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Created January 5, 2020 21:55
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"# Airplane Boarding Sim\n",
"### Gaurav Deshmukh"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Import module"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import scipy as sci"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Initialization"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#Define number of rows and columns\n",
"#Calculate number of passengers\n",
"#Create seat matrix\n",
"#Create aisle array\n",
"#Create initial passenger number queue\n",
"pass_q=[int(i) for i in range(n_pass)]\n",
"#Create array for seat nos\n",
"#Let's create moveto arrays\n",
"moveto_loc_dict={i:j for i in pass_q for j in moveto_loc}\n",
"moveto_time_dict={i:j for i in pass_q for j in moveto_time}"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Assign Seats"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#Create function to assign seat number to each passenger\n",
"def AssignSeats(rq,cq,assign_type,n_pass=n_pass,n_rows=n_rows):\n",
" if(assign_type==\"SINP\"):\n",
" #Initialize initial and final positions\n",
" i=0\n",
" f=n_rows\n",
" \n",
" #Define column seating positions \n",
" c=[0,5,1,4,2,3]\n",
" \n",
" #Define iteratiion counter\n",
" count=0\n",
" \n",
" #Assign queue\n",
" while(f<=n_pass):\n",
" rq[i:f]=list(reversed(range(0,n_rows)))\n",
" cq[i:f]=[c[count]]*n_rows\n",
" i+=n_rows\n",
" f+=n_rows\n",
" count+=1\n",
" \n",
" if(assign_type==\"Random\"):\n",
" #Initialize possible row positions\n",
" av_rows=sci.arange(0,n_rows,1)\n",
" #Make as many copies of these positions as the number of columns\n",
" av_rows=sci.tile(av_rows,(n_cols,1))\n",
" av_rows=av_rows.T.flatten()\n",
" \n",
" #Initialize possible column positions\n",
" av_cols=sci.arange(0,n_cols,1)\n",
" #Make as many copies of these positions as the number of rows\n",
" av_cols=sci.tile(av_cols,(n_rows,1)).flatten()\n",
" \n",
" #Create list of all possbile seat positions\n",
" av_seats=sci.zeros((n_pass,2))\n",
" for i in range(n_pass):\n",
" av_seats[i]=[av_rows[i],av_cols[i]]\n",
" \n",
" #Randomize seat positions\n",
" sci.random.shuffle(av_seats)\n",
" rq=av_seats[:,0]\n",
" cq=av_seats[:,1]\n",
" \n",
" if(assign_type==\"BTF\"):\n",
" av_rows=sci.arange(0,n_rows,1)\n",
" av_rows=sci.tile(av_rows,(n_cols,1))\n",
" av_rows=av_rows.T.flatten()\n",
" av_cols=sci.arange(0,n_cols,1)\n",
" av_cols=sci.tile(av_cols,(n_rows,1)).flatten()\n",
" av_seats=sci.zeros((n_pass,2))\n",
" for i in range(n_pass):\n",
" av_seats[i]=[av_rows[i],av_cols[i]]\n",
" \n",
" #Same as randomize except randomization is limited to specific groups\n",
" group1=av_seats[:48]\n",
" sci.random.shuffle(group1)\n",
" group2=av_seats[48:96]\n",
" sci.random.shuffle(group2)\n",
" group3=av_seats[96:]\n",
" sci.random.shuffle(group3)\n",
" av_seats_final=sci.concatenate((group3,group2,group1))\n",
" rq=av_seats_final[:,0]\n",
" cq=av_seats_final[:,1]\n",
" \n",
" if(assign_type==\"FTB\"):\n",
" av_rows=sci.arange(0,n_rows,1)\n",
" av_rows=sci.tile(av_rows,(n_cols,1))\n",
" av_rows=av_rows.T.flatten()\n",
" av_cols=sci.arange(0,n_cols,1)\n",
" av_cols=sci.tile(av_cols,(n_rows,1)).flatten()\n",
" av_seats=sci.zeros((n_pass,2))\n",
" for i in range(n_pass):\n",
" av_seats[i]=[av_rows[i],av_cols[i]]\n",
" group1=av_seats[:48]\n",
" sci.random.shuffle(group1)\n",
" group2=av_seats[48:96]\n",
" sci.random.shuffle(group2)\n",
" group3=av_seats[96:]\n",
" sci.random.shuffle(group3)\n",
" \n",
" #Same as BTF except order of groups is swapped\n",
" av_seats_final=sci.concatenate((group1,group2,group3))\n",
" rq=av_seats_final[:,0]\n",
" cq=av_seats_final[:,1]\n",
" \n",
" if(assign_type==\"WMA\"):\n",
" window_1=sci.array([0]*n_rows)\n",
" rows_1=sci.arange(0,n_rows,1)\n",
" window_2=sci.array([5]*n_rows)\n",
" rows_2=sci.arange(0,n_rows,1)\n",
" window=sci.concatenate((window_1,window_2))\n",
" rows=sci.concatenate((rows_1,rows_2))\n",
" av_seats_w=sci.column_stack((rows,window))\n",
" sci.random.shuffle(av_seats_w)\n",
" \n",
" middle_1=sci.array([1]*n_rows)\n",
" middle_2=sci.array([4]*n_rows)\n",
" middle=sci.concatenate((middle_1,middle_2))\n",
" av_seats_m=sci.column_stack((rows,middle))\n",
" sci.random.shuffle(av_seats_m)\n",
" \n",
" aisle_1=sci.array([2]*n_rows)\n",
" aisle_2=sci.array([3]*n_rows)\n",
" aisle=sci.concatenate((aisle_1,aisle_2))\n",
" av_seats_a=sci.column_stack((rows,aisle))\n",
" sci.random.shuffle(av_seats_a)\n",
" \n",
" av_seats=sci.concatenate((av_seats_w,av_seats_m,av_seats_a))\n",
" rq=av_seats[:,0]\n",
" cq=av_seats[:,1]\n",
" \n",
" if(assign_type==\"Southwest\"):\n",
" #Make an array [0,5,0,5,...]\n",
" window=sci.array([0,5]*n_rows)\n",
" \n",
" #Make an array [0,0,1,1,2,2,...]\n",
" rows_1=sci.arange(0,n_rows,1)\n",
" rows_2=sci.arange(0,n_rows,1)\n",
" rows=sci.ravel(sci.column_stack((rows_1,rows_2)))\n",
" \n",
" w_seats=sci.column_stack((rows,window))\n",
" w_group1=w_seats[:32,:]\n",
" w_group2=w_seats[32:,:]\n",
" \n",
" aisle=sci.array([2,3]*n_rows)\n",
" a_seats=sci.column_stack((rows,aisle))\n",
" a_group1=a_seats[:32,:]\n",
" a_group2=a_seats[32:,:]\n",
" \n",
" mega_group1=sci.concatenate((w_group1,a_group1))\n",
" sci.random.shuffle(mega_group1)\n",
" mega_group2=sci.concatenate((w_group2,a_group2))\n",
" sci.random.shuffle(mega_group2)\n",
" \n",
" w_and_a=sci.concatenate((mega_group1,mega_group2))\n",
" \n",
" middle=sci.array([1,4]*n_rows)\n",
" m_seats=sci.column_stack((rows,middle))\n",
" m_group1=m_seats[:32,:]\n",
" sci.random.shuffle(m_group1)\n",
" m_group2=m_seats[32:,:]\n",
" sci.random.shuffle(m_group2)\n",
" \n",
" av_seats=sci.concatenate((w_and_a,m_group1,m_group2))\n",
" rq=av_seats[:,0]\n",
" cq=av_seats[:,1]\n",
" \n",
" return rq,cq"
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"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Define movement from passenger queue to aisle"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#Create function to move passengers into aircraft\n",
"def MoveToAisle(t,aisle_q,pass_q,sum_time):\n",
" if(t>sum_time[0]):\n",
" if(aisle_q[0]==-1):\n",
" aisle_q[0]=pass_q[0].copy()\n",
" pass_q=sci.delete(pass_q,0)\n",
" sum_time=sci.delete(sum_time,0)\n",
" return aisle_q,pass_q,sum_time"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Define times, movement rules and dictionaries"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#Assign seating order\n",
"#Create array for times\n",
"#Define multipliers (+2 for stowing luggage)\n",
"#Create seat and speed dictionary\n",
"for i in range(n_pass):\n",
" pass_dict[i]=seat_nos[i]\n",
"for i in range(n_pass):\n",
" time_dict[i]=time_q[i]\n",
"#Create sum time array\n",
"for i in range(n_pass):\n",
" sum_time[i]=sum(time_q[:i+1])"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"## Let the passengers board into the airplane"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"#Let's define the boarding process in a while loop\n",
"#Define initial conditions\n",
" #Try to move passenger inside the plane if passengers are left\n",
" if(pass_q.size!=0):\n",
" aisle_q,pass_q,sum_time=MoveToAisle(time,aisle_q,pass_q,sum_time)\n",
" #Scan the aisle first for non-negative units (passengers)\n",
" for passg in aisle_q:\n",
" if(passg!=-1):\n",
" #Store the row of passenger in aisle\n",
" row=int(sci.where(aisle_q==passg)[0][0])\n",
" #See if move has been assigned to passenger\n",
" if(moveto_time_dict[passg]!=0):\n",
" #If move has been assigned check if it is time to move\n",
" if(time>moveto_time_dict[passg]):\n",
" #If it is time to move follow the procedure below\n",
" #Check if move is forward in aisle or to seat\n",
" if(moveto_loc_dict[passg]==\"a\"):\n",
" #If move is in the aisle, check if position ahead is empty\n",
" if(aisle_q[row+1]==-1):\n",
" #If position is empty move passenger ahead and free the position behind\n",
" aisle_q[row+1]=passg\n",
" aisle_q[row]=-1\n",
" #Set moves to 0 again\n",
" moveto_loc_dict[passg]=0\n",
" moveto_time_dict[passg]=0\n",
" elif(moveto_loc_dict[passg]==\"s\"):\n",
" #If move is to the seat,\n",
" #Find seat row and column of passenger\n",
" passg_row=int(pass_dict[passg][0])\n",
" passg_col=int(pass_dict[passg][1])\n",
" #Set seat matrix position to the passenger number\n",
" seats[passg_row,passg_col]=passg\n",
" #Free the aisle\n",
" aisle_q[row]=-1\n",
" elif(moveto_time_dict[passg]==0):\n",
" #If move hasn't been assgined to passenger\n",
" #Check passenger seat location\n",
" passg_row=int(pass_dict[passg][0])\n",
" passg_col=int(pass_dict[passg][1])\n",
" if(passg_row==row):\n",
" #If passenger at the row where his/her seat is,\n",
" #Designate move type as seat\n",
" moveto_loc_dict[passg]=\"s\"\n",
" #Check what type of seat: aisle, middle or window\n",
" #Depending upon seat type, designate when it is time to move\n",
" if(passg_col==0):\n",
" if(seats[passg_row,1]!=-1 and seats[passg_row,2]!=-1):\n",
" moveto_time_dict[passg]=time+aisle_middle_mult*time_dict[passg]\n",
" elif(seats[passg_row,1]!=-1):\n",
" moveto_time_dict[passg]=time+middle_mult*time_dict[passg] \n",
" elif(seats[passg_row,2]!=-1):\n",
" moveto_time_dict[passg]=time+aisle_mult*time_dict[passg]\n",
" else:\n",
" moveto_time_dict[passg]=time+empty_mult*time_dict[passg]\n",
" elif(passg_col==5):\n",
" if(seats[passg_row,4]!=-1 and seats[passg_row,3]!=-1):\n",
" moveto_time_dict[passg]=time+aisle_middle_mult*time_dict[passg]\n",
" elif(seats[passg_row,4]!=-1):\n",
" moveto_time_dict[passg]=time+middle_mult*time_dict[passg] \n",
" elif(seats[passg_row,3]!=-1):\n",
" moveto_time_dict[passg]=time+aisle_mult*time_dict[passg]\n",
" else:\n",
" moveto_time_dict[passg]=time+empty_mult*time_dict[passg]\n",
" elif(passg_col==1):\n",
" if(seats[passg_row,2]!=-1):\n",
" moveto_time_dict[passg]=time+aisle_mult*time_dict[passg] \n",
" else:\n",
" moveto_time_dict[passg]=time+empty_mult*time_dict[passg]\n",
" elif(passg_col==4):\n",
" if(seats[passg_row,3]!=-1):\n",
" moveto_time_dict[passg]=time+aisle_mult*time_dict[passg]\n",
" else:\n",
" moveto_time_dict[passg]=time+empty_mult*time_dict[passg]\n",
" elif(passg_col==2 or passg_col==3):\n",
" moveto_time_dict[passg]=time+empty_mult*time_dict[passg]\n",
" elif(passg_row!=row):\n",
" #If passenger is not at the row where his/her seat is,\n",
" #Designate movement type as aisle\n",
" moveto_loc_dict[passg]=\"a\"\n",
" #Designate time to move\n",
" moveto_time_dict[passg]=time+time_dict[passg]\n",
" #Iteration timekeeping\n",
" time+=time_step\n",
" pass_sum=sci.sum(seats)"
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"source": [
"## Print the final time"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"The time required to board is 349.20\n"
"source": [
"print(\"The time required to board is {0:.2f}\".format(time))"
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