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Guillermo Barreiro gbarreiro

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gbarreiro / create_database.sql
Created August 20, 2020 11:50
MySQL cheatsheet: create a database and assign permissions to users
-- Create the database
-- Use a database
USE University;
-- Assign permissions to a database
GRANT ALL ON University TO mike
GRANT INSERT, UPDATE ON University.Students TO william
GRANT SELECT(id, name) ON University.Teachers TO john
gbarreiro / create_table.sql
Last active September 1, 2020 06:16
MySQL cheatsheet: create a table
CREATE TABLE Teachers (name VARCHAR(30), age INT);
-- Primary key:
CREATE TABLE Teachers (id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(30), age INT); # primary key: main index, can't be repeated
CREATE TABLE Students (id INT, name VARCHAR(30), age INT, PRIMARY KEY (code, name, age)); # primary key is compound
CREATE TABLE Subjects (id INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(30)); # primary key is automatically generated, starting in 1 and following 2,3...
-- Restrictions:
CREATE TABLE Teachers (id INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, age INT NOT NULL); # NOT NULL: the column value can't be empty
CREATE TABLE Teachers (id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(30), age INT, CHECK (age>18 and age<70)); # CHECK: the column value must comply some conditions
gbarreiro / create_view.sql
Created August 20, 2020 12:03
MySQL cheatsheet: create view
-- The sentence below...
SELECT (id, name, age) FROM Students UNION ALL SELECT (id, name, age) FROM Teachers;
-- ... is the same than...
CREATE VIEW People AS SELECT (id, name, age) FROM Students UNION ALL SELECT (id, name, age) FROM Teachers;
SELECT * from People;
gbarreiro / insert_row.sql
Created August 20, 2020 12:11
MySQL cheatsheet: insert a row
-- Insert a single row, providing a value for each column
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (1, 'Peter', 25);
-- Insert a single row, not providing a value for every column
INSERT INTO Students(id, name) VALUES (1, 'Peter');
-- Insert multiple rows at the same time
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (1, 'Peter', 25), (2, 'Frank', 19), (3, 'William', 21);
gbarreiro / select_query.sql
Created August 20, 2020 12:30
MySQL cheatsheet: query
-- Basic query
SELECT * FROM Students;
-- Get only some columns, and filter the results
SELECT name, country FROM Students WHERE age>28;
-- Limit the number of results and sort them alphabetically
SELECT * FROM Students SORT BY name LIMIT 20;
-- Get the number of students for each country
gbarreiro / transactions.sql
Created August 20, 2020 12:36
MySQL cheatsheet: create a transaction
-- Enabling and disabling automatic transactions
SET AUTOCOMMIT = 1; -- each SQL sentence is a transaction; i.e. it's automatically comitted into the actual DB (enabled by default)
SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0; -- SQL sentences are not automatically commited into the DB, so you must do it manually with the COMMIT instruction
COMMIT; -- commits a transaction
-- Running a transaction inside a stored procedure
-- ... instructions of the transaction ...
gbarreiro / variables.sql
Created August 20, 2020 12:48
MySQL cheatsheet: variables
-- Local variables (must be declared inside a STORED PROCEDURE)
DECLARE john_age INT; -- defines the variable
SET john_age = 21; -- sets a hard-coded value to a variable
SELECT age INTO jonh_age FROM Students WHERE id = 10; -- stores the result of a query into a variable
-- Session (user-defined) variables
SET @current_age = 21; -- we don't need to define it before
SELECT age INTO @current_age FROM Students WHERE id = 10; -- stores the result of a query into a session variable
gbarreiro / cursors.sql
Created August 20, 2020 15:04
MySQL cheatsheet: cursors
-- Declaring the cursor
DECLARE end_cursor BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE; -- will turn true when the cursor reaches the last tuple
DECLARE my_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT * from Students; -- a cursor iterates through the result of a SELECT or CALL statement
-- Iterating through the cursor
WHILE NOT end_cursor DO
FETCH cursor INTO @my_student;
-- Do something with the current row --
gbarreiro / flowcontrol.sql
Last active September 1, 2020 06:16
MySQL cheatsheet: flow control
-- if-else
IF boolean_condition THEN
-- ... instructions ...
[ELSEIF boolean_condition THEN]
-- ... instructions ...
-- ... instructions ...
-- normal loop
gbarreiro / stored_procedure.sql
Created August 20, 2020 15:12
MySQL cheatsheet: stored procedure
DELIMITER // -- we need to change it, in order to be able of writing ; in the instructions
CREATE PROCEDURE get_age(IN user_id INT, OUT user_age INT) -- the procedure has one parameter and returns one variable
SELECT age INTO user_age FROM Students WHERE id = user_id;
-- more instructions... --
END //
DELIMITER ; -- don't forget to restore the original delimiter !
CALL get_age(12, @age); -- call the procedure, send a parameter and store the result into the session variable age