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To avoid polluting the global namespace this uses an anonymous
function which is called with either the URL for an external
JavaScript file or a function. In either case jQuery will be loaded
from the Google CDN before your code is executed so it's free to
depend on jQuery without checking for it and can do things like
jQuery.getScript() to load other components (e.g. jQuery UI),
stylesheets, etc.
(function (target, msg) {
# Git functions
# Mark Embling (
# Is the current directory a git repository/working copy?
function isCurrentDirectoryGitRepository {
if ((Test-Path ".git") -eq $TRUE) {
return $TRUE
# Test within parent dirs
fschwiet /
Created December 28, 2011 05:27 — forked from haacked/
Phil's Bios

I'm often asked to provide a bio, such as when speaking. I haven't been happy with what I've provided so far so I thought I'd try a few samples and see if I could get some feedback. :)

Bio 1 - the irreverent

Phil Haack is awful at writing speaker bios, hates referring to himself in the third person, but is good at doing what he's told. He works at GitHub bringing social coding, rainbows, and unicorns to .NET and Windows developers. Prior to GitHub, Phil worked at Microsoft shipping software such as ASP.NET MVC, NuGet, and other odds and ends.

Phil was a co-author of the infamous 4-forehead book on ASP.NET MVC and is a regular speaker at conferences around the world, but loves speaking at {{your conference here}} most of all!

For more about Phil, check out his blog at or his Twitter account!/haacked.

Bio 2 - the odd