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Gerald Amezcua gamezcua1

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rubencaro /
Last active September 30, 2023 03:58
Elixir installation guide

Elixir installation guide

Version numbers should be the ones you want. Here I do it with the last ones available at the moment of writing.

The simplest way to install elixir is using your package manager. Sadly, at the time of writing only Fedora shows the intention to keep its packages up to date. There you can simply sudo dnf install erlang elixir and you are good to go.

Anyway, if you intend to work with several versions of erlang or elixir at the same time, or you are tied to a specific version, you will need to compile it yourself. Then asdf is your best friend.

JonaMX /
Last active July 21, 2021 03:45
Game of Life Challenge

Game of Life Challenge


We love games, that's why we are challenging you to create a web application version of the famous game "Game of life".

User stories

  • As a visitor I should be able to edit the initial state of the cells
  • As a visitor I should be able to start the game by clicking the "Start" button
  • As a visitor I should be able to stop the game by clicking the "Stop" button
rahman541 /
Last active May 22, 2023 04:04
ES6 Setup with nodemon

ES6 Setup

npm init -y
npm i --save-dev nodemon
npm add babel-preset-env babel-cli

Create a .babelrc config in your project root. Insert the following

 "presets": ["env"]
marteinn /
Last active November 10, 2022 14:18
This is a Phoenix + React-Create-App integration with very small footprint
  1. Begin with scaffolding a create-react-app, then update your package.json build script (replace DIR_TO_PHX_APP with the path to your phoenix app)
"build": "react-scripts build && rm -rf DIR_TO_PHX_APP/priv/static/build && mv build DIR_TO_PHX_APP/priv/static/build",

This will move your prod build files to DIR_TO_PHX_APP/priv/static/build on build

  1. Run npm run build