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26 de 2e a3 7f 50 3e 0f 2f 32 7f 50 3e 1c 87 32
7f 50 3e 98 2f 32 7f 50 26 df 2e 0a af 50 11 e3
c3 85 7f 50 cd d3 de af 85 50 cd d8 de 1c 2a 50
2b cd d3 de 2a 50 2b cd d8 de 7f 50 cd 7f 7f 7f
b3 50 cb 47 c4 c1 de 50 cb 7f c4 c4 de 50 0f 0f
0f cb 47 50 c4 c6 de 7f 7f 50 c3 80 de 34 c9 50
2b c9 d1 c9 7f 50 06 c3 7f 7f 7f 50 12 1c c9 0f
0f 50 0f 0f 06 0f a0 50 06 0a b8 30 0a 50 c6 48
c6 ae 7f 50 c3 ca de c6 2b 50 c6 2b 47 7f 7f 50
c3 ca de
from sympy import *
from functools import reduce
import operator
x, t = symbols('x t')
def gosper_form(u_1, u_2):
res = resultant(u_1, u_2.subs(x, x + t), x)
roots = poly(res, t).all_roots()
int_roots = [rt for rt in roots if rt.is_Integer and rt > 0]
if int_roots == []:
using System;
namespace ConsoleApp1
class Interpreter
ushort af;
ushort bc;
ushort de;
ushort hl;
type variable = string
type formula =
Equal of variable * variable
| Epsilon of variable * variable
| Imply of formula * formula
| Not of formula
| And of formula * formula
| Or of formula * formula
| Forall of variable * formula
#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "gmp.h"
const int M = 3000;
mpz_t fact[M+1];
mpz_t binomial[M+1][M+1];
mpz_t b[M+1][M+1];
mpz_t a[M+1];
# 次の主張:
# π: G→G/Z(G)を標準的な射影とすれば
# φ: Syl_p(G)→Syl_p(G/Z(G)); H↦π[H]
# がwell-defined 全単射
# を小さい群に対して確かめる
list := [
["S3", SymmetricGroup(3)],
["D8", DihedralGroup(8)],
["Q8", SmallGroup(8,4)],
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.Monad
myswap :: PrimMonad m => MV.MVector (PrimState m) a -> Int -> Int -> m ()
myswap v i j = do
a <- v i
b <- v j
MV.write v i b
import Data.Ratio
fact :: Integer -> Integer
fact 0 = 1
fact n = (fact (n - 1)) * n
solve2 :: Integer -> Rational
solve2 m = sum $ map (\k -> sum [term r s | r <- [0..m], s <- [0..m], r + s == k && r + 2 * s <= m]) [1..m]
where term r s = (-1)^(r+s-1)%(2^s*(fact r)*(fact s))*(product [1-i%m | i <- [0..r+2*s-1]])
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
typedef long long ll;
bool has_1_loop(std::vector<int> &v) {
from edu.jas.arith import *
from edu.jas.poly import *
from edu.jas.gbufd import *
br = BigInteger(0)
vars = ["y", "x"]
ring = GenPolynomialRing(br, len(vars), TermOrder(TermOrder.INVLEX), vars)
a = ring.parse("x^3 - 3 x^2 - y + 1")
b = ring.parse("-x^2 + y^2 - 1")