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Happily Coding!

Gary A. Stafford garystafford

Happily Coding!
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# Install ComfyUI on Ubuntu
apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install python3-pip
git clone
cd ComfyUI/
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install torchvision # error message in terminal
# For use with AUTOMATIC1111 on Ubuntu
# current install:
# version: v1.8.0
# python: 3.10.12
# torch: 2.1.2+cu121
# xformers: 0.0.25.post1+cu118
# gradio: 3.41.2
# checkpoint: 6ce0161689
import torch
print(torch.__version__) # e.g., 2.0.0 (at the time of the post)
print(torch.cuda.get_device_name(0)) # e.g., NVIDIA A10G
pipeline = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(
# new LoRA weights from fine-tuning process
subject_prompt = """oue, photo of a oue electric scooter in a brightly colored
neon-lite city at night, sleek design, smooth curves, colorful, nighttime,
urban environment, futuristic cityscape"""
subject_negative_prompt = """person, people, human, rider, floating objects, daytime,
sunlight, text, words, writing, letters, phrases, trademark, watermark, icon, logo,
banner, signature, username, monochrome, cropped, cut-off, patterned background"""
refiner_prompt = """ultra-high-definition, photorealistic, 8k uhd, high-quality,
ultra sharp detail"""
subject_prompt = """oue, photo of a oue electric scooter, sleek, smooth curves, colorful,
daytime, urban, futuristic cityscape"""
subject_negative_prompt = """person, people, human, rider, floating objects, text,
words, writing, letters, phrases, trademark, watermark, icon, logo, banner, signature,
username, monochrome, cropped, cut-off, patterned background"""
refiner_prompt = """ultra-high-definition, photorealistic, 8k uhd, high-quality,
ultra sharp detail"""
pipeline = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(
!autotrain dreambooth \
--model ${MODEL_NAME} \
--project-name ${PROJECT_NAME} \
--image-path "${IMAGE_PATH}" \
--prompt "${INSTANCE_PROMPT}" \
--class-prompt "${CLASS_PROMPT}" \
--resolution ${RESOLUTION} \
--batch-size ${BATCH_SIZE} \
--num-steps ${NUM_STEPS} \
--gradient-accumulation ${GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION} \
import os
# project configuration
project_name = "mb_amg_gt_oue_dreambooth"
model_name_base = "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0"
model_name_refiner = "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-refiner-1.0"
# fine-tuning prompts
# 'oue' is a rare tokens, 'car' is a class
instance_prompt = "photo of oue car"
export PIP_ROOT_USER_ACTION=ignore
pip install -Uq pip # optional
pip install -Uq autotrain-advanced
pip install -q ipywidgets==7.8.1