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Gavin Leech g-leech

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g-leech /
Created May 8, 2020 10:26
Checking the coactivation of school and uni closures
import pandas as pd
# From
path = "COVID 19 Containment measures data.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(path)
withoutUS = df[~df["Country"].str.contains("US:")]
withoutUS = withoutUS[~withoutUS["Country"].str.contains("United States")]
numCountries = withoutUS.Country.unique().shape[0]
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# First write a covariance function. e.g. rbf
def radial_basis_kernel(x1, x2, varSigma, lengthScale):
if x2 is None:
d = cdist(x1, x1)
d = cdist(x1, x2)
g-leech /
Created August 20, 2019 14:28
Kelly bound on house insurance premium
import numpy as np
probability = 1/10000
wealth = 120000
houseValue = 100000
bound = probability * np.log(wealth - houseValue) \
+ (1 - probability) * np.log(wealth)
maxPremium = wealth - np.exp(bound)
# Only 2nd and 3rd year courses count.
# Course, credits, grade, year
courses = [
["M343", 30, "Distinction", 3],
["M249", 30, "Distinction", 2],
["M248", 30, "Distinction", 2],
["MST210", 60, "Grade 2 Pass", 2]
## DAY 1
# Evaluate 1 + 1 and then 1 + "one". Is Io strongly typed or weakly typed?
1 + 1
# > Exception: argument 0 to method '+' must be a Number, not a 'Sequence'
# Io is Strong: it does not perform implicit casts between types.
g-leech /
Last active July 15, 2018 13:38
# Every thing is an object.
# Every interaction with an object is a message.
# You don’t instantiate classes; you clone other objects called prototypes.
# Objects remember their prototypes.
# Objects have slots. Slots contain objects, including method objects.
# A message returns the value in a slot or invokes the method in a slot.
# If an object can’t respond to a message, it sends that message to its prototype.
Vehicle := Object clone
Vehicle description := "Something to take you places"
gdp = 80683787e6 # in 2017:
population = 7.6e9 #
perCap = gdp / population
# >>> $10616
# Sanity check: the World Bank estimate, 10714, is very close.
# Subtract depreciation
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pandas import DataFrame
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Figures are not time-consistent: they each represent a point between 2010 - 2016
from ai_safety_gridworlds.environments.shared.safety_game import Actions
from ai_safety_gridworlds.environments.shared.rl.environment import TimeStep
from hashlib import sha1
import numpy
import copy
ACTIONS = [ a for a in Actions if a is not Actions.QUIT ]
from ai_safety_gridworlds.environments.shared.safety_game import Actions
from hashlib import sha1
import numpy
import time
from IPython import display
import copy
env = sokoban_game(level=0)
ACTIONS = [ a for a in Actions if a is not Actions.QUIT ]