Fluentd and Embulk. Fluentd is a streaming data collector that uses
Ruby for flexible event routing, and C for performance-sensitive parts. Embulk is a parallel bulk data loader that
uses Java for core components, and JRuby for plugins. This talk will describe how I built plugin-based architecture
for the 2 OSS projects.
diff --git a/lib/embulk/command/embulk_bundle.rb b/lib/embulk/command/embulk_bundle.rb
index 30907dd..3828750 100644
--- a/lib/embulk/command/embulk_bundle.rb
+++ b/lib/embulk/command/embulk_bundle.rb
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ if bundle_path
+ $LOAD_PATH << "uri:classloader:/"
require 'bundler'
[frsyuki@xcore embulk]$ ./gradlew cli
Publication bintrayMavenRelease not found in project :.
Publication bintrayMavenRelease not found in project :embulk-cli.
Publication bintrayMavenRelease not found in project :embulk-docs.
:embulk-core:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:embulk-core:unpackGems UP-TO-DATE
:embulk-core:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:embulk-core:classes UP-TO-DATE
:embulk-core:jar UP-TO-DATE
:embulk-standards:compileJava UP-TO-DATE