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Gary Poster garyposter

  • Kard
  • Raleigh, NC, USA
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garyposter / elixir_erlsom_example.exs
Last active December 9, 2015 14:57
Some code snippets that show how you can use the erlang erlsom XML library, and Records, in Elixir.
# I wrote a blog version of this (, too.
# This example gets the XML for current observed weather at an airport from the
# NOAA. It then gets the associated XSD, and uses erlsom to pre-process it.
# This part can be run as an exs script.
import SweetXml
client = [{"User-agent", "Example Elixir Project"}]
def handle_body(body) do
{:ok, data, _rest} = :erlsom.scan(body, @xsdModel)
require Record
xml_path = Path.join([__DIR__, "data", "current_observation.hrl"])
Record.defrecord :current_observation,
Record.extract(:current_observation, from: xml_path)
Record.defrecord :imageType,
Record.extract(:imageType, from: xml_path)
{:ok, xsdModel} = :erlsom.compile_xsd_file(
Path.join([__DIR__, "data", "current_observation.xsd"]))
@xsdModel xsdModel
def erlsom_transform(data = current_observation()), do:
Enum.into(current_observation(data),, &_transform_value/1)
def erlsom_transform(data = imageType()), do:
Enum.into(imageType(data),, &_transform_value/1)
def erlsom_transform(data = [first | _rest]) when is_integer(first), do:
def erlsom_transform(:undefined), do: nil
def erlsom_transform(data), do: data
defp _transform_value({k, v}), do: {k, erlsom_transform(v)}
|> xpath(~x"//current_observation/*"l, # Get a list of the child nodes.
tag: ~x"name()", # Get the tag name for each.
value: ~x"./text()"s) # Get the text for each.
|>{tag: tag, value: value}) -> {List.to_atom(tag), value} end)
|> Enum.into(
%{pressure_mb: "1023.4", water_temp_f: nil,
image: %{anyAttribs: [], link: "",
title: "NOAA's National Weather Service",
url: ""}, windchill_string: nil,
icon_url_name: "bkn.png", copyright_url: "",
icon_url_base: "",
windchill_c: nil, heat_index_string: nil, icon_name: nil, tide_ft: nil,
observation_time: "Last Updated on Dec 7 2015, 9:51 am EST",
two_day_history_url: "",
mean_wave_dir: nil, privacy_policy_url: "",

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