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松舘 剛志 func-hs

  • Sapporo, Japan
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raa0121 / README.txt
Created October 18, 2011 17:31
#【アプリ名】 ニコ生アラート(本家)のAPIを用いたTwitterBot
#【著作権者】 raa0121
# Linux Mac
# gem install twitter_oauth
# gem install mechanize
# 後は ruby nicolivealert.rb で起動が可能です。
#【開発環境】 Cygwin (WindowsVista SP2 32bit)
#【開発言語】 Ruby(1.9.2-p180)(DL元: )
pasberth / monad.scm
Last active October 3, 2020 21:48 — forked from anonymous/monad.scm
(define (then m k)
(bind m (lambda (_) k)))
(define (state-unit a)
(lambda (s) `(,a ,s)))
(define (state-bind m k)
(lambda (s)
(let* { [r (m s)]
[a (car r)]
(ns macro-combinator
(:refer-clojure :exclude [=]))
(defn prim [x] (fn [a] `(fn [~x] ~a)))
(defn in [v a] (v a))
(defn where [a v] (v a))
(defn = [v b] (fn [a] `(~(v a) ~b)))
(defn <- [v b] (fn [a] `(>>= ~b ~(v a))))
(println (in (= (prim 'x) 42) 'x))
; ((clojure.core/fn [x] x) 42)
pasberth /
Last active December 16, 2015 05:38
setSlot("", method(x, "(" with(x) with(")")))
o := method(if(call argAt(0)) then(return("(o" with(call argAt(0) code))) else(return(self with("o)"))))
(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) println
pasberth / objective.zsh
Created April 16, 2013 01:21
zsh で OOP 的な記法をする感じ
# -*- sh -*-
# objective.zsh
# $ pwd
# /Users/pasberth
# $ pwd.dirname
# /Users
# $ pwd.basename
# pasberth
# $ -Ahl --color=auto
# lrwxr-xr-x 1 pasberth staff 38 8 22 2012 .zlogin -> /Users/pasberth/.dotfiles/home/.zlogin
(defn infixing-infix [rules infix-rule [a b & code]] (cond
(nil? b) `(~a)
(nil? (rules b)) (cond
(seq? a) (infixing-infix rules infix-rule `((~@a ~b) ~@code))
:else (infixing-infix rules infix-rule `((~a ~b) ~@code)))
:else (let [ b-rule (rules b) ] (cond
(< (b-rule :priority) (infix-rule :priority)) `(~a (~b ~@code))
(> (b-rule :priority) (infix-rule :priority)) (infixing-infix rules infix-rule `((~b ~a) ~@code))
(= :left (b-rule :recur) (infix-rule :recur)) `(~a (~b ~@code))
athos / tramp.clj
Last active December 16, 2015 07:08
(declare odd?)
(defn even? [x]
(if (== 0 x)
#(odd? (- x 1))))
(defn odd? [x]
(if (== 1 x)
pasberth / monad.clj
Last active December 17, 2015 00:29
protocol では return とか定義できないから、いい感じの多態をするには。
(defprotocol Monad
(monad-context [this m]))
(defrecord MonadUnit [a])
(defrecord MonadBind [m k])
(extend-protocol Monad
(monad-context [this m] m)
pasberth / monad-zip.clj
Created May 8, 2013 17:18
granjure で monad-zip
(use '
(use '
(use '
(import '[ Just Nothing])
(println (do-mzip (x | x <- '(1 2 3))))
; (1 2 3)
(println (do-mzip (x | x <- '(1 2 3) :when (even? x))))
; (2)
pasberth / type-classes.rb
Created May 8, 2013 19:30
module Monad
def return!(a); end
def bind(m,k); end
def join(m,k); (bind m,->(_){k}); end
module MonadPlus; include Monad
def mzero; end
def guard(cond); cond ? (return! nil) : mzero; end