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require "pp"
require "set"
require "prime"
def generator?(p, g)
gg = 1
(1..p-2).all? do
gg = (gg * g) % p
gg != 1
require "pp"
require "set"
require "prime"
def generator?(p, g)
gg = 1
(1..p-2).all? do
gg = (gg * g) % p
gg != 1
function Trampoline(func) {
this.task = new Task(func);
Trampoline.prototype.step = function() {
if (!this.task) return;
this.task = this.task.cont();
if (this.task) this.task.nextStep = this.step.bind(this);
# リストlistの置換permによる像を求める
ImageUnderPermutation := function(list, perm)
return List(list, x -> x^perm);
# 置換群groupのある元によってlistが動くならtrueを返す
VarianceUnderSomePerm := function (group, list)
local perm;
for perm in Elements(group) do
if Set(ImageUnderPermutation(list, perm)) <> Set(list) then
00:0100 Start
00:0150 _Start
00:09da Init
00:0167 DisableLCD
00:0181 EnableLCD
00:0a8c ClearVram
00:3718 FillMemory
00:0188 ClearSprites
00:0193 HideSprites
00:0787 ClearBgMap
3e 0f 2f e1 32 50 c6 48 32 c6 2f 50 32 11 e3 e3
d5 50 26 d9 2e b3 45 50 c3 ba de af c5 50 28 e0
34 c9 af 50 3d c3 96 de 7f 50 3e d0 c3 96 de 50
3e 10 86 32 2a 50 af c9 2b c9 7f 50 cb 30 3e 0f
a0 50 c6 48 c6 ae 7f 50 30 06 c6 30 7f 50 c6 30
06 c3 1c 50 12 c9 cd 31 0b 50 d1 d5 45 7f 7f 50
cd a0 de 45 7f 50 cd a2 de 1c 46 50 cd a0 de 46
7f 50 cd a2 de cd cd 50 b3 b3 cb 47 7f 50 c4 98
de cb 7f 50 c4 86 de 07 07 50 cb 47 c4 84 de 50
event.onmemoryexecute(function ()
if memory.read_u8(0x4d06) == 0x32 then
local de = emu.getregister("D") * 256 + emu.getregister("E")
local hl = emu.getregister("H") * 256 + emu.getregister("L")
local a = emu.getregister("A")
print(string.format("%d-th pokemon poison addr=%04x (%02x -> %02x)", de - 0xd124 + 1, hl, memory.read_u8(hl), a))
end, 0x4D06)
event.onmemoryexecute(function ()
if memory.read_u8(0x4D47) == 0x21 then
3e 0f 2f e1 32 50 c6 48 32 c6 2f 50 32 11 e3 c3
d5 50 26 d9 2e 84 45 50 c3 ba de af c5 50 28 e0
34 c9 af 50 3d c3 99 de 7f 50 3e 0f 2f 7f 7f 50
c3 99 de 3e 10 50 86 32 2a af c9 50 cb 30 3e 0f
a0 50 c6 48 c6 ae 7f 50 30 06 c6 30 7f 50 c6 30
06 c3 1c 50 12 c9 d1 d5 45 50 cd a0 de 45 7f 50
cd a2 de 1c 46 50 cd a0 de 46 7f 50 cd a2 de cd
7f 50 7f b3 cb 47 7f 50 c4 9c de cb 7f 50 c4 86
de 07 07 50 cb 47 c4 84 de 50 cb 7f c4 8c de 50
D985hはjp DE64でもjp DE82でもOK。
ぼ ダ ぞ が ん Q