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Big Data et Machine Learning

(Ou comment adapter les bases de données aux "nouveaux" usages de la donnée)

Avoir un gros volume de données : rassurant pour les utilisateurs.

  • On porte trop peu d'intérêt au ratio pertinence / volume
  • Confusion entre quantité de données et information contenue.

Big data : a partir du moment où les données ne peuvent plus être traitées en temps "raisonnable" ou utile par un seul serveur.
=> Lié à la taille + vitesse de traitement => 3V : volume, vitesse, variété.

Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

In software, 80% of time = maintenance
1951, Total productive maintenance (TPM), fondations du Lean management

5 S principes, piliers du TPM :

  • Sort : knowing where things are : good names for identifiers
  • Systemize : A piece of code should be where you expect to find it
  • Cleaning : Remove commented code that 'may' be usefull for the future

Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design

Developers are overconfident in their ability to remain productive. But the mess of code will reduce productivity to 0 in few month. Making mess is always slower than clean, even in the short term. The developers may think the answer is to start over from scratch. But it will lead to the same mess.

Software provides 2 different values : behavior and structure (architecture). A software (and developer) is evaluated on the behavior -> bad architecture. But bad architecture -> uneasy / impossible to change -> bad behavior.

Keybase proof

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  • I am fxfabre on github.
  • I am fxfabre ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBblXkjhIeXUefwwH1REBTMqlTFN-wC5CoEVdYL1LDC9Qo

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