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Forked from chergert/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import cairo
from gi.repository import Gdk
from gi.repository import Gtk
colors = ['a40000', '75507b', '8ae234', '729fcf', 'f57900',
'c4a000', 'ce5c00', 'eeeeec', '4e9a06', '204a87']
def next_idx(seq):
values = seq.values()
for i in xrange(0, 10):
if i not in values:
return i
return 0
def on_touch_event(drawing_area, event, seq):
surface = drawing_area.surface
if surface:
if event.touch.type == Gdk.EventType.TOUCH_BEGIN:
seq[event.touch.sequence] = next_idx(seq)
cr = cairo.Context(surface)
cr.rectangle(event.touch.x - 5, event.touch.y - 5, 10, 10)
i = seq[event.touch.sequence]
c = colors[i]
t = int(c[0:2],16)/255.0, int(c[2:4],16)/255.0, int(c[4:6],16)/255.0
if event.touch.type == Gdk.EventType.TOUCH_END:
del seq[event.touch.sequence]
def on_draw(drawing_area, cr):
if not drawing_area.surface:
alloc = drawing_area.get_allocation()
cr.set_source_surface(drawing_area.surface, 0, 0)
cr.rectangle(0, 0, alloc.width, alloc.height)
def on_size_allocate(drawing_area, alloc):
if hasattr(drawing_area, 'surface'):
del drawing_area.surface
drawing_area.surface = None
window = drawing_area.get_window()
if window:
drawing_area.surface = window.create_similar_surface(0x1000, alloc.width, alloc.height)
if __name__ == '__main__':
sequences = {}
w = Gtk.Window()
w.connect('delete-event', lambda *_: Gtk.main_quit())
a = Gtk.DrawingArea(visible=True)
a.connect('draw', on_draw)
a.connect('touch-event', on_touch_event, sequences)
a.connect('size-allocate', on_size_allocate)
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